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March 20, 1964 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-03-20

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Payee AnlzsShake 7sZpe ir

Liar tOn-onein evc

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
repnsbliy Ntce hould be sent
3564 Administratin Buiilding before

students are cordially invited to at- "That SO mandate its Presldent
tend this Information forum which to Inform the Regents and the offi-
will be held on Mon., April 6, in Rm. cers of the University of its firm sup-
132 of Hutchins Hall. port of the new cooperative bookcstore
and to make ery effort to remove any
College of L. S. & A. - Russell W. barriers to financial assistance by SGC
Reister, manager of the Office of Staff to this store. Further move that SGC
Benefits, will discuss Major Medical co-sponsor the present memnbership
at 4 p.m. in Room 2225 Angell Hall. store and mandate its Public Relations
Board to give publicity to this store,
Summary of Action Taken by Student with the approval of the store's busi-
Government Council atIts Meeting of ness manager."sre fmtin sfl
Adopted: That SG~C nppoint CGary los

Actor, director, and scholar corn-
ned in the person of Shakespeare
ithority B. Iden Payne, highlight
leaker for the University's comn-
emoration of the 400th anniver-
ry of the birth of the English
Payne, former director of Eng-
rxM's 5hakespeare Theatre at.
Iratford-on-Avon, and currently
siting professor of dramatics at
ie University of Texas, spoke on
3hakespeare as Stage Director"
rednesday in Rackham Aud.
Payne concisely sketched the
liysical growth of the theatre:

ing persons on stage to say four
-never less and usually not more
-lines of dialogue. This would
give the actor time to go around
in back, and enter on a stage
while these last four lines were
said. In Hamlet, Shakespeare had
Hamlet leave and then while his
friends spoke, he came around with
the ghost of a father."
Payne emphasized that Shake,

speare is much more popu

day than he was at the time when
he roamed London streets.
"Acting preserves Shakespeare's
talents. Changing the lines of his
18th sonnet, I might say this about I
"So long as men can breathe or
eyes can see,
"So long shalt thou live in thy

"Qne must remember that in
Shakespeare's time, playgoing was
a new form of entertainment. The
elders of the town wanted to abol-
islh it. Their apprentices took off
from work to see a play, and it
was supposed that professions of
l,1l-repute were promoted in the
"We owe much praise to Queen
Elizabeth I, who loved the theatre
so much. She kept it alive for us,
and I often wonder where we'd be
now In the development of this
art if It weren't for that great
Little Men
Small men played a part, too.
Payne indicated that we owe a
debt of gratitude to the carpen-
ters who built the Elizabetnan
theatre. Payne continued to spea
on the way the theatre's archi-
tecture served as props:
"Shakespeare once said, 'when
we speak of a horse, think of it.'
This method is appliable in the
following description of how
Shakespeare indicated interior
rooms, balconies and other rooms,.-
"The columns of the theatre
could be turened into trees, a
scaffold or could serve as a means
of separation. In Richard III, the
three miles between the army
camps was shown by putting tent
structures outside two columns on
opposite ends of the stage.
Audience Direction
"The audience, then, had to,
know where to look if the play-
wright wanted to return to the lo-
cation of a scene presented earlier.
The 'inner below' platform was us-
ed for the interior of houses. In
'The Merchant of Venice,' a cur-
tain was opened the width of a
door, so that Shylock could come
out of his house.
"The 'inner above' was for bal-
cony scenes and bedroom scenes.
The fore stage showed that time
was to pass."

In a Daily survey this week, 25
out of 36 students interviewed
have personally found academic
counselling of little or even nega-
tive value. Fifteen of these stu-
dents noted that the counselors
were unable to give satisfactory
information or correct answers to
their questions.
The majority of the comnplaints
wrere directed toward counselling
on- the freshman-sophomore level.
Students said these advisors know
little about courses outside their
own field.
After one semester many stu-
dents feel more qualified than1
their counselor and thus seek his
signature rather than his advice.
"The University underestimates
the power of the grapevine. We
know what courses to take, what
teachers to get, what is easy and
what is hard," one junior said.
David Rosen, '66, doesn't see
the function of a counselor as
that of a nursemaid. "Students
must make their own choice of
distribution requirements," he
added. Another sophomore said,
"I asked for advice and he looked
it up in a catalogue. I could have
done that nmyself.'
Lack of the personal4 touch dis-
tressed some students. "No coun-
selor can really help you who
sees you only twice a year," said
Frank Lonberg, '65. One junior
commented that it is not fair
that they evaluate a student after
having talked to him for only two
Few Evaluations

Almost one-fourth of the Stu-
dents neither approved or disap-

proved of their particular coun- 2 . of the day preceding publica- Cunningham and Howard Schechter to a) Dissolved Committee on Student
selor. These apathetic responses' tion, anc by 2 p.m. Friday bor Satur- the Driving and Parking Committee Activities; its functions so be taken
caefro stdet who raey day and Sunday. for one year terms, over by Administrative Vice-President.
came rom tu ets wo raelyAdopted: A stylistic change in Item1 b) Clarified function of Committee
saw their academic counselors. FRIDAY, MARCH 20 34 under Penalties in Membership Reg. on Student Concerns
ulations. C) Established Committee on Educa-
* Gen rd N a es Aproved: The resignation of Nancy 9d) Defined functions of Public Rela-
A,. i es D e ate G nera ]N~tc~s Feita astchairmand th Commite tions Board
Final Payment of spring Semester Fees mnent of Tony Chiu as new chairman e) Established position of Personnel
isdeand payable on or before March of that committee. Dietrand Activtes Coordinator.o-
Itees are not paid by this date: Approved: Resignation of Dave Aron- mittees to SGC President with right
1)$10.00 delinquent penalty will be er as chairman of Human Relations to delegate authority to Executive Vice-
Board ,and the appointment of Jan President
~Ii~ ff-4 iaiupus charged-eevdad"odCei"I Berris as new chairman of that hoard. g These motions to be effective as
C ours JI~ fj~ 2it A "Hold Credit" will be placed Tabled: Reconsideration of the fol- of April 9, 1964.
yo. hi mensta untl ay lowing motion Approved: Appcintment of David Mul-
.1 cancelled: .... ber to the IFC Membership Cormmittee.
(Continued from Pag 1) (1) Grades will not be mailed. Adopted: Program for expansion of
__________(2) ranscripts willr notber furnihe ORGfA Nt1ZA T ION theexam file
Results of these investigations seimesters. ports the wNomen's Conference Comit-
have emphasized the need for the -(4) A Senior may not graduate with INOTJICES. tee's recommendations to teOfce o
exrtonofgratr utort on s semest th.c s.o e ur Student Affairs concerning the liber-
their part. But Bretsch explains 3) The Dean of your school or college alaztn of a womn' reguaonse t h
thattheactvaton o thse ec-will be given a list of delinquent ac- Alpha Omega Fellowship, weekly "Further, thatudtnbeAconveyedhto thee
ommendations carry with them "Payments may be mnaae in person, or cmeto wekl lecture an dics oresirmetat sdnt be ablessto
certain implications: jmailed to the Cashier's Office. 1015 Ad- sion; intellectual examination of Bib- setrstdentreguatioudns onenn st-
If the University is to offer miin. Bldg., before 4:30 p.m., March 31. lical claims and their relevance to the et couct rat his Univeri. tu
more competent off-campus train- 19pstmr4e campus situation. Sun., Mlarch 22, 10 "Further, that adecision on the
init must back a commitment to date Paymn ts .omre fe a m., Grace Bible Church, 110 N. State recommendation of the Women's Con-
support these programs "at a high ject to penalty. *ciinby Mody Ail 6, 1964."e b C
cost level." Identify mail payment as tuition and Congregational Disciples, E&R, EUB Referred to Ad Hoc Comm.: Three
Programs throughout the state show student number and name. Studentr Guild, Frda non s cussion motions concerning Council election
should be offered according to the Staff Parking Notice: Effective Mon., on the import of modern physics, (Continued on Pag 3)
educational intentions of the March 23. 1964, Staff Meter P'arkmng March 20, 12 to 1 p.m., Guild House, ____
schools involved and not merely Lot S-3 (700 Block Aaven St., next to 802 Monmoe.
the "expressed desires" of students forseesra months for construction Graduate Outing Club, Hike, Sun., NOW PLAYING
in the area which, gurnt fi-. nurnoses March 22. 2 np. Huron St. E'ntranoe


nancial support.
Instead of the Extension Serv-
ice pressing overall centralized
planning, the planning tendencies
and responsibilities should be ori-
ented within the schools and even
the departments.

Hopwood Contests: All manuscripts to
be entered in the Hopwood Contests
must be in the Hopwood Room, 1006
Angell Hall, by 4:30 p.m., wed., April 1.
Commencement Exercises on May 23,
1964, will be held in the morning in
the Stadium at 10 o'clock. Details will

Rackham Bldg,.
*, * *
Le Cercie Francais, Le Baratin, March
20, Thurs., 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg.
*' * *
Students for staebler, Speech by Con-
gressman-at-large Neil Staebler, Topic,
'Civil Rights in America," March 20,
8 p.m., Women's City Club, 1830 Wash-
* * *
Young Democratic Club, Reception for
March 20, 8 p.m. Mr. Staebler's speech
"Civil Rights for Americans," 1830
Washtenaw Ave.


Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
Curtain 8:00 P.M.

MUSICAL--David Merrick's musi
'1 Want to Get Off," starring Kei
(above), will visit here for one p
p.m. March 30.
Students for Staebler, the
Washtenaw County Democratic
Committee and the Ann Arbor
Democratic Party will hold a re-
ception for Congressman and
Mrs. Neil Staebler. The reception
for the gubernatorial candidate
will be held at 8:00 p.m. today at
the Women's City Club, 1830
Washtenaw Ave.

c production, "Stop the World A recurring crIticism is the lack
cal of specific course evaluations. To
nneth Nelson and Joan Eastman facilitate decIsIons on schedules,
erformance in Hill Aud. at 8:30 IKatherine Givons, '65, suggested
that reading lists on courses
should be made available before
pre registration.
"What is needed in a counselor
is someone who will show you how
to beat the system and hierarchy,"
said Larry Brilliant, '66. He also
suggested that a synopsis of opin-
'ion from the student course eval-
At least five eight-week grants uation sheets be published.
of $480 each will be offered and~ Several upperclassmen coin-
no additional tuition required. plained about the pressure put
The opportunity is not open make odelr aji hy
solely to science majors, but to: mae you feel so bad-like you're
any undergraduate student, fresh- a piece of dirt-if you don't know
man through senior, who is quali- what your major is. Sometimes,
fled and interested in the pro- you don't know what you want to
gram. Applications, available ontevno when you're 21,"etme yu
the department offices will be un- Boni en Schier '66,ncomplained
til April 4.
Some Approve

These recommendations under- be announced later.
scor th eu h o m aor dra bac to Instructions fr Placing Long Distance
ficiencies. Effective April 1, 1964
The diverging political and ed- The following new procedure for the
ucational philosophies will partial-, placing of outgoing long distance tele-
ly come to a test in a series of phone calls affects only thos~e tele-
budgeting recommendations from pus Switchboard (66-151). t cm
the Graduate School -and the Ex- BegInning April 1, all outgoing long
tension Service which the OAA distance calls should be placed in the
will ponder. fllowing mann er: nvest oe
These include provisions for the tbr answers, ask for "Long Distance."
separate, budgeting of specific 12) The University operator will con.
projects 'and a higher teacher sti- nect you directly with the Ann Arbor,
pend scale for off-campus teach- 3Gie yournamer and the exten-
ing. sion number to be charged to -he Micia-
The present million dollar budg- Iigan Bell operator.
et of Extension Service must get ten otain from you the iformation
a financial upswing if the aca- necessary to complete your call.
demic improvements are to be If you have any riuesticns regard-
realized. The Graduate School and in hi atter, please contact E.
- . - . - Turner, Ex. 30.

Lake MiChgan College

Benton Harbor, Michigan
-It's time to start thinking about summer school
again. So, thi about Lake Michigan College in
scenic Benton Harbor. For information write:
Director of Summer Session '64.

the extension hierarchy emphasize
this hypothesis.
It's up to the decision-makers
of the upper administration to
decide whether they want to.

Prospective Lawyers: A Marine Corps
officer will discuss opportunities that
tio ofne'smilitary obligation as le-
gal officers. Both undergrads and law

Going and Coming
Payne was especially delighted MflpraIctice .. .


with the skill which Shakespeare
showed in indicating that an ac-
tor had gone to another place:
"Time and locality were estab-
lished through dialogue. An ac-
tress would say, 'Now I am in Ar-
den'-and there she was! She
might even repeat it later for the
more inattentive audience.
"When leaving the stage, the ac-
tor would go off on one side, leav-

The Advocacy "Institute will I lodern Art . . On the other hand, some stu-
sponsor lectures at Hill Aud. to- The Department of Circulating d'ents were pleased with the pres-
day and tomorrow starting at 9:00 Exhibitions of the Museum of Ient facilities, "If I had listened to
a.m. both days. The theme will be IModern Art, New York, is showing my counselor I wouldn't have been
"Medical Malpractice." a selection of 36 works by pho- in such hot water," Kathy Flint-
togrpherIrvig Pen intheosh, '65 lamented. "My freshman
G r(In . .t.gmapherou Irving PhenUnLin theg counselor told me I wouldn't like
Grans . . ainlouge o th UGI trouh 1certain courses or teachers and I
Undergraduate students of the April 6. flaer found out he was right,"
University are offered the oppor- EI commented Judie Warren, '66.
tunity during the coming summer ExtNi *.* "Advising P's much easier for
to do independent research in ZO- An additional performance of junior-senior counselors because
ology, and several other sciences. "The Miracle Worker" will be pre- they know where you are going
sented in Lydia Mendelssohn and can help you," said Michele
-.-- ~ ~Theatre at 2 p.m. tomorrow. Goldstein, '65.




Spring Rush
"University fraternities pledged
more men this spring than in any
previous spring rush period,"
Theodore Winkel, '66E, Interfra-
ternity Council rush committee
chairman, reported recently.
According to statistics released
by IFC, 497 men pledged this
The number of spring pledges
is also considerably higher than
last fall. However, this Is usually
the case. Winkel noted that there
has been a general trend toward
spring pledging and speculated
that increased academic pressure
forces many freshmen to wait a
semester until they become more
firmly established at the Univer-
sity before making a decision
about fraternity life.
Winkel remarked that Univer-
sity efforts to improve dormitory
living facilities did not seem to
dStatistic showed no major dif-
ference in the percentage of men
pledging from coeducational hous-
ing units and the all-male dormi-
SDIAL 8-6416 i


Joyce Briere
Levey Davidson
Ginny Heyl
Toddy Hogan
Sue Janson
Felicia Kurcz
Sue Morrow
Rarmelle Myers
Karen Rosenberg

Karen Rutzky
Judy Sachs
Cheryl Schwartz
Maryanne Shapiro
Betty Shelley
Donna Szcesny
Brook Tily
Ginny Van Dyke
Melanie Welch

Golden Tree Room Town and Country Room
Main Dining Room
Mon. thru Thurs. Fri. and Sat. Sunday
11:30 a.m.-1 1 p.m. 11:30 a.m.-1 o.m. Noon - 8:30 p.m.


Potato Salad, Bread, Butter




1 313 South University



- -------------------------'ii




12 IT~







ENDNGShows at 1 :00-2:55-4:55-7:00 &9:10


est Actor
ictoy !" --N.Y. Times

whole town

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