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March 20, 1962 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-03-20

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Board Airs Moch Suggestions
(Continued from Page 1)
diction of IQC and Assembly As- in its special meeting, probably
re the only time it would be sociation. , . next week.
ying problems would be in Clearer Delination Housemothers, combining the
ng "no." Then after Moch and current functions of associate resident ad-
of. Earl Britton of the en- IQC President Robert Geary, '63E visor and staff checker, a "pay
ering college added that many had said they were unsure as to as you eat" plan, confidential
s in the past the board had exactly what students were em- non-academic evaluations and
quished its powers in refer- powered to do, and that residence graduate housing are the remain-
matters backto the sole Juris- halls student government was ing topics.
harmed psychologically by this un- Moch proposed that house-
certainty, the board members de- mothers be gradually abolished by
7 * e cided that they would make "a not filling vacancies as they occur.
ay R vise clearer delineation of authority These officials, whom Moch said
and responsibility" in the future. are probably paid three times as
The members then moved on to much as resident advisors, often
aIi Cc ourse Moch's recommendation that the arouse "indifference" and some-
business managers be answerable times "hostility."
R O M4-1to the educational staffs on the
quadrangle and interquadrangle
levels. Q ToElet' Six
He claimed that "business cer-
'ASHINGTON-Within a few sonnel often view the halls as
s there may bes adrastic re merelytanothershotel," and that T 0 C ounci
n in the Reserve Officers this attitude has been part of "a
lack of real guidance that has
ling Corps (ROTC) courses caused the halls to drift from their (Continued from Page 1)
red in hundreds of colleges .ai l --- n

May Begin
New Units
'Next Term
(Continued from Page 1)
Acting Dean of Women Eliza-
bethe Davenport said that the co-
educational dormitories for women
will probably not include first se-
mester freshmen.
"I can see no way we can put
incoming freshmen in coed dorms
due to the option we give girls
already here. Even if there were
no option, it would still be impos-
sible since about 90 per cent of
the housing contracts have already
been sent out."
The only Board member to vote
against co-educational housing for
the coming semester was Assem-
bly President Sally Jo Sawyer, '62.
"I am not opposed to co-educa-
tional housing-in fact, I'm quite
in favor of it. The whole proposal
was simply rushed through-they
didn't consultthe people involved,
at all," she said.
"Victor Vaughan and Geddes
Co-op will not be women's hous-
ing next semester. We don't know
what Vaughan will be converted
to, and although the girls living
here and in Geddes have been told
they may move as a house to a
different dormitory, it presents
quite a problem."
Miss Sawyer said that one of
the chief problems will arise from
the fact that present house offi-
cers may possibly not be permitted
to officiate in the co-educational
dorms, and that the women will
miss a good deal of the tradition
which has developed through the
years in the various dormitories.
"The Shiel Committee told me
that it wouldn't matter if Assem-
bly had in its recommendations in
January or March since it would
be impossible to have co-educa-
tional housing in the fall, 1962
semester," Miss Sawyer said.

Finney Sees Association
Of Meanings in Music
"The person who certainly
wouldn't write about the subject,
patterns and meaning in music,
is the composer," Prof. Ross Lee
Finney said Sunday night at a
Creative Arts Festival lecture.
"Music is eventfulness of sound
in space," Prof. Finney said. It
has derived its meaning in three
ways: from the association of an
external event with music, from
association with words and dance
and by reflecting human emotion.
The third kind of meaning tends
to become more subtle and com- i
plex as music progresses, he add-
The composer does not like to
stress meaning in music because
it is impossible to translate musi-
cal meaning to verbal meaning.
Ancient Relationship :.'
Music has a very ancient rela- PROF. ROSS LEE FINNS
tionship with science, Prof. Fin- ... patterns in sound
ney noted. It was the first area
in which the scientific method was sical discovery of the pasi
emplyed ths beng henmusic centuries, Prof. Finney said.
employed, this being whenmui method_ allows the listener i
began to be analyzed by the use laxs
of numbers. However, musical U r eh.
thinking cannot be programmed iUnfortunately, the "boxes"
on an IBM machine, Prof. Finney distort the gestures and da
noted. fluidity, he added. It is a
He stressed the fact that the di- idea and it dies hard, but
rection from which we hear music being attacked vigorously tod
is most significant. It is helpful to Soviet Composers
our appreciation of music to have Soviet composers differ
the performer in front of us, he conspicuously from American
explained. This is the principle posers in their tendency to i
of "presence" well known to. the the "box" method 'in their r
recording industry. Prof. Finney explained.
Patterns Complex Finney illustrated his poi:
The patterns of rhythm are so playing tapes of a few of his
complex that we can only hear a works; including his Second
few of them. It was exciting to phony. He demonstrated hi
find young composers concerning of other devices, for insi
themselves with complex rhythms, hexagons rather than the cos
Prof. Finney noted. tional boxes.
The principle of constructing The magic of music com
"boxes" or four-sided patterns, in cates by means of the inner
which a musical gesture can live, ture causing the listener to
has been the most important mu- get the mechanics and pat

Lorenzi, '64, and Forrest Evashev-
ski, Jr., '64, are running for the
athletic board.
Seeking student seats on the
student publications board. are
Arthur Frederick, '64L, Paul Kry-
nicki, '63, John McReynolds, '64,
and Selma Sawaya, '62.
W. George Bassett, '64, Edward
Berger, '64, Michael Harrah, '63-
BAd, Michael Olinick, '63, Stanley
Saeks, '63, and James Seff, '63, are
seeking undergraduate Union
posts. The graduate seats are
sought by James L. Copeland, '62L,
and Herbert Heidenreich, Grad,
and Richard Rossman, Grad.
Michael Burk and Lawrence Her-
ron are seeking the business ad-
ministration school senior class
presidency; and Stuart Goldberg,
In the education school John
Leigermann and Jean Samuelson
are running unopposed for senior
class president and vice-president.
David Hood and John Scott are
running for engineering college
senior class president; David Bra-
zier, Daniel Brown and Gary,
Jo a chin, vice-president; and
Thomas Wile, secretary-treasurer.
Mark Perlov, Barry Rosenfeld,
Robert Walters and Michael Wein-
berger are seeking the literary
college senior class presidency;
Mark Muskowitz and Jeffrey Rub-
enstein, vice - president; Stuart
Goodall and Sharon McGue, sec-
retary; and Michael Bloom, Roger
Goldman, James Lipton and Mal
Warwick, treasurer.
Only men may vote for mem-
bers of the ?athletic and union
Only second semester Juniors
and first semester seniors can vote'
for senior class officers, Robert
Zimmer, '64, co-elections director
said yesterday.
For the first time in SGC elec-
tions Sanford Security Service will
patrol the polling places to protect
against election violations.

Livant Cites Need for Youth
To Challenge Peace Experts




"Don't sell yourself short; the em-
peror may not have clothes on,"
William Livant of the Mental
Health Research Institute told stu-
dents Sunday in Jordan Hall.
Speaking on the American role
in the peace race, Livant said there
is a need for young people to
challenge the claims of exper-
"When an expert has worked
on a problem for a long time, he
may develop a blind spot or work
himself into a cul de sac," he said.
UCLA Drops,
Phi Kappa Psi
On In fraction
LOS ANGELES - The Univer-
sity of California at Los Angeles
suspended Phi Kappa Psi frater-
nity for illegal initiation prac-
According to UCLA officials
there was no question that fra-
ternity members participated in
physical abuse and hazing of
Phi Psi will be eligible for re-
instatement only if its national
organization and the UCLA ad-
ministration both recommend such
The fraternity will no longer
be allowed to participate in rush-
ing, pledging, social activities or
voting in UCLA Interfraternity
Council for an indefinite period.
* * *
STANFORD- September, 1963.
will mark the demise of the geog-
raphy department at Stanford
The two top professors in the
department are retiring at that
time and the board of trustees de-
cided, since "it is so difficult to
find satisfactory replacements," to
close the department as a separ-
ate unit.
Basic geography courses will be
continued as a part of the curric-
ula in other departments, however.
AMES--The Iowa State board
of regents has approved an elec-
tive Reserve Officers Training
Program for that school.
Under the new program, which
will be instituted in September,
students may elect either basic
ROTC or an equivalent number of
academic credits.
The switch was the result of a
year-long study by a special fac-
ulty committee, which revealed
that the Defense Department does
not consider compulsory ROTC

"That is why new blood is im-
Livant said students can hold
leaders responsible for their deci-
sions, and noted that there fre-
quently is a line of buck-passing
in decision making.
As an example, a congressman
may say that a matter should be
left up to the President. Then the
President in making the decision,
says he has acted in accordance
with public opinion.
Livant also said "the incorrect
use of symbols in language places
limits on one's ability to think."
"Phrases like 'adequate inspec-
tion control,' 'credible deterrent,'
and dozens of others frequently
roll off our tongues," Livant con-
One should ask what "adequate"
means. "Does it mean 'perfect'?"
he continued. "One should for-
mulate questions about these sym-
bols," Livant advised. "Behind the
mask, there may be no face, or a
face imperfectly formed."
One should attempt to find sit-
uations in one's own common ex-
perience, for example in the fam-
ily, which are analogous to those
of the Cold War, Livant said. If
one can do this, he can demo-
cratize problem solving, thereby
making it relevant to one's every-
day experiences.
The problems of militarism and
arms suppliers tie in with those
of unemployment and changing
patterns in industry and skills,
Livant said.
Livant said that it is a premise
of democracy that the people are
entitled to information. If the in-
formation is not available to all,
it should not be admissible in
an argument, Livant added. Re-
lying on the phrase "classified
information" may merely be erect-
ing a facade to cover up erron-
eous evidence, he said.


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