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March 01, 1962 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-03-01

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Seventy-Second Year
"Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH. " Phone NO 2-3241
Truth WiII revaG"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.




Michigan Loyalty Oaths
Ask Intellectual Disloyalty

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NIN ETY-FOUR out of 110 State Repre-
sentatives voted Tuesday to require all
employes paid partially or wholly out of state
funds to sign an oath of loyalty to the con-
stitutions of Michigan and the United States.
They were led by Rep. Lester J. Allen of
Ithaca whose constituents, he says, have been
complaining th.t instructors in state univer-
sities have been teaching their children "capi-
talism exploits the masses and socialism is
ALLEN IS NOT a Fascist, nor is he a sinister
conspirator engaged in a plot to rob in-
structors of academic freedom, nor is he
stupid. He Is a man who believes devoutly in
the American way, in the virtues of capitalism
and the spirit of nationalism; and he has no-
thing but the best interests of the country at
He has no objections to the notion that.
"socialism and communism are all right in
theory" but he believes instructors should
stress the idea that both; Socialism and Com-
. munism have proved impracticable and that
the American free enterprise system has re-
sulted in the highest living standard to be
found in the world.
On this premise, Allen and his followers
would administer a loyalty oath to all state
employes with the understanding that those
who are loyal will naturally present the op-
posing political and economic systems in this
light and leave students in no doubt as to
which is "best."
LOYALTY OATHS are not new in fact or
issue. University professors have been
signing them, since 1934 and the arguments
against them have not changed much since
that time. In brief, there are three objections
to the oath: 1) It is ineffective since real
subversives would not hesitate to take it.
2) It insults loyal faculty members who resent
having their integrity attacked and limits
freedom of speech. 3) "Loyalty," like "virtue"
is almost impossible to define in generally
satisfactory terms.
The first and third issues are closely in-
terrelated. Allen says he knows Communists
would not hesitate to sign an oati of al-
legiance and then violate it. He contends it
is therefore all the more advantageous to have
an oath which may be used as grounds for
accusing then who prove disloyal of perjury.
But what after all does "loyalty" mean?
Can a professor not say "Isweartodefendpro-

andoftheStateof Michigan" and then argue
that the country needs socialized medicine and
federal financing of education? Apparently
Allen does not think so. The professor may
say that Socialism in theory is far better than
Capitalism, but must conclude that Socialism
cannot work and that while there may be
flaws in the American system, it works better
than any other ever could.
IF THIS IS disloyalty and if, as such, it
constitutes grounds for perjury, then Allen
has very effectively nullified the first aimend-
ment to the constitution.
He has equally effectively nullified 'the con-
cept of a university which, as Prof. Peek of
the political science department pointed out,
is "to encourage a wide range of opinion in
search of the truth.",
A university professor who upholds ideals
in which he does not believe is not merely
saving his academic neck. He is being "dis-
loyal" to himself, his institution and the stu-
dents whose education has been entrusted to
him. In accepting a position as university
instructor, a conscientious man automatically
takes an unwritten "oath" of loyalty to an
ideal which transcends any obligations to con-
stitutions, state legislatures or even his country.
He takes an oath of allegiance to truth and
to the capabilities of the human mind. If it
is difficult for outsiders to prove he has per-
jured himself after taking this oath, that is
all the more reason for him to strive to be
loyal to it.
WHEN A MAN, particularly a university in-
structor, signs an oath against his con-
science, he must expect that men like Rep.
Allen will take him at his word. Thus he is
helping augment an already growing American
tendency to . accept formal statements and
symbols as substitutes for the intentions and
feelings they represent. To be loyal is to say
one is loyal, just as to love is to say one
loves-nothing more is demanded or even,
The forced retreat into a shell of apparent
conformity is a denial of the sanctity of the
human intellect. If the instructor is to defend
protect and uphold anything, it is this in-
tellect he must defend to the death, and he
must defend it against precisely such good,
well-meaning men as Lester J. Allen. This is
the only loyalty he owes.

Four New Examples
Of University Secrecy

To the Editor:
panel discussion on the "Uni-
versity as a Community" one stu-
dent asked what could be done,
immediately and by every com-
ponent of the University, to bring
a community into existence. At
that time I answered generally,
that making public the concerns
and processes that were important
to the life of the whole University
would be a step well taken by
the faculty and the administra-
Mr. Storch's editorial makes the
same point specific to the Resi-
dence Halls Board of Governors'
gagging of Moch's final report. .It
is important, though, to realize
that this is not an isolated in-
stance of secrecy and unilateral
action on the part of the decision-
making authorities of the Univer-
sity. In the last weeks a number of
examples have occurred, and I
would like to enumerate them.
1) The promotion of Dean
Roger Heyns to Vice-President for
Academic Affairs, and the creation
of an Executive Vice-Presidency
for Mr. Niehuss were surprises to
most of the student body. Insofar
as these men and positions are
respected, admired and signifi-
cant in our lives, to that extent
it is detrimental to the community
that it was not even aware of the
importance of things happening
beforehand. The decision-makers
not only were not chosen by those,
governed, it was not even known
they were about to be chosen.
2) The Faculty-Student Rela-
tions Committee of the Faculty
Senate was consulted about its
opinions of the OSA Study. A
hearing was held at which Vice-
President Lewis was present. The
campus as a whole was not even
aware of the existence, no less the
content, of this meeting.
3) There are rumors that a com-
mittee composed of three Re-
gents and three officers of East
Quadrangle are working out a
detailed plan for coeducational
dormitories. If this is true it
ought to be made public; the
people affected, I'm sure, have
relevant information and opinion
to contribute. If it is not true,
the Regents should make clear
exactly what is under considera-
tion so that rumor and counter-
rumor do not explode into myth-
vicious or otherwise.:
4) Obviously, someone is under
consideration for the eventual re-
placement of Vice-President Heyns
as Dean of the 'Literary College.
Thousands of students and nun-
dreds of faculty members form
a body of men and women with a
vital stake in that selection. Why
is there such secrecy?
These points are just examples;
so .much of what goes on does
not even come this far to the
surface. If community is charac-

terized by "lucid intercommunica-
tion," and by the existeice of rec-
ognized common problems, and the
possibility of solutions made in
concert with others, the extreme
secrecy now characterizing Uni-
versity operations is an aspect
of atomizing, disintegrating ele-
ments which work counter to the
ideals of a "community of schol-
-Robert Ross '63
To the Editor:
concept of a liberal education
has resulted in an unfair and
obnoxious system of distribution
requirements. We came to college
to obtain degrees in the sciences,
not to learn more about social
studies, composition and the like.
Although we realize that these
are important in order to be fully
e~ducated, we feel that we already
have an adequate background
from college preparatory high
school courses. Before we are de-
nounced as illiterates, let us state
that we both like humanities and
,social studies, but prefer to study
them on ourown.
We spend approximately half
the total credit hours needed to
graduate, in fields unrelated to our
own. We believe we are learning
little to compensate for the two
years' time and the tidy sum all
this is costing. Then, too, science
majors must spend many hours,
in labs for which they receive
little or no credit.
We cannot comprehend why a.
separate system, somewhat similar
to the Engineering College, can-
not be established in which science
majors would be exempt from dis-
tribution reguirements unneces-
sary to their fields of endeavor
and instead receive more credit for
the labs. The total number of
hours needed for concentration
may be raised in order to rom-
pensate for the loss of the hours
that would have been spent in
distribution courses,
-Carl Miller, '64
-Ralph Bloom, '64
I THINK the newspaper will con-
tinue to be the prime source
of information on local and re-
gional events. The newspaper will
be the prime source of informa-
tion about things that affect your
schools and colleges, your high-
ways and government.
Beyond that, I think the news-
papers that survive are going to
become semi-magazines. They are
going to have to serve a deeper
purpose than most of them now
--Mark Ethridge In
"The Press"


Threats to a Free Algeria

Education and Con-Con

IN THE LAST WEEK, the constitutional con-
vention has done two revolutionary things
for higher education-they have opened up
governing board meetings to the public, and
they have given 19 masters to Michigan's
community. colleges.
If Michigan voters approve the constitution,
all Regents and governors will be required to
admit the public, not just the press, to their
formal meetings. This provision is intended to
remind Regents and governors that they are
elected by tle public and therefore responsible
to the public. The constitution gives the voters
an opportunity to come and see for them-
selves how their colleges and universities are
governed, and lodge any protests they may
ON PAPER, the idea and implementation is
wonderful. Actually, this motion will not
achieve its purpose. The press has been allow-
ed into .formal meetings for several years and
the public still has hot much idea of the debate
or reasoning behind Regental action. The Re-
gents, like many other bodies who wish to
present a united front, debate and decide in
"informal" meetings. Formal meetings consist
of carefully rehearsed speechs on pre-decided
issues. They are the dull and frozen tops of
the University administration's iceberg.
Under the present system, the public will
remain just as uninformed on Regental reason-
ing whether it is in or kept out,of the meetings.
By secret deliberations, the Regents or other
governing boards can make decisions un-
pressured by interest groups or public opinion.
can also afford to be uninformed as to the
consequences of a decision and the public will
never know their individual action. In the
last election, a Regent stated that he would
not be adverse to building new residence halls.
Although technically governing this University,
Editorial Staff
City Editor Editorial Director
SUSAN FARRELL... ......Personnel Director
PETER Si'TJART..................Magazine Editor.
MICHAEL BURNS ... ............Spurts Editor
PAT GOLDEN G....... AssociaLe City. Editor
RICHARD OSTLING...Associate Editorial Director
DlAV~ID AND)RE4WS ....,.Assate S norts Edtor

that Regent was unaware that women's apart-
ment ,permission requirements had become
extremely rare since Mary Markley was built.
This Regent, responsible for the morale and
education of 25,000 students, did not even
know anything about women's hours.
Although the public will not learn anything
new about Regental decisions, some benefits
will come of opening the meetings All Uni-
versity financial dealings will have to be made
public as they must cross the table in formal
meetings. Regents will have more contact with
students and taxpayers, The Regents, or other
governors, will be personally :subjected to public
opinion on a completed action. If that action
is unfavorable, then they might think twice
before enacting a similar proposal without ad-
ditional and more diverse information.
CON-CON'S second revolutionary move --
giving community colleges nineteen masters
- has no apparent merits. If the constitution
passes, the already confused Legislature could
conceivably get budget recommendations for
community colleges from 19 different bodies, all
directly responsible for community colleges.
The new constitution will provide for' a
locally elected board to govern each of the
sixteen community colleges. The constitution
also provides for a State Board of Education
to coordinate and supervise all public educa-
tion in the state. This duty includes recom-
mending budgets for education to the Legis-
In addition, the constitution provides for an
,advisory board on community colleges to the
state Board of Education. At the moment how-
ever, the state board of education has an
advisory board to supervise, coordinate and
make financial recommendations on commun-
ity colleges.
This board, formed in the past month, is,
comprised of the president of Olivet College
and other community and civic leaders.
constitution incorporates this advisory
council into the constitutional advisory coun-
cil, the state board of education will be '"ad-
vised" by two groups with exactly the same
function. They will be better off than the
Legislature, however. The Legislature will be
bombarded each year by budget requests from
the sixteen community and junior colleges, the
state board of education and the two ad-
visory boards.
r , a avn.Qe,4-4+n4 hr t will. havA1 l en ..

Daily Staff Writer
A series of quiet, even shadowy
luncheons and conferences seem
finally to have certified this guar-
antee. The settlement between the
French Cabinet and the Cabinate
of the Front de Liberation Nation-
ale (FLN) is reported to contain
the following provisions, though
details are still secret:
1),A cease-fire to be effective
March 4.
2) The establishment of a pro-
visional executive government, to
be headed by a Moslem presiding
over three Europeans acceptable
to the FLN and three Moslems ac-
ceptable to the French govern-
3) A referendum will be held
three months later. Algerians will
vote yes or no on the question
"Do you approve of Algerian in-
dependence and cooperation with
* * *
create a sovereign Algerian gov-
ernment and Algeria will be grant-
ed independence next September
5) Twenty per cent of the Al-
gerian truce forces will be French
security police, the rest Moslem
auxiliaries demobilized from the
French army and some units of
the FLN army.
6) The FLN guarantees the ives
of all Europeans living in Algeria.
European property will not be
seized, and land reform will be un-
dertaken with full compensation
to property owners.
x* *
7) A GENERAL amnesty will be
proclaimed, with the release of
prisoners held by both the FLN
and the French.
8) French economic aid to Al-
geria will continue.
i9) French oil, gas and mineral
interests will be guaranteed for
thirty years. The French will re-
tain the naval base at Mers-el-
Kebir under lease, and the Sahara
bases for three to five years, per-
mitting nuclear tests.
10) Europeans will become Al-
gerian citizens for a five-year
period, to be followed by a choice
of citizenship. Those who refuse
to become Algerian citizens may
retain their own schools, but must
refrain from political activity.
11) Algerian citizens of Euro-
pean descent will have propor-
tional representation in local as-
Semblies, and will be eligible to
run as individuals for the Na-
tional Assembly, but will have no
guaranteed quota.
* * *
IN SEVEN and a half yeat's,
18,000 French soldiers and 360,-
000 Moslems have died in the
battle for Algerian independence.
Now independence is about to be-
come accomplished fact. In the
midst of hope for a new nation
founded on unbroken courage, the
world can only be thankful that
Albert Camus never lived to know
of the Organisation de l'Armee
Secrete, right-wing renegades from,
the French army, now threatening
the dream of Algerian independ-
ence with ex'plosions of terror.

forts, hoping to so antagonize the
FLN that negotiations for peace
will fail. OAS terror sometimes
shows local, immediate initiative
as in various sporadic explosions
of plastic bombs, in both Algeria
and France proper.
But strong organization under
Raoul Salan is demonstrated in
swift changes of OAS location,
various assassinations and pris-
oners carefully schooled to reveal
nothing to their captors except
what is already known. Salan's
struggle for an'"Algerie Francaise"
threatens to increase, rather than
subside once Algerian independ-
ence is achieved.
* * *
DE GAULLE'S government it-
self faces splintering on the OAS
issue which could make it nearly
impossible for France to give full
support to Algeria in routing the
OAS. Antoine Pincy has proposed
to Washington officials and news-
men that a right-wing coalition
government in France, with some
posts going to GAS members,
would be a preferable alternative
to de Gaulle.
The French National Assembly
Publish or.._
WHAT IS MORE surprising and
disquieting is the fact that
those who might be expected ex
officia to have a profound and
permanent appreciation of litera-
ture may in reality have nothing
of the sort. They are mere pro-
fessionals. Perhaps they once had
the full response, but the 'ham-
mer, hammer, hammer on the
hard, high road' has long since
dinned it out of them.
I am thinking of the unfortu-
nate scholars in foreign universi-
ties who cannot 'hold down their
jobs' unless they repeatedly pub-
lish articles each of which must
say, or seem to say, something new
about some literary work; or of
overworked reviewers, getting
through novel after novel as
quickly as they can, like a school-
boy doing his 'prep'."
-C. S. Lewis
University of Cambridge

contains at least 80 deputies who
sympathize with the OAS, "The
Nation" reports. The attempted
assassination of de Gaulle is com-
monly attributed to OAS sym-
pathizers. According to "The New-
Leader,", "most (French) army,
officers are more critical of de
Gaulle than of the OAS ultras."
Salan himself claims Moslem sup-
port, and the GAS is known to
have Moslem members.
Critics of Socialist Guy Mollet
maintain that even he, would sup-
port an OAS dictatorship in ,ref-
erence to a popular front coalition
containing Communists. And the
OAS continued to receive aid from
Spain, Portugal and South Africa.
* * *
DE GAULLE faces criticism on
all sides. The ability of the pro-
posed police force to maintainj
peace against the OAS is, at best,
dubious. The Algerian government
may eventually be forced to call
upon the UN for protection, thus
involving a host of other nations.
But Algeria will never be safe
until the OAS is extinguished, and
the struggle promises to be bitter,
perhaps spreading beyond Algeria
into precarious France.
* * *
THE ECONOMIC and political
settlements between the FLN and
Paris seem to guarantee more con-
cessions than could have been ex-
pected to European Algerians.
However, continued OAS activity
could not only split European
from Moslem, but European from
There will be no real peace in
Algeria until the European settlers
decide to become Algerians and*
live as' Algerians in the Algerian
They will have to accept what-
ever the elected government ulti-
mately decides about land reform.
They will have to repudiate the
OAS and all it stands for. They
amount of uneasiness and distrust
will have to accept a certain
that may surround them for years.
And, most important, they will
have to help in establishing a
functioning unity of Moslem and
European after seven years of ter-
ror and hatred between them.

is Necessary,.

Daily Staff Writer
IS A BAN on student driving
necessary for this campus?
There are the oft-stated reasons
why unlimited driving privileges
can't be granted to students. But
the reasons often seem unimpor-
tant. After all, Michigan remains
the only school in the Big Ten
to have such a policy. Why can,
other schools permit unlimited
driving privileges and Michigan
The answer 'is that there is
a different situation at eatch cam-
pus and that policy must be
adapted to suit a particular cam-
pus situation.
FOUR OF THE Big Ten schools,
Ohio State, Minnesota, Wiscon-
in and Illinois, are located in or
near large cities. Although they

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have more traffic, these cities also
have facilities for handling excess
traffic and for the most part, have
adequate parking facilities. The.
cars brought to campuses by stu-
dents are not a major concern.
Purdue, Iowa and Indiana, al-
though in cities of approximately
the same size as Ann Arbor, have
far fewer students. The number
of cars that can be expected to
be brought to campus by students
is therefore not as great as an
estimate for Michigan. Here too,
the cities can absorb the burden.
At Michigan State, the campus
is far more spread out and can
handle a' greater number of cars.
WHEN, ILLINOIS lifted its ban
completely in 1952, Michigan
watched closely. Ann Arbor has a
population of 67,340 compared
with 76,887 in Champaign-Urbana.
Both schools have about 25,000
students. Illinois had to modify
its policy due to traffic problems,
and now prevents freshmen from
But there' are more facts than
these to consider. The Ann Ar-
bor campus is considerably more
compact than Illinois. An increase
of cars in such a small area, which
would follow a ban removal, would
complicate the traffic problem
Also a great increase in the
number of cars would considerably
handicap people living in private
homes near campus in the routine
conduct of their everyday tasks
(including parking at night).
Parking, of course, is still the
major problem. Crowded facilities,
and a lack of money for building
new parking lots or structures
make a removal of the ban highly
impractical for the University.
And for students it would mean
worse traffic jams. An increase in
cars would also make it more dif-
ficult for professors or disabled

(Continued from Page 2)
I-B.M. World Trade Corp.-(See Wed).
Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith,
New York, N.Y.-Feb., June & Aug.
grads for locations throughout U.S.
Merrill Lynch is country's biggest brok-
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for Sales Training Program. 4) Will in-
terview WOMEN for positions in re-
Hamilton Standard Div., United Air-
craft Corp., Windsor Locks, Conn.-In-
terested in PhD candidates in Physics,
Physical Chemistry & Math. Interview-
ing at Dept. of Chemistry. Call Univ.
Ext. 727 for interview appointment.
Service Bureau Corp., Detroit, Mich.
-Feb., June & Aug. grads for branch

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Also looking for women with degree
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tistics. Business Admin. majors for Ac-
counting, Personnel Mgmt., Mgmt.
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Rand Corp., Santa Monica, Calif. -
Feb., June & Aug. grads. Men & Women
with BS or MS in. Mathematics for
either Research & Development or Elec.
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Rand Corp. is a nonprofit corp. formed
to further & promote scientific, educa-
tional, & charitable purposes, for the
public welfare & security of the U.S.
N. .,. Ayer & Co., Philadelphia, Pa-
Feb., June & Aug. grads. Men with
degree in Liberal Arts or Bus. Ad. for
Advertising positions concerned with
Business side of agency only. No crea-
tive opportunities at the present time.

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June & Aug. grads. U.S. citizenship
required. Both Men & Women. R. &
D., Service, Tech. Publications.
Los Angeles State College-MS-PhD:
ME, CE, EE-(Electronics) with Indus-
trial experience in the field. Teaching
experience desirable. Teaching Posi-
tions, Assistant Prof., Associate Prof. &
Litton Systems, Inc., Guidance & Con-
trol Div. (Harvey Lashier), Data Sys-
tems Div. (Blaine Osborn),* Woodland
Hills & Canoga Park, Calif .-All 'De-
grees: EE & ME. BS-MS: EM. Prof.: Ap-
plied Mechanics. BS: E Math, E Physics
& Science Engrg. June & Aug. grads.
U.S. citizenship required. Both Men &
Women. Des., R. & D., Production.
Ohio Oil Co., Technical Services, Find-
lay, O.-BS: ChE & ME. Men only. Feb.
& June grads. Sales-Technical.
Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp., Con-
tinental Limits of U.S.-BS-MS: ChE,

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