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February 14, 1962 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-02-14

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For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-4786
from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 9:30 'til 11:30 A.M.

(Continued from Page 4)
bigan League, and must be return-
by March 3, 1962. Recipients will1
announced at League Installation
it, April 23, 1962.t
he Laurel Harper Seeley Scholarshipr
nnounced by the Alumna Council1
he Alumni Association for 1962-63.
award is variable and is open to
h graduate and undergraduate wrom-z
The award is made on basis of
Aarship, contribution to UniversityE
and financial need.
pplications may be made through
Office of the Alumnae Secretary,
mni Memorial Hall or Alumnae
ncil Office, Michigan League and
it be filed by March 3, 1962. Recip-
.s will be announced at League In-t
lation Night, April 23, 1962.
he Lucy E. Elliott Fellowship with
tipend of $1,000 is being offered
the Alumnae Council of the Alumnit
ciatio for 1962-63. It is open to1
nen graduates of any accredited col-
or university. It may be used by
'niversity of Michigan graduate at
college or university, but a graduate
my other university will be required
use the award on the Michigan
pus. Academic achievement, crea-
by and leadership will be considered1
;ranting the award.1
pplications may be made through1
Alumnae Council Office, Michigan
due or Alumni Memorial Hall, and.
it be filed by.March 3, 1962. AwardI
be announced at League Installa-
i Night, April 23, 1962,
be Alice Crocker Lloyd Fellowship
h a stipend of $1,000 is being offered
the Alumna Council of the Alumni
ociation, for 1962-63. It is open to
nen graduates of any accredited col-
: or university. It may be used by a
versity of Michigan graduate at any
ege or university, but a graduate
any other university will be requir-
to use the award on the Michigan
pus. Academic ,achievement, per-'
ality and leadership will be con-
red in granting the award. Appli-
ons may be made through the Of-
s of the Alumna Secretary, Alumni.
norial Hall or the Alumna Council
Lce. Michigan League, and must be
d by March' 3, 1962. Award will be
iounced at League Installation Night,
11 23, 1962.
ational Defense Graduate Fellow-
;s: Application forms should be ob-
aed from graduate schools offering
roved programs imimediately. The
dline for graduate schools to sub-
their nopinations is March 6, 1962,
,rmation concerning qualifications
applicants, approved programs, and
ilable schools can be obtained in
office of the Honors Council, 1210
gell Hall.
'he approval for the following stu-
it-sponsored activities becomes ef-
tive. 24 hours after the publicatipn
this notice. All publicity for these
ants must be withheld until the ap-
wal has become effective.
fat. 10-Forester's Club, Paul Bunyan
1; Michigan Union, 8-12 p.m.
an. 14-Voice Political Party, Panel
Student Rights, Union Rm. 4B, 3
eb. 21-Americans Committed to
rid Responsibility, Mass Meeting,
Ion 3-S, 7:30 p.m.
far. 3-Galens Medical Society, Ca-
'eus Ball, League Ballroom, 9 p.m.-1'
eb., 20-Challenge, Seminar, Honors
ung, UGLI, 7:30 p.m., ..
eb. 16, 23, 25; Mar. 2, 9, 11, 16; April
22; May 4, 6, 11, 18, 20-Michigan
ristian Fellowship, Open Meetings,
0 Nat. Res. or SAB, 7:30 p.m. or 4
Feb. 15-Young Republicans-Young
aericans for Freedom, Buses to Gold-
ter,. Masonic Auditorium in Detroit,
0-12 p.m.

Events Wednesday
Guest Harpsichordist: Fernando Va-
lenti will present a harpsichord recitalS
on Wed., Feb. 14, 8:30 p.m., in Rackham
Lecture Hall. He will perform composi-
tions by Frescobaldi, Handel, Soler, Ra-
meau, Bach and Scarlatti. Open to the1
public without charge.
Mathematics Colloquium: Dr. B. Frankt
Jones of the Institute of Mathematical1
Sciences, New York University, will1
speak on Wed., Feb. 14, at 4 p.m. inI
3209 Angell Hall. The title to be an-1
Refreshments in 3212 Angell Hall att
3:30 p.m.
Engineers: "Opportunity Trends and1
Placement Services" will be discussed
bby Prof. John G. Young, Director, En-
gineering Placement, Wed., Feb. 14 and
Thurs., Feb. 15, at. 4:00 p.m., in 311i
West Engineering. All interested stu-
dents are invited and engineers who ex-
pect to graduate this year are especiallyf
urged to attend one of these meetings.
Events Thursday
Degree Recital: George Earnshaw, bar-
itone will present a recital Thurs.,
Feb. 15, 8:30 p.m. in Lane Hall Aud.
in partial fulfillment of the require-i
mens for the degree Master of Music.i
He' will sing the compositions of Scar-
latti, Fedelli, Bellini, Stradella, Schu-
mann, Delibes, Chausson, Widor, Faure,7
Barber, Head, and Monotti. Accom-
panying him at the piano will be Jane=
Larkin. Open to the public.
Armed Forces Officers Career Week-
Feb. 13, 14, 15-for Men & Women at all
college ,,levels. All five of the military
services will be on the campus to talk
to all interested students for Officer
Training Programs-Army, Navy,- Airr
Force, Marines, Coast Guard. Both men
and women officers will be present,
rep'esenting all of the programs. in
each of the services. This will give all
students a chance to compare the re-
quirements, opportunities, and training
programs of the various services, decide
which ones appeal to you, and learn
which ones are interested in you. Rep-
resentatives will be rat;Engineering
Placement (128-H W. Engrg.) on -the
13th and 14th and will be at the Bu-
reau of Appointments on all 3 days (13,
14, & 15).
Massachusetts Institute of Technol-
ogy-Announces graduate study oppor-
tunities for Master's Program in In-
dustrial Management. This is a 2-yr.
graduate program, in the basic princi-
ples underlying sound management,
leading to Master's Degree. Must have
background in Bus. Ad., Statistics,
Math, or. Econ. Applications must be
mailed by the end of this week.
5th Annual Marketing Careers Con--
ference-April 5th & 6th, Palmer House,
Chicago. Job interviews and seminars
for seniors majoring in Bus. Ad. or
Liberal Arts. Applications accompanied
by $5 must be in by the end of this
week. Over 50 firms will be participat-
Ing in the conference. Good oppor-
tunity for anyone interested in mar-
keting career. Call Bureau of Appoint-
ments for details. Ext. 3544.
Giffels & Rossetti, Detroit, Mich. --
Openings for Civil Engineers and Struc-
tural Architects. Prefer. no exper. Tech-
nical survey for Fall-Out Shelter' Pro-,
gram. Position will be connected with
building. Six months duration.
Chrysler Corp., Chelsea, Mich.-Civil
Engineer for position at Chelsea Prov-
ing Ground involving buildings,
grounds, roads, etc. BS in C.E. Exper.
not required. Also continuous openings
for graduate Mechanical Aeronautical

Parke Davis & Co., Rochester, Mich.-
Openings for several Biologists in re-
search work on polio vaccine and flu
vaccine; involves work with animals.-
BS or MS in Botany, Zoo, Pre-Med.,
Pre-dent., with courses in Embriology,k
Anatomy, Histology, Bacteriology, &
Physiology preferred. No exper. required.-
Also some openings for WOMEN Biolo-
gists in labs at Ann Arbor, or Detroit.-
An Industrial Products Corp. in De-
troit-Sales Manager to build up an am-
bitious sales program-nationwide. Will
be expected to build up sales at at
rapid rate. New products to promote.
BSE, Chem., Bus. Ad., or general arts1
& sciences. Exper.: Must have Marketingl
or Sales Mgmt. exper., preferably in the
industrial or chemical area. Age: 35-40f
* * *
Please call General Div., Bureau of1
Appts.,3200aSAB, Ext. 3544 forufurther,
212 SAB-
THURS., FEB. 15-1
Melody" Fair-A theatre in the round,
Wurlitzer Park, Buffalo, N.Y., will be
holding tryouts for two types of jobs:1
singing and dancing. The singing try-
outs will be in Room 5, Third Floor of
the Mich. Union. Dancing tryouts will
be in the rehearsal rm., First floor Mich-
igan League. Both men ,& women. All
day Thurs., Feb. 15, from 10:00 a.m.
Camp Chic-A-Mi, near Douglas Lake,a
Mich.-Girls'camp seeking women coun-
selors. Mrs. Garmhausen will interview
on Thurs., Feb. 15, afternoon for Pro-
gram Director, Swimming, Horseback,
etc. Married couple if husband has
Camp White Pine -- Canadian coed
camp. Joseph L. Kronide will interview
Thursday afternoon for counselors, rid-
ing instructors, instructors for canoe
trips, craft specialities, etc. Will inter-
view married couples.
John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance
Company of Boston, Mass.-Representa-
tive will interview at Bus. Ad. .Inter-
viewing primarily for permanent posi-;
tions but will be happy to see any
qualified Sophomores, Juniors and
graduate students in Actuarial Science
for the Actuarial Summer Training.
THURS., FEB. 15 & FRI., FEB. 16-
Camp Lawrence Cory-A boys' camp
in New York. W. B. Hester will inter-
view men for all types of counselor po-
sitions. Must be 19 years old 'or older.
Will interview Thursday afternoon and
all day Friday.
Camp Charlevoix-A Michigan boys'
camp. Ken Smith will interview men for:
all types of counselor positions on
Thursday and Friday.'
FRI., FEB. 16-
Camp Clri at Dalton, Wis.--A coed
camp requires all types of women and
mrn counselors. Sam Dooba will be
here all day Friday to interview.
* * *
.Come to Summer Placement for fur-
ther information.
VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please
sign schedule posted at 128-H West
Engrg. Bldg.
FEB. 16 (p.m,)-
Abbott Laboratories, North Chicago,
Main 'Plant & General Offices, 40 miles
north of Chicago along Lake Michigan;
-BS: ChE &, ME. June & Aug. grads.
Must be male U.S. citizen. R. & D.,
Training Program.
FEB. 16-
Badger- Manufacturing Company, En-
grg.-Construction Div., Cambridge,
Mass.-BS-MS: ChE, CE & ME. MS:
Construction. Feb., June & Aug. grads.
Des., Construction.
Bausch & Lomb, Inc., Rochester, N.Y.
-All Degrees: ChE, EE, Instru., ME. BS:
IE. June grads. Des., Production-(Mfg.
Cleveland Electric Illuminating Com-
pany, Engrg. & Sales Office, Cleveland,

Ohio-BS: EE, IE & ME. June & Aug.
grads. Must be male U.S. citizen. Sum-
mer Employment: If times permits.
Check Placement Office for openings
on schedule on Feb. 15-(a.m.). Des. &
Consumers Power Company, Jackson,
Mich.-BS-MS: ChE, BE & ME. June &
Aug. grads. Must be male U.S. citizen.
ME & ChE's for Bulk Power. Gen. Gas
& Trng. Program. EE's for Bulk Power
& Trng. Program.
Libbey-Owens-Ford Glass Co., Entire
Company-BS: ChE, CE, EE, E Physics,
IE, ME, Physics & Architecture. June
grads. Must be male U.S. citizen. Des.,
R. & D., Sales & Prod., Tech. Control-
Will Interview Civil Engnrs.-(structur-
al) for above and also for Sales Promo-
Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis,
Ind.-BS-MS: IE. BS: ChE & ME. MS:
Ind. Admin. & Mgmt. Science. June &
Aug. grads. Must be male U.S. citizen
for permanent employment. Summer
Employment: Candidates in the areas
indicated above for Summer Program
& Suecial Two-Week Workshop - See
Poster. U.S. & South American citizens
only. Production-Prod. Methods, Office
Sys., Incentives, Engrg. Staff, Adminis-
trative-type engrg. positions.
Republic Aviation Corporation, Farm-
!ngdale, L.I., N.Y.-All Degrees: EE. BS:
AE & Astro., E Physics & ME-(with
Aero option). June & Aug. grads. U.S.
citizenship required. Both Men & Wom-
en. ROTC candidates must have 1 yr.
work time before call. Summer Employ-
ment: No interviews-Please write to
company after March 31, 1962. Des., R.
& D., Prod., Aerodynamics--(Perform-
ance & Loads Analysis), Flutter & Vi-
bration Analysis, Structural Test &
Stress Analysis.
Rexall Chemical Company, Research
& Dev. Lab., Paramus, N.J.-All De-
grees: ChE. BS-MS: ,EM. U.S. citizen-'
ship required-will accept Canadian. R.
& D.
U.S. Gov't., Bureau of Land Manage-
ment, Washington, D.C.-BS-MS: CE,
Geography, Geology & Bus. Ad., Law,
Political Science & History. (Anyone
interested who can pass the Federal
Service Entrance Exam can qualify for
the Land Examiner position.) Group
Meeting: Feb. 16, 1962, 10-11:00 a.m. in
Room 311, W.E. Will show film "Our
Public Lands." Design (Dams, roads,
Bridges, etc.). Also "Land Examiner &
Land Law Examiner."
The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can be made in the Part-time Place-
ment Office, 2200 Student Activities
Building, during the following hours:
Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. til 12 noon
and 1:30 til 5 p.m.
Students desiring miscellaneous odd
for part-time or full-time temporary
work, should call Bob Hodges at NO
3-1511, ext. 3553.;
Employers desirous of hiring students
jobs should consult the bulletin board
in Room 2200, daily.
5-Electrical Engineering or Physics
majors, senior .(minimum average
3.00) or graduate student. Must be
a U.S. citizen , for security clear-
ance. 20 Hours per week.
1--Gymnastic instructor for. children
age 7-12; after 4 p.m.
1-Experimental psychologist, graduate
student. Half time.
1--Secretary; shorthand, typing: Su-
pervisory and accounting experience
necessary. Full time.
S1-Gymnastic' instructor for children
age 7-12; after 4 p.m.
1-Experimental psychologist, graduate
student. Half time.
1-Housekeeper and baby sitter to live
in if possible. Weekends off. Room
and board plus salary.

More of everything for everybody at
Huron Towers . . . we can furnish
the apartment of your choice at
reasonable additional monthly rates
(rates on request) . . . we bus our
tenants to campus, downtown, hos-
pital area in our private "Trans-
porter".. . :jlust 20c a trip. We have
large private grounds with patio,
swimming pool and sun decks;..
carriage room for "garaging" troll-
ers. We heat and air condition your
apartment. Shops off the lobby
which include Marilyn Mark's Hair
Stylists, Trojan Laundry, O'Grady
Barbers will serve most daily needs.
But see it all for yourself. Model
apartments open 9 to 6 p.m. daily.
UNFURNISHED $98 to $330. FUR-
2200 Fuller Road
NOrmandy 3-0800, 5-9161
NICE WARM, clean room for one or
two male students. One block from
Law School. 808 Oakland. C23
TWO MEN wanted to share large five-
room apartment with bath. Low rent.
Close to campus. Call NO 8-6807. C22
TWO NICE doubles for mature stu-
dents. One single. Reasonable board
and room rates. International. NO 5-
4368. Near campus. C21
PLEASANT ROOMS, good location,
cooking facilities. Call NO 3-5880. C20
WANTED: Girl to share house on cam-
pus. Low rent. Call NO 3-5381. C19
BOARD at Alpha Chi Sigma fraternity.
Good food, reasonable rates. NO 2-
8312. C16
SINGLE ROOM for male student. Call
NO 8-7253 after five on weekdays. 014
NICELY FURNISHED three single, one
double, large kitchen, one bath, one
shower, near campus. Rent as one
unit or separately. NO 2-5152. Call
before noon or after 6:30. C17
ROOMS for upperclassmen: Double or
single opposite the Michigan League.
220 South Ingalls Street. C18
LA1GE dental suite. Clinic in East De-
troit-Warren area with physician with
practice in immediate area. Dr. Fogel,
PR 1-7790. C9
BEAUTIFUL Huron Towers, spacious
one-bedroom. 9113, to sub-lease. $125
a month. See manager, NO 3-0800. 08
Apartment for three. Newly decor-
ated and furnished. All utilities in-
cluded. Laundry facilities. NO 5-
9449 C5
UNFURNISHED APT. - Just vacated
after 2 yrs. Living rm., kitchen with
stove and refrig., bdrm., walk-in clos-
et, bathrm., laundry rm., in 4-unit
apt. bldg. Warm and pleasant. 917
S. Main. Call NO 5-5851. C3
PARKING SPACE for rent-Very close
to Frieze Bldg. NO 2-7274. C6
TWO-CAR shelters available at 1022
Forest. Call NO 2-5035 after 6 p.m. C22
LOT PARKING available. Call NO 2-
1443. C31
ROOM FOR RENT for steady male grad-
uate. Business or Professional prefer-
ence. Modern, clean, quiet home.
Telephone:' NO 2-4738. C12
GIRL'S large single room in home with
other girls by campus and hospital.
Kitchen, TV, auto, laundry. Very
comfortable. NO 3-9232 late afternoon
and evening. C3


invites you to discuss opportunities in the new era of Space,
Technology with members of STL's technical staff when they
,Visit your campus on



FE RUARY 15 and 16


TODAY Space Tchnology Laboratories, Inc. is engaged in a balanced program of diversification
and planned growth.
PROGRAMS. Research, development, design, and construction of three Orbiting Geophysical
Observatories (OGO), and project coordination and systems planning for Project Relay, both for
NASA. Design, fabrication and test for the Air Force-ARPA VELA HOTEL Program to detect
nuclear explosions iri space. Studies.for the Air Force-ARPA BAMBI Project, a multi-satellite sys-
tem which can identify and destroy enemy ICBM's shortly after launch. Systems engineering and
technical direction of the Atlas, Titan, and Minuteman weapon systems for the Air Force. Original
and applied research in a broad spectrum of technical disciplines: particle physics, solid state
theory, guidance, spaceaphysics, communication theory, propulsion and power, and electromagnetic
systems in the infrared, ultraviolet andmicrowave regions.
FACILITIES. Nearing completion on a 110-acre site at Redondo Beach, close to Los Angeles
International Airport, is the STL Space tchnology Center comprising ten buildings specially
designed for research and development in missile and space systems, for. the fabrication and envi-
ronmental test of subsystems and components, and for the production of scientific and technical
devices derived from STL's sustained research program.
$pace Tchnotogy Center
One Space Park + Redondo Beach, Calif.
I f you are now completing a program leading to a masters or doctoral degree, ST L suggests that you
investigate Ow or more of the following areas:

2 bedroom apartments 500 yds. from
Union. New, furnished, carpeted,
luxurious. Air conditioned, full kit-
chen, parking. Call NO 3-6357, 320
E. Madison.
VESPA Scooter for sale. Excellent con-
dition. Call George, NO 3-2965. Z19


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