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March 02, 1962 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-03-02

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Macmillan Stands Firm
On Rights for Rhodesians
LONDON (P)-Prime Minister Harold Macmillan won a clear vic-
tory yesterday over Sir Roy Welensky in an argument involving poli-
tical rights for Negroes in Africa's heartland, British sources said.
The informants said Macmillan stood firmly behind a new consti-
tution for copper-rich Northern Rhodesia in two confrontations with
Welensky, prime minister of the Central 'African Federation, of
which Northern Rhodesia is a part. Southern Rhodesia and Nyasaland
make up the remainder.
Welensky also found himself accused at long distance by a politi-
cal rival of plotting a coup to make the federation independent and


A -Tests

Oran Faces
More Riots
ORAN (R)--Vicious clashes be-
tween Europeans and Moslems
sent racial tempers soaring yes-
terday. The government said it
lacked troop strength to cope with
spreading violence in Oran.
European tempers flared when:
news spread that a Moslem band
killed a young housewife, her 5-
year-old daughter and 4-year-old
son' in the suburb of Mers-El-Ke-
bir in the first outbreak of vio-
lence there since the start of Al-
geria's war for independence 71/2
years ago.
Marines from the nearby French
navy base rushed to the woman's
home and killed \three fleeing
Moslems and wounded several
The mixed Moslem-European
town was surrounded by security
forces and all business and com-
merce there was halted by a
strike. European youths roved the
streets, sacking Moslem stores..
One Moslem shopkeeper was found
dead later.
With attacks increasing and
tensions mounting, the govern-
ment said it did not have enough
troops to halt the violence in the
Oran area.
Moslems set fire to a European-
owned tent and awning factory,
authorities said.
Moslems became infuriated by a
bombing Wednesday in Oran's
"Ville Nouvelle" Moslem quarter,
leaving 30 dead and 50 wounded.
Meanwhile, the terrorist Secret
Army Organization which has
sworn to block independence for
Algeria called on both Europeans
and Algerians to obey its orders
so that "Algeria will not become
another Katanga."

preserve white supremacy. The
rival, Kenneth Kaunda, Northern
Rhodesian African nationalist
.leader, demanded that the British
government arrest Welensky and
hold him until his allegations
could be investigated.
British and federation sources
privately laughed off Kaunda's
charges and there was no indica-
tion the British contemplated
holding Welensky. He is expected
to return home today or tomor-
The new draft constitution for
Northern Rhodesia - focal point
of the Macmillan-Welensky argu-
ment-so changes voting arrange-
ments that Negroes would have a
slender chance of winning control
of the 45-seat legislative assem-
bly. It does not, however, guaran-
tee a Negro majority-a factor
that has caused disappointment to
African nationalist leaders.
Senate Passes
Bill To Raise
debt Ceiing
By The Associated Press
yesterday passed by voice vote and
sent to President John F. Kennedy
a bill to raise the ceiling on the
national debt to $300 billion from
the current limit of $298 billion.
Kennedy asked for the tempor-
ary $300-billion limit, which will
expire June 30, and has said he
will ask Congress for a $308-bil-
lion limit in the fiscal year start-
ing July 1.
That would be a new peak. The
legal limit in World War II never
exceeded $300 billion. That was
cut to $275 billion in 1947.
The law now stipulates that the
permanent ceiling on the debt is
$285 billion.

... resume testing?

Voices Hope
For Geneva
WASHINGTON (P)-Secretary
of State Dean Rusk voiced thope
yesterday that Russia will come to
Geneva to make disarmament
progress, not propaganda.
At a news conference, Rusk add-
ed warily that he would not guar-
antee this would be the Reds' at-
titude at the 18-nation disarma-
ment parley opening March 14.
But he did predict that all na-
tions invited will show up - even
though Soviet Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev, rebuffed by the West
in his bid to start the sessions at
the summit level, has not indi-
cated who will represent the So-
viet Union.
To Head Delegation
Rusk will head the United States
delegation, in line with the West-
ern position that foreign minis-
ters should start the discussions
while heads of government should
sit in only if and when significant
progress has been made.
The secretary of state called for
getting' down to serious business
at the conference and expressed
hope the Communists will show
"determination to move this prob-
lem along." He added:
"We would hope that we would
not go there and exchange propa-
ganda statements and freeze our-
selves in position on all sides, and
leave it at that. We have had
enough of that since 1945 ...
"Perhaps we can take some steps
that will make a big difference
to the future of the human
race . . ."
Viet Nam Statement
Rusk opened his 45-minute
meeting with newsmen with a
statement retorting to recent Com-
munist criticism of United States
aid to South Viet Nam.
The United States foreign af-
fairs chief said the United States
would be willing to discuss the cold
war issue with the Reds, provided
the discussion deals mainly with
"the root of the trouble"-which
he defined as a Communist con-
spiracy to take over South Viet
Nam by violence.
The focus of Rusk's statement
was against the "attack by Com-
munist guerrillas who are directed,
trained, supplied and reinforced"
from Communist North Viet Nam.
He said peace in the Southeast
Asian country could come about
overnight if Red aggression ceases.

Sets Speech
On Testing,
President To Deliver
Address to Nation
WASHINGTON () - President
John F. Kennedy will speak to the
nation by radio and television to-
night, presumably to signal Unit-
ed States resumption of nuclear
weapons tests in the atmosphere.
Word from informed sources
was that Kennedy will report that
he has decided to order a new se-
ries of atmospheric tests starting
sometime in April.
The White' House announced
only that Kennedy will speak to
the nation at 7 p.m. EST "on the
subject of nuclear testing and dis-
As for any specific clues as to
the content of the speech, Presi-
dential Press Secretary Pierre Sal-
inger was completely silent. He
would not disclose, for that mat-
ter, whether Kennedy even has
made the decision to test.
Word had circulated prior to
Salinger's news conference that
Kennedy's decision is to go ahead
with atmospheric tests. The Presi-
dent himself has said it is only
prudent for the United States to
prepare for tests, since Russia con-
ducted a series of about 50 last
fall after breaking a moratorium
which both countries had kept
since late 1958.
This country has been conduct-
ing underground testsin Nevada
in recent months. Eighteen such
blasts have been announced.
Shortly after announcement of
Kennedy's speech plans, the Atom-
ic Energy Commission disclosed
that a low-yield British nuclear
device has been tested under-
ground at the Nevada site.
Salinger said he didn't know
whether Kennedy had talked with
Prime Minister Harold Macmillan
of Britain by telephone' in antici-
pation of the address. He said he
was not aware of it if Kennedy
had discussed the speech with con-
gressional leaders or with: dplo-
mats in Washington.
In exchange for her use of the
Nevada site, Britain has granted
this country the right to set off
atmospheric tests at Christmas Is-
land in the Pacific south of Ha-
Rejects Plan
Limiting Talks
MOSCOW (P)-Premier Nikita
S. Khrushchev yesterday rejected
French President Charles de
Gaulle's suggestion for a summit
meetink restricted to nuclear club
He pressed his campaign for
government chiefs to open the 18-
nation Geneva disarmament con-
ference March 24.
A fanfare of letters to de Gaulle
argued Khrushchev's case for the
wider summit approach.

Khan Gives Pakistan
Federal Constitution
'Basic Democracies' To Replace
Four-Year-Old Military Regime
KARACHI ()-President Mohammed Ayub Khan yesterday put
into effect a new constitution for Pakistan to replace the military
dictatorship under which he has governed since 1958.
The new constitution, setting up a new federal form of presiden-
tial government founded on Ayub's idea of "basic democracies," scraps
the parliamentary system in effect here until 1958.
It marks the fourth change in the system of government since
Pakistan's 95 million people became independent in 1947.
Governments Change
The country was first a dominion in the British Commonwealth in
1947, became an Islamic republic in the commonwealth in 1956, and
easily yielded to Ayub's dictator-
ship two years later when corrup-
tion and inept politics produced a Nlsbet Sees
maze of unsolved problems.
Ayub proclaimed the new con-
stitution as open opposition, par-
ticularly among Pakistan's stu-ND eal ine
dents, was beginning to spread
against his martial law regime. LANSING (P)-Stephen S. Nis-
Although this rule was harsh bet, president of the constitutional
on paper, it was applied with kid convention, yesterday laid to rest
gloves. But the students in recent any idea that the convention
weeks have b e e n questioning would wind up its work by March
Ayub's "basic democratics" plan- 31.
a system of elected village coun- A middle or end of April wind-
cils. The 80,000 members, chosen up was most likely, he said, con-
in December, 1959, make up an firming what more and more del-
electoral college who will elect the egates and observers had been ex-
president and parliament. pecting for some time.
Give Majority The missing of the deadline, Nis-
The 80,000 electors gave Ayub bet said, will raise the question of
95 per cent of a "yes" or "no" inclusion of the constitution on
vote in February, 1960 when they the ballot next November.
chose him president. The attorney general has ruled
Ayub still has power to approve that unless the convention winds
or veto bills passed by parlia- up by April 1, the document would
ment. But he issaccountable to have to be put over until the next
parliament and can be removed statewide election in April, 1963.
from office by a three-fourths vote
of parliament.
He has power to refer a dispute ANCHOR INN
with parliament to a referendum
in the electoral college, and also DANCING SATURDAY
has power to dissolve parliament.
In case of dissolution, however, NIGHT featuring
another presidential election must Ray Louis Quartet
'be held within 120 days.
__________Sat Nite only
Divers Search PORTAGE LAKE
For Reservations
For Victims Call HA 6-8183
Of Air Crash
NEW YORK (A) - Searchers
fought rising tides last night, try-
ing to retrieve 95 victims who died
lnwhen a transcontinental jet air-
liner plunged nose first into Ja-
maica Bay.
There were no survivors of the
worst single-aircraft disaster in
this country. (
The American Airlines jetliner,
on a steep, rapid takeoff from
Idlewild Airport, dove into the
water only about three miles from
the field and blew apart in explo-
sion and flames.
The water was only hip deep at A
the time, but it rose with the in-
coming tide. Skindivers and grap-
plers mover feverishly about in
an effort to prevent unrecovered sWIMlM
bodies from being swept to sea.
Searchlights were brought to the
scene for after dark operations.
The plane was American's flight
1, which took off from Idlewild at
* 10:07 a.m. for Los Angele , and
crashed three minutes later. It was For Contracts ant
a late model Boeing 707 Astr-Jet,
expressly designed for speedier
takeoffs from airports surrounded
by residential areas.
Curiously, apparently no one on
the ground saw the actual crash, I ne rfra trn i ty
in a remote area of shallow water
and reedy marsh, although a num-
ber of persons saw the plane going

I down and heard it explode. I1


By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-President John
F. Kennedy proposed yesterday a
huge eight-year land purchase
program for outdoor recreational
facilities to be financed in large
part by "modest" fees charged
those who enjoy them.
The estimated $800-million to
$1-billion cost of the program
would be paid for by admission
fees, user charges on boats, un-
claimed motorboat fuel tax re-
bates and receipts from the sale
of surplus federal nonmilitary
* ' * *
NEW YORK-John Glenn rode
through Manhattan yesterday, sig-
naling "thumbs up" to the tumult
of millions of New Yorkers cheer-
ing his ride around the world
through space.
WASHINGTON - Broadcasters
were urged yesterday to void their
opinions in editorials on the air
Newton N. Minow, chairman of
the Federal Communications Com-
mission, said the people of Amer-
ica need many voices, many
sources of information and many
partment spokesman said yester-
day that Col. Barney Oldfield,
public information officer for the
North American Defense Com-

mand, had denied making state-
ments attributed to him concern-
ing U-2 spy plane checks on Rus-
sian space launching sites.
The defense department had re-
quested a transcript, if available,
of a speech by Oldfield last week
at Fort Worth, Tex.
The Pentagon spokesman said
today he had been told that no
transcript was made.
laris steered by the smallest iner-
tial guidance system ever carried
in a United States ballistic missile
successfully flew a 1,000 mile
course down the Atlantic tracking
range yesterday.
* * *.
NEW YORK-The stock market
carved out a quiet advance yes-
terday. Investment demand in a
number of sectors beefed up the
averages. Oils, electrical equip-
ments and utilities were among
the beneficiaries.



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Is being a mother your full-
time job? Then you're no
better than a cave woman,
says Margaret Mead. In this
week's Saturdav FvAning Post she


f ! - I



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