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February 23, 1962 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-02-23

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(Continued from Page 4)
Acacia, Party; Alpha Delta Phi, Rec-
ord Hop; Alpha Tau Omega, Party;'
Beta Theta Pi, Record, Party; Chicago
House, Casino Party & Open Open
House; Chi Phi, Party; Delta Chi, Twist
Party (Record Hop); Delta Sigma Phi,
Party; Delta Theta Phi, Hi-Fi Party;
Delta Upsilon, Dance after Concert:
Gomberg House, Dance; Lambda Chi
Alpha, House Party; Lloyd House, Rec.
Room Party or Post-Concert Refresh-
Phi Alpha Kappa, Dance; Phi Epsilon
Pi, Party; Phi Sigma Delta, Party; Phi
Sigma Kappa, Record Dance; Psi Upsi-
lon, Dance; Sigma Alpha Epsilon,
Dance; Sigma Chi, Party; Strauss
House, Open Open House; Strauss
House, Ratskeller; Theta Chi, Informal.
Party; Theta Xi, Rock 'n Roll Party;
Trigon, "Come as you wereI"; Van I'yne
House, Open Open House & Pizza Par-
ty; Wenley House, Dance in Rec. Room;
Williams House, Corridor Party; Zeta
Beta Tau, Party, Zeta Psi, Party.
Approval for the following student-
sponsored activities bevomes effective
24 hours after the publication of this
notice. All publicity for these events
must be withheld until the approval
has become effective,

Feb. 27-Young Republicans, Speech,
Rockwell T. Gust, Union 3-B, 7:30 p.m.
Mar. 2--International Students Asso-
ciation, Square Dance, WAB, 8-12 p.m.t
Feb. 25-Voice, Lecture, Mrs. Ann Fa-
gan Ginger, Union 3-C, 8 p.m.

Summary of Action Taken by Student
Government Council at its Meeting of
February 21, 1962
Approved: Minutes of the previous
I Adopted: Election rules for spring
1962 elections, March 20 and 21, 1962.
Adopted: Student Government Coun-
cil stands ready to assume financial
responsibility for any loss above $250
and under $500 for the World University
Service wrestling program if the total
receipts are inadequate to meet the
contractural commitments.
Appointed: Barbara Perlman. and
Robert Zimmer as co-directors for the
Spring 1962 elections.
Defeated: Motion to calendar and
approve the Monte Carlo Ball on Marob
17, 1962, from 9 to 1 in the Union
Ballroom, provided the event cannot
be scheduled for March 31, to be de-
termined by the Executive Vice-Presi-
Adopted: Student Government Coun-
cil at its meeting of February 14, 1962,
voted in favor of a campus-wide ref-

erendum to determine whether the
Council should retain its affiliation
with the United States National Stu-
dent Association. This motion was
prompted by deep concern over the
present nature of USNSA which repre-]
sents a deviation from its founding
principles. In the past two years, US-
NSA has become a national showcase
for extremist student political groups
of both the left and the right, seeking
to use USNSA as a forum for their
own partisan viewpoints and thereby
subverting the original purpose of
USNSA as a confederation of student
The USNSA Constitution states in its
preamble: "We the students of the
United States of America, desiring.
to stimulate and improve democratic
student government . . .(etc.)." USNSA
has departed from this basic purpose.
Student Government Council believes
that a campus-wide referendum pre-
sents the opportunity for extremist
groups to exploit, for their own parti-
san tpurposes, the positive concern of
the Council with USNSA. Thus, Stu-
dent Government Coucil does not want
to becomeeasparty to thosegroups
seeking to destroy USNSA. Rather, Stu-
dent Government Council hopes to con-
structively contribute to USNSA in
helping it to return to our desired

concept of a national union of stu-
dents primarily based on student gov-
Student Government Council notes
with approval the direction of the
present officers and National Execu-
tive Committee chairman towards the
student government concept. The Coun-
cil realizes that USNSA has certain in-
ternational commitments which it must
maintain in order to advance the cause
of freedom. These two positions are not
mutually exclusive.
Student Government Council be-
lieves that if USNSA emphasizes more
strongly its founding principles as an
organization dedicated to promotion
and assistance of democratic student
governments, it will prove a valuable
force in promoting active and informed
student government. This can only be
achieved by putting those considera-
tions above extremist political programs'
(which have no place in USNSA) and
student government working actively
for a change in attitudes toward, and
programs carried out by, USNSA.
Therefore be it resolved that:
1) Student Government Council
should actively pursue the implemen-
tationvof the concept embodied in this
resolution and urges the national of-
ficers, National Executive Committee
chairman and the National Executive

Committee to implement USNSA pro-
grams and policies in terms of stu-
dent government.
2) Student Government Council shall
send as delegates and alternates from
the University of Michigan to the na-
tional and regional congresses only
Council members, Student Government
Council standing committee chairmen,
and the Council's delegates to the Re-
gional Executive Committee, and urges
other member schools to follow a sim-
ilar policy.
3) Student Government Council re-
quests that whenever possible no stu-
dent of the University of Michigan
should properly be appointed to the,
USNSA staff or advisory boards with-
out prior knowledge and opportunity
for the Council to comment on the de-
sirability of such appointments, and
further urges that a similar policy
should extend to all member schools.
41 No project be promoted or ini-
tiated at the University' of Michigan
by USNSA or related agencies unless it
has been cleared by Student Govern-
ment Council; and that all represen-
tatives of USNSA or its related agen-
cies shall inform the President of Stu-
dent Government Council of their in-
tentions to visit the campus and also
their presence on campus; and, that a
(Continued on Page 8)



Beginner and advanced. Individ-
ual and small workshop groups.
Classical, folk, popular. Call 663-
6942. J20
HI-FI, PHONO TV, and radio repair.
Clip this ad for free pickup and de-
livery. Campus Radio and TV, 325 E.
Hoover. NO 5-6644. J24
FOUR NEW 750x14 Tires $69.95. 6-Volt
Batteries $11.95 & exchange. 12-Volt
Batteries - $16.95 & exchange. Also
Gripsafe Atlas Tires.
300 N. Main Phone NO 8-7717
A-1 New and Used Instruments
Rental Purchase Plan
119 W. Washington NO 2-1834

- IR

2 .70 1.95 3.45
3 .85 2.40 4.50
4 1.00 2.85 4.95
Figure 5 average words to a line.
Classified deadline, 3 P.M. doily
Phone NO 2-4786
JOE, eat at Steven's Coop, good food;
share the 'work; save the money.
You'll like it..Dial 2-3121. Marsha. E5
STAN BABY: How did you like the
show last night? You put on quite
an act. F30
SUE, after feelingthe power of your
left hook, I think you'd do well in
the Peace Corps. Brian F21
Workshop on SEX ETHICS. Open to
all students. Discussion of Pre-Mari-
tal Relations and Mited Marriage.
Leaders: Dr. and Mrs. David Mace,
Co-executive directors, American As-
sociation of Marriage Counselors. To-
day, February 23, 3:00 to 5:00 P.M.,
Room 3K, Michigan Union. F22
WANTED-grad student with car to
share bargain luxury apt. NO 2-0592.
DID YOU KNOW that President Mil-
lard Fillmore lent encouragement to
Samuel F. B. Morse, the inventor of
the telegraph, and that out of grati-
tude Morse named the characters of
the Morse code, dot and dash, after
Fillmore's children, Dorothy and
Dashiell. (Our thanks to Time, Jan-
uary 5, 1952). P24
JMH: You've made my roommate ex-
cessive y happy. rs F25
RICH, of course I'll become a Demo-
crat. You know I will do anything
for you. B.J.K. F29
SOPH SHOW 1961 Record. Order Now
at Underngrad Office at the League.
TO THE SICK EPS at 926 S. State-
Thanks for the moonshine, Thunder-
bird, and the late minutes last Sat-
urday. The "Untouchables" F27
GEORGE, Why can't my wrists touch
the floor, and is anyone taking pic-
tures? Love, Barb. P26
From OUR mines to you-unprece-
dented quality at considerable sav-
iilgs! No middlemen.
Robert Haack Diamond Importers
Suite 504, First Nat'l. Bldg.
By appointment only, NO 3-0653.
Diamond mines: British Guiana,
Brazil, Venezuela. F26

LOST - Alternating gold and pe
bracelet between Business Admir
tration Bldg. parking lot and Mic
gan Daily about 8 p.m. Wednese
night. If found, call Ruth, NO 3-15
Ext. 923.
Wittnauer, about a week ago n
Clements Library. Call Marlene r
chels at NO 5-8691. Reward.
LOST: Brown framed glasses in ble
and grey case and Parker pen
tween Frieze Building and Ani
Hall Monday morning. Call Sou
Quad, ext. 415.
IT'S ABOUT a funny black knitted
with pigtail and a piece of green y
tied around it-I lost it & am very
since it took me 1,287 hours to ki
If youshould happen to find it,
Chris at NO 2-3241. This Is no jo
LOST: Girl's black fur hat. Call
3-556$ after 6:30 p.m. Reward.

529 Detroit St.

NO 2-1363

Featuring student ufrnishings of
all kinds, appliances, typewriters,
televisions, bicycles, etc. Open
Monday & Friday evenings 'til 9.
BEFORE you buy a class ring, look at
the official Michigan ring. Burr-Pat-
terson and Auld Co. 1209 South Uni-
versity, NO 8-8887. i1l

FOR SALE: Alfa Romeo Guilletta cotu
1959. Excellent condition, recent ov
haul, new battery and general
Maintained for personal use - ne
raced. Forced to sell at sacrif
Reason-unexpected long leave fr
area. $1875 or nearest offer. Call
'57 FAIRLANE 500. Must sell by 28
Like new. Many options. Will ti
first offer over $750. Call 665-9556.
BEST OFFER over $275 for a good
Ford 6 overdrive. One owner, excell
mechanically. NO 5-7807.

. .

'149 CHEVROLET 2-door. Good condi-
tion $100. Call 668-8612 after 7:00 eve-
nings. B7
BAUSCH and LOMB compound micro-
scope. Excellent condition. NO 5-
5762. B7
THE NEW YORK TIMES delivered daily.
Student Newspaper Agency, PO Box
241, Ann Arbors Michigan. M10
MAGAZINES: For special studelt
rates, call NO 2-3061 days or eve-
nings. Student Periodical Agency,
Box 1161, Ann Arbor. Bi
DIAMONDS-Charles Reaver Co. is of-
fering for sale estate and imported
diamonds. For appointment call NO
2-5685 after 6 P.M M2
RIDERS WANTED: Driving Seattle via
Chic. Feb. 23 P.M. All or part way.
Share expenses. No driving. NO 2-
306, Julian. 02

at a Coed Camp in Northern Mic
gan. It is preferred, though not ne
sary, that she be single and betw
the ages of 22-30. Inquire Bruce I
man at NO 2-4780 after 5 p.m.

While the fence pickets the cannon, the students picket
the White House


your yeorbook
isnow selling for



PEACE HEADQUARTERS-A multitude of churches provided
floor space on which the peace demonstrators slept. Churches were
also used for the project headquarters and a general rally.

Last weekend 80 University stu-
dents joined students from across
the country to exercise their right
of Freedom to Assemble.
Over 5,000 students participated
in the demonstration in a plea to
the world for disarmament and a
ban on all nuclear testing.
The students who comprised the
"Turn Towards Peace" project
picketed the White House and the
Soviet Embassy, confronted con-
gressmen with their views, and
made a ,three and one half mile
march to Arlington Cemetery to
attract attention to their cause.
The project was impressive in
size, organization, and execution
of purpose. The size was sufficient
to warrant recognition from all
the press media.
All of the participants of the
group (the largest to picket the
White House in over twenty years)
were registered and provided with
free lodgings.
The schedule for the two day
event was well planned out in ad-
vance, including interviews with
the congressmen and State De-
partment officials.

Classified Advertising Number
Is Now NO 2-4786
m- - - ----------

APARTMENT near campus. Nicely fi
nished for three. $150 plus electrici
Phone 662-5152.
FOR RENT: Garage space or off-stre
parking available two blocks south
East Quad. NO 8-6665 after 5P.M.
606 CATHERINE-Close to campus a
hospital. Single room 3-1695.
ROOMS for men: No landlord on pre
ises. 420 S. Division, NO 5-7806.
LARGE FIVE-ROOM furnished apar
ment. Across from Engineering Ar
$40/month. $1110% S.U. NO 5-60
WANTED: Girl to share "large, attra
tive, campus apartment" with t
others. Reasonable rent. NO 5-04
FOR RENT: Furnished apartment ec
to campus. NO 2-5385.
ON CAMPUS nice: clean 3-room fur
ished apartment: $125 per month
cludes utilities. Immed. occupax
Call NO 2-1897 after 3.
WE HAVE available for the Easter 4
days-and our annual college invas
of Fort Lauderdale-a hotel ro
with private entrance and bath. 'I
double beds -- will accommodate
$2.50 per person per night. 1 min
from the ocean-1 block of U.S. Nc
Get your reservations in early.
and Mrs. Wm. J. -Sweet, 3000 l
21st Terrace, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.
FOREST AVENUE-5 room, semi-f
nished, suitable for 3 or 4 men. El
trio heat. $150 per mith. Phone ,8-6
Pleasant, large furnished room
Share kitchen. $15 per week. NC
2-7395. C37
COMPLETELY furnished one rc
apartment. 813 East Kingsley. Cl
and quiet. $50. Phone NO 8-6583.
APT. FOR University Personnel. Pri
single person or couple. Quiet, refir
beautifully decorated. Furnished
unfurnished, $115-$135. William &
Division. Call 2-0183 days, or NO
2336 evenings.
LOT PARKING available. Call NO
Army-Navy Oxfords -- $7.95
Socks 390 Shorts 60c
Military Supplies

... addressed Rally


AFTER MARCH--Following the 31/2-mile peace march from the White House to the tomb of the un-
known soldier and back to the George Washington monument, the 5000 demonstrators rested on the
side of a hill while listening to speeches by Norman Thomas, UAW Secretary Treasurer Emil Mazey,
and several students associated with the "Turn Towards Peace" project.

Here's deodorant protection
Old Spice Stick Deodorant...fastest, neatest way to all
day, every day protection! It's the active deodorant for
active men... absolutely dependable. Glides on smoothly,
speedily...dries in record time. Old Spice Stick Deodorant
-most convenient, most economical deodorant money can
buy. 1.00 plus tax.

Stopin NOW for

. .... .... ..

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