Seventy-Second Year
Where Opnons Are Pree STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
"How About An Egg Hmit?"
Athletic Tail wags
The Academic Dog
AY, APRIL 22, 1962
HRB Operation Welcome:
Giant Step Forward
Relations Board is involved in a project of
tal importance to every member of the aca-
emic community: Operation Welcome. The
oard is taking a giant first step toward
ie elimination of all forms of discrimination in
f-campus housing.
Tomorrow the group will sponsor a talk by
rof. Donald Pelz, an expert on racial problems
i Ann Arbor. Prof. Pelz will cover the history,
nd present condition of the fight for equal
pportunity in Ann Arbor. He will also consider
ie role of students in this fight.
Within the next two weeks, HRB is sending
eakers to address major campus organizations
n the problems of discrimination.
As a most important part of its project, HRB
.now circulating petitions saying: "We would
ke to reassure our fellow students, our neigh-
ors, and our landlords, that we would welcome
to our neighborhood, apartment or rooming
ouse any responsible persons who meet the
sual requirements without regard to their
ee, the color of their skin, the manner in,,
hich they worship or the part of the world
om which they come.,,
This statement, along with a complete list
f signees, will be sent to every landlord.
)PERATION WELCOME is endorsed by over
40 campus leaders rangingfrom former IFC
resident Robert Peterson to the chairman -of
ice Political Party, Robert Ross. Initial cam-
is response to the petitions is very high.
Alumn Meet
NE OF THE Alumni Association's pet pro-
jects is in trouble. Ann Arbor residents-
cluding several faculty members who are also
niversity alumni-are up in arms over the
oposed alumni apartment building in their
ighborhood. Describing their area as one
the last "old neighborhoods" left in good
ndition in Ann Arbor, they say that the
ultiple dwelling structure would ruin the
ea's gracious aura and, incidently, lower
'operty values.
Certainly, they are right. Even though the
umni claim that the "single family resi-
nces" in the area are really a complex of
aternity houses, a modern apartment build-
g would still be out of place. The fact that
e University's Oxford housing project is
fly a block or so away does not excuse further
cursion into the neighborhood.
But dismissing the parochial consideration of
ning and property values, there are still better
asons for not building such an apartment
ilding. It is, first of all, an economic white
phant. There are luxury apartments in Ann
bor going begging. At least one development
which has been open for more than six
nths-is barely one-third occupied. It is
bious that another such project could suc-
ed any better.
ECOND, there is an important ethical ques-
tion concerning the use of the name of the
liversity. Although the Regents have un-
ficially smiled upon the idea, it must be kept,
mind that the Alumni Association is not a
But initial response should be very high.
Indeed, total response should be 100 per cent.
The petitions should come back with the
names of every single one of the 24,567 stu-
dents enrolled in this University. For there
can be no doubt that discrimination in any
of its evil forms absolutely violates all the
teachings, all the ideals and principles of an
academic community. Irrational prejudice is
unconscionable, and it is the responsibility of
this high cominunity to actively work for i*g3
elimination. No pardonable defense exists for
the prejudgment of human beings on the basis
of race, religion, creed, or nationality.
H RB PEOPLE estimate that possibly 50 per
cent of the landlords in Ann Arbor will
not house Negroes. A high percentage of for-
eign students, too, have much trouble finding
Operation Welcome is a positive action in the
right direction. HRB is bringing the problem
to light. Hopefully, students will gain a sense
of awareness and even a sense of commitment
to the end of these unfair practices.
If landlords persist in discriminatory policies,
HRB should then draw up a blacklist and stu-
dents should boycott apartments where all are
not welcome.
But right now it is Operation Welcome that
needs student support. It is time that students
come out of hiding and give the project the
backing it so fully deserves.
Local Pressure
part of the University. It has its own board
of directors to whom its officers are respon-
sible, and it has no direct tie with the Regents.
The project is still further removed from the
University since it .is being run by a yet un-
formed corporation called Alumni Living.
But Alumni Living is a strange corporation.
Although it does not exist it already, has a
board of directors. The four members of the
board and two ex officio members have been
trying to take care of' the preliminary re-
zoning. And, whether intentional or uninten-
tional, the impression has spread that this is
a University project. A group like Alumni
Living, whose relationship with the University
is at best tenuous, ought to make sure people
realize that it is not directly connected to the
University. Indeed, one protesting neighbor of
the proposed apartment claims that because
he objects he has been made to feel that he
is a second .rate alumnus and disloyal to 'the
IN THE FINAL ANALYSIS, the whole project
would be a monument to the greater power
of the Alumni Association. The apartments are
expensive and will have to be payed for in
advance. Their owners will have to be wealthy
alumni. These alumni are the people the
University expects to contribute money. They
will have a, great deal of influence. For the
Alumni Association, the worst thing that could
happen is a corporation in which it has no-
thing to lose will fail. It is a slight risk for
so great a prize.
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Prof. Angell
wrote this article in conjunction
with the Challenge program. He is a
member of the sociology depart-
close to paying his own way, it
is a privilege to attend a uni-
versity. Taxpayers or private
donors are footing much of the
The central function of higher
education is to cultivate intellec-
tual leadership. A dynamic demo-
crapy needs a highly informed
'ublic opinion and skilled perform-
ance in its most demanding tasks.
It is in colleges and universities
that the necessary foundations are
laid. There the wisdom of the ages
is offered to the students, and
there analytical and creative abili-
ties are fostered. The chief concern
of higher education is and must
be the development of the mind.
This principle gives us a touch-
stone for judging the proper place
of various activities and interests
in the academic community. The
more closely related they are to
intellectual growth, the more they
deserve the encouragement of all
concerned. This does not mean
that there should not be many
peripheral activities and interests,
since students are rounded human
beings, not mere intellectual train-
ees. There must be opportunity for
relaxation, diversion, companion-
ship and the blowing off of steam.
But the peripheral activities and
interests need not be officially
sponsored. If merely permitted,
they will flourish.
* * *
SPORTS do not come under the
head of peripheral activities. This
is not merely because students
need healthy bodies to carry them
through an arduous life. Play is
truly re-creational. We come back
to our intellectual tasks withnew
enthusiasm and fresh perspectives
after a round of golf, a swim, a
game of softball, or an hour at
the bowling alley.
Intercollegiate athletics are more
peripheral. They have the virtues
of rewarding athletic skill and ef-
fort, of providing exciting enter-
tainment for the less capable, and
of giving the student body an add-
ed sense of corporate unity. Dif-
ferent analysts of the situation
will give these contributions dif-
ferring weights, but perhaps one
will claim that they are close to
the central concern of higher edu-
cation. It is hard to argue that
the development of the mind is
much enhanced.
If this analysis is sound, the Big
Ten universities find themselves in
an anomalous situation. Each of
them is paying out some $250,000 a
year to men of great promise for
intercollegiate athletics, while pay-
ing out, much smaller sms to
undergraduates because of ther
intellectual promise.
TO MAKE the anomaly more
anomalous, here at Michigan all
but four or five scholarships given
to undergraduates, for academic
reasons are subject to the need
factor, whereas by action of the
Conference last fall the need fac-
tor has been removed from athletic
stipends. This means that a medi-
ocre student who is well-tb-do but
an athlete may be supported to
the tune of $1200 a year. The
University supports no other under
graduates so well, no matter how
brilliant nor how needy.
The defense for this, that the
support of athletics comes out
of a different pocket, because in-
tercollegiate athletics are operated
by a separate corporation, is weak
indeed. Since the Board in Control
of Athletics is a creature of the
Regents, the latter has ultimate
control and can see to it that
monies received from athletic
contests are spent according to
its desires.
If the Regents or Trustees of
Conference schools were to agree
that it is better to devote the
sums now spent on athletic sub-
sidies to regular academic scholar-
ships, our Athletic Board would
certainly cooperate fully.
* . .
IT IS a curious history, but not
worth recounting, how the athletic
Resignations Irresponsible
(Letters to the Editor should be
limited to 300 words, typewritten
and double spaced. The Daily re-
serves the right to edit or withhold
any letter. Only signed letters will
be printed.)
To the Editor:
IT HAS BEEN quite some time
since a group given the respon-
sibility of running The Daily has
so completely abdicated its duty
because they did not have their
The conduct of the now non-
existent 1961-62 senior staff re-
flects the inability of some seven
or eight kids to continue playing
the ball game, simply because it
was not working out to their lik-
THE EDITORS who resigned
might have valid reasons for dis-
satisfaction with the action of
Prof. Browder and the' Board in
Control of Student Publications.
But that is not relevant. What is
totally annoying to those of us
who worked on The Daily, and
those of us that read this sheet,
is the reality that the holier-than-
thou souls who have been critical,
,skeptical and saracastic about
many of the campus events of the
past year amount to naught but
a pack of hypocrites.
They have slammed everything
from Student Government Council
to the Office of Student Affairs,
and now they have capitulated and
are collectively sulking. They took
a last swat at the Board, picked
up their marbles and retreated to a
well deserved oblivion.
* * *
WHAT THEY LOST sight of is
the fact that part of their ob-
ligation to The Daily and the
University is to train the new
senior staff in the intricacies of
the positions which they have
been appointed to. They also for-
got to consider (or else dismissed
as below their concern) the effect
which such irresponsible action
will have on the University com-
munity and the many others that
take pride in The Daily as an
example of the students' ability to
accept responsibility and carry on
a well established tradition.
Enough said. To the new senior
staff, I heartily recommend that
you keep this incident in mind. It
serves as a forceful memory of
how one group failed because they
lacked the character necessary for
the positions they undertook. The
masthead which everyone at 420
Maynard boasts of is something
worth thinking of: "Editorial
Freedom" might be discriptive of
an epitaph of days gone by when
people understood what their ob-
ligations were, or it might be a
statment of the dissatisfaction of
a few silver tongued kids incapable
of holding up their heads in the
face of adversity.
-Ted Cohn, '63L
Daily Advertising Manager,
To the Editor:
THOUGH UNDER the present
ad atrministrative structure, strict-
ly interpreted, the recent action
of the Board in Control of Student
Publications was within the bounds
of their authority, their over-
riding of the recommendations of
the senior editors was a clear in-
fringement on the principle of
"freedom of the press."
The Board's action was a warn-
ing to The Daily staff to modify,
that is to prostitute its views., If
the Board insists on taking the
initiative in choosing the policy
makers of our paper, the free press
becomes an illusion. By resigning,
the senior editors have said in
effect, that they refuse to support
this illusion.
editorial staff has resigned. If, as
is rumored, the journalism school
is asked to run the paper, this will
be the effective end of one of
the country's best college news-
Every day the following slogan
appears on the edit page of The
Daily: "Where opinions are free,
truth will prevail." The Daily has
followed this maxim religiously.
The fact that "anti-Daily" let-
ters will certainly be published is
a case in point. The conflicting
points of view of Daily staff mem-
bers that are allowed to appear
on the editorial page show that
ability, not ideology is the criterion
for acceptance at The Daily.
THE IDEA that this recent ac-
tion of the Board has had the
effect of breaking up an ideologi-
cal dynasty is clearly false.
As students of the University
and as individuals interested in
seeing the success of the demo-
cratic principle, we urge the
Board to reconsider their decision.
Liberals and conservatives, affil-
iates and non-affiliates must con-
cern themselves with effecting the
rescinding of the Board's decision.
The question has gone far beyond
that of personalities.
During the past months, veiled
threats have been filtering down
about what would happen if cer-
tain people were recommended for
certain positions. For a year now
the Board has been covertly
pounding the mailed fist. Now with
a final decisive blow, they gather
all their power, and destroy the
students' newspaper.
Here is a clear issue around
which all students can rally. For
once the campus must conquer its
apathy and demand that the
Board in Control of Student Pub-
lications recant.
-Ken Miller, '64
Administrative Vice- President,
Student Government Council
Robert J. Ross, '63
Chairman, Voice Political Party,
Student Government Council
tail has come to wag so much of
the academic dog. However dif-
ficult it may have been for the
universities to avoid arriving at
the present juncture, now we are
here, and must find a way out.
It is clearly unrealistic to sug-
gest the abandonment of inter-
collegiate athletics. But it isr not
unrealistic to suggest that they
be given the subordinate position
that corresponds to their con-
tribution to academic life. A good
start would be the elimination of
athletic subsidies. Obviously this
step would be difficult for a single,
university to take. Its teams would
be severely handicapped if rival
institutions were still giving ath-
letic stipends. The move would
have to be a concerted one on
the part of those universities that
compete regularly with one an-
Such concerted action would, in-
cidentally, take care of the argil-
ment that the subsidy of players
is necessary for the support of
intramural athletics. If all Big
Ten schools agreed to rule out
athletic subsidies and, as a con-
sequence, had' teams inferior to
those of non-Conference institu-
tions, does anyone seriously argue
that football would no longer be
course be enforcement of a no-
subsidy rule. It would seem wise
to entrust it to those who have
the greatest appreciation of the
university's main task-the fac-
ulty. Surely athletic victory is not
so important to professors that
they would fail to see to it that
intercollegiate athletics at their
several institutions were kept
within agreed bounds.
If we are not going to offer
"full-ride" scholarships to every-
one who qualifies for entrance to
the university, and no one be-
lieves we can do that, let us at
least offer scholarships first to
the most intellectually promising
and the neediest.
' j
Steel Aids New Frontier
(Editor's Note: Robert Spivack is substituting
r Walter Lippmann, who is in Europe.)
HE UNITED STATES Steel Corporation has
accomplished for the President what neither
personal friends nor congressional support-
have been able to do since the early days of
new administration. The price rise in steel
given the President an opportunity to start
ving once again towards The New Frontier.
ertainly this was the last thought, or pur-
e, of the Pittsburgh executives as they
sted steel prices. The steel industry's actions
the economic realm ,have always had long
far-reaching effects, As of now they seem
ly to have equally important political ef-
t the moment the steel companies are
ply involved in politics. But they have no
ning in or understanding of politics, as
er' Blough admitted. Steelmen, like many
er industrialists, spend too much time talk-
to each other and erroneously conclude-
t they know what "the people" think.
iE ISOLATION of important businessmen
from the mainstream of American senti-
it comes at a time when many liberal
HAiEL BURNS .....................Sports Editor
UD ANDREWS...........Associate Sports Editor
FF MARKS ...............Associate Sports Editor
Business Staff
Democrats have found less and less 'to like
about domestic administration policy.
On private vs. public power the rural elec-
tric cooperatives and the American Power
Association have grown restive at the ad-
ministration's reluctance to make the "new
starts" promised during the campaign. And
they are annoyed at what seems to be a retreat
by the Department of Interior on some policies
they thought were already set.
Labor leaders are worried about certain tax
incentives being offered to business, coupled
with hesitancy on what steps might reduce
unemployment. The list of grievances was long
and it was growing longer. While there was no
likelihood of an open break, David Riesman,
the Harvard sociologist, could say:
"We wish the administration well, and I
think we wish to work within the two-party
system. We are critical but we are not alienated.
We are also not sanguine. But we are not
wholly disaffected, either."
A HANDFUL of steel executives has changed
the situation.
James Mac Gregor Burns quoted JFK in his
book' "John Kennedy, a Political Profile" as
answering critics of his "liberalism":
"I'd be happy to tell them I'm not a liberal
at all. I never joined the Americans for
Democratic Action or the American Veterans
Committee. I'm not comfortable with those
IN ANY CASE the President, who has tried
hard to avoid 'an anti-business label, knows
WEME M ENN#EEE~san9smisasiii~issistrssimits#3%Esmlatmi~mmmmissmammmassgetemisygmmam~:NT$
Comment o tCassics
Daily Staff Writers
HOW MANY unassigned books have you read lately?
According to a recent survey made on English speaking countries,
only 17 per cent of all Americans are now reading a book for pleasure.
This contrasts sharply with 31 per cent of the Canadians, 34 per cent
of the Australians and 55 per cent of the English who are engaged
in similar pursuits.
PROF. HERMAN M. WARD of Trenton State College's depart-
ment of English in a recent New York Times Magazine article cited
this disturbing trend on the part of Americans as being a result
of non-interest in reading which was developed in high school and
continued through later life.
He sums up his thesis by saying "Americans today are in general
not interested in books because their association with literature when
they were young was most often painful or meaningless."
Books in the high school English curriculum today are "fossilized,"
Prof. Wade charges. They belong to a different age. Therefore the
student finds it difficult to identify with them and his interest wanes.
* * * *
DISSECTION of such books reveals to him that Ivanhoe is too
full of history with which a student cannot identify. Silas Marner
offers no challenge to teachers. It is also a bore. A Tale of Two Cities
is "old hat." The other old standards also fall into these generalized
As substitutes for these "fossils," Prof. Wade offers a sample
of contemporary literature and best sellers which he believes will
stimulate interest in youthful readers.
Among them are Hiroshima, The Old Man and the Sea, All Quiet
on the Western Front, The Ugly American, Diary of Anne Frank and
Cry, the Beloved Country.
* * * *
WITH THESE BOOKS students can discuss problems that face
them today. "These are books in which they can believe." They
face them today. "These are books in which they can believe." They
(Continued from Page 2)
European Institute of Business Ad-
min., France-For trng. of grads. want-
ing to make a career in business abroad.
Provides a 1 yr. general trng. in all
techniques of business mgmt. at the
MBA level. Loans available. Application
must be submitted by May 1 for Sept.
Applications available at Bureau of Ap-
Appointments-Seniors & grad students,
please call General Div., Ext. 3544 for
interview appointments with the fol-
Jacobson Stores, Inc., Mich. - Men &
women; degree any field for positions
in Mgmt. Trng. Merchandising, Office
Mgmt. Retailing. Locations: in 9 lowver
Prog. Also several openings in Trng.
Course in Life Underwriting (sales &
salespromotion). Locations: Through-
out U.S.
City School District, Rochester, N.Y.-
Openings: 1) Stat. & Research Consult-
ant. Man or woman; BA plus N.Y. State
teacher's certif. Requires 3 yrs. public
sch. teaching. Bkgd. in Stat. 2) Stat. As-
sistant, Man or woman; BA & exper.
in research & analysis. 3) Stat. Con-
sultant. Training in use of stat tech-
niques & presentations. Analytical abil-
Goodbody & Co., New York, N.Y.-
Men; interest in brokerage business.
Brokerage Trng. Prog, to become Reg-
istered Reps. * Various locations in U.S.
*-Particularly interested in U. of M.
Aetna Casualty & Surety Co., Hart-
ford, Conn.-Men; degree any field for
Field Reps., Underwriters, Mgmt. Train-
ees, etc. Also major appro. field for
Actuaries. Locations: throughout U.S.
Come to Summer Placement Service
for further information on these open-
Oakland County Bureau of Social Aid,
Pontiac, Mich.-Social worker - will be
trained to make home calls, write re-
ports, etc. Must have car. Male or Fe-
male with minimum of 2 yrs. college
work. Exper. not required. Age 21-56.
Allstate Insurance Co., Detroit, Mich.
-Admin. Insurance Trainee-Men; de-
gree Liberal Arts, Bus. Ad. or Educa-
tion. Exper. of 1-2 yrs. business help-
ful, but not necessary. Age 22-28 with
military completed (either 6 mo. or 2 yr.
New Englander Motor Hotel, Danbury,
Conn.-Hotel Management-Permanent
positions will be available to college
grads. in all departments when the ho-
tel opens the end of May, 1962, front
office, dining rm., etc. Male only.
WHLS, Port Huron, Mich.-Farm Di-
rector. Man with agricultural bkgd. to
provide comprehensive coverage of
Thumb & Blue Water area farm news,