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March 20, 1964 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-03-20

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H 20, 1364



~H 2, 164 TE MCH1~N UIIk


U.S. Asks Mutual
Plane Decrease
Proposes Cut Stockpiles of B-47's,
Comparable Russian Bombers,
GENEVA (P)-The United States challenged the Soviet Union
yesterday to join in destroying 480 medium bombers from each of
their nuclear air fleets and some of their mothballed reserves over a
two-year period.I
But the Russians refused, saying it was a "Pentagon trick" and

Johnson Submits Aid Request

Over Policy Rusk Asserts Struggle
Ov onsony Going Well for west
Of Johnson

that the B47 Stratojets and the

Soviet Tupelov 16 Badgers suggested
--,for destruction are obsolete any-

United States delegate Adrian
S. Fisher presented the proposal
at the 17-nation disarmament
. 20 Per Month
Fisher said the United States
would destroy 20 B47s a month
for two years under strict observa-
tion if the Russians would do like-
wise with their TU16s.
In addition, he said, the United
States is prepared to destroy an
agreed number of B47s in its
mothball reserve to balance an
equal number of mothballed
TU16s destroyed by the Russians.
Soviet delegate Semyon K.
Tsarapkin called this an attempt
to fool the public into believing
that the scrapping of obsolete
planes was an agreed measure of
Past Decision
He said the Defense Department
decided long ago to junk B47
bombers as obsolete and that
Fisher's presentation thereforeI
was meaningless.I
"All it will do is encourage the'
development of more modern jets
of a multi-purpose character such;

WASHINGTON () - President{
Lyndon B. Johnson got congres-
sional praise yesterday for sub-
mitting a foreign aid request be-
low the $4.5 billion sought last
year but' there was a protesting
chorus that the $3.4 billion he
asked is still too much.,
The wording of Johnson's mes-
sage, in anticipation of criticism
which has been showered on aid
requests in previous years, may
have softened the initial barbs
but even staunch supporters con-
ceded tough sledding is ahead.
In his message, Johnson coup-
led pledges of money-saving in the
embattled program with a decla-
ration of need to aid others
"while freedom remains under
Grim Sergeants
He said United States economic
and military assistance to 76 lands
can help frustrate "the grim re-
cruiting sergeants of Commun-
ism" and "build a world in which
the weak can walk without fear."
In line with the majority views
of a special aid review commit-
tee headed by Undersecretary of
State George W. Ball, Johnson
recommended no further major
revamping of the aid set-up. But
he proposed a permanent no-
money-limit, no-time-limit auth-
orization for arms aid overseas.
If Congress okays Johnson's
proposed permanent arms aid
authority, he would need only a
money bill for program each year
without the separate annual auth-

FOREIGN AID-President Lyndon B. Johnson (left) and Under-
secretary of State George W. Ball submitted their recommenda-
tions for the foreign aid budget for the next year. The request
was a cut over last year's.

orizing legislation required in the
past. Congress turned down a
similar proposal by the Eisen-
hower administration.
New Battle?
Apparently anticipating another
battle over foreign assistance
funds, Johnson stressed savings
in the program and efforts to
promote the roles of private enter-
prise and self-help in getting aid-
receiving nations-the number is

being reduced from 83 to 76-off
the United States dole.
The first round in the annualj
legislative contest was tentatively
set to start Monday with testi-
mony by Secretary of State Dean
Rusk before the House foreign af-
fairs committee.1
Chairman Thomas E. Morgan
(D-Pa) said the hearings would
last about a month and "it will be
a tough year for foreign aid."

American ambassadors, shaken by
United States handling last week-
end of the Panamanian dispute,
were reported today to be reassess-
ing the outlook for their countries'
relations with the United States
under the Johnson administration.
Persistent reports of differences
between President Lyndon B.
Johnson and his hand-picked di-
rector of Latin American affairs,
Thomas C. Mann, over how to
deal with Panamanian settlement
negotiations further beclouded the
future from the Latin American
point of view.
Reports of differences between
'Assistant Secretary of State Mann
and Johnson held that Mann
wanted to avoid a public disavowal
Sunday night of the commission's
actior but that Johnson was de-
termined to go ahead, primarily
because he believed Panamanian
claims that the 1903 treaty would
be rewritten would stir up serious
counter-pressures in Congress and
United States public opinion.
The whole affair developed fol
lowing the collapse last weekend of
efforts by a commission of the Or-
ganization of American States to
work out a United States-Pana-
manian settlement. They persuad-
ed the United States and Panama
to agree on a formula but not
on how the formula should be
interpreted or whether it meant
writing a new Canal Zone treaty.
The commission published the
agreement Sunday night and the
United States then in effect C is-
avowed the action. Thereafter the
commission washed its hands of,
the mediation.
The State Department denied{
there are any disagreements with-
,in the United States government
"on the basic issues of the Pan-?
amanian situation."
But it was not United States
handling of basic issues which had
the ambassadors disturbed and
worried about the future. They
were more concerned about John-
son's interjection of the Panama,
situation into his Alliance for
Progress speech at the Pan Amer-
ican Union last Monday, his speedy
departure from the hall so that he
shook hands with only several of
the ambassadors present, and his
decision Sunday night to override
an OAS announcement of a United
States-Panamanian agreement by
authorizing a statement there had
been no "meeting of/minds."

West Berlin, Western Europe
and Japan remain free and pros-
Many of the less-developed na-
tions have "moved ahead impres-
Almost all countries, old and
new alike, "are stubbornly de-
fending their independence."
The Communist world "is not
only torn by disputes, but beset
with economic difficulties."
Rusk said the United States,
because of its worldwide power,
becomes involved in many prob-
lems, including those between
other countries that might be
called "other people's quarrels."

discussed the matter." In repot
imperialism," Rusk concluded
the main, the world struggle
going well from our viewpoint,


SALT LAKE CITY (IP)-Secretary of State Dean Rusk said S
terday that, in the basic East-West contest, "the world struggli
going well from our viewpoint."
Rusk also denied the report, made by two national televis
commentators, that he will resign after the Presidential election.
"I have no plans to resign at all. The President and I have

rting on the fight against "Coim
is l

Salinger Quits
As Press Aid;
iews Senate
WASHINGTON (P)--Pierre Sal-
inger resigned yesterday as Presi-
dent Lyndon B. Johnson's press
secretary and is expected to run
for the Senate on the Democratic
ticket in California.
Salinger will be replaced by
George Reedy, a veteran newsman
who has been an aide to Johnson
for the past 13 years.
Johnson accepted Salinger's
resignation, effective immediately,
"only with the greatest regret."
Salinger said he 'is leaving "with
sincere regret" and told the Pres-
ident the decision was made "for
personal reasons which I will ex-
plain to the public in the very
near future."
Salinger, the third top aide to
President John F. Kennedy to
quit the White House staff, flew
to San Francisco and will an-
nounce his future plans today.
It is expected that he will seek
the Senate seat now held by Dem-
ocrat Clair Engle (D-Calif) who
is recovering from a braid opera-
Andrew T. Hatcher, assistant
White House press secretary. also
has resigned. Hatcher, a' Negro,
was long active in California po-
itics before joining the White
House staff and is expected to be
a key figure in Salinger's Senate
campaign, if the resigning press
secretary goes ahead with these
plans. .

World News
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW-Moroccan stude
took over their country's embs
here yesterday as a means of i
testing death sentences pronou
ed against 11 persons in Morocc
* * *
tration agreed yesterday to bro
en a ban against aid to churc
or church schools in its an
poverty bill.
Rep. Phil M. Landrum (D-G
chief House sponsor of the 1
said some committee members b
expressed concern that fur
might go to church-supported
stitutions under a proposal
federally aided community p:
grams aimed at combatting p
* * *
B. Russell (D-Ga), leader
Southern Democrats fighting
Civil Rights Bill, refused to
pinned down yesterday on wh
Dixie forces will permit a vote
the motion to take up the meas
in the Senate.
Leaders of both parties he
been aiming for a vote Tuesd
or Wednesday and hoping for
tion before the Easter recess sti
Friday on a motion by Sen. Wa:
Morse (D-Ore). He wants to se
the bill to the Senate Judicia
Committee for 10 days.
* * *
LANSING-Most bills regard
as important were on the Ho
and Senate floor yesterday as
Legislature passed its deadline
reporting proposals from comrr
Bills concerning county ho
rule, implementation of the co
stitution, local income taxes, sch
aid, unemployment and workme
compensation and elections 1
changes were included in thI
making it under the wire.

3 ;
I ::

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as the A-il," Tsarapkin said, re-I
ferring to the new 2,000-mile-an- I
hour American jet.

(Continued from Page 2)



U of M GroL
regular sche
June 2-A
f r
$50 deposit by Marc
Call Ben Morris,
Rose Ehrinprie

He repeated the Soviet all-or-
nothing demand-made to the rules to be reported back in one
confeence an. 2-thatthet o ntth.
conference Jan, 29-that the two ptAdopted: "That Barry Bluestone be
superpowers destroy all their 'mandated to inquire of the Adminis-
strategic bombers, obsolete or tration the possibility of placing a
modern, and agree to stop build- free campus phone in the Undergrad-
uate Library. Further, that Mr. Blue-
ing new ones. st eurdt ni~.me
stone be required to submit a report
Disagreement at the next regularly scheduled SGC
.ica meeting in which complete details of
i'sher dinotaccept--TsaB47a his inquiry are made known to Coun-
kin's contention that the B47, cil members."
which weit into production in Adopted: "That SGC recognizes the1
1950, is obsolete. need for increasing interest with SGC
and of increasing communication be-1
"The B47 is a truly formidable tween SGC and its constituency.
weapon, he told the conference. "SGC wishes to investigate the con-
He said it can fly 4,000 miles cept of a Constituent Assembly with3
without refueling and can carry powers to initiate legislation as ani
aihutimegatong bomb lad with advisory capacity to SGC. SG man-
dates Carl Cohen and the Committee
an explosive power "greater than on Student Concerns to thoroughly in-
that from all bombs dropped by' vestigate the ways and means of es-
all bombers in World War " tablishing such an assembly on anj
experimental basis; to draw up specific
He claimed that at present no details of such a body, also consider-
other nations possess strategic 'ing whether the assembly should have
bombers with a performance com- any direct representation from housing
units, or whether it should be made
parable to B-47's and TU-16's. up more closely resembling a town1
When new and fully equipped, meeting; and to bring final proposals
the six-engine bomber cost about before S C for approval within one
$2 million. The value today for a Automatically Tabled: A motion con-..
B47 in storage is a fraction of a student
that figure. employes' union.
oth tguhe TU16, which first!
showed up\~ in some numbers in
the Soviet Union in 1954, and the ANNOUNCEMENT:
B47 are in the 600-mile-an-hour New England Society of Newspaper
Class. The Russian plane, With a Editors-In cooperation with the Univ.
clas. Th Rusianplan, wih aof Massachusetts the Society is spon-
reported range of 3,500 miles, is soring a graduate prog. of Journalistic
powered by two engines. Studies expressly designed to give the
- - - Iyoung reporter an on-the-ob oppor to
follow a course of reading, seminars,
& lectures for academic credit without
TSSappreciable personal cost. Enables young
O1 journalists who qualify not only to
- earn the cert. in journ. studies but a
master's degree in some field of partic-
ular value to the newspaperman. Appli-
EEKS IN EUROPE atons avail, at the Bureau of Appoint-
p T Fa hg t via I Ford Div., General Office, Dearborn,
i Mich.-Expediter-2-yr. trng. prog. with
r rotational assignments for career in
haps rotate to branches fin Loraine,
Ohio & other Mich. offices. BBA
>dule flight minimum with 2.5 average. Business
bkgd. in exper. 22-30.
ugust 18 Shelby Lithographing Co., Detroit,
Mich.-Sales openings for college grads.
Production of printing leading into
sales. Sales trng. 6-8 weeks. Start in
Detroit, travel 2 days per week. Sales
offices in Pittsburgh & other cities.
AVAILABLE Could be re-assigned. Sales exper. pref.
l " DAge 20-39.
City of Grand Rapids, Mich.-Public
h 20 to reserve seat Health Nurse III, considerable experi-
e'nce in public health nursing, inclid-
NO 2-1753 or ing experience in a supervisory ca-
city. Graduation from a college or uni-
, NO 5-053 7 versity with a baccalaureate degree in
s NO 5- 7 public health nursing or its equivalent
is desirable.
City of St. Clair, Mich.-Urban Re-
newal Trainee. BA degree. Liberal Arts
RY rbkgd. Minimum grade point average
of 3.2. Must have ability to speak &
_ T_ _ _ _ _write effectively.
Saginaw General Hosp., Mich.-Open-
ings for Therapeutic or Therapeutic
T-4 & Teaching Dietitian. Also opening for,
T-4 MdTeh
City of Dearborn, Mich.-Recreation
Supervisor-Degree with major in Rec-
reation and/or Educ., Humanities, Lib.
Arts, or the Performing Arts. Some ex-
perience in organized recreational or
cultural arts activities including experi-
C ence in a supv. capacity.
Veterans Adm. Hosp., Batavia, N.Y.
cupational Therapy plus six mos. exper.
Instead of six mos. exper. may have MA
degree or a B average.
Wilson & Co., Chicago, Ill.-Secretary.
Will be responsible for keeping various
division records and handling general
secretarial duties. Experience desirable.
Acme Steel Co., Chicago, I1.-Seeking
yr DesignEngnr. ' for new product devel-t
reo Recorder opment division in Riverdale, Ill.
11Mohawk Metal Products Corp., Chi-
cago, Ill.-Unlimited opportunity for ag-
back gressive salesman to call on automo-
tive aftermarket manufacturers. Some
AM PEXknowledge of marketing would be help-
n IAM PEX ful. Not necessary. Unusual oppor. with
rapidly. growing cabinet and display

manufacturer. Must be based in Chi-
For further information, please call
General Div., Bureau of Appointments,
3200 SAB. Ext. 3544.
The following schools have recorded
vacancies for the 1963-64 school year.
These positions must be filled now.
Blissfield, Mich. - H.S. Chem./Gen,
Hartland, Mich.-J.H. Maht.
For additional information contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 3200 SAB.
The week after vacation beginning
Mon., March 30. the following schools
will be,,atrthe Bureau of Appointments
to interview prospective teachers for
the 1964-1965 school year.
Battle Creek, Mich.-Elem. K-6, In-
str.; J.H.-EngL./Soc. St., Gen. Sci.;
Sec.-Math, Engl., Biol., Span., Fr., Bus
Ed., Home Ec. Girls PE, Boys PE, Ind.
Arts, Ind. AratfiBoys PE, Lib., Counsel.
(Boys & Girls) MR, Deaf, Blind, Speech
Lakewood, Ohio-Elem. esp. K, Spec.
Ed.-Deaf, Speech/Hear., H.S. Engl.;
Sec.-Bus. Ed. (Type & Short.), Home
Ec., Gen Sci., Math.
Algonac, Mich. - Elem., J.H.-L.A.,
Math (8th), PE (Girls & Boys), Lib.,
H S.-Govt./Civics/Hist., Math, Engl./
Speech/Comp., .Engl. (9 & 10), Engl.

Lit., Ind. Arts, PE (Girls & Boys),
Counsel., Gen. Sci./Math.
Waukegan, 11.-Engl., Math, Soc. St.,
Bus. Ed.. Photo., Spec. Ed., Girls PE,
Guid., Home Ec., MA preferred.
Wayne, Mich.-K-6, Ind. Arts-Auto
Mech., Metals, Electr., Graphic Arts;
Spec. Ed.-MR, Deaf; Fr., German,
Span.; J.H./H.S.-Math, Sci., Gen. Sci.,
Phys. Sci., Physics.
Arlington-Heights, Ili. (Dist. No. 25)
-Elem. K-5, PE, Vocal, Speech Corr.;
J.H.-Lang. Arts/Soc. St., Math/Sci.,
Art, Gen. Music (vocal), Ind. Arts,
Home Ec., PE (Girls & Boys), Fr.
Romeo, Mich.-Elem. 2-5, J.H. -
Counsel., Math/Sci:,, Instr./Vocal; Fr./
Engl.; H.S.-Counsel, Type A, Gen. Shop,
Buchanan, Mich-Tentative.
Appointments may be made before
vacation If you find it necessary to
cancel, please do so by the day be-
fore the interview.
Fodr additional information and ap-
pointments contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3200 SAB, Ext. 3547.
212 SAB-
Summer Job Seekers-
There will be new jobs in camps
& resorts when you return from vaca-
tion. Have a good time.



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Leave Your bike



Saying that the United States
must not be the policeman and
judge for the entire free world,
he advocated use of regional or-
ganizations and the United Na-
tions where this would help settle
He said it is thus in the na-
tional interest "to help create,
train and finance workable and
effective international police ma-
chinery-to share our own ca-
pacity to act in the service of
peace and to share responsibility
for keeping the peace."

The Easter Beaver
for repairs
over Easter vacation
605 Church 665-6607

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NO 2-0675

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