Sventy-Second Year
II1 Prevail"
printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Y, FEBRUARY 23, 1962'
OSA Report: Two Views
ically Sound
. ..Disappointing '
0 "
fice of Student Affairs Study Committee
sport is bound to be assailed from both sides.
fit the report itself-relying almost entirely
n educational arguments-is basically sound.
'he main concern now is implementation.
The published remarks of Vice-President for
tudent Affairs James A. Lewis are ominous.
ewis, who signed the unanimous report, now
ays he disagrees with some sections of it.
resumably, he will pass on to the Regents a
et of recommendations for implementation
ifferent than those he received from the
ammittee. If Lewis says that some things are
pt acceptable, it Is logical to assume that this
,the view of his superiors in the administra-
o , and the Regents.
There is nothing intrinsically wrong with'
at accepting. all of the committee's recom-
iendations-the report is far from perfect.
The committee itself was sketchy on exactly
rat should be done to carry "its philosophy
the specific workings of the OSA. It ad-
fitted that its structural proposal was only
ne suggestion, and that there are other possi
lities. Judicial matters were handled briefly,
id counseling was dismissed with a statement
agreement with a previous study. And, it
as sometimes inconsistent, for instance by af-
rining the principle of "equality of the sexes"
it not carrying it as far as might have been
But one has the feeling that Lewis's atti-
Tde ay mean some of the report's basic con-
pts will not be accepted, much less imple-
ented through appropriate structural and
rsonnel changes.
'HIS WOULD BE, to say the least, unfortu-
nate. Cutting out any of the basic concepts.
ould imply acceptance of a status quo the
imittee itself found somewhat unacceptable.
w- ould compromise the basic philosophy of
ie committee, which begins first 'with a
ther sound view of the average student.
The committee does not assume, as some
iidents do, that the student either knows
'erything or knows enough to be complete
aster of his own destiny. Yet it reqognizes
.at students may shoulder a great deal of
sponsibility toward managing their own lives
id that, as they grow older, the amount of
sponsibility can and ought to increase. It
cognizes that the' student can make some
ntribution to the University.
The conception is not based on an idea of
udent "rights" as such, a concept somewhat
ore debatable than the theory of "natural
ghts" which has been be-deviling the world
ace the seventeenth century and before.
don't know everything, but that they pro-
essively learn more, the committee states the
ntral purpose for both. the University and
student affairs policy-education.
Student affairs shoulders an important por-
in of these responsibilities. Students emerg-+
g at the end of four years-for student af-
irs regulations are primarily directed at un-
rgraduates-should be able to shoulder re-
onsibility for their lives. According to theJ
rnmittee their undergraduate education3
ould have been oriented toward both free-I
m f ideas and action with correlative re-r
pnsibflity and participation in decision-mak-
HIS IS, SKETCHILY, what the committees
said. It was based on the soundest ground-
e reason why the entire University exists. To
ry the tommttee's logic is to question the
dversity's true and basic purpose which is
ication and not research.
rhis philosophy can't be ignored in treat-
'nt of student affairs. The functional struc-'
e, if adopted, can operate as poorly as the
esent one. The same tired personnel can bet
ained. The advisory boards, which could2
influential and reasonably forward-looking,
ni be left to atrophy.
rhe way ought to be clear. Lewis can rec-
imend a strong affirmation of the commit-
s philosophy/ and sufficient measures to"
plement it. An honest and forthright posi-
n, by no means radical and certainly sound,
n be taken.
;his is what the University will do if- it isz
sonably enlightened and dedicated to itst
rn ends. If its commitment is less than total.,
wever, that too will be apparent.
All too apparent.
City Editor
Editorial Staff
City Editor Editorial Director
SAN FARRELL .................Personnel Directorf
TER SrUART..................Magazine EditorE
CHAEL BURNS. ..............Sports Editor
T GfOLDEN ................ Associate COity Editor
HARD OSTLING .Associate Editorial Director
Vfl ANDREWS..........Associate Sports Editor
IFF MARK .....Assoiaite Snorts Editor
University of Michigan are to stimulate in
each student the maximum intellectual growth
of which he is capable and to enable him
through resultant development of character
.and abilities to make maximum contribution
to his society."
Some day these grand words may be en-
graved over the portals of the Student Activi-
ties Building, for they summarize the educa-
tional philosophy developed by the Office of
Student Affairs Study Committee. The 'Uni-
versity's aims, the Committee concluded, must
be pursued outside the classroom as well as
in it, and accordingly, "the University should
provide programs, facilities and services that
will conduce 'to these ends." Almost all of us
can subscribe to this point of view, and the
section' of the report outlining "A Philosophy
of Purpose" is beyond criticism, as far as I
am concerned.
UNFORTUNATELY, this philosophy has little
logical connection with the rest of this re-
port, which combines a few timid criticisms
with an eclectic set of policies and structures
designed to please everybody.
Section one is called "Background of the
Study and Summary of the Present Situation."
Its evasiveness, and diluted language make it
clear that this part was written for public
consumption. The role played by The Daily
and the Student Relations subcommittee are
briefly reviewed, but The Daily's concern with
the Dean of Women's Office is not mentioned,
and the Subcommittee's recommendations are
listed in skeletal, fleshless form.
Then, noting the spreading "misconception"
that students' conduct has become lax and
immoral, the report emphasizes that the pro-
posal to allow women in the quadrangles was
rejected, and "gives assurance regarding the
moral battle of the University community." But
the time is right for improvement, the report
- In what is surely the grossest understatement
in recent history, the report says the Uni-
versity's philosophy is "unclear" and "nega-
tve," its practices "less than fully consistent,"
and its staff organization "ambiguous 'as to
sources of authority." The University's em-
phasis on control, its differing treatment of
men and women, and its autonomous spheres
of power over student are briefly indicated, but
in language which is designed to calm worried
parents, alumnae, and legislators.
IF THE SUMMARY of the present situation
is aimed at the public, the proposed ad-
ministrative changes were apparently designed
to keep OSA personnel happy. A Dean of
Students is retained, for no apparent reason
except to guarantee a high-status position
for the popular Walter B. Rea. The Associate
Dean of Students must be a woman, and
Elizabeth Davenport's name comes to mind
(One hypothesizes that the Associate Dean
of Students and her assistants would be located
on the first floor of the SAB with the Dean
of Students upstairs, making for a convenient
division of labor.) And so on, 'down the list.
Lewis himself seems to have a structure
ideally suited to his personality, with lots of
powerless advisory committees and an inter-
mediary between himself and his staff in OSA.
THE RECOMMENDED policy changes show,
more than any other part of the report,
the committees' urge to please everyone. They
are very short and general; more detailed
working papers "will be made available" to the
proper officials. The recommendations regard-
ing housing make no mention of housemothers
or women's hours; the revised judicial structure
would allow basic due process only with. the
"approval" of a Judicial Appeal Board; policies
distinguishing between discipline and counsel-
ing activities are passed over.*1
Compare the generalized policies set forth in
the report with the problems outlined in The
Daily's 8-part series on "OSA in Transition."
A detailed set of proposals should have been
presented, even at the risk of obscuring the
committee's "main purpose.
report's weakness can be laid on Vice-
President Lewis. In his quest for a purpose
(and a way to squelch the Student Relations
committee proposals), he put together a com-
mittee which was "more representative" than
the groups pressing for change. He practically
guaranteed that the resulting study would try
to satisfy everyone by including "everyone"
on the committee. And by sitting in on the
meetings,, he effectively eliminated any per-
sonal criticism of himself.
But most of the blame rests with the com-
mittee, which was overly concerned that the
report not offend public and Regents by being
too radical or touching on personalities. There
was no excuse, for example, for meeting the
Regents behind closed doors to discuss the
report and further dilute it before its release.
Nor was there any reason for catering to the
feminists of the Alumnae Council by requiring
a woman in the OSA hierarchy.
M OREOVE, the committee should not have
striven for a unanimity which, given its
"Trade-In's Worth About 15 Bucks ... As Junk . .
\ t
Co uncil Muddles NSA Motion
kJ.1 V 111E 5J 8 IA W.U *
Take Out Girls?
Daily Staff Writer
STUDENT Government Council
changed its mind, but not its
basic orientation.
When the Council originally de-
cided to hold a referendum on the
question of continuing affiliation
with the United States National
Student Association it did so for
purely political reasons.
* *
NSA HAS BEEN traditionally
liberal, approving such motions as
abolishment of the House Com-
mittee on Un-Anilericani Activities,
and Young Aemricans for Free-
dom and other groups have tried
to impose a more conservative
view on the organization. When
this failed, schools across the
country began to withdraw.
The conservatives 'and liberals
lined up for the standard bloc
votes and the Council joined in
this wave of retaliation. Then the
tables turned. The SGC conser-
vatives found themselves in league
with YAF, a most displeasing ar-
rangement to such people as Steve
Stockmeyer of the Young Repub-
The liberals were left with a
choice-rally the necessary vote to
put the question before the cam-
pus, where it would probably be
defeated by a war of propaganda
against NSA, or go along with a
compromise motion. They did the
latter and the final motion as
passed is contradictory, and in
places contains outright lies.
THE COUNCIL does not seem
to know exactly what NSA really
is although it makes a variety of
guesses. In the first paragraph it
calls NSA "a confederation 'of
student governments." In the
third paragraph it calls it a "na-
tional union of students based
primarily on student government,"'
which is closer to reality.
A Council majority refused to
delete a paragraph reading: "The
USNSA Constitution states in its
preamble: 'We the students of the.
United States of America, desiring
. to stimulate and improve
democratic student government..."
USNSA has departed from this
basic purpose." Robert Ross read
excerpts from the USNSA "Codi-
fication of Policy" covering such
areas as the role of student gov-
ernment, student government in
the academic process, student bill
of responsibilities and rights, stu-
dent-faculty administration rela-
tions, the student and the total
community. Although these resolu-
tions and mandates passed by NSA
demonstrate the fact that USNSA
is continually concerned with im-
proving student government, the'
Council refused tb believe it.
these facts. Setting up a somewhat'
foggy statement of NSA's purpose
and charging that NSA was devi-
ating from it, they passed a series
of resolutions based on this firm
First, the Council resolved that
it and the National Executive com-
mittee of NSA should try to im-
plement USNSA programs and
policies in terms of student gov-
ernment. Not ten minutes before
the Council had ignored the
presentation of the same programs
and policies that they now wanted
to promote.
THE REMAINING resolutions
were matters of courtesy, and the
Council dispensed with them as
they calmly passed the muddled
motion, avoided a referendum, and.
adjourned. The only things they
failed to do were to settle the issue
and to substantiate 'the rationale
for the whole fiasco.
The Council never did prove
their charges against NSAand
thus left unjustified the rationale
for the resolutions it passed.
THE ISSUE did prove one thing.
The members of the Council are
more devoted to personal political
interests than to the student body.
Council has formulated its own
system for voting along strong
political lines instead of issues.
Regardless of which group has the
majority at any given time or
meeting, this can only hamper
honest consideration of motions
and topics. And, even in those rare
cases when issues are resolved by
a compromise, the assimilation of
the two points of view fail to
settle matters in a coherent man-
The Council is not governing or
legislating--it is playing petty
politics. It isn't rising and it can't
go lower. The members aren't
even fermenting; they are just
sitting in comfortably apolstered
chairs going stale.
To the Editor:
TH" IS DIRECTED to those
unaware that the motive for
dating girls is sex.
I first note several abnormal
reasons for dating which hope-
fully would disgust any intelligent
girl. For example, some boys, mis-
sing the womb, use girls as
"mother images." Other spineless
young men may use a submissive
female as the brunt of the aggres-
sion which they cannot exert else-
A more subtle practice is the
masking of true feelings by a
false desire to raise a family. When
a boy cannot satisfy his sex drive
during premarital relations, he
may turn to marriage as a means
to his goal and then rationalize
the defeat with an artificial in-
terest in family life.
I next turn to several reasons
why boys do not have to date.
These are given because many
persons list them as important
elements in a young man's life
which supposedly a girl can best
provide. First of all, boys do not
need girls for companionship.
Except for, sexually oriented ac-
tivities, other boys are, on the
average, more interesting, daring,
and challenging associates. For ex-
ample, they are much better at
sports. From a purely practical
standpoint, male companionship
is cheaper. In particular, girls are
not the only available source of
stimulating conversation. Indeed,
the typical boy has 'seenmoreof
the world than the average girl,
and he has correspondingly more
to say.
While it may be true that for
every young man there is a woman
his mental equal, the restriction of
our society on female experience
means that there are not enough
girls to go around. It is more prac-
tical to find an equally sophisti-
cated male for interesting con-
versation. Moreover, the Univer-
sity's regulations make it much
more difficult to hold a private
conversation with a member of
.the opposite sex. Finally, girls are
not essential for non-physical af-
fection. This can be provided by
any average dog.
mal boy which compels him to
date is the sexual instinct. Sex
is the one unique contribution
which a young woman can make
to a boy's life, a function which
cannot be duplicated by man or
beast. She is the sole means avail-
able for stimulating and satisy-
ing the male sex drive, whereas
other masculine needs can be ob-
tained elsewhere.
In fact, normal dates are al-
ways sex-oriented. For example,
when a boy takes a girl dancing,
it is never the aesthetic elements
of rhythm and movement which
the boy truly appreciates; it is the
sexual stimulation of a nearby
female. This is demonstrated mnost
clearly by the fact that one never
No Defense
I THINK it is clear that any.
really effective civil defense is
impossible, and I believe the same
is true for AICBM (anti-intercon-
tinental ballistic missile). It is
not very difficult to design a de-
fensive missile which will come
close enough to an ICBM to de-
stroy it by means of an atomic ex-
plosion. There is also no problem
about providing atomic warheads
for anti-missiles.
But the offense can send decoys
along with their missiles which
are almost impossible to distin-
guish from the missiles, and they
can send many missiles simul-
taneously which saturate the ra-
dars of the defense. Thus I think
AICBM is virtually hopeless, and
the deterrent can remain stable
for a long time.
--Dr. Hans A. Bethe
sees two boys as partners. If the
boy felt any enjoyment from the
dance itself, one would expect to
see males dancing together oc-
casionally. Likewise, a boy doesn't
need a girl along to enjoy a movie
or concert. A female companion
with any sex appeal whatsoever
cannot help but be a distraction,
admittedly a sexually pleasurable
I can only conclude that the
procurement of sexual satisfaction
is the only natural justification for
-Blake R. Patterson, '62E
Private '' .".
To the Editor:
1 HAVE READ in The Michigan
Daily (February 17, 1962) of
the attempt by Representatives
Green and Romano to limit out-
of-state enrollment to 10 per cent
of the University students. If it is
true that the people of the State
do not wish to support out-of-state
students (although no one other
than legislators ever seems to
complain), then somehting must
be done to ameliorate the situa-
tion without upsetting the Univer-
The problem besically is that of
a world university existing under
the restraint of a state govern-
ment. Permanent solution of such
disparate viewpoints remains most
Perhaps the most beneficial
course would be for the niversity
to cut loose from the State of
Michigan. The University has been
only marginally financed for a
number of years anyway.
be gleaned from three sources:
1) The University Is already one
of the few, always distinguished
institutions which is aided abun-
dantly by its friends the nation
2) Once separated from the in-
fluence of the Michigan Legis-
lature, it would be free to accept
only highly qualified students
from all states, charging every-
body tuition and fees at present
out-of-state rates. Doubtless stan-
dards and faculty morale would
3) The remainder of the Uni-
versity's needs might well be met
by making the University ofMch-
igan the first in a; Federal Uni-
versity System.
We can have nothing but praise
for the Regents, Dr. Hatcher and
his associates, who for so long
have tried to maintain and ex-
tend the University with the halt-
ing aid of the Legislature. But now
is the time, in my opinion, for
them to turn their talents in the
opposite direction. They must seek
the help of individuals and agen-
cies who truly understand the role
of a great university and who will
never cease to support it in the
measure which it deserves.
-D. B. Lellinger, Grad
Trust Busters ..
To the Editor:
istration removed the words,
"In God We Trust" from the one
dollar bill provided Mr. Harrah
with a pretext for an attack in
his brief February 15th editorial.
In his sarcastic and unjustifiable
thrust he wonders if ". . . the
Democrats (have) discovered that
the Lord is a Republican?"
If this witty quip represents the
editor's desparetion to fill white
space, might I suggest something
more discriminative and palatable
in the future., An epigrammatic
statement from Mr. Harrah on the
separation of church and state
would do, because the Democrats
have discovered that belief in C od
is not a requisite for being a good
-Ron Newman, '63
Peace Demonstrat ion:
No Concrete Effects,
Daily Staff Writer
ABOUT 6,000 PERSONS, mostly
students, were drawn to the
Washington demonstrations last
weekend. For two days they visited
Congressmen, foreign legations
and government officials; picketed
the White House and the Soviet
Embassy. It was the biggest and
most impressive political demon-
stration by American students in
a number of years..
But two questions remain:
How well were the demon-
strators versed in their own pro-
How much effect, if any, did
they have on government officials?
Certainly government officials
were receptive and cordial. Every-
body is in favor of disarmament'
in the same way that everybody
is for Mother or Apple Pie. This
bland, platitude-ridden approach
of the bureaucrats and Congress-
men makes them all the more
difficult to approach. For the most
part, the Congressmen knew the
students had few votes to offer
them. . Embassy officials were
smooth and greasy in their dip-
lomatic way. The President's ad-
visors sent delegations away with
statements like "the President is
seriously considering these pro-
posals" which could mean every-
thing, or nothing. President Ken-
nedy himself was not affected
enough either to see a delegation
or to cancel a weekend at his
Virginia estate. The Russian dip-
lomats only fed the demonstrators
a tired and exasperating party
CONSIDERING these frustra-
tions, it is quite probable that the
demonstrations had no measurable
or concrete effects. The difficul-
ties they faced in leaving any im-
even if only a few people were a
little upset by seeing the picket
lines and started to be more ac-
tively upset by the arms race,
then the whole demonstration was
HOWEVER, if students expect
to make a deep impression on na-
tional policy, they must be able
to impress 'government officials
and adults in general that the
students are not simply spouting
a line or fighting blindly for a
"cause." In this respect, the de-
monstrators fell into two cate-
The leaders and some of the
participants were well-versed and
understood the political situation.
But, a great numbertdid not un-
derstand, in any depth, why they
were there. One girl ran frantically
to the registration desk asking if
the arms control agency ought to
be expanded. When told to make
up her own mind, she answered
that she had to know now because
she was in the delegation going
to see McGeorge Bundy in half
an hour.
GREAT EFFORTS were made to
prepare the participants before
they ever reached Washington. A.
short booklet containing the policy
statement was an excellent set of
objectives; but it was necessarily
short. Much additional reading
was recommended, and few were
completely uninformed. But you
can't deal with government officals
about their own business on the
same level you argue- politics in a
bull session. Too many failed to
realize this.
Despite the efforts of leaders
to include articulate and informed
individuals in delegations to top
officials, the vast majority of Con-
gressmen were visited by 51-
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The Daily Official Bulletin is, an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent In TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
Regents' Meeting: Fri., Marche 16.
Communications for consideration at
this meeting must be in the President's
hands not later than Mairch 6. Please
submit TWENTY copies of each com-
The First Installment, covering at
least half of spring Semester fees, is
due and payable on or before Feb. 26.
Language Exam for Masters Degree
in History: Feb. 23, 4:00-5:00 p.m., 429
Mason Hall. Dictionaries may be used.
Sign the list posted in the History
Office, 3601 Haven Hall.
Notice: "Teaching of Fpreign Lan-
guages in the Elementary School," Ed-
ucation D536, will be offered during
tially self-supporting and who do not
live in University residence halls or"
sorority houses. Girls with better than
average scholarship and need will be
Application blanks are obtainable at
the Office of the Alumna Secretary,
Alumni Memorial Hall or Alumnae
Council Office, Michigan'League, and
shouldbe filed by March 3, 1962. Award
will be granted for use during the
first semester of 1962-63, and will be
announced at League Installation Night,
April 23, 1962.
The Lucile B. Conger Scholarship is
offered to undergraduate women on the
basis of academic performance, contri--
bution to University life and financial
need; the stipend is variable. Applica-
tion forms are available in the Office
of the Alumnae Secretary, Alumni Me-
morial Hall or Alumnae Council Office,
Michigan League, and must be return-
ed by March 3, 1962. Recipients j will.
be announced at League Installation
Night, April 23, 1962.
The Laurel Harper Seeley Scholarship
is announced by the Alumna Council
of the AlumnibAssociation for 1962-63.
The award is variable and is open to
both graduate and undergraduate wom-
en. The award is made on basis of
scholarship, contribution to University
a University of Michigan graduate at
any college or university, but a graduate
of any other university will be required
to use the award on the Michigan
campus. Academic achievement, crea-
tivity and leadership will be considered
in .granting the award.
Applications may be made through
the Alumnae Council Office, Michigan
League or Alumni Memorial' Hall, and
must be filed by March 3, 1962. Award
will be announced at League Installa-
tion Night, April 23, 1962.
The Alice Crocker Lloyd Fellowship
with a stipend of $1,000 is being offered
by the Alumna Council of the Alumni
Association, for 1962-63. .It is open to
women graduates of any accredited col-
lege or university. It may be used by a
University of Michigan graduate at any
college or university, but a graduate
of any other university will be requir-
edl +o use the award on the Michigan
campus. Academic achievement, per-
sonality and leadership will be con-
sidered in granting the award. Appli-
cations may be made through the Of-
fices of the Alumna Secretary, Alumni
Memorial Hall or the Alumna Council
Office, Michigan League, and must be
filed by March 3, 1962. Award will be
announced at League Installation Night,
Apriln23,n962. n.