- With little chance of a major Democratic upset, Republicans
appear almost certain to retain control of the Ann Arbor City Council
in tomorrow's election.
Five of 11 council seats are at stake in the contest with five Repub-
lican incumbents facing five Democratic hopefuls. Two University
professors, Dr. John Dowson of the dentistry school and Jacob M. Price
of the history department, are running against each other on the
Republican and Democratic, tickets respectively in the second ward
Democratic chances loom highest in the first and fifth wards. The
first ward, where Democrat Mrs. Eunice L. Burns faces Republican
Mrs. Gayle D. Flannery, has been a traditional source of Democratic
strength. The one Democrat presently on the council, Prof. Lynn W.
Eley of the political science department, is from this ward. Prof. Eley
and others have expressed optimism over the possibility of Democratic
control of this ward.
Chances in the other races are slimmer for the minority party.
In the, fifth district, where controversy has been growing over the
proposed Northbelt bypass which would skirt the edge of Ann Arbor.
and cut through this area, local politicians see a second hotly contested
race. Both candidates, Democrat Donald E. Hoff and Republican John
R. Laird, are opposed to the bypass and ask its relocation through
other areas.
Hoff wants the City Council to pass a resolution asking the State
Highway Department to relocate the planned route. Laird has simply
indicated that he wants a "redetermination of the route plans."
Designed as part of a program to relieve traffic congestion in the
city, the State Highway department has settled on locating Northbelt
through fifth ward property. All candidates favor the construction of
the roadway. Only the fifth ward candidates have asked a change of
Other Issues
Other election issues include discrimination with the Democrats
lined solidly behind Eley's Fair Housing Ordinance which died in
Council for lack of a second. The Republican candidates generally
favored a more gradualist approach with an emphasis on voluntary
associations as opposed to legal action.
Third Ward Republican Robert E. Meader, an incumbent, notes
that he doesn't believe "lasting results can be obtained by forcing
people to discontinue discriminatory practices.
"We should encourage greater understanding through the Human
Relations Commission between various groups in the city," he says.
"Voluntary means of breaking the color line are progressing nicely."
Meader terms fair housing ordinances as "tools to harrass people.".
On the other hand, Meader's Democratic opponent Eugene V.
Douvan lends his support to a fair housing ordinance and has even
chided the city for alleged discrimination its employment, noting that
only four Negroes are employed by Ann Arbor above the level of
garbage collector.
The Fair Housing Ordinance has been one of the most contro-
versial issues in front of the City Council in the last year. After being
tabled by the Council it was referred back to the Human Relations
Committee, a study and education group sponsored b3
other groups, for additional work. The Ann Arbor Fai
ation has been picketing the Pittsfield Village ar
alleged segregation there and have pressed the Co
of the ordinance which would attach fines to violation
cil so far has only passed a resolution supporting the
Here's a rundown on the individual candidate
their stands on various issues.
First Ward
Mrs. Flannery, from the first ward, feels that,
problems lie in dealing with the difficulties of expa
proposed community college. She is a member of the
that outlined the original plans-and advocating tl
proach to race relations, she feels that the Ann Arbor
already confronted the major problems of the city
with "sound solutions."
Mrs.'Burns, Mrs. Flannery's opponent, thinks th
is the major problem facing Ann Arbor. An advocate
ordinance, she also favors an immediate start on f
city's downtown area.
The city's downtown area, as well as other city1
have been under study under an Ann Arbor Cham
City Council study group in an attempt to determine
can most effectivetly compete with shopping centersF
best fit themselves to changes taking place in Ann A
Appear Certami
y the Council and Second Ward
r Housing Associ-
ea in protest of In the second ward, Dr. Dowson favors the city's research park
uncil for passage project and the completion of studies on the fire station needs and
ns. But the Coun- future needs for park and recreation facilities. Unsure, about what
principle of open steps ought to be taken about discrimination, he opposes the fair
housing ordinance on the grounds that is "unenforceable."
s by district and The research park project is an area of Ann Arbor set aside for.
industrial research facility. Hoping to capitalize on the proximity of
of University research facilities and personnel, Ann Arbor has gone on
Sthe city's major a campaign to bring industrial laboratories to the city.
nsion. Boosting a Prof. Price, Dr. Dowson's Democratic opponent, attacks the atti-
study committee tude of the present city council which he claims "pretends that prob-
he gradualist ap- lems don't exist." Favoring the fair housing ,ordinance, Prof. Price
City Council has comments on the poor impression that Ann Arbor discrimination has
and has come up on foreign students.
Third Ward
at discrimination In the third ward, Republican Meader, in addition to his stand on
of a fair housing the fair housing ordinance, says city traffic problems will be alleviated
acelifting for the by the completion of East and North Belt roads around the city. He
also noted that the city should go slow in purchasing Huron River
business districts, shoreline land.
ber of Commerce
e how these areas His opponent, Douvan, advocates that the city must begin plan-
and how they can ning for rising population by a broadening of the city's tax base in
rbor. See REPUBLICANS, Page 2 ,
See Page 4
Str itoa
Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom
Am~w W VPw A
'. ,,
X ,,
Gymnasts Finish
Third in NCAA's
Southern California Takes Title;
Favored Southern Illinois Second
ALBUQUERQUE (I)-Southern California, paced by record tieing
Robert Lynn, brought the NCAA gymnstics championship west of the
Mississippi for the first time in history with a smashing victory last
The Trojans rolled up 95% points behind Lynn's four gold medals.
Favored Southern Illinois was second with 75 while Michigan
was third with 55 and Illinois fourth with 541/2. Dale Cooper of
'Michigan State knocked off de-
fending champion Fred Orlofsky
O SU Takes of Southern Illinois in the still
rings. Orlofsky still showing the
T6 p effects of a pulled shoulder suf-
Sw im Title fered early in the season, finished
x seventh.
sARusty Mitchell of Southern Il-
By DAVE GOOD linois won . the tumbling and
Special To The Daily handed Pan - American Games
COLUMBUS-Junior Dick Nel- champion Hal Holmes of Illinois
son's stirring victory in the 100- his first collegiate defeat. Mitchell
yd. breaststroke keynoted Michi- was fourth going into last night's
gans srgepas Mihign Satefinals but scored a 9.55 on his
gan's surge past Michigan State routine tonight to edge Holmes
into fourth place in the NCAA by .15 of a point.
Swimming championships here last Defending champion Penn State
night, finished ninth with 131/2 points
Nelson's win plus points from and missed in its bid for a record
Captain Bill Darnton, divers Pete tieing fourth straight team title.
Cox and Ron Jaco and the med.- Lyr n picked up three gold med-
ley relay team pushed the Wolver- als tonight and combined with his
ines past the stagnant Spartans, all-around victory last night tied
who collected only 3 points all for NCAA record of most gold
day and fell from fourth to sixth medals in one year. He won the
place. parallel bars, horizontal bars and
Spirited Ohio State, which real- free exercise tonight..
ly wrapped up the team chatn- The record was established in
pionship Friday, won 7 events and 1954 by Jean Cronstadt of Penn
placed in 12 of 16 to out-distance State.
everybody with a whopping 92 Steve Johnson of Michigan State
points, won the rebound tumbling cham-
See NELSON, Page 6 See COP, Page 61
Nord Cites Con-Con Errors
"The declarations o
stitutional Convention
sound good but they
icing on a cake that i
ten," said Prof. Melvii
Detroit) in a panel disc
Michigan Constitution
Prof. Nord, of the U
Detroit, and Prof. Ha
(D-Detroit) the other]
ber, from the Detroit
Law, are both delegat
"There will be a goo
ing (in the new C6nsti
a great deal that sr
there," said Prof. Nord.
some good points an(
make them a little be
will also take many of
and perpetuate them
them worse, he conti:
good ideas have force(
to come to the top an
ed," concurred Prof. b
Prof. Norris felt t
Constitution is bad tI
wil suffer longer than t
And perhaps they will
f the Con-
look and
y are only
s quite rot-
n Nord (D-
ussing "The
al Conven-
niversity of
rold Norris
panel mem-
College of
es to Con-
d deal miss-
tution) and
houldn't be
It will take
as they, and other Michigan
citizens, are not taking enough
interest in the Convention, he
"The Constitution presents a
challenge for all of us. When only
25 per cent of an industrial state
turns out to vote on such an im-
portant issue, there is a wide
disparity between what is and
what ought to be," said Prof.
"There is no more important
event than the Constitutional Con-
vention, and yet there is an incu-
bus of pessimism and a great
quantity of lack of information on
it," he continued.
Ross, Madden Give Views
About New Conservatism'
Combined Backing
ReVeale ayer
Bill Opposed by GOP Regulars;
Break Possible Among Republicar
A coalition of Democrats and "moderate" Reps blica
will combine this week to break the taxation logjam in t
Senate by passage of a compromise program which will i
clude income and nuisance levies.
This isthe prediction of Sen. Stanley G. Thayer (R-4
Arbor), the moderates' leader, who yesterday revealed t
coalition's strategy.
Thayer said the coalition has the necessary 18 votes to
the job.
He did not reveal the exact terms of the broad comprom
tax program, but it will involve a flat rate income tax, add
tional state payments to mu-o
d, perhaps, The liberal-conservative battle added another chapter yesterday
tter, but it as Robert Ross, '63, member of Student Government Council and
the wrongs Chairman of Voice Political Party and William Madden, '64L, a
kor make
nued. "The member of the national Board of Directors of the Young Americans
d bad ones for Freedom debated "the New Conservatism" at a Young Democrats
d be adopt- Issues Conference.
dorris. Madden, speaking first, explained the Conservative revival has
rat if the been engendered because "we believe that the liberal philosophy
he students cannot take care of the problems we have. It is my thesis that on
the citizens. the domestic level .America has lost by and large its reverence for
deserve it moral standards and tradition." He said that the real Conservative
" concern began with the crises over
the loyalty affidavit of the Na-
tional Defense Education Act. "I
think many Conservatives were
against the oath because they saw
"-1 no need for it."
... discusses taxes
is ri: [."'fS.m' ait'."}e;{vs'v'. :: k}: >{ ;:ui4;i3""'. :
Marion Leloy B o 19
V -ILV ... V i l
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
Ssixth in a' series of eight bio-
graphical profiles of University
at 73 was tired out; he
could not continue as president.
He had transformed the Uni-
versity into a modern institu-
tion, and the Regents were
hard-pressed to find a good re-
In 1919, they prevailed upon
him to stay until they could
locate a successor, but it was
aot until 1920 that they settled
upon the president of the Uni-
versity of Minnesota, Marion
LeRoy Burton.
. Some the the firmly-en-
trenched faculty were disquiet-
ed at the prospect of President
Burton, with his many, new
ideas, but in reality the man
from Minnesota was the best-
qualified college president for
the University.
Expansion was his speciality.
He had just finished such a
task at Minnesota, and before
that he had overhauled the en-
The new president stiffened
the administration, introducing
modern methods of data pro-
cessing and communication. He
held mass meetings with the
faculty and, inaugurated the
Daily Official Bulletin in The
In short, he spelled out a need
for team work and close co-
operation. Morale all over the
campus soared.
He presented a program of
construction that included ad-
ditions to Waterman Gym, and
erection of Randall Laboratory,
East Medical and East Engi-
neering Bldgs. And he never
stopped projecting for the
President Burton was very
tall, and his carrot-hued hair
set off his height. He always
seemed very much a dynamo
bursting with energy. A Yale
divinity graduate, he had
taught in a country school un-
til he earned his scholarship
to the New Haven school. While
there he also earned his doc-
torate and was the first presi-
dent to have one.
Though his physical condi-
tion was excellent, he 'suffered
from heart seizures more and
more often. His close associates
hushed them up.
Finally he found, however,
that he had to limit himself to
only the necessary duties. He
turned over much of the ad-
ministration to the various
deans and turned his atten-
tion to expansion.
The University Hospital was
only partially finished, and $2.9
million was needed to complete
it. Accompanied by Regent Wil-
liam L. Clements of Bay City,
President Burton personally
travelled to Lansing to plead
with the Legislature.
4. * *
IT MUST have been a spell-
binding speech. He demanded
$19 million for a long-range
program and $5 million of that
right away. The legislators were
so awed that they piled into
cars and buses and came en
masse to Ann Arbor to survey
the situation.
President Burton portrayed a
nicture of misery to them. He
islature for his proudest ac-
complishment, and he set
about the construction of An-
gell Hall.
Regent Clements, chairman of
the building and grounds com-
mittee, who kept President Bur-
ton from collapsing from sheer
One day, after coming from
a bedside session with President
Burton, he surveyed the jumble
of dingy shops and old homes
that lined the north side of
South University Street. He was
formulating a plan which re-
sulted in the donation of the
William L. Clements Library,
that would house some of the
most priceless books in the
world-his own collection.
He negotiated with several
fraternities and obtained a plot
across the street from the pres-
idents house on which to erect
the Cook Law Quadrangle and
Hutchins Hall, a product of
the Cook benefaction.
President Burton would gaze
out the windows of his home,
and he was pleased with the ac-
Answering his own question as
to whether YAP is succeeding, he
asserted that Russell Kirk has
said that 20 years ago there were
no conservative chapters on the
nations campuses whereas today
there are 165.
Ring of Newness
Addressing himself to the same
question Ross said that he was
not a pollster but that he was
"skeptical of talk of revival which
has a ring of newness which YAF
does not have."
He contended that the differ-
ence is one of organization. "Con-
servative youth are joining, pub-
lishing and demonstrating, some-
thing they did not do before."
He gave an "emphatic no" to
the question of whether the liberal
movement is on the decline. He as-
serted that the liberal movement
has grown more mature and poli-
tically sophicated even though
"some of us are becoming alarmed
at the lack of possibility for
Perishable Commodity
He said that to the Conserva-
tives "freedom is a perishable
commodity and even expendable.
..-T - +A +I T -mianTT" Arn-i
U'. Studies
University administrators are
studying a proposal which might
change current policies toward
controversial speakers using cam-
pus facilities.
The Committee on University
Lectures has forwarded recom-
mendations to the administration
which detail a policy and a re-
vised Regents Bylaw to encompass
it, Prof. Samuel D. Estep of the
law school, committee chairman,
-said yesterday. Action on the pro-
posal by the Regents may come
at their April or May meeting, he
Tentative Conclusions
Prof. Estep said that his com-
mittee has presented its "tenta-
tive conclusions" to Vice-President
for Student Affairs James A. Lew-
is. Lewis and other top adminis-
trative officers will review the rec-
ommendations and "may ask us
to consider some alternatives we
The seven-man study group was
named last fall after the original
lecture committee resigned because
of the cancellation of the annual
Platform Attractions series.
University President H a r 1 a n
Hatcher asked Estep to lead a new
student-faculty committee to re-
evaluate policy on outside speakers
and to look over Regents By-law
8.11 in the light of a new policy.
The committee also acted as the
lecture committee this year, grant-
ring nnroal for sneakers soonsor-
nicipal units and repeal of
some present taxes, such as in-
tangibles tax and the Business
Activities Tax, levied on the
gross sales of a . corporation,
regardless of profit.
Some nuisance taxes will be
passed to provide immediate rev-
Bitterly Opposed
The income tax has been bit-
terly opposed by GOP Senate reg-
ulars, and passage would represent
a major political breaK.
The first step in the coalition's
strategy to get its program through
the state Legislature will be to
discharge the Senate Taxation
Committee, bringing all tax bills
to the Senate floor for considera-
At present, only a package of
nuisance taxes is on the floor, with
all other proposals blocked in the
tax committee with little likeli-
hood of being reported out.
To Withdraw
Sen. Haskell Nichols (R-Jack-
son) has already introduced the
motion to discharge the taxation
committee, but he will withdraw
his motion, Thayer said. The mo-
tion will be immediately re-intro-
duced by Sen. Frank D. Beadle
(R-Ct. Clair). Beadle, the GOP
caucus leader, has been associat-
ed with the regular bloc, but he
has long favored a flat-rate in-
come tax.
The motion to discharge will
require 18 votes for passage, as
will the rest of the coalition's
strategy. Thayer said the votes are
there. The ten Senate Democrats
will join six of the senators who
have been identified as "moderate"
Republicans, Beadle and Sen.
Wedeprick H .ilhrt (R-Wavland)
Publie Ban
The Regents have renewed con
sideration of whether or not
open their regular formal meetin
to the general public, Regent A:
len R. Sorenson reported.
Sorenson raised the question
open sessions at the March R
gents' meeting. Discussion w
then postponed until the Ap
meeting. Sorenson said that R
gent Donald M. D. Thurber h
also been interested in action c
open sessions several months ag
Opening Sessions
At the April meeting, a repo
on the possibility of opening se
sions to the general public a:
the comments of University Pre
dent Harlan.Hatcher will be ava
University officials are now pri
paring a report on the practic
aspects of open sessions for t
April meeting.
Regents' meetings hive be
open to representatives of t
press since 1954, but not to t
general public. Sorenson said thT
the formal and official meetir
of a public body should be op
to the public.
Free Discussion
One objection to open meetir
has been that they would inhi
free discussion. Sorenson con
mented that the presence of t
press probably does this alrea
and that the Regents enld ho