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April 25, 1964 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-04-25

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Seventy-Third Year
T uth Will Prevail-
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in a reprints.
Districting in Lansing on Film:
The Plot Is Fast, But .. .
VES, FRIENDS, it's time once again for along with a plan that winds up with the
"That Mess in Lansing." This week same number of Democrats likely to win
Gov. George Romney and the entire state congressional seats as would have under
Legislature star in Lt. Gov. T. John Le- his plan and for getting Senate redistrict-
sinski's production, "Dr. Joblove: Or, How ing in a way the Republicans have always
I Learned To Stop Worrying and Make wanted.
Sure I'd Stay in Office." And all this is going on while the en-
Scene One opens with the camera clos- tire question of whether the Legislature
ing on the legislative calendar. Days fly can redistrict itself when the state Su-
by. Legislators are getting worried. Where preme Court is working on the problem,
will I run from? they all ask. Something remains very much in doubt.
must be done.
And indeed it is. A quick cut to Scene A HAZE BEGINS to envelop the entire
Two and Gov. Romney is seen choking on scene and Lesinski and the ten Demo-
some warmed over hot cocoa, the latest cratic senators come floating by on clouds.
Gallup presidential preference poll at his They're happy because they've caused a
side, as he listens on the phone to a re- split between Senate Republicans, made
port that a group of 20 Senate Demo- Romney look bad and virtually ensured
crats and conservative Republicans are their own reelection. What do they care
pushing through in one massive surprise if Democratic congressmen may well have
action a redistricting plan for themselves swept the entire state if they hadn't
and a reapportionment plan for state agreed to a plan so as to prevent an at-
congressional districts, large election? What do they care about
voting for a Republican districting plan
THE SETTING MOVES to the Senate they think is unconstitutional?
chamber where Lt. Gov. Lesinski is The ten conservative Republican sena-
spotted huddling in a closet with the 20. tors glide past. They too smile. What do
The dialogue is a little unclear,- but it is they care if they made Romney look bad
apparent that the Democrats are trad- and sold out on the rest of the party?
ing their votes on the Republican's Sen- They got their reelection assured, and
ate districting plan for the Republican's they want good old conservative George
votes on the Democrat's congressional ap- Higgins to be governor anyway.
portionment plan. The curtain closes with the House Re-
Meanwhile, back in the House, the Re- publicans saying they'll never go along
publican representatives push through a with the Senate plan, Romney trying to
reapportionment plan of their own. Be- reunite the party in the Senate and like-
cause constitutionality is not an issue in lihood of a final on settlement with any-
setting up House districts, they aren't as thing like just boundaries for either Sen-
worried as the Senate about their own ate or congressional seats very much in
districting problems. Thus they feel no doubt.
need to cooperate with the Democrats on
any plans. THE PLOT MAY BE exciting and cer-
tainly we'll be standing by for the next
BACKGROUND MUSIC, until now com- thrilling episode, but for some reason the
posed of variations on "Yankee Doodle moral lessons of the story don't seem very
Dandy" and "On the Seat Where You appropriate for so commercial a produc-
Live," changes to "Smoke Gets in Your tion.
Eyes" as the governor attacks the con- -EDWARD HERSTEIN
servative Senate Republicans for going Acting Editorial Director
°ySoutheast Asian Policy
' ;>. by Walter Lippman

The World's Fair: '600-Acre Billboard'

To the Editor:
EVEN IF Miss Kenah were right
about the New York World's
Fair and it did "show man at his
greatest," it is clear to us that
demonstrations would be perfect-
ly in place there. It is not proper
for men to forget or ignore their
own deliberate evil: if demonstra-
tions are needed to remind them,
let them be held.
But her characterization of the
fair! "People should come to the
fair to be awed by a universal
power, by a beauty, by a fulfill-
ment of the promise of humanity."
People should come to be awed by
the Ford Motor Company? By a
giant orange representing Florida?
By a 120-foot high aluminum
mobile, designed by Walt Disney
and displayed over the Pepsi-Cola
building? By Miss Kenah's "great
work of science"-the twelve-
billion candlepower light, built
and displayed by the "Independent
Light and Power Companies of
America" in order to lobby against
federal government intrusions into
power generation? By a massive
600-acre billboard? Bah!
THE FAIR is a commercial ven-
ture designed to attract and bilk
tourists as much as possible. As
Miss Kenah herself says, "the
works exhibited are no longer a

glorious day at the fair. Maybe
the demonstrators are really
serious about this "Freedom Now"
business that they are always
nagging us about.
OF COURSE, Miss Kenah, we
all look forward to the day when
everyone can go together to the
fair and admire man's power and
his accomplishments. Slum land-
lord and slum tenant, "unruly
demonstrator" and New York's
cops, mayor and President: all of
us will admire the symbol of man's
glorious achievements. Each of us
will have a clear conscience and
no one will have a "bloodly head."
We will join hands around the
enormous twelve-billion candle-
power light and attest to "the
power of men working together."
However, so far we have not
really earned any time out to pat
ourselves on the back.
-Harvey Robb, '64
Theatre Allocation
To the Editor:
ONCE AGAIN, the student finds
himself considered of secon-
dary importance in the function-
ing of the University. We refer to
the recent decision of the admin-
istration to give Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theater over to the use of

munity of "watchers"; participa-
tion is being sacrificed to this end.
We don't like it.
--Becky Staton, '64
Curt Blanding, '65E, Vice-
President, Gilbert and Sulli-
van Society
Tom Levy, '65, Treasurer,
Gilbert and Sullivan Society
Alumni Contributions
To the Editor:
AS AN ALUMNUS, I occasionally
become interested in Univer-
sity affairs such as the apparent
decrease in the percentage, though
not total numbers, of out-of-state
students. A Regent once speculat-
ed that if the University were to
grow, to retain its independence
and autonomy, the funds for edu-
cation would have to come either
from the defense budget or from
private endowments. While I doubt
the ability of the state of Michi-
gan to wage a war for education,
I held hopes that the University,
with one of the largest alumni
bodies in the world, might better
exploit them.
Well, not exploit, but just cul-
tivate. Since graduating last June
I have received three epistles from
the Alumni Association. They did
not offer me a free year's sub-
scription to the Michigan Alumnus

"That's How Decadence Sets In -First ie's
In Favor Of Living; And Now Better Living"

told me that the club is run by
two elderly gentlemen on a gratis
basis who came and went as they
pleased. He took my name and
promised to contact me. I still
await a letter.
I thereafter made a check of
some of my fellow graduates of
last June. They also reported little
or no contact from the Alumni
Association. Perhaps the strategy
is to, let the traumatic college ex-
perience wear off, or mellow, or
let the, graduate wax fat before,
shall we say, putting on the pinch?
Or perhaps the Alumni Associa-
tion is just another of the over
bureaucratized University organs
suffering from self consumption.
* * *
IF THE University is to grow, to~
retain its autonomy and its in-
dependence, it ought to have a
meaningful alumni association
which creates interest in :hese
problems and not in next football
prospects. The climate of the cam-
pus has changed since '23 skidco,
the Alumni Association apparently
has not.
-Harry Perlstadt, '63
Chicago, Illinois
Hatred Aain
To the Editor:
ON THE MORNING of Nov. 22,
The Daily carried a letter from
one of the satraps of the Direct
Action Committee which, I think,
purports to fight hatred, lies and
bigorty. The letter reeked with
hatred, lies and bigotry. A good
deal of its was directed against
President Kennedy. Shortly after
that issue appeared, President
Kennedy was shot.
There's no connection, of course
-other than the fact that the
letter was a symptom of the wave
of hatred that was partially re-
sponsible for the President's
Five months later-April22-
The Daily printed a letter from a
teaching fellow in the English
department, attempting to deride
President Johnson. The letter was
quite similar to the earlier one:
the same tone, the same ridiculous
arguments, the same juvenility of
** *
less trash-we have seen them
before and will see them again.
The tone, however, is indicative
of something that may not be so
sarmless. As long as we have
people who are willing to make
base, irrational and unjnstfied
attacks on our Presidents for no
other reason than the venting of
spleen, the inciting of hatred, or
perhaps merely the gathering of
attention, we run the risk of more
I certainly don't think such
letters should be suppressed-in
fact, I think they should be given
more attenton than they often
receive. An7cne who seutinizes
letters of this kind closely will not
have his passions aroused, as
might otherwise happen, ag 'inst
either the writer or the suto;ect
Rather, he will wind up in cears -
of either laughter or pity.
-Ralph Humphriss, '64
Festival Protest
To the Editor:
I WAS most impressed upon see-
ing such complete musical
coverage in Tuesday's Daily, but
I was hurt, upon reading the in-
dignant protest set up against this
season's May Festival.
First: The two arias are not
"Verisimo" (that comes 20 years
later with Masvaghi and Leon-
Second: They are not "pretty
safe" works and are, in fact, of
the most difficult Bel Canto order.
They are, in addition, most con-
troversial, for those of us at least,
who are aware of the Sutherlan-
Callas battle for supremacy.
Third: They are, in fact, cap-

able of matching "the drama :nd
thunder" of Beethoven if per-
formed adequately, and brother
that's what we're going to Hill
Aud. for. The demand for Joan.
Sutherland is enormous and we
are fortunate to be able to see
and hear for ourselves just why
she is so popular. If there is any-
thing we want to hear her sig n
this brief opportunity it is The
"Mad Scene" and "Ah Fors e Lui"
Fourth: Rachmaninoff wrote
only one other symphony and it
was such a failure that he re-
quested it never'be performed
again. I've heard a recording of
it and I don't think it's so bad,
but I'd much rather hear the
Philadelphia play his second-
over and over again . . Van Cli-
burn playing his Third Pf Con-
certo is indeed new!
Fifth: We just don't realize how
fortunate we are to have the
chance to see and hear these great
artists and works. I stood in line
for six hours to be able to buy
standing-room tickets at the
"Met" in New York just to hear
Sutherland sing "Ah Fors e Lui,"
and it was worth it. Here we are
in the Midwest, holding $3 or $4
seats, that were no sweat to get
hold of, and reading an indignant
review of the concert that is still
a turflflr annnv ,vA Mria !

Associated Student Govern ts
of the United States of Am ,
is completely divorced from
san political activity and will -
cern itself solely with the nrobenis
in the area of higher education.
As a reaction to the social and
political activity unde taken by
USNSA in the name of all Ameri-
can college students, nearly trty-
three schools with a combin ( en-
rollment of over 230,000 students
have withdrawn from _UNSA
This reaction has not come over
any sectional struggle within US-
NSA: even some universities in
the "Big Ten"' have withdrawn.
Since 1961, the University of In-
diana, Ohio State and Northwest-
ern have dissociated themselves
from USNSA; the University held
an all-campus referendum in
which we voted to continue our
affiliation by the slim margin of
200 votes out of a total of over
5000 cast in that election.
IN RESPONSE to this mass
movement of withdrawals, the stu-
dent government of Columbia Uni-
versity has issued a resolution
which would attempt to make
USNSA focus more of its atten--
tion to campus activities and to
the problems involving higher edu-
cation, rather than trying to solve
all of our country's social and
economic problems. The following
is the Columbia resolution cou-
cerning USNSA:
1) It is the feeling of the stu-
dent government of ColumbiaUni-
versity that the UniteduStates Na-
tional Student Association has
strayed from its original purpose
and wish to express the following
motion: We believe the purpose of
USNSA should be to deal with
matters which affect students as
students. Concern and action with
respect to broad social, political
and moral issues is an essential
part of citizenship,but is, we be-
lieve, most effectively pursued
through organizations designed
specifically for these purposes.
2) The member schools of US-
NSA shall urge their delegates to
the USNSA Congress to abstain
from voting on all issues which
come before the congress which do
not affect students in their role
as students,
3) Thedefinition of such issues
shall be as follows: For an issue
to directly affect students in their
role as students, it must have a
direct relationship to the matters
of concern to students in their
educational or social mileu, b
virtue of their being students.
4) This meaning is amplified
by the following examples: An
issue of student housing facilities
does affect students in their role
as students, while urban housing
per se does not; the repressive
policy of a foreign government
toward its student population does
affect students in their role as
students, while that government's
position on international disarma-
ment does not; federal aid to edu-
cation does involve students in
their role as students, while the
general economic policy of the
country does not.
5) If members of a delegation
decide that a given issue- does not
affect students in their role as
students, they should abstain from
voting on that issue, they should
have their abstentions duly :oted
in the minutes of the USNSA
Congress, and should make their
abstentions known to other repre-
sentatives at the congress.
-Ronald N. Gottschalk, '65
Delegate to the USNSA
New man
At the Michigan Theatre

SEE THERE WAS this war. And
it had a lot of funny things
happen in it. You know like all
wars do. And there were all these
people see. And they got sick.
And so they went to Ward 7, the
Pscho ward see. Cause they were
funny ... in the head.
And once long ago there was
this movie, see. It was about God,
only they called him "Mr.
Roberts." And he was so good
and clever and righteous that
-funny things happened to him.
And the picture made money,
which is a very nice kind of
Now put a combination of Doc-
tors Christian and Kildare in Mr.
Roberts place and call it Captain
Newman. Then take Ensign Pulver
and make him Jewish. It's bound
to be funny.
Thus "Captain Newman," in
which Gregory Peck plays Rock
Hudson playing Henry Fonda and
Tony Curtis proves he isn't a
Lemmon. Throw in Angie Dickin-
son and Bobby Darin (both of
which seem interchangable) and
another Hollywood War un-com-
* * *
PSYCH MAJORS beware, if
Monty Clift's "Freud" made you

AFTER SPENDING a few days in Saigon,
Richard Nixon has come home with a
formula for winning the war in South-
east Asia. The reason we are not winning
it now, he says, is that we believe in "Yalu
River concepts of private sanctuaries,"
and for that reason we are preventing the
South Vietnamese, who presumably are
raring to go, from taking the offensive,
from carrying the war into Laos and to
the north and of winning the war there.
Mr. 'Nixon ought to know better, and
perhaps he does know better, than to say
that the reason why South Viet Nam does
not win the war in North Viet Nam is that
the United States won't let it.
The indubitable fact is that South Viet
Nam is quite incapable of carrying the
war successfully into North Viet Nam.
That is not because we will not give it
arms. We do give it arms. It is because
the South Vietnamese have very little
fighting morale and are well aware from
experiments that have already been made
that raiding in North Viet Nam means al-
most certain death.
LET US HOPE that Mr. Nixon is not go-
ing to revive at this date the old chest-
nut which we used to hear about "un-
leashing Chiang Kai-shek" and ask us to
believe that victory can be had by un-
leashing General Khanh.
General Khanh is leashed by the un-
willingness of the large majority of the
South Vietnamese to fight on in the civil
war. "Hot pursuit" indeed; where are the
South Vietnamese soldiers who are hot
about pursuing the Viet Cong into the
clutches of General Giap?
The truth, which is being obscured for
the American people, is that the Saigon
government has the allegiance of prob-
ably no more than 30 per cent of the
people and controls (even in daylight)
not much more than a quarter of the ter-
, Tf Ys An ,A m.TTI T1.Ff ff1ThT A rT' t-.-..-A i"

objective of the Johnson-McNamara poli-
cy-to prevent a bad situation from be-
coming impossible. It is certainly not a
glorious policy, or even a promising one,
and it has led high officials of the ad-
ministration into making commitments
that had better been left unmade. But
the policy is at least concerned with the
reality of the situation, which is the need
to prevent a collapse and surrender be-
fore there is an opportunity to work out
a political solution in the area.
Any other plan for "winning the war"
in Southeast Asia must be, if the speaker
is being candid and not tricky, a plan
for the intervention of the United States
with large forces prepared to overwhelm
the whole of Indo-China and to confront
mainland China itself. All schemes for
"interdicting" outside help to the Viet
Cong can be carried out only by the Unit-
ed States Air Force. The South Viet-
namese government does not have the
bombers and could not fly them if they
had them in any such enterprise. The en-
terprise should never be undertaken un-
less we are prepared to have a large war
with China.
IN HIS REVIEW of foreign policy on
Monday, the President was in effect
saying that there has been no material
change since the death of President Ken-
nedy. Our relations with Russia, which
took a decided turn for the better be-
tween the Cuban crisis and the test ban
treaty, have continued to improve.
On the other hand, in the areas where
President Kennedy had not been succeed-
ing, things are about as they were. This is
true of Europe, of Asia and of South
There is a pause in Europe and perhaps
also in Latin America. This may be in
part because new developments have not
gone far enough to show what is going
to happen, in part because of the coming
elections-here and in Britain and in
Chile this year, in Germany and France

part of humanity." And at this
caricature of Business America,
demonstrations may indeed be out
of place: human beings themselves
may be out of place.
-David C. Aroner, '64
-Stephen D. Berkowitz, '65
-Peter A. DiLorenzi, '64
-Robert L. Farrell, Grad
To the Editor:
AS KAREN KENAH'S editorial
pointed out, we were all dis-
mayed when the glorious opening
of the World's Fair was marred
by "the presence of hordes of
wierdly-clad and unduly demon-
strators. But honestly, Miss Kenah,
those nasty demonstrators were
not really there just to "lessen the
possibility for fair visitors to re-
alize man's achievement" or to
"deny so blatantly the worth of
the progress that has already been
Maybe the demonstrators were
there to embarrass and threaten
the mayor and the President and
the citizens of New York, all of
whom tend to forget about certain
important problems in the city.
Perhaps they felt it unfair that
some of the people in the city
didn't have quite enough cash
handy for a bid day at the fair.
Maybe the unruly demonstrators
found it somewhat incongruous
that people spent a lot of time,
money and energy to build the
Giant Orange, yet weren't willing
to spend much to help slum ten-
THOSE RUDE demonstrators
have been trying to attract at-
tention for quite a while now.
Maybe they thought if they em-
barrassed some people at the fair,
people would listen a little more

the A.P.A., leaving the three stu-
dent musical organizations to take
the left-overs.
Lydia Mendelssohn, as a Uni-
versity facility, is a classroom of
a sort, and as such should be as'
available to student use as, say,
the Intramural Bldg. Instead, the
A.P.A.-the National Basketball
Association of the stage-has left
the students stuck with the Water-
man Gym of Trueblood Audi-
LAST YEAR this whole argu-
ment was stretched out until
finally it was decided that the
A.P.A. was capable of performing
at Trueblood, where it presented
an outstanding series of plays to
the community. Why it can't per-
form there again this year, we are
at a loss to understand. Why we
can't perform there is clear; the
accoustics are poor, there is no
place for a twenty-six piece or-
chestra, there is no space in the
wings for the large chorus en-
trances which most musical pro-
ductions, Gilbert and Sullivan in
particular, require, and the type
of stage is unadaptable.
Besides leaving at least one of
the student organizations-Gilbert
and Sullivan, Musket or Soph
Show-with the problem of per-
forming in Trueblood, the Calen-
daring Committee is also restrict-
ing the choice of dates in Men-
delssohn to the point of being
completely unreasonable. Asking
a student group to do a production
one week before final exams is
asking the students involved to
take a cut in their grades.
*~ * *
LEFT IS ONE acceptable (not
good) week in Mendelssohn for

Magazine, nor inform me of how
I could join the Alumni Associa-
* . *
the class officers. To begin with,
the election of officers in the
literary college my senior year was
declared void and some non-
student body appointed the' stu-
dent officers. Fearing the worst
I did not pay class dues. This was
fine, since they squandered money
on shrubbery for the Physics-
Astronomy Bldg. This gift con-
tributes only to the relief of the
campus canines. Since the officers
asker for money (to keep un-
desireables away?), I declined.
The second and third letters
came from the Alumni Association
itself and were pretty much the
same. After asking the question
"What can we do for you?" (ask
not what you can do for your
University, but what your Alumni
Association can do for you!), they
offered me, for no obligation, a
9" x 12" etching of the Law Quad-
rangle. Fearing to contribute to a
general fund, I discovered the
existence of the Chicago U of M
Club Faculty Award Fund. After
having to look up the Chicago U
of M Club (permanent residence
in Chicago does not seem to qual-
ify one for notification of the
existence of such things) I ex-
changed letters with them. The
award is part of the Distinguished
Faculty Award program, the re-
cipients are chosen by a panel of
professors and the club merely
contributes a sum of money. I
still did not learn how to "ear-
mark" my money or what, if any-
thing, the club did.
ID t c
I WENT DOWN to the club,

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