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March 10, 1962 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-03-10

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Seventy-Second Year
ere Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. *Phone NO 2-3241
ruth Will Prevail"
litorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of stag writers
or the editors. This 'must be noted in all reprints.

Alt I'

A Readers Plague
On Both Our Houses

MARCH 10, 1962


Center for 'U'.Teaching:
Great Acae Innovation

ching receives approval from the deans,
he necessary go-ahead from the Regents,
1 probably be the best bargain the Uni-
y has gotten in a long time.
igned to improve the quality of instruc-
the Center would provide assistance to
y members .in various aspects of pro-
ted learning and improved teaching
most encouraging aspect of the plan is
.t was proposed by two separate faculty
ittees. This means that faculty members
need for a change and that they are
us to begin implementing it.
THE FIRST TIME, the faculty is re-
sing that teaching does not "come
ally" to anyone who acquires a Ph.D.
important to the student that his in-
or be a teacher as well as a scholar.
ng with formal methods of instruction,
enter, deliberately left free to expand
several lines, will be encouraged to devise
experiment with new programs. Many
ese are currently being tested in several
r and more progressive institutions and
:ted here, not because they are worthless,
ecause there has not been time or fa- '
s available for implementing them.

the year on campus and the rest of the time
working at a job related to their fields of
Directed reading and tutorial programs for
undergraduates might be instituted on a trial
basis. There could be further investigation on
the benefits of staffing residence halls with
faculty rather than administrators.
An attempt might be made. to allow senior
honors students, particularly those in English,
to instruct certain freshman classes for credit.
ALL THESE and multitudes of other ideas
would no longer have to be discarded or
filed for future reference simply because they
involve too much planning or too many
changes. It would be the function of the Cen-
ter to investigate all such possibilities seriously
and to study and perhaps try out all new ideas
before discarding them.
Roger W. Heyns, vice-president for academic
affairs and dean of the literary college, has
submitted copies of the recommendation for
the center to the deans of the various schools
and colleges. He has requested their opinion
by Tuesday.
If the reaction is generally favorable, a
recommendation for establishment of the Cen-
ter will probably be submitted to the Regents
at their April meeting.



MORE H Aoltv

>lit-third semester program, the Univer-
night be able to try a system. like
:h's, permitting students to spend half,


rague will display photographs of the
nath of the Hiroshima A-Bomb massacre.
tures of twisted, burned and crushed re-
s of buildings and people, mass grief and
ring, and horrible growths and disfigura-
on barely living survivors should be re-
d viewing for those who believe "it can't
en' here" or "it wouldn't be so bad if
opened here."
jolts their comforting notion that nuclear
vould find everyone safe, calm and healthy
happy, homey bomb shelter, just passing
until it's safe to go back outside and
.i mowing the lawn.
E CITIZENS of Hiroshima, even though
span was at war and expecting bombing
ks, were caught by'surprise by the attack,
had no opportunity to' retreat to air raid
ers to escape the small A-Bomb delivered
-29's. How much chance do we stand today
ist H-Bombs and ICBM's?
e Hiroshima scenes don't present a pro-
I intellectual case for disarmament. There
nany problems which can't be solved by
iming, "How horrible!" But the pictures do
home, to those who are not moved by
etions of incomprehensible millions of
is from a nuclear war, or the fact that
problems must be solved, and disarma-
achieved-before Hiroshima becomes the.
i.- T

DETAILS for specific Center projects and
staff are not finished yet, but if the Regents
approve the idea, it is hard to imagine that
there is! a lack of qualified men who would be
eager to begin work in several different areas.
The problem of location will have. to be
overcome, since building funds are out of the
question in, these lean days and space on the
already over-crowded campus is at a premium.
put once it was established, the cost of
maintaining the Center would be unbelievably
low. The proposed initial cost would be an
annual $110,000. Funds from special projects
would come from research grants.
"self-teaching" or "programmed learning"
devices and raise the calibre of teaching of
material which the instructor must present
to the class in person, the Center will make
it possible for students to derive the greatest
possible benefit from a professor's learning.
The professor, freed from the "junk work" of
quizzes and needless and boring repetition of
material already available in texts, vyill be
better able to share with his students his full
intellectual resources.
The horrors of "programmed learning" are
frequently illustrated in cartoons by red-nosed
robots conducting calculus classes. These are
real only if devices such as teaching machines,
televisions and tape recorders are used to re-
place human faculty.
If the two types of instruction are judiciously
combined, the student derives the greatest
possible benefits both from independent study'
and from contract with his instructor. This
optimum combination is what the Center would
strive to achieve, and in doing so, it would
be the greatest academic innovation in the
recent history of the University.

(EDITOR'S NOTE-This is'the last
In a two-part series on language
study in Paris.)
Daily Correspondent
PARIS-In learning a new Ian-
gauge, newspapers and movies are
great vocabulary builders. They
deal with "la langue courante," the
living language as it is written
and spoken today.
The foreign student's favorite
sport is to head for the movies,
with his "carnet de vocabulaire"
(the language student's Bible) and
his pencil. The Frenchman in the
next seat may look perplexed as
the student sits scribbling madly
-he certainly has no idea of all
the things one learns this way.
* * *
IT GOES WITHOUT saying that
there is a marked difference be-
tween schoolbook French and the
living, spoken tongue. Teachers in
the states teach the literary lan-
guage; and rarely use slang which,
in the eyes of the French Aca-
demy, does not exist. There are
many words one reads, but never
says-the French, like all people,
have selected _ several hundred
which they use over and over in
The bright British student ar-
rives in Paris with a fine back-
ground in French poetry. He
speaks to his cab driver in elegant
Baudelairian terms, and finds
himself the object of a hearty
* * *
THERE ARE MANY subtle dif-
ferences in language use which
one doesn't run into in French
class. If the student says "you're
welcome," with the li'n'y a de
pas" of his first French lesson,

he will be marked as a foreigner
immediately. For the French, "pas
de quoi" is sufficient, "je vous en
prie" is very polite, and the more
casual "ca va" or "ca ne fait rien"
("it's nothing") are common.
The dreaded subjunctive tense,
not , generally emphasized in
grammar study in America, is al-
ways used in conversation. The
adverbial pronoun "en"-long a
problem for American students of
French-is very popular in urrent
French. In many cases, "en" has
no relationto anything preceding
it in the sentence; it is just added,
almost senselessly, in the middle
of a phrase (J'en veux a, il se'en
. * *
THE USE of the familiar pro-
poun "tu" is one of the anomalies
of the spoken French language. In-
structors in America lead one to
believe that "tu" is used only with
one's lover or immediate family.
Because of this, the average stu-
dent from America has never used
the "tu" forms. But French stu-
dents always use this second per-
son singular form in conversation
with contemporaries-usually soon
after meeting them.
But although one may use "tu"
with a French student after twenty
minutes in a cafe, a paying guest
in a French family would generally
address the family formally, as
"vous" through his entire visit-
whether it is one year on twenty.
This is as much a reflection of
the French attitude as the French
language. The kindest French
family preserves a certain distance,
between themselves and a for-
eigner; the French limit their
relationships with strangers much

Jargon and Argot in French

Ann ual Impasse in Lansing

more than, for example, the Ger-
Even within the French family,
customs of address vary. In some
parents formally, with "vous" a
a term of respect, although this
is now quite rare. But letters to
parents are commonly written in
this form.
* * *
THE ARGOT, or slang of Paris,
also confuses the foreigner. The
proper French aristocrats of the
chic 16th arrondissement never
use it;,the Academie Francaise
refuses to admit it exists, but
many of the idioms are expressive
and indispensible.
The formalists contend, and
with justification, that argot cor-
rupts the beauty and clarity of the
French language. It is true that
many slang expressions are in-
disputably ugly in sound, and often
imprecise in meaning.
"Vachement," an adverb mean-
ing "really," is formed from the
noun vache (cow). It is one of
these ugly, but indispensible ex-
pressions. One can't get along
anywhere in the world without an
eqpivalent for "j'en ai marre"
("I'm fed up,"), or "c'est la barbe"
(literally, "it's the beard," but
idiomatic for "It's maddening.")
"Fou" and "follo" ("crazy") are
popular; "formidable," and "sen-
sationnel" at the moment substi-
tute for our "neat" and "cool." In
the argot, "flirter" is to make out;
"mignon" means "cute" and is
applied to everything from cars
to girls.
Many English words have been
adopted by the French. A head-
line i one of the city's dailies
might typically read "La cover
girl revien pour la surprise party
ce weekend." French students call
all parties surprise parties, wheth-
er they are surprises or not.
downs to language study. Many
compliments are thrown your way
-it's an art to learn who is sin-
cere and who is just being nice.
But sooner or later the happy day
comes when the French madame
who, up to that moment has very
discreetly said nothing, remarks:
"My, you certainly have made pro-
gress in speaking haven't you?"
These compliments are highly
The more advanced student can
be as easily discouraged as the
beginner. The advanced student
has mastered the several hundred
wordshused in common language.
Now he finds himself confronted
with the little-known words-par-
ticularly in reading. He sees a new
word, looks it up, writes it down
-and loses 'it because he doesn't
run into the same expression again
for a long time.
He reaches a point where he
feels he can't make any more
progress. There are whole new
worlds of technical words in poli-
tics, medicine and art. A discus-
sion of a space flight, for example,
requires an extensive vocabulary.
This can be discouraging. But
for the language student, the dis-
covery of new words is as exciting
as the discovery of a new land to

MacNeal and Harrah .. .
.o the Editor:
WHEVER I GO nowadays, I hear
people laughing at The Daily's
"extremist twins," Michael Harrah
and Martha MacNeal. Well, I
don't think it's so funny. On my
desk there's a bill from The Daily
for $8.00, and part of that amount
has been buying me the editorial
page of this newspaper. Whatever
portion of that amount is so
allocable, it hasn't been worth it.
Perhaps I'm asking too much,
but I should think that the mem-
bers of The Daily staff should
allow their primary and united
interest, themselves, give way to
the interests of their reading pub-
lic Just once in a while. A long
time ago, it was very clear from
the letters published in The Daily
and from the loud mutterings
around campus that the writings
of Mr. Harrah, his never-wavering
philosophy, his hate of the Demo-
cratic Party, and his strange habit
of discussing matters he knows
absolutely nothing about without
bothering to engage in the slight-
est bit of research, have all been
digested by readers of The Daily.
There is no need for Mr. Harrah
to grace the editorial page with
more of the same in a different
form. There is no need for him to
dig through the dusty files of old
Democratic speeches and find that
promises which were made in the
heat of a political campaign have
been broken in the teeth of the
cold war.
is not the only offender. From
some dark corner in the Student
Publications 'Building. comes the
fear-filled voice of Miss MacNeal,
echoing the sentiments of Cyrus
Eaton and others.
In addition to her pleas for
conilliation and capitulation, Miss
MacNeal has taken the time to
advance the interesting legal pro-
position that the more crimes one
commits, preferably six-million
murders, the greater should be his
chance of escaping capital punish-
ment. Somehow, her feelings about
an ideal legal system don't quite
square with her belief that living
under the Russians wouldn't be
so bad. Their ideas about capital
punishment, from what I've heard,
are not exactly negative.
It seems to me that the 3ditors
of The Daily have a responsibility
to use great care in pblishing the
editorial page, to include in The
Daily only cogent and well-written
editorials, and to make some con-
tribution to the intellects -of its
readers. A newspaper shouldn't be
used to play "king of the moun-
tain" or to prove to everyone that
you're an independent thinker.
Most of the writers on The Daily
seem to be independent.
Aside from the few pennies I see
going down the drain daily, what
brings the shudder to my spine is
the thought that I am not the
only one reading this paper, that
there are professors who read the
editorial page and think pt is
written by typical students, that
somewhere there is an old copy of
The Daily, with an editorial by
Martha MacNeal or Michael Har-
rah, which anyone can pick up
and read.
How can Mr. Harrah complain
about lack of interest in support-
ing colleges when so many people
have probably read his editorials
and seen what a college education
did for him? I wonder if he's
looked up "judicial review" het,
-Harvey Katz, '63
To the Editor:
MR. HARRAH is apparently dis-
tressed at The Daily's liberal
policies. Might I suggest that the
oppressed minority's champion ex-
pressapproval rather than resent
towards the atmosphere that

"dominates" his paper. For it is
precisely this freedom that has
afforded him a megaphone for
his verbosity throughout the fall
and winter. Indeed, The Daily has
been admirably democratic in re-
gard to Mr. Harrah's opinions
(which I assume represent the
cries of the ruthlessly subjugated
But might I suggest further
that The Daily temper its sense
of fair play with a bit of dis-
crimination. For when it allows
an undisciplined sophist to ask
that the University purge its at-
mosphere of extreme right wing
agitation by "inciting the con-.
servatives," and thereby balance
the "subversive category" which,
constitutes its public image, The
Daily proves dedication to its mot-
to, but not to the high standard
of journalism that it normally
-Ron Newman,1'63

missile missile. They seem also to
have progressed toward enormous
explosive power in a relatively
small-sized warhead.
It seems to me that as long as
the U.S.S.R. refuses to agree to
adequate inspection and controls
we have no choice but to .esume
testing in an effort to keep one
jump ahead. To condemn the
President for ordering tests re-
sumed is, I think, unfair. That
decision was forced upon him by
Soviet nuclear progress in the ab-
sence of U. S. tests.
We must keep trying to reach
an arms accord. The future of
Earth depends upon it. But to
allow the Soviets to achieve nu-
clear superiority would be un-
thinkable and disastrous.
--Thomas J. Ozinga, Grad
Harrah . .
To the Editor:
"Thunder on the Right. .."
in Thursday's Daily is an excel-
lent example of the voice of ig-
norance wailing over something he
knows nothing about.
Mr. Harah refers specifically to
the John Birch Society in Van
Buren County as launching an
attack on Michigan State Univer-
sity and its president, Dr. John
Hanna. This entire idea is false
and grossly unfair to the people
of Van Buren County. I should
like to set the record straight,
from personal experience:
Last fall1, Professor John Moore
from MSU was invited to address a
meeting of the Van Buren County
Farm Bureau. In his address, Dr.
Moore, who had become affiliated
with State's Conservative Club,
told the group that he had ,ac-
cumulated a considerable body of
information indicating that the
voice of conservatism on State's
campus was not being allowed the
freedom of expression that the
liberal voice was receiving.
** *

THE ADDRESS was reviewed
objectively in the Van Buren
County Farm Bureau News. The
review later came into the bands
of Dr. John Hanna, State's presi-
dent, who was to open a conven-
tion of Michigan's Farm Bureau.
In his introdtuctory remarks, Dr.
Hanna condemned Dr. MItoore and,
among other things, proposed the
censoring of Van Buren County's
Farm Bureau newspaper.
The Van Bureau Farm Bureau,
a conservative group, came out in
support of Dr. Moore because Dr.
Moore was fighting for nothing
more than the right to express a
minority opinion. Why in the
name of all that's holy does this
make these people members of the
John Birch Society?
Mr. Harrah, you are guilty of
being ignorant of the facts and
prejudiced in your opinion. The
people in Van Buren County who
are in sympathy with Dr. Moore
are no more members of the John
Birch Society than Gore Vidal, and
your lumping together of every
conservative viewpoint into a radi-
cal right-wing group is not only
woefully ignorant, but bigoted, fla-
grantly malicious, and dangerous
to our heritage of free speech. It
is certainly time that you realize
the simple fact that not eveyone
who isn't a liberal is a Bircfer.
--Jim Theisen, Grad
Japanese Students...
To the Editor:
E ARTICLE "Students Dis-
cuss Paternalism" in the March
second issue of The Daily quoted
me as saying "Japanese students
are not politically active as. a
group but as individual citizens."
This comment surprised me since
I never made a statement of such
a nature. Taken at face value,
such a report would be completely
false information on the Japanese
student movement. n ,
It is 'true that I "mentioned In
Japan, students are regarded as
citizens in that they are not
objects of paternalism. This stems
from three basic differences be-
tween the Japanese and American
university systems; Japanese uni-
versities are generally located in
urban areas, precluding the exist-
ence of university communities and
the fact that les than 10 per
cent of the students live in dormi-
tories Then, too, there is con-
spicuous lack of puritan influence
and moral sanctions in Japanese
* * *
BUT THIS does not necessarily
mean that students are politically
active as individual citizens and
not as groups. The political ac-
tivities of Japanese students are
carried out mostly by groups, na-
tionally organized and it is rather
difficult to find individual poli-
tical activities on the part of the
Anyone familiar with the Japan-
ese political scene is extremely
aware of the influence of politi-
cally oriented groups of students
such as the Zengakuren or Shjga-
kuren. The reasons for this are
the existence of strong trends in
society regarding students as free
on wna.,.a ,.,frnm nthv IUWni1

[INGS HAVE COME to a sorry state when
he various factions in the Legislature
rt to playing games with each other. That's
way things stand in Lansing this morning.
he Republican Regulars, headed by Sen.
le O. Geerlings (R-Holland) have posted
.gn on the door of the Senate Taxation
zmiltee room. It reads: "No Statewide In-
e Tax Shall Pass through this door this
be Democrats have all taken a blood oath
z Gov. John B. Swainson to oppose every
sure the Republicans offer.
id the GOP Moderates have threatened to
on their hands," rather than vote for the
ublican proposed nuisance tax package.
his results in a physical impasse which
t be overcome. All the lawmakers could be
e until doomsday and not accomplish any-
THE HOUSE, it is totally impossible to
ass any important legislation. It takes 56
s to pass any bills in the House, and
her party has that number. And with Rep.
. Handy (R-Eau Claire) in the hospital
finitely, there is no prospect of the GOP
ing the needed majority before the 'session
ouse Democrats are following the Swainson
so nothing will pass that chamber.
i the Senate, the Taxation Committee re-
s to report out an income tax measure in
form. Gov. Swainson's program calls for
income tax, and he's announced that's all
consider. -
he Senate lines up 22 Republicans and
Democrats, and 18 votes are required to

impossible in the House, and Swainson will
veto any Republican measure anyway.
Somebody- may give in somewhere, but it's
an election year, so chances are slim. Mean-
while nothing gets done.
OWEVER, there is one difference in this
annual impasse. For the first time in 14
years, the Republicans, who have opposed any
new taxes whatsoever, are willing to com-
promise. Now it is the Democrats who want
all or nothing.
Speaker of the House Don R. Pears CR-
Buchanan) admits the hopelessness of the
situation. "We'll just have to rely on the
Democrats for the winning votes," he says.
But the governor won't stand for that.
The solution lies with two factions: the
Moderate Republicans, who can stop this hand-
sitting nonsense and vote for the nuisance taxes
as acompromise measure between the extremes
of no new taxes and an income tax; and the
Governor, who, in the interests of helping
Michigan, could call off his Republican blitz.
How the situation will resolve itself is any-
one's guess, Probably some Upper Peninsula
Democrat will take' pity on the taxpayers and
bolt his party to vote with the Republicans.
This has happened during previous stalemates.
BUT ITS TIME the people took this matter
in hand. For 14 years they've faithfully.
elected a Democratic administration and a
Republican Legislature who promptly spent the
next two years fighting with each other.
Contrary to common belief, this situation is
not due to improper apportionment or any
_+- -rr-.+i-t +A ,rMa xTf-rc19aVA cmnl

Steber Recital Excellent
ELEANOR STEBER, graciously substituting for Ann, Moffo who was
to substitute for Leontyne Price, presented a program last night
that was outstanding for its excellence and extensive range of style.
In the opening Alleluja, from the Mozart motet, Exsultate, Jubilate,
Miss Steber revealed a voice of 'extreme flexibility, excellent control
and precise intonation. The remaining Mozart arias in this set,
Zeffiretti lushinghieri from Idomeneo, and Dove sono from Le Nozze
di Figaro, were less successful, although Miss Steber carried the long
bel canto lines of the Idomeneo aria with much sensitivity. Throughout
the Mozart set she displayed a vibrato that was controlled, but at
times excessive, and her histrionics were of questioned appropriateness.
* * *
WHEN LISTENING to the Seven Early Songs of Alan Berg, it
seems probable that they were conceived for the contralto voice. Miss
Steber's voice fortunately exhibited that peculiar, hauntingly dark
quality that these early, almost impressionistic songs demand. Mr.
John Wustman, former Michigan alumnus, provided outstanding
accompaniment, dramatically conceived to compliment the vocal line.
Undoubtedly the highlight of the evening, was the subtle inter-
pretation of six songs of Debussy. In the French art song, the melody
is ruled by the text; no poetic detail is sacrificed for effect. Miss
Steber displayed _a wonderful insight into the problems of these
works, and her voice floated in a light, capricious, and truly delicate
line over the complex, vaporous harmonies of the piano.
The range of these songs, lying within her most expressive area,
accounted greatly for the success of these selections. Never did she
succumb to the wispy vagueness that is so often a pitfall in impres-
sionistic songs. Miss Steber managed to produce a strong line of
solid dimensions, without losing any of the sensuousness and precise

Mae. . ..
To the Editor:
MARTHA MacNEAL'S comments
in Sunday's Daily are com-
mendable in that they reflect what
seems to be a genuine desire for
ana e- a o_4nirain ..ar a ai

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