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March 01, 1962 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-03-01

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1 ,19&2




French, Algerians


Final Peace


Nehru Keeps
Clear Road'
In Election
NEW DELHI (P)-Prime Minis-
ter Jawaharlal Nehru and Defense
Minister V. K. Krishna Menon,
had a clear road to continued
dominance of India's affairs yes-
terday as votes piled up for them
in national election returns.
Nehru, as expected, easily re-
tained his seat in Parliament and
Menon was so far ahead in Bom-
bay that leaders of the opposition
conceded defeat.
Assured Control
Nehru's Congress Party, though
faltering in some areas, was as-
sured of control of' the new Par-
liament without a single opposi-
tion voice strong enough to ser-
iously challenge the organization
once headed by Mohandas K.
With roughly a third of the
4 votes still out in Menon's race,
he had a 92,000-vote margin over
his chief rival, J. B. Kripalani,
who had accused the defense
minister of Communist tendencies.
The anti-Menon newspaper In-
dian Express called the outpour-
ing for Menon a victory for Ne-
hru, who had staked his program
on the Bombay race. But it told
Nehru not to condone Communist
infiltration in the Congress Party.
Runs into Trouble
The Congress Party 'also had
captured 9 of the 13 state as-
semblies contested in the election.
It appeared likely to win two more,
but in the states of Rajasthan and
Madhya Pradesh, the party was
running into trouble trying to win
a majority.
With 315 of the 494 parliament
seats reported, the Congress Party-
had 229, Communists and their
allies 19, Jana Sangh 11, People's
Socialists 9 'and, the Freedom
Party 6.
"Someday the birds must come
home to roost," the Express said.
Ramakrishna Bajaj, a Bombay
leader who quit the Congress
Party to fight Menon, charged that
Congress leaders "joined hands
with the Communists" in the
Menon campaign. .


Victory Margin Fails
To Concern Professors
The very narrow margin of victory over a conservative candidate
is not an evil omen for state Democrats, according to two professors
of political science.
In the special election held Feb. 13 to fill the congressional seat
of deceased Rep. Louis C. Rabaut, the Democratic candidate, State
Senator Harold M. Ryan, carried the Detroit-area 14th district by only
764 votes.
Administration' Endorsement
Ryan bore the Administration's endorsement, and was aided by
a visit from Welfare Secretary Abraham Ribicoff. His opponent, State
-Rep. Robert E. Waldron, was en-
* dorsed by House Republican lead-
A 10P eP "1Ber Charles Halleck and by Arizona
Senator Barry Goldwater.
Prof. Joseph E. Kallenbach at-
O n obl'ss t tributed the narrow margin to the
light voter turnout and to the "ex-
cellent Republican organization
WASHINGTON (P)--The House work" in their Grosse Pointe
passed yesterday a $263 million job stronghold. On election day, he
training bill designed to start mov- explained, the GOP used a tele-
ing the long-term unemployed phone barrage to urge known Re-
back into productive work. publicans to Vote.
A 354-62 roll call vote, with Re- . "The lighter the vote, the more
publicans lending strong support, importance attaches to better or-
cleared the way for a House-Sen- ganization," Kallenbach said. But
ate conference to work out a final he predicted that Democrats will
version of the bill, which carries a benefit from the greater voter
'hig adinisraton piorty. turnout in the regular November
high administration priority, election.
The House bill calls for a two- The close contest was "a good
year program that would give a illustration of what happens in
maximum of one year's training to special elections," Prof. John P.
410,000 unemployed and unskilled White said. White, too, blamed the
workers or low-income farmers. light voter turnout, and said the
Although President John F. results indicated the lack of an
Kennedy has strongly urged pass- effective Democratic vote-getting
age of such legislation the House machine. But he predicted that
bill is largely the work of a Re- the Democratic majority "will be
publican, Rep. Charles E. Goodell in evidence in the November elec-
(R-NY) who offered a compromise tion."
measure that was accepted with-
out change by the Democratic
leadership. GOP Seeks
Goodell called the bill "a solid,
conservative R e p u b Iic a n ap- Fail Campaign
proach" to the problem of unem-
ployment, and Minority Leader ~ l' o n
Charles A. Halleck (R-Ind) took flo
the floor after the one-sided vote~
to declare: WASHINGTON W)- Congres-
"By this action in accepting the sional Republicans seeking a rally-
Republican program for retraining ingpoint around which to conduct
unemployed workers, the House their election campaigns next fall
has effectively refuted the un- agreed yesterday to consult all
founded accusation that our posi- GOP segments in drafting a state-
tion is always negative." ment of principles.
Sen. Bourke B. Hickenlooper of
Iowa told newsmen the 12-mem-
ber drafting committee of House
Roundup and Senate members hopes by
June 1 to produce a "short, con-
____ - cise and affirmative" declaration
fendant Philip Bart was released to bring the party's 1960 platform
without bond, up to date.
,,* # Before launching their effort
WASHINGTON -- Living costs yesterday, members of the group
were unchanged in January but agreed in advance that their state-
the earningsand buying power of ment would have to be general in
factory workers declined nearly language to satisfy all elements
two per cent because of a shorter represented.
average work week. The problem which prompted
These were the highlights of a the effort, Hickenlooper said, is
Labor Department report yester- that because Republicans are in
day. The continuation of relative- the minority in Congress, any po-
ly stable prices means one million sitions they take get lost in the
productionrworkers will not get publicity given to Democratic ad-
ministration proposals.

Meetings Set
To Complete
Last Details,
Governients Lift
Secrecy from Talks
PARIS (M)-French and Alger-
ian rebel spokesmen agreed last
night that a final round of nego-
tiations to end the 72-year-old
Algerian Nationalist rebellion will
open soon, perhaps by the end of
the week.
In Tunis, Algerian rebel sources
said French and Nationalist dele-
gates will meet Saturday or Sun-
day somewhere along the French-
Swiss frontier to put the finish-
ing touches to an agreement end-
ing the conflict.
The agreement would provide
for Algeria's self-determination
and eventual independence.
To Meet Soon
In Paris, a French cabinet
spokesman said the date and place
will be disclosed as soon as possi-
ble. He hinted the date would be
some time this weekend.
The spokesman said the talks
will be held openly this time as
distinguished from previous secret
The announcement followed a
meeting of the cabinet ministers
with President Charles de Gaulle.
They heard a report from Louis
Joxe, minister for Algerian af-
fairs, who conducted the secret
negotiations with the Algerian Na-
tionalists for a cease-fire.
Envisages Session
In National Assembly corridors,
a Gaullist party caucus was told
the government envisages a spe-
cial session of parliament.
Party members who attended
said this would be followed by a
referendum in France to approve
the accords which will have been
signed with the Algerians.
The tentative date for the refer-
endum-which would be distinct
from a proposed self-determina-
tion vote in Algeria later - was
given as April 8.
Algerian rebel sources in Tunis,
their headquarters in exile, said
the rebel parliament evidently has
given provisional Premier Ben
Youssef Ben Khedda's government
a free hand to sign peace terms
with France after further talks.
The terms, approved by France's
cabinet last week, provide for a
military cease-fire and a later ref-
erendum in which the people of
Algeria-about nine million North
Africans and one million of Euro-
peon extraction - would decide
their own future.

Soviets Grant Credit
To Aid East Germans
MOSCOW (M)-Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev concluded a secret
conference with East German Communist leader Walter Ulbricht
with an announcement yesterday he had granted credit to the hungry
nation, possibly to help ward off trouble.
The announcement of the two-day meeting was made through the
official Soviet News Agency Tass and radio. Ulbricht returned to East
Germany yesterday.
It precipitated an immediate surmise in diplomatic quarters that
Khrushchev had granted credits to East Germany to make it easier
for Ulbricht to receive some un-
pleasant news.'~A~ o e
In Berlin, ADN, the official East F Loses
German News Agency, said that
while flying home, Ulbricht sent;CourtF1 ht
Khrushchev a message of;thanks
for Russia's "generous economic
assistance" but made no mention To Get
of a German peace treaty.
Ulbricht said their discussions WASHINGTON (R) - Young
had again strengthened the broth- A inGor Fr )d-moun
erly friendship" between East Ger- Americans for Freedom lost a iu-
many and the Soviet Union. dicial round yesterday in their at-
There was not a word in the tempt to get a visa for Katanga
communique to indicate an agree- President Moise Tshombe , by
ment on Berlin. But the grant of March 7.
credit was considered certain to
have been made not only to ease The conservative group has in-
the serious food situation in East vited Tshombq to address a rally
Germany but to pacify Ulbricht. in New York City on that date.
A communique said the two ex- Chief Federal District Judge
changed opinions "on questions Matthew F. McGuire dismissed
pertaining to th~e conclusion of a yesterday a motion for a speedy
German peace treaty and normali- hearing on the group's suit asking
zation on the basis of the situa- that the secretary of state be re-
tion in West Berlin" and the ex- quired to grant or reject Tshom-
change revealed "a complete iden- be's visa application.
tity of positions." It added that
the atmosphere was warm and
_ _ _ _ I IEi t

Tubby Admits
Anti-Red Talks
subcommittee was told yesterday
that a policy of "dampening down"
tough anti-Communist speeches
by military leaders was set by
President John F. Kennedy and
Secretary of State Dean Rusk.
The witness at the hearing into
charges that the military men have
been "muzzled" was Roger Tubby,
who as assistant secretary of state
for public affairs directed the cen-
soring of more than 1,000 such
While conceding there had been
some inconsistencies by the 150
State Department officials who re-
viewed the speeches, Tubby in-
sisted that the changes had "been
in a pretty consistent pattern" in
line with guidelines set by Ken-
nedy and Rusk.
Tubby told a Senate Armed
Services subcommittee that Ken-
nedy early this year urged offi-
cials to speak "in terms of civil-
ity" in dealing with Communist
leaders and to explore those prob-
lems which unite rather than be-
labor those which divide.
Tubby said reviewers at the de-
partment deleted some phrases
and softened others in line with
these policies.

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By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - An appear-,
ance of U-2 pilot Francis Gary
Power before congressional com-
mittees investigating his spy-plane
flight over Russia was apparently
delayed last night until sometime
next week.
The postponement developed
when John A. McCone, director of
the Central Intelligence Agency,
informed the groups he would have
4 to- put off a scheduled briefing
today on the interrogation of
scribed as the organizational sec-
retary of the United States Com-
munist Party refused to answer a
grand jury's questions for the sec-
ond time yesterday and was order-
ed Jailed by Federal Judge Alex-
ander Holtzoff.
But effectiveness of the order
was delayed until tomorrow while
the ruling is appealed. The de-


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cost-of-living wage increases. in
fact, about 100,000 workers whose
pay is geared to prices will take,
a one-cent hourly pay cut.
LANSING-The Constitutional
Convention gave up temporarily
yesterday in its efforts to find a
methd of selectingjustices for
Michigan's Supreme Court.
* * *
PITTSBURGH-Top-level nego-
tiators worked yesterday to find a
basis for agreement on new labor
contracts in the nation's basic
steel industry.
What progress David J. McDon-
ald, United Steelworkers presi-
dent, and R. Conrad Cooper, chief
bargainer for 11 major steel firms,
might have made was not dis-
NEW YORK--The Stock Mar-
ket pursued an irregular course
in dull trading yesterday. Final
statistics showed a slight upward
edge with Dow Jones averages
closing at 241.88.




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