See Page 4
Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom
Increasing cloudiness tonight,
little change in temperature
.. r o.,_ _,_ , ... - _ .
VOL- LXXIMI, No. 113
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Alumni Set Meeting
Executive Committee To Consider
suggestions' To Resolve Conflict
The recommendations of a University committee for resolving a
conflict between the Alumni Association and the Development Council
will be discussed today by the association's Executive Committee.
The ,committee began its study when the Development Council did
not accept the report of a joint subcommittee, representing both the
association and the council.
After the earlier plan had been prepared, the council raised the
question last fall of whether the plan had the backing of the Univer-
sity. The committee members are Executive Vice-President Marvin L.
Niehuss, Vice-President for Business and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont,
.and Director of University Rela-
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;4:": Gro up OSA Study
HRB Viiews
association report
Hit Dod e
On Training
WASHINGTON (A')-The Army's
information chief, Maj. Gen.
Charles G., Dodge, underwent a
drumfire of quizzing yesterday by
Sen, Strom Thurmond (D-SC),
who sharply criticized the Army's
efforts to teach troops about Com-
Among other things, Thurmond
told Dodge the teaching is being
attempted by officers and enlist-
ed men who were not tiained in
intelligence or psychological war-
The senator said his staff inves-
tigators found "a few good pro-
grams" but many sadly deficient
ones. This lack of proper training,
he said, has "lost us critical battles
in the cold war," including the
defection of some prisoners of war.
Dodge, who only recently took
over the Army information job
handling press-broadcast relations
and troop training, was the main
witness before a Senate Armed
Services Subcommittee. The group
is looking into charges that troop
indoctrination into the ways of
Communism is "namby-pamby."
For more than an hour during
the questioning, Thurmond, a re-
serve major general who sparked
the investigation, was the only
senator present.
Dodge presented a thick folder
of posters, pamphlets, newspapers
and directives used in the Army
indoctrination program. He said it
is constantly being improved.
Triple Number
He said the two new Army di-
visions being formed would have
about triple the number of infor-
mation officers and that this
would become Army-wide policyJ
- eventually.
Dodge added that getting prop-
erly trained information officers
is a continuing problem for the
Chairman John Stennis (D-
Miss) told the general "I'm en-
couraged by your testimony."
Thurmond's lengthy questioning
of Dodge drew a brief protest from
Stennis, who said Thurmond was
asking questions "it is just incon-
ceivable to me" how the general
could answer. Sen. Leverett Sal
tonstall (R-Mass) joined in, say-
ing "we are cluttering up our
record terribly."
Creal Agrees
To Hold Talks'
tions Michael Radock.
Three of the administration
committee's recommendations are
in agreement with three of the
original 11 joint subcommittee
proposals. These are:
1) That the Development Coun-
cil Board of Directors include
greater representation from the
Alumni Association and that the
Chairman or Vice-Chairman of
the council become an ex-officio
member of the Alumni Associa-
tion'sBudget and Finance Com-
Fund Raising
2) That responsibility for all
fund-raising activities be centered
in the development council.
3) That all fund raising which
is directed at alumni be coordi-
nated with the Alumni Association
and utilize its structure.
A proposal that no new annual
alumni funds be organized on be-
half of schools, colleges, and other
special units without the approval
of both the council and the asso-
ciation, the administration's re-
port said that this would give the
association power to veto which
would deny the council's basic re-
Oppose Proposals
Three proposals regarding fi-
nancing of the association and
the council were also opposed and
further study is being made of
workable alternatives.
The administration's report
made minor changes and reserva-
tions in its discussion of the re-
maining four proposals, including
a strong recommendation that the
executive committees of the two
groups hold joint meetings at least
twice ,a year.
Both Alumni Association Gen-
eral Secretary John E. Tirrell and
Development Council Director
Alan W. MacCarthy commended
the administration committee on
its effort.
Joint Meetings
"The joint meetings and greater
representation by the association
should do more than anything else
to get cooperation between the
two organizations," McCarthy said.
Tirrell praised "the very sincere
effort" made by Radock to resolve
the conflict.
Hatcher Goes
On Ford Tour
University President H a r I a n
Hatcher and Mrs. Hatcher leave
today on a month-long tour of
Venezuela and Peru for the Ford
Assigned to investigate the pos-
sibilities of fund assistance in the
educational programs in those
countries, the President will be
gone until April 10.
Touring with him will be rep-
resentatives of Brookings Institute
and the Brooklyn Polytechnic In-
They will survey universities,
research institutes, government
agencies and private organizations
concerned with economic and so-
cial development.
Three students who played a large role in the birth of the
Office of Student Affairs Study Committee have expressed vary-
ing degrees of satisfaction-and dissatisfaction-with the group's
Two of them were members of the Human Relations Board,
who, along with last year's Daily senior editors, submitted a
report to the Faculty's Student Relations Board in the winter of
1960 which aired student complaints with the OSA and touched
off the recent re-evaluations of the office. The third was one
of the editors.
Mary Wheeler, '64L, expressed satisfaction with the Reed
Committee's suggestions. "Generally, I'm very pleased with it.
We weren't sure, when we started, that we were going to be able
to get anything even approaching what the Reed committee
finally came up with. What we've got here is machinery with
which we can do a lot. In itself, the report isn't too much, but
there is much there we can work with. However, I think it's im-
portant that people realize that there is still a lot of work to be
Dim View
Bart Burkhalter, Grad, chairman of the group, took a
dimmer view of the report.
"The committee had a chance really to do something
revolutionary, and instead it just muddled around with what
already existed and changed it. Instead of coming out with
a challenging new concept in higher education, it played around
with the same old ideas, and tended just to rearrange things,"
he said.
"I see the University as a changing University. You can set
up things now to go into effect, but ten years from now there
will be different kinds of problems. In their -choice of structure,
it seems to me they haven't allowed enough opportunity for
fluctuation to meet changes. They've suggested something
rigid that doesn't allow for expansion or contraction," Burk-
halter added.
"As long as they're going through this wrenching period
anyway, when everything is cracking, they shouldn't set up
a new concrete structure that they'll have to crack to get rid
of," he continued.
"One of my greatest arguments with the report is that they
haven't put these suggestions in the form of suggested bylaw
However, Burkhalter added that the committee's suggestions,
if implemented, would be "a step in the right direction."
Philosophy, Means
Former Daily Associate City Editor Kenneth McEldowney,
'62, found fault primarily in the relationship between the ex-
pressed philosophy of the committee and the proposed means
to carry it out.
"The philosophy is meaningless unless it can be effectively
exercised through a structure, and I think the proposed structure
is completely inadequate to exercise the philosophy," he charged.
Emphasize Personnel
Miss Wheeler emphasized personnel rather than structure.
"What happens is going to depend on whether or not they
continue just to replace people with others in the administration
or whether they decide to pull people in from other places.
If they do this, there should be a definite standard to use in
selecting new people, and they should ask students to help
in setting up these criteria," she said.
Burkhalter and McEldowney doubted that the proposed
structure would eliminate the inconsistencies between the hand-
ling of men's and women's administration by the OSA.
"The whole idea of the Dean of Students and the Associate
Dean of Students is really the Dean of Men and the Dean of
Women," Burkhalter charged.
See HRB, Page 2
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For Medical
A $750 million program of fed-
eral , aid to medical and dental
schoo~ls was approved by the
H o u s e CommercedCommittee
Thursday. I
The funds from the administra-
tion - backed program would be
used for construction and for fed-
eral loans to help medical and
dental students.
The program would replace a
$177 million scholarship program
proposed by President John F.
The committee vote on the 10-
year program was 19-6.
Prof. William Mann of the den-
tal school, director of the Kellogg
Foundation Institute, noted that
money for construction is badly
needed by the dental school.
The proposal, if enacted, could
be of great assistance to the
school, which is planning to ex-
pand and remodel its facilities, he
Dean William Hubbard of the
medical school said that the sub-
stitution of loans instead of schol-
arships "marks a real step for-
"I am delighted that this pro-
gram, which the medical school
has strongly supported from the
beginning, has been reported fav-
orably out of committee," he re-
League ApI
The MichiganrLeague Council
has approved revisions in the
League's constitution and by-laws
designed to allow the organization
to meet better the needs of wom-
en at the University, League Pres-
ident Bea Nemlaha, '62, said yes-
The changes are primarily, in
the structure of League commit-
tees. Other changes affect its
training program and the position
of Women's Senate.
"The (former) constitution and
by-laws had included too much de-
tail and tended somewhat to rig-
idify the League organization. It
became increasingly apparent that
changes were necessary to mod-
ernize the League," Miss Nemlaha
Change Committees
The League Board of Governors,
who had considered and executed
the changes, decided to drop the
Special Projects and House Com-
"The project committee's func-
tions were quite ambiguous. It was
sort of a catch-all committee. In
its place a new committee is be-
ing set up to give an educational-
cultural thrust to the League," she
The House Committee had been
responsible for communication
with the administrators of the
League, and for decorating{ the
building. In place of the commit-
tee, the executive vice-president
will act as a liaison to the busi-
proves Structure Change
ness staff. "This change parallels,
to some degree, the communica-
tions-system in the Union," she
Training Program
"We also drew up a new fresh-
man training program and added
the position of personnel director
in order to have smoother internal
"Formerly the training program
consisted of 'Burocrats,' which
was a sort of Junior League, work-
ing on its own projects, but not
really being trained in working
for, or knowing, the League.
"Now the personnel director will
organize girls in the fall. They'll
have a chance to work on com-
mittees and to learn about the
relation of the League to the oth-
er women's groups on campus,.'
Miss Nemlaha said.
Women's Council
In place of the recently-dis-
banded Women's Senate, the
Women's Conference has been es-
tablished. Its membership will
consist of either the Assembly Dor-
mitory Council or the Assembly
Presidents' Council, and also the
Panhellenic Presidents' Council.
It is to be chaired by the presi-
dent of the League (since she is
"neutral" to the problems of As-
sembly and Panhel) and is to
meet whenever the Women's Con-
ference Committee, composed of
the presidents of the three organi-
zations and the chairman of
Women's Judic, think it neces-
sary, or whenever a majority of
the members of the council votes
to meet.
The Women's Senate, disbanded
last December, was a standing
body designed to aid communica-
tion between the various women's
organizations. The new group will
have similar functions, but will not
meet regularly.
Council W
For Public
Students Could
Escape 'Double
Joint Judiciary Council has
which would bring its operatin
the 'due process' guaranteed b
If adopted, the new proce
offer witnesses on his behalf, e
I dent advisor" and have his c
would also avoid 'double jeop
for admissible evidence.
Joint Judic Chairman Rob
terday that the new policies w
student judiciaries into rigid'
legalistic bodies, but because
we feel there are educa-
tional values attached to these
New Policy
Berger indicated that imple-
mentation of the new policy would
probably not result in major oper-
ational changes. "Our past ex-
perience indicates that few stu-
dents will take advantage of these
policies changes, but we feel they
are an important theoretical re-
The new policy, which will be
formalized by joint judic soon,
would be implemented in bylaw
changes for the organization. The
bylaws can only be changed by a
two-thirds vote of the council and
approval by the three man Facul-
ty Subcommittee on Discipline.
Detailing the policy, Berger said
that a minimum of two witnesses
could testify in person before the
council or submit written state-
ments on' behalf of the accused
student. More would be permitted
if the student and Joint Judic felt
it necessary.
Subject to Questioning
The witnesses would be subject
to questioning by the council, but
their testimony would not be used
against them in any cases.
A public hearing would be auto-
matically granted if the involved
student requestt one. At any time
in the proceedings, the student
could ask that the audience leave.
The council would also retain the
right to close the hearing if the
audience obstructed the council's
Deliberations and decision mak-
ing, however, would be held in a
closed session attended only by
council membersaand the official
advisors from the dean of men
and dean of women's offices.
Consult Administrator
Each week, a Judic member
would consult with the adminis-
trative officer who refers cases
to the council. He would go over
the cases and help the dean decide
where each case should be han-
dled. "The decision, however,
would still be the dean's to make,"
Berger stressed.
This student would not partici-
pate in Joint Judic's deliberations
of the cases he helped consult on,
but would act as an advisor to
the studentsainvolved. "Therad-
visor could tell the student how
to prepare for his hearing, what
questions the council might ask
and what rights and responsibili-
ties he had."
Not Fine Students
Eliminating 'double penaliza-
tion,' future councils would not
fine a student if the civil courts
had already levied a monetary
punishment against him or sus-
pended a fine.
"This doesn't mean that we
won't ask the student to appear
before judic or hear his case. If
he is guilty of violating a Uni-
versity regulation or his conduct
See JOINT, Page 2
SUVC Submits
Report on OSA
The University Senate Student
ould Allow
Bring Witnesses,
Jeopardy' Policy
proposed major policy change.
g procedures more in line witl
y civil courts.
dure would allow a student tc
mploy the assistance of a "stu-
ase heard in public session. II
?ardy' and stiffen the criteria
Bert Berger, '63, explained yes-
were adopted "not to turn the
Elect Power
.explains policy
Bretton Cites Movement
New African Society
Africa is undergoing a social revolution conducted to improve the
living condition of the people.
It is not a Marxist movement, nor a Western movement-it is a
purely African movement.
Prof. Henry L. Bretton of the political science department left'
these thoughts with international students last night at the second of
" three forums on Africa sponsored
by the Protestant Foundation for
International Students..
'Rising Expectations'
"The African revolution is one
sof rising expectations," he said.
"It seeks to correct the errors of
colonialism, and it seeks toesa-
St lish security and progress among
; ''"*?;:>?*"' Africans."
While the African revolution is
not Western, it has been inf n-
+" >:<:::_:><:n:.;::;::::::::>.:.f enced by the W est, Prof. Bretton
special To The Daily
gene B. Power of Ann Arbor was
elected the .first permanent chair-
man of the Michigan Coordinating
Council for Public Higher Educa-
tion Thursday as the group met at
the Kellogg Center at Michigan
'State University.
Power has spearheaded the for-
mation of the council from its in-
ception last fall as a counter-move
against pressures to place all state-
supported colleges under a general
coordinating unit..
The council itself is a voluntary
Met Informally
The group met informally in the
morning with legislators compris-
ing the House Committee on Ways
and Means, Rep. Arnell E. Eng-
strom (R-Traverse City) and the
Sentate Committee on Appropria-
tions, Sen. Elmer R. Porter (R-
Blissfleld) chairman.
Majority Senate Cauers Chair-
man Frank D. Beadle (R-St. Clair)
told the educators that any appro-
priations increases would require
more taxes "and you'll have to sell
the people on that."
Sen. Philip 0. Rahoi (D-Iron
Mountain )then loosed a blast at
the GOP as "too conservative.
They don't want to spend any
'Spread It Around'
Porter retorted, Rahoi claimed,
that "Democrats take all the
money they can get and spread it
He added that the Republicans
"started a non-partisan discussion
on appropriations and needs. He
turned it into a political battle."
Porter walked out in the middle
of Rahoi's remarks, followed by
Senators Arthur H. Dehmel (R-
Unionville), Lloyd A. Stephens (R-
Scotville), Garland Lane (D-Flint)
and Beadle.
When University President Har-
land Hatcher and MSU President
Cassidy Views Christianity inR
.hIndustry effectively meets its responsibility to work within an
'ethical code, Kenneth Cassidy, Ford corporation vice-president in
charge of industrial relations said last night.
Speaking for management on "Christian Principles and Modern
Industry," he told a Newman Club gathering that norms of morality
differ as do opinions on the responsibilities of the corporation and
that many persons involved make negotiations all the more complex.
Have Obligation
"We consider that we have an obligation not to allow representa-
tives of employes to put us into an unsound economic position, which
would endanger the jobs of our employes."
Referring to industrv-wide neotiations with the United Auto
See Related. Story, Page 3
said. He recently returned from
his third visit of the continent.
"Europeans communicated the
notion of human rights and de-
mocracy to the Africans," he ex-
plained. "And they, not the Rus-
sians, left the idea that each man
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