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April 22, 1962 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-04-22

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Cap hture





By The Associated Press
PARIS-Oen. Raoul Salan, im-
prisoned chief of the European Se-
cret Army, was formally accused
yesterday of attacking the author-
ity of the state in his campaign
to keep Algeria French. Conviction
on the charge carries the death
The charge was read to Salan
in the stocky ex-general's prison
cell. Prison officials said Salan
appeared relaxed as examining
magistrate Guy Courcol read the
complaint. Under French law, a

prisoner must be formally charg-
ed within 48 hours of arrest.
Earlier, Salan had been pictured
as resigned, tired, seemingly with-
out hope, as he told police inter-
rogators his arrest was inevitable
- "everything was collapsing
around us."
Meanwhile, the Secret Army
vowed to continue its battle against
Algerian independence. Many ob-
servers believe, that Salan's elim-
ination from the OAS represent-
ed a crippling and possible death
blow to the underground organi-

Salan and the extremists have
been terrorizing Algerian Moslems
in hopes of forcing Moslem retali-
ation that would prompt the gov-
ernment to call off plans for self-
determination in Algeria.
Ex-Gen. Paul Gardy, Secret Ar-
my commander in western Algeria,
said he has assumed Raoul Salan's
post as chief of the terrorist or-
Gardy made the announcement
in an emotion-packed pirate radio
broadcast appealing to French set-
tlers to continue fighting.

His assumption of the post sur-
p r i s e d many observers who
thought it would go to ex-Col.
Antoine Argoud, the Secret Ar-
my's top theoretician. Confirma-
tion that Gardy has the approval
of other Secret Army leaders was
still lacking.
Gardy was inspector general of
the French Foreign Legion during
the abortive generals' putsch of
April 1961. He tried to swing the
strength of the Legion behind the
insurrection, and for this was sen-
tenced to death in absentia on
July 11.

As Guido
Stor City

Military Yields,

Near Fall
ANKARA W)--Turkey's wobbly'
coalition government hovered on
the brink of collapse yesterday as'
Premier Ismet Inonu fought to
stave off demands for an am-1
nesty for imprisoned former lead-
ers in the ousted government ofl
executed Premier Adnan Mend-
Parliamentary deputies from the
rightwing Justice Party, political
heir to Menderes' banned Demo-
crat Party, demanded amnesty as
the price for supporting Inonu's
proposal to pardon dissident army
officers who tried to overthrow
him in February.
The New Turkey and Peasants
Parties also balked at supporting
Inonu unless a political amnesty
was linked to his proposal to re-
move the threat of legal action
against the dissident officers. Ino-
nu's Peoples Republican Party
strongly backs the measure to par-
don officers and appeared unwill-
ing to compromise.
Inonu helped to quell the Feb-
ruary officers' revolt with a prom-
ise that no legal action would be
taken against those involved. The
78-year-old veteran Turkish lead-
er was reported by close aides to
be ready to resign rather than go
back on his pledge.
The crisis threatened to wreck
the precarious coalition cabinet.

WASHINGTON )-Democrat-
ic congressional leaders are aim-
ing for a June breakthrough they
believe will bring action on some
major segments of President John
F. Kennedy's legislative program.
Acting Senate Democratic Lead-
er Hubert H. Humphrey of Minne-
sota summed up an optimistic re-
view of administration prospects
by saying yesterday that "things
will be really humming in June."
He predicted action by one or
both houses in that month on
medical care for the elderly, a
higher education bill, Kennedy's
international trade program and
tax revision.
On the other hand, Sen. Clifford
P. Case (R-NJ) forecast a legis-
lative logjam unless Congress gets
into high gear immediately after
its Easter vacation ends.
Fears Long Session
Case said on a television pro-
gram taped for New Jersey sta-
tions he fears "we're going to find
ourselves at the end of the sum-
mer still in session and still with
a workload ahead of us (with)
action then being taken under
pressure of everybody's desire to
finish and not adequate considera-
tion of the very important mat-

Predict KennedyVictories



ters that we ought to deal with.".
Kennedy's sweepingdnew trade
program, intended to set up a
duty-free partnership on many
major products with the booming
European Common Market, has
been scheduled tentatively for
House debate about two weeks aft-
er that body reconvenes, April 30.
Ambitious Schedule
This ambitious schedule is based
on the expectation that Democrat-
ic-and some Republican-votes in
the House Ways and Means Com-
mittee will overwhelm without un-
due delay opposition to the more
controversial parts of the bill. The
toughest is probably the concept of
aid for individual businesses hurt
by imports, in place of exclusive
reliance on tariff relief for indus-
tries as a whole.
The committee had hoped for,
but didn't achieve, completion of
its first review of the bill before
the Easter recess. But Democratic
leaders, agreeing to a 10-day East-
er vacation while the Senate re-
mains in session, indicated they
are not perturbed.
Have Votes
"We've got the votes; we may
have to do some window dress-
ing," one of them summed up the
prospects for the trade bill.
The Senate will be tied up for
the next two weeks or longer with
debatehover a proposal to substi-
tute the requirement of a sixth
grade education for state literacy
tests in voting.
Allowing for this, Humphrey
said in an interview he expects
the wheels to start turning in May
and to grind out some results in
Tax Revision
The Senate Finance Committee
hopes to get the House-passed tax
revision bill to the Senate by mid-
June. If the trade bill isn't de-
layed in the House, the Finance
Committee might send that meas-
ure to the Senate late in June.
The Ways and Means Commit-

tee, which has been operating at
forced draft to dispose of a large
proportion of Kennedy's legislative
program, also has on its docket for
action sometime after it clears the
trade bill Kennedy's plan for
health care for the aged under
Social Security.
Democratic leaders have been
making increasingly optimistic
forecasts about their chances of
cracking this toughest of nuts in
Kennedy's domestic basket. The
problem is the Ways and Means
Committee.. if it approves, pass-
age in the House is expected to
follow. Lack of committee approv-
al would not kill the bill, but make
passage much more chancy.
One leader's summary of the
outlook-"about four members are
still in the twilight zone. If we can
get them out on our side, we're in."
Bailey Hits.
GOP Attack
WASHINGTON (R)-Democrat-
ic National Chairman John M.
Bailey yesterday termed the Re-
publican leadership attack on
President John F. Kennedy's aq-,
tions in the steel price controver-
sy "arrant nonsense."
Bailey said in a statement the
attack was a "silly and specious
bit of partisan exaggeration" and
"so clumsy and partisan it is sure
to backfire on the Republican Par-
ty "
Republican congressional leaders
Thursday accused Kennedy of us-
ing police-state methods to "black-
jack" steel companies into rescind-
ing a $6-a-ton price increase.
The GOP statement charged the
President with ordering or sup-
porting actions last week that "im-
periled basic American rights,
went far beyond the law, and were
more characteristic of a police
state than a free government."

India Reds To Face
Choice of Leadership

With Armor
Called Worst Crisis.
Since Peron Ouster
BUENOS AIRES (M)-President
Jose Maria Guido, supported by a
tough cavalry general and a col-
umn of tanks, gained the upper
hand over ultimatum-bearing Ar-
gentine military chiefs yesterday
Just as civil war seemed to be ex-
The diminutive president impos-
ed a truce while insurgent armor
stormed, into the outskirts of Bue-
nos Aires and probed machine gun
and artillery emplacements of ar-
my commander Gen. Raul Poggi.
in the heart of the capital.
The crisis, the nearest Argentina
has, come to serious blood-letting
since Juan Peron was routed sev-
en years ago, burgeoned when Gen.
Enrique R a u c h unexpectedly
launched an insurrection against
the army high command last night
from Camp De Mayo, Argentina's
most important military camp,
The insurrection snowballed
and surprised Gen. Poggi, key lead-
er in deposing and imprisoning
President Arturo Frondizi on
March 29.
All morning it seemed blood
would be spilled on the issue of
whether Peronists, who won in the'
March 18 elections, would be bar-
red from office by Guido's dicta-
torial decree, as the high command
demanded, or by legal processes
sanctioned by Congress, as the in-
surgents insisted.
Summit Meet
The upshot was a summit con-
ference of Argentina's generals
and admirals behind the heavily
guarded gates of President Guido's
suburban, residence.
Gen. Rauch, commander of the
cavalry corps at Campo De Mayo,
came out smiling and declared
himself satisfied with a truce for-
mula proposed by Guido himself.

... leads revolt
Ask Negro
.Bus BoyCott
JACKSON RA) -- The. Jackson
non-violent movement announced
yesterday all Negroes had been re-
quested to boycott the Jackson
City (bus) Lines beginning Mon-
City bus officials were asked to
discontinue all discriminatory pol-
icies andpractices pertaining to:
seating arrangements, hiring of
drivers and other personnel, cour-
tesies to all passengers regardless
of race and removal of signs desig-
nating separation according to
All requests were denied, the
statement said, except for the ap-
plications available for Negroes as
prospective drivers. However, some
applications have since been de-,
"The company shifted responsi-
bility for its discriminatory prac-j
tices to the city," the statement
continued. "This relationship is'
hard to understand because bus
drivers have consistently and vol-
untarily engaged in discriminatory
practices and called upon police to
enforce the policies."

NEW DELHI (A3)-The Commu-
nist Party of India opens a meet-]
ing here today that could decide
whether Indian Communists look1
to Moscow or Peiping for leader-
A struggle for supremacy is ex-t
pected between two factions. One
is the relatively moderate group,
aligned with Moscow, that ap-
pears content for the time being
to work through India's parlia-
mentary. system. A pro-Chinese
group is inclined toward the
tougher approach of fighting
Prime Minister Jawaharal Nehru's
government with strikes and viol-
The party struggle will begin in,
an Executive Committee meeting
and will move Monday into a six-
day meeting of the party's Na-
tional Council. The result could be.
Main business on the agenda is
selection of a general secretary to
succeed Ajoy Ghosh, a middle-of-
the-road leader who died in Jan-
uary. Choice of his successor was
delayed by the parliamentary
elections. in February and by in-
tense maneuvering within the par-
ty since then.
Improve Position
In the February elections, the
pro-Chinese faction of the party
improved its position in its Calcut-
ta stronghold. The group aligned
ear London
SLOUGH, England R)-Twelve
thousand rain-drenched marchers
trudged wearily into Slough last
night at the end of the second
legs of their ban-the-bomb pil-
grimage to London.
Midway through the day the
three-mile-long column of banner-
waving demonstrators ran into
heavy rain. Hundreds broke ranks
and raced for shelter.
Children on the march were car-
ried on to Slough in trucks. Many
other ban-the-bombers thumbed
lifts or went on by bus.
The 50-mile march began Fri-
day from Britain's nuclear weap-
ons plant at Aldermaston. It will
climax Monday with a massive
rally in London's Hyde Park.
Overseas contingentsron the
march included groups from Ger-
many, Holland and Denmark.

with Moscow lost heavily in the
Bombay area, its home territory,
and its leader, S. A. Dange, failed
to win re-election to Parliament.
Dange was the first important
Indian Communist leader to ac-
cuse the Chinese of aggression
when India's border dispute with
her northern neighbor flared in-
to the open in 1959. Calcutta Com-
munists have been inclined to
make excuses for the Chinese,
earning themselves scathing criti-
cism from Nehru.
Hits Rightwing
Generally, however, Nehru has
not assailed the Indian Commu-
nist Party. During the election
campaign Nehru directed most of
his fire at rightwing parties and
said little about the Communists.
The Communists openly sup-
ported some candidates of Nehru's
Congress Party, most notably De-
fense Minister V. K. Krishna
Menon. The party advocates sup-
port for Nehru's proclaimed goal
of socialism.
Continue Cooperation
If the Moscow-oriented group
wins the party struggle, Indian
Communists might continue trying
to work with elements within the
governing Congress Party in hope
of getting a Communist mahout
(driver) aboard the Congress ele-
phant, as one Communist newspa-
per expressed it.
But if the tough group wins, po-
litical strife is possible.
Most Observers
Most observers expect a com-
promise. There have been reports
the power of the general secre-
tary's office will in the future be
shared with a chairman.


World News
By The Associated Press
PALM BEACH-President John
F. Kennedy -announced yesterday
he will appoint Lucius D. Battle
assistant secretary of state for ed-
ucational and cultural affairs.
It was also announced that Presi-
dent and Mrs. Kennedy will visit
Mexico from June 29 to July 1.
Battle will replace Philip T.
Coombs, whose resignation from
the $20,000 a year job was an-
nounced yesterday. Battle, 44, a
native of Dawson, Ga., has been
special assistant to the secretary
and executive secretary of the
'State Department since February
Energy Commission announced
another underground nuclear test
of low yield was conducted at the
Nevada test site yesterday. It was
the 29th announced since the
United States resumed testing.
ALBANY-Twenty-nine Negroes
were arrested and literally carried
to jail yesterday during a lay-
down in front of city hall after
police ordered them to break up
a prayer meeting.

Jayits Views
Senate Fight
As 'Acid Test'~
WASHINGTON (om)-Sen. Jacob
K. Javits (R-NY) said yesterday
the Senate fight expected to start
this week over a civil rights bill
will provide "an acid test" of the
Kennedy Administration.
He said the Administration must
throw its weight behind a move
to shut off an anticipated filibus-
ter by Southern senators against
a Kennedy-backed measure in-
tended to prevent racial discrimi-
nation in voter literacy tests.


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