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March 10, 1962 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-03-10

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Semi-Finalists Argue Case
he 12 semi-finalists in the
pbell Competition of the Law
)ol presented their oral argu-
ts yesterday .and Thursday to a
Supreme Court" composed of
e law professors,
he Campbell Competition is an
ual argument of a case of par-
[ar interest and note, David
house, '63L, chairman of the
pbell Committee, said. This
the case involves wire tap-
and whether statutes permit-
police wire tapping are in-
ding on individual's rights.
ie case, "Gallagher versus Iri-
" was written by Prof. James
xeorge of the LawSchool.
Elimination Process'
ze competition is based upon
limination process of Juniors
he Law School, he 'explained.
students are eliminated after
Judges consider their written
s and oral arguments on the

In each round there is a
am of two petitioners and a
am of two respondents. The pe-
soners are appealing the convic-I
on of their client in the lower
urts and the respondents are
fending the decision of the low-
courts, Dykhouse said.
The court in the semi-final was
mposed of Assistarit Dean Roy
offitt and Professors John W.
eed and Luke Cooperrider of the
iw School.
Select Finalists
Four finalists were selected
om this round to' argue the case
1 April 4.
The four finalists are Robert
McBride, '63L; Michael H.
etzger, '63L; William R. Jones,
'631; and Arthur V. N.Brooks,
L. The final round winners will
ceive $125 and the losers receive
The brief award winners were
ailip F. Wood, '63L, and H. C.
iyder, '63L, each of. whom re-
ived $15. The score was based on
team effort-the scores of the
,rtners being totalled for the
sult with some additional weight
ing given to overall integration
id organization of the argument,
rn and persuasiveness as a
hole. This award is made inde-
ndently of who is a finalist and
ho is not.
Justice Potter Stewart of the
nited States Supreme Court will
one of the judges on the court
the final round, he added.
The Campbell Competition be-
n in 1928. It is endowed by a
etroit law firm in -honor of Hen-
M. Campbell who served on
e Michigan Supreme Court.
Distinguished Winners
"Most of the winners in past
ars have gone on to have dis-
iguished law careers and many
ve become advocates or judges,"
rkhouse said.
Last year's case involved Negro
it-in" demonstrations in regard
the equal protection clause of
e federal constitution.

-Daily-Jeffrey Fortune
"GALLAGHER VS. IRIANA"-A petitioner argues a wiretapping
case before the "Supreme Court" composed of three Law School
professors i the Campbell Competition.
Joint Judie Proposes
Changye in Procedures

OSA Report
(Continued from Page 1)
McEldowney said that he
doubted this was presently the
case, but added, "it could evolve
into such a situation."
Burkhalter objected to the cre-
ation of the Dean of Students,
commenting, "I don't think the
particular responsibilities of the
Dean of Students necessitates
somebody in charge of this sort
of thing.".
Equal Stature
McEldowney said that all the
posts under the Dean and Asso-
ciate Dean of Students should be
of equal stature; that there was
"no need" for an assistant dean
to handle discipline when the oth-
er sections were not headed by as-
sistant 'deans.
He added, "I think the assist-
ant dean has been given too many
discretionary powers: which ju-
dic to take a case to, power to take
a case to the joint appeal board,
for example. These powers should
rather be exercised by the joint
appeal board."
Mixed Criticism
The comments, on the judiciary
system proposed by the Reed com-
mittee mixed criticism and ap-
Miss Wheeler said, "there is ab-
solutely no hope for Joint Judic;
the best thing to do is completely
drop it and start over with a
whole new program. Too often,
people whose problems are emo-
tional or psychological are treated
more like criminals than like
they're sick."
She called for a psychological
counselor to work with each of
the house judiciaries, "so they
could see the people on a personal,
day-to-day basis," and suggested
that Joint Judic members be elect-
ed by the student body.
Criticizes Structure
Burkhalter criticized the judi-
ciary structure from a different
angle: "They don't make clear
the relationship between rule en-
forcement and counseling, which
may cause trouble. To what ex-
tent is the judicial system a coun-
seling system and to what extent
is it a judicial system? The report
doesn't specify."
Report's Future
Miss Wheeler commented on the
future of the OSA Study Commit-
tee's suggested changes, now in
the hands of Vice-President for
Student Affairs James A. Lewis,
who will submit his recommenda-
tions to the Regents for final ap-
"Lewis is a man of very strong
convictions, and he usually de-
clines to comment. There's no way
of knowing what he's going to do.
The Regents at this point are
composed of relatively liberal
people who have been :silently
agitiating for this type of action
from the faculty and students for
a long time. I suspect that they'll
go along with it wholeheartedly,"
she said.

Bretton Clai
"The press is not reflecting th
attitude of the African nations
accurately," Prof. Henry L. Bret-
ton of the political science de
partment says.
This is one of Prof. Bretton'
findings on his third trip to Wes
Africa, where he visited Nigeria
Ghana, the Ivory Coast and Sen
egal. His trip was sponsored b
the Rackham School of Graduat
By overemphasizing the sensa
tional, Prof. Bretton says, that th
press overlooks the effort by th
African nations to "cope with the
overwhelming problems inheite
from colonialism in a dignifie
and peaceful manner."
Prof. Bretton found that th
biggest problem these nations fac
is the unsuitable governmenta
structure left behind by the colon
ial powers. "Because it is very dif
ficult to work with, the West get
the impression that the Africa
nations are incapable of self -gov
He also explains that racia
prejudice and "our exaggerate
concern for Cold War matters-
that is, our tendency to accep
only two types of systems, Corn
munist and non-Communist" also
interfere with effective evaluatio
of the African situation.
Prof. Bretton believes that one
must learn to recognize the differ
ences between various systems of
the individual nations, as well a:
their differing needs. "Only 'i
this way may we most effective
ly use our foreign aid and tech-
nical assistance as a tool to hell
these nations and to combatCom
mnunism in. Africa."
Band Receives
$1,000 Award
For Concerts
The University Symphony Ban
has been named by the America
Society of Composers, Authors and
Publishers (ASCAP) the winner o
the 1962 National Federation o
Music Clubs award of $1,000.-
The ASCAP award is presentei
to the artist or group which "mos
effectively increases the apprecia
tion of American music in foreign
The band, which is under th
direction of Prof. William D. Re
velli of the music school, gave 8
concerts and 838 performances i
a concert tour of the Soviet Un
ion, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Cy
press, Turkey, Greece, Rumani
and Poland.
Deems Taylor an America
composer and the chairman o
the judges for the award, sai
that it is considered desirable tha
American music become know
and respected in these countries.
The time and place for the pres
entation of the award will be an
nounced at a later date.

(Continued from Page 1)
is such that it reflects poorly on
the University, we want to im-
press this fact upon him," Berger
In extraordinary cases where a
major offense is involved Joint
Judic would reserve the right to
suspend or expel the guilty stu-
IFC Suggests
New Officers/
The Interfraternity Council
Executive Committee has inter-
viewed petitioners for IFC offices
and will make its recommenda-
tions to the next meeting of the
Fraternity Presidents Assembly,
March 20.
John Meyerholz, '63BAd, this
year's IFC rush chairman, will be
recommended for the office of
president. Other recommendations
include: Frederick Riecker, '63, for
executive vice-president; David
Croysdale, '63, for administrative
vice-president; and Jack Mathias,
'63, for treasurer. No one will be
recommended for secretary.
These recommendations are not
final. Anyone else can be nominat-
ed from the floor of FPA, after
which the voting, restricted to cur-
rent fraternity presidents, will be

In changing the conditions un-
der which evidence is admissible,
the council would not accept any
evidence that is obtained by forc-
ed entry without a warrant into
non-University residences. Berger
explained that Joint Judic includes
fraternities, sororities and co-
operative houses along with resi-
dence halls as University housing
and that this policy would not
apply to them.
Written testimony from repre-
sentatives of the Dean of Men,
Dean of Women, Investigator Har-
old Swoverland, the Arnn Arbor
Police or the University Patrol
will only be accepted if it comes
from someone who was present at
the scene of the violation.
Reject Hearsay
Hearsay evidence will be reject-
ed and student evidence will be
accepted "at face value" if it con-
flicts from administration testi-
mony. The latter is a continuation
of present judic policy.
The council would also demand
that the only non-members' who
could attend their- deliberations
would be one representative from
the Dean of Men and one from the
Dean of Women. These two would
attend the sessions regularly and
no other administrator would be
Joint Judic has been studying
the Office of Student Affairs
Study Report and will make rec-
ommendations about it-with spe-
cial emphasis on rule making and
rule enforcement-to Vice-Presi-
dent for Student Affairs James A.

'44=; The League Lady Says:
ims Africans LEAGUE
ted by PressPetitioning March 5-25
Pick up petiton n Lague
Undergraduate Office
e Interviewing March 12-25
k ' Mon., Wed., Fri., 2-5:45 P.M.
y. 4 X+:. dm cf. Sat. 8-12
THE 2 P.M.
e L
P AAAPROF. HENRY L BRETTON Tonight-8 P.M. direced by
s NO 8-6300 THEATRE Sat. Eve. $2.00
SIQC Accepts
PtUlan Change'
Following the recent defeat of GEN ER AL
n its proposed new constitution, In-
ter-Quadrangle Council Thursday
e night accepted another plan for
- changing its present document.
f Dennis Moore, '63, president of
s West Quadrangle and chairman
n of the Constitutional Revision
Committee, presented eleven pro-
posals which, if accepted, will for all I.S.A. members
P amend rather than replace the
present constitution. in the UN ION* at 7:30 to 9:30 P.M.
*hese amendments will ac- on SUNDAY MARCH 11
complish the same purpose as the
new constitution would have," IQC
President Robert Geary, '63, said. Refreshments and Entertainment,
The most important changes Rfehet n
will be the addition of a secre- also including Yoga-Postures.
tary and a treasurer-both offices
are currently held by one person
-and a revision of the IQC Judi-
cial structure. * BALLROOM
d IQC has tabled the proposals -
n for one week to give the revision -
d committee time to work out var-
f ious stylistic problems.
d Theater Group SoGoC.
n eectS P&lys
-e For Festivals
8The University's, Professional
n Theatre Program has announced
- the plays from which it will se-
lect works for presentation at the
a Fall and Winter Festivals this TON IGHT and SUNDAY
n The Association of Producing
f Artists, a Broadway company S SH AN E
d which recently signed a contract George Stevens SH ANE
t to act as performers in residence
n on the campus, will present the COLOR
- Five plays for the Fall Festival
- will be selected from the follow-
ing: "Streetcar Named Desire," Alan Ladd,'Jena Arthur, Van Heflin
"The Tavern," "The Seagull,"
"Right Your Age," "The Match- Brandon De Wilde, Jack Polance
maker," "The School for Scandal"
and "Man and Superman.
The Fall Festival will be held
from Oct. 3 to Nov. 4 in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
For the Winter Festival, which ARCHITECTURE AUDITORIUM
will run from Feb. 13 to March
- 3 in Trueblood Aud., three plays 50 cents
- by William Shakespeare will be

- chosen. "A Midsummer Night's
Dream," "M1Vuch Ado About Noth-
n ing," "Hamilet," "Anthony and
- Cleopatra," "Othello," and "Timon
- of Athens" are the plays from
which the three will be selected.
t Tickets for single performances
- range in price from $1.50 to $3.50. W ORLD UNIVERSITY
s There will be a 20 per cent dis-
a count for season tickets. Students
y will receive a 40 per cent discount
on season membership.
SHOW ATi:00 -2:40 1. Bucket Drive, March 14-16
4:45 - 6,50 and 9:00
FEATURES at 1:15 - 3:15 2. Auction on the Vag
5:20 - 7:25 and 9:30 Wednesday. March 14,'3:00
FrankD se ,iq
A L OV(ACS _pr~e
-The ADPi's challenge the highest
bidder to a baseball surprise
--Dinner for two at the Hatchers
-50-yard-line tickets to the 1962
Homecoming game with Minnesota
--Plus over fifty other ingenious
1161 m TODAY *W.U.S. is an international organization providing aid and
DIAL 8-6416 assistance to university communities throughout the world.
- aThis year 50% of Michigan's fund will go to Algerian refu-
/ S O e gee students.



*, ,,,~inJA trhaaCOLOR

. V

Estep Conducts Research in Regulations
Concerning World Atomic Energy Uses

Prof. Samuel D. Estep, director
of the Atomic Energy Research
project of the Law School, is con-
ducting research on the effects
of national and international reg-
ulations on the trade relations of
the new atomic energy industry.
Under a grant from the Phoenix
MemorialnFund and the Ford
Foundation, Prof. Estep will be
broadening the scope of research
started in 1955 on compensation
of radiation injuries in peacetime
nuclear industries.
Weare exploring ways of as-
similating new technology, Prof.
Estep said.
"We have done much pioneer
Dramatic Arts Center
Pulitzer Prize Poet
Reading from his own works
Tonightat 8:30
First Unitarian Church

Sunday, March 11: 7:30 P.M.
"The Natural and Supernatural Aspects of Christian Marriage"
Rev. Raymond Schlinkert
Wednesday, March 14: 8:00 P.M.
"Preparation for a Christian Marriage"
Dating and Courtship-Engagement and Betrothal
Church Laws-Final Arrangements
Rev. John F. Bradley, Ph.D.
Sunday, March 18: 7:30 P.M.
"The Physical Aspect of Marriage"
The Place of Sex in Marital Life
Pregnancy and Childbirth
Medical Advice for Chastity
Dr. Edmond Botch and Dr. Gena Rose Pahucki
Obstetricians and Gynecologists,

work in domestic areas, now we In February, Prof. Estep testi
are progressing into the interna- fied in Washington before a sub
tional area where the least amount committee of the House Commit
of work has been done. It is clear tee on Education and Labor.
now that, a serious reevaluation Prof. Estep is also working it
of our rules and regulations is cooperation with the state bar as
necessary if the nuclear industry sociation on radiation injury com
is to survive," he added. pensation.
Prof. Estep will be continuing He is a member and consultan
research on compensation of ra- of the Council of State Govern
diation injuries. Present compen- ment's committee on workman'
sation laws are inadequate since compensation which is draftingf
radiation injuries are often de- model law for radiation injur;
layed for a long number of years, compensation.
he noted.
Unfortunately, such injuries
(leukemia, cancer) are not only DIAL
long delayed, but also in particu- No 2-6264
lar cases, the causal connection
is difficult to show with suffi-
cient legal or scientific certainty o6bewr OOIrT- V alk"
to be acceptable under existing vjl 1. TA JONES:
To handle these problems a
Contingent Injury Fund plan was
developed in which a reserve fund
is set up by management and la-
bor, that can be drawn upon when
and if an injury develops. This
plan was used as a model for a
Brazilian compensation act.%
The Law School's Atomic Ener-
gy Research Project findings have
provided information for the book
"Atoms and the Law."
In September, 1960, a1 paper on
compensation of radiation injury HELD
was presented at an international OVER
symposium sponsored by EURA-
TOM on legal and administrative 2nd Week
problems of protection in the
peaceful uses of atomic energy. f oof kd e

Wednesday, March 21: 8:00 P.M.
"Birth Control: Moral and Immoral"
Sexual Abstinence; Ovulary Rhythm; Contraception
Rev. John F Bradley, Ph.D.

Tickets $1.00
Available at
Bob Marshall's Book
and at door


Sunday, March 25: 7:30 P.M.
"The Christian Home"
Parent-Child Relationship; Education in the Home





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