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March 20, 1964 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-03-20

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Seventy-Third Year
Truth Will Prevail"'
Editorials printed in the Michigan Daily express the individualsopinions of staff writers
or tie editors. This must be noted in at, reprints.

Tom Jones': Dissenting View

Gaullist Policy Matches
Japanese Motivations

Freedom or Slavery?
The Summer Will Tell

has told us. Where is this best illus-
trated today? In the United States Sen-
ate. In the highest legislative body of
America, brokerage politics and minority
rule reign king. A bitter, bigoted South-
ern minority of 19 senators has for years
effectively prevented the passage of any
civil rights measures that might tend to
liberate the oppressed, exploited Negroes
of the South. The freedom of these sen-
ators to thwart the majority has kept the
Negro in virtual slavery.,
But the civil rights bill now before
these free, unencumbered senators will
have little effect in the South as a whole
and no effect in the Deep South-Missis-
sippi, Alabama, Georgia-even if these 19
senators fail to block its passage. Why?
The bigoted and thus ignorant major-
ity of Southern whites will never allow
their state or local governments to im-
plement any of the measures of the civil
rights bill, IF it is passed.
To quote one of the foremost senator-
ial advocates of the bill, who for obvious
reasons remained anonymous.

"Anyone who thinks the bill will really
do anything in the Deep South is just
wrong. It will satisfy some voters but can
serve little or no practical purpose."
But why can't the federal government
enforce the bill? Because any federal em-
ployes involved will have orders to step
very softly-as they have in the past--for
the government realizes the strength of
the Dixie vote. White Southerners are
united, first, in not letting any dissent-
ing Negroes vote. And, more importantly,
when white Southerners themselves vote,
they become, through their ignorant uni-
ty, the strongest single bloc of votes in
the nation.
WAR IS PEACE, scream the posters of
Orwell's future. The United States
has been in an era when technically it
has been at peace, both internationally
and domestically. But everyone knows.
that the international peace has been a
mere facade for the most bitterly fought
struggle in the history of man. Not every-
one knows that the domestic peace is
entering a similar stage. They will know
by the end of this summer.

To the Editor:
AS "TOM JONES" is now com-
pleting a fantastically success-
ful month's residence at the
Michigan Theater, I feel it appro-
priate to enter a dissenting
opinion: I do not feel that "Tom
Jones" is a great picture.
Before I am dismissed as an
old grouch, let me say that I
thoroughly enjoyed the movie-
the first time. My mistake was in
seeing it a second time.
Those pictures of recent years
which I would call great-"8%/,"
"Jules and Jim," "Hiroshima Mon
Amour," "L'Avventura" , have
drawn me back two and three
times and have been infinitely
more enjoyable each time. "Tom
Jones" was great fun the first
time, but was nearly insufferable
the second. The reasons for this
are quite simple.
"TOM JONES'" style of humor
is based upon surprise-the gag
line, the unexpected aside to the
audience, the startlingrevelation.
This is fine the first time, but the
second time we are less surprised
and, therefore, less amused.
It is interesting to compare this
movie with Charlie Chaplin's
"The Gold Rush," which played
at the Cinema Guild earlier this
semester. Instead of surprises,
Chaplin generally telegraphs his
gags-he relies upon extended sa-
tiric sequences. It is not any in-
'lividual line or pratfall that
amuses us; it is the general situ-

stand with Stanley Kauffman of
"The New Republic" in finding it
"desperation writ large." That
frenzied pace which left me
breathless the first time merely
irritated the second; and those
gags which had me bellowing the
first time evoked a large Ho-Hum
the second.
--Sam Walker, '64
Resignation.. .
To the Editor:
MR. ERFURT'S letter of resig-
'nation to The Daily Saturday,
March 7 from the "civil rights
movement" has caused me a great
deal of pain. I know it is impos-
sible to resign from humanity; it
is not impossible to try, or to
encourage others to try. The spe-
cific attempt to resign from guilt
and belief is, in fact, absurd as
a resignation, insidious as an en-
couragement, and, additionally,
atrocious as a discouragement to
those unaware of their own need
to acknowledge thehguilt andnbe-
It is not necessary to examine
further the question of resigna-
tion because Erfurt's parting ad-
vice is indicative per se of his
continuing involvement-volun-
tary or necessary or irresible. In
the context of continued involve-
ment, advising separation for the
Negro is again absurd, insidious
and atrocious.
Absurd: 10-15 per cent of the
population has no practical place

-separation-cannot be advocat-
ed, even, without indiscriminate
violence. This hopeless advice
says to the Negro, "I can't solve
my own problems (Surely the
bigot is his own first victim and
has the first problem, himself, to
solve; you solve my problems for
me, with violence, please." Vio-
lence which would alienate with-
out separating; violence from
which the society will surely pro-
tect its citizenry; violence which
will destroy the very things the
Negro wants and deserves within
the society; violence without jus-
tification-and the atrocity is
that you would push the Negro
community toward this violence,
knowing the Negro will suffer
again and again working out your
problems for you, and then you
would resign!
CAN YOU push your brother
into your fight, and when he is
held responsible for the acts you
demanded, can you say, "Sorry,
friend, I resigned; I wasn't there
when the trouble started . . . I
-Richard C. Rogers, '66L
Pizza . . .
To the Editor:
WE PROTEST the use of Inter-
Quadrangle Council dues to
feed pizzas to the IQC members
at their recent meeting.
We feel that the money taken
from quad residents for IQC
should be used for the good of all
the quad residents, and not to
feed the unworthy persons who
populate the Inter-Quad Council
meeting room.
We congratulate the IQC repre-
sentatives from East Quad who
opposed the misuse of the resi-
dents' money, and abstained from
eating the fruit of sin.
-Thomas E. Arrington, '67E
-William Stone Raynor, '67
-John Zline, '64
-Neil Keats, '64
-Edward Hohman, '65E
-E. Robert Holmberg, '67
-John D. Macintyre, '67E

It Shall Not Be Moved"

Sororities at the University
Must Change To Survive




THE, SORORITY way pf life at the Uni-
versity is faltering. It is being under-
mined by a growing demand for greater
individual freedom that is not bound by
the established doctrine so often found in
sororities. Sororities must realize this-
and change, if they expect to mainain
their system.
For an increasing number of women,
pledging a sorority is no longer "the thing
to do." Many women will not submit
themselves to the artificial rushing struc-
ture; many do not wish to be a mem-
ber of a system that does not expand its
outlook to keep pace with the rest of the
Of the 22 sororities here, one is facing
the strong possibility of going off-campus
due to a dearth of new members, and at
least three others have similar problems.
A PRIMARY FACTOR is the rushing sys-
tem which itself represents a narrow-
minded attitude. It is no wonder that
many of the girls who sign up for rush
n the Loose
IT IS A VERY SERIOUS matter when
an individual is confined and deprived
of his freedom; however, when the indi-
vidual's freedom poses a threat to the
safety of the community and a challenge
to the completion of the full course of
our judicial system's procedures, con-
finement is justified.
Last week Alfred Coone, an Ann Arbor
resident wanted in California for rape,
kidnaping and armed robbery, was arrest-
ed by an Ann Arbor police officer in a
local pool hall. Later in the week, Munici-
pal Court Judge Francis O'Brien, on a
bond of $500, released this man.
AN AMAZED CITIZEN, in a letter to the
editor ofgthe Ann Arbor News, chal-
lenged Judge O'Brien's action. Explain-
ing his reasons for releasing such a man,
O'Brien said he turned down the state
of California's request that Coone be held
without bond because he felt that the
$500 bond was adequate to insure that
Coone would remain in Michigan until
extradition procedures have been com-
O'Brien noted the possibility that extra-
dition will never be gained. He said he felt
it would be unfair to the man to keep
him in jail.
"I will be called a heel if Coone does
not remain lawfully in Michigan; if he
does, however, I will be vindicated,"
O'Brien said.
JUDGE O'BRIEN is euphemizing when he
says that -he "will be called a heel." It
is possible that because of his judgment,
justice will be thwarted or a human be-

drop either during or after mixers, for
they are required to visit all 22 sorority
Many a girl who is rushing for the sake
of learning about the Greek, system and
who has a somewhat vague notion of pos-
sibly pledging, becomes slightly discour-
aged with and tired of the whole process
after spending a total of 17 and one-half
hours in three days at nearly two dozen
different houses, most of which she can't
remember anyway, and after telling ap-
proximately 66 girls where she is from,
what her major is, what she did over
Christmas vacation and what she plans
to do next summer.
One rush counselor this year even told
her group to wear something unusual
that could act as a topic of conversation.
FURTHERMORE, the idea of forcing a
a girl to rush all 22 chapters during
mixers is ridiculous. Panhel reasons that
this protects the rushee from unfair, un-
founded rumors that she may have heard
about specific houses. Having visited all
22, it feels she has a better chance to
make her own judgments. But it is un-
realistic to believe that 45 minutes-the
approximate length of a mixer - will
change preconceived ideas a girl has about
a house. Moreover, it is uncomfortable
for both the sorority and the rush group
when some rushees are so disinterested
in a house that they display an apathetic
attitude. They take all the free cigarettes
and mints they can; not intending to
pledge, they do not care what impression
they make.
Panhellenic is seemingly aware of this
superficiality, for it has altered its rush-
ing program for next year. It intends to
eliminate one of the five sets of parties
and have the second and third sets un-
structured or conducted informally. Al-
though this does represent a move in the
right direction, it is only a trifling one.
Mixers are unchanged; most of the falsity
will remain.-
IN ADDITION to this fault, sororities are
not keeping pace with expanding cam-
pus ideas. If nothing else, sorority life
used to be, for some women, an escape
from dormitory confinement. One rushee
embodied this feeling when she said.
"Every time I think of living in the dorm
one more year, I put on my rush smile
and try to impress another sorority girl."
However, this type of girl no longer has
to turn to sororities. Senior women can
live in apartments, and there is a strong
possibility that within a year juniors will
also have such freedom. The Women's
Conference Committee survey showed
that, although the rest of University wom-
en wanted junior apartment permission,
sororities did not favor it. Perhaps part
of the problem of sororities is that they
have failed to liberalize as rapidly as the

V ' rv, ,



K <

-rte warr rrt -ro. sr-

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last
in a series of three articles analyz-
ing the present situation in South-
east Asia and the likely conse-
quences of that situation on Japa-
nese foreign policy. This article con-
siders reasons why Japan will adopt
a Gaullist style of diplomacy.)
Daily Correspondent
TOKYO- Martin Bronfenbren-
ner, in an article entitled "To-
ward a Gaullist Japan?" predict-
ed the future trend of Japanese
foreign policy. Certainly the pow-
er structure of Southeast Asia sup-
ports that prediction. But of equal
importance are internal aspects of
Japan. Can it produce an Oriental
de Gaulle?
First we must recognize that
Gaullism is a style of diplomacy.
A Gaullist style need not be mas-
terminded by one person. In fact
in groupishJapan it is practical-
ly impossible for one man to shine.
Current Japanese diplomacy is the
combined product of a circle of
powerful minds in the conserva-
tive Liberal-Democratic party. The
Liberal-Democratic party is well
entrenched with business and rur-
al support bases whose loyalty dif-
fussed only slightly in the last
election (a drop of less than two
per cent from a previous 59 per
cent of votes cast). Thus the power
circle enjoys continuity of mem-
bership and of policy.
A word to the wise about this
analysis. Overseas Americans and
Japanese Socialists indulge in
wishful thinking. They want Ja-
pan to clearly establish its in-
dependence from American influ-
ence. In contrast, the powerful
Japanese conservative bloc con-
tinues to speak of intimate rela-
tions between the United States
and Japan. It may be that this
sense of intimacy is so ingrain-
ed in the conservative mind that
Gaullism will not jump the globe.
On the other hand, intimacy state-
ments may be shadow diplomacy
in preparation for some bold steps.
Bronfenbrenner, writer, an over-
seas American, is convinced that
the latter is the true wind of
the future. Let's look at the facts.
*, * *
has been necessary in the past to
protect Japan's trade. In 1961, 36
per cent of her imports came from
the United States and 25 per cent
of her exports went there. How-
ever, the import 'figure is gradu-
ally falling and by 1970 Japan
hopes to raise the export figure
to over 30 per cent of her total
volume. If she is successful she
will decrease her dependence on
American markets. Accompanying
this could be a more independent
.There are promising alternative
markets for Japan. China is one
and trade is expected to pick up
40 per cent in the coming year,
according to a report by the Jap-
anese Foreign Office.
A second potential market is
Southeast Asia. Southeast Asia has
long been in Japan's mind but the
area can export little even in
agricultural goods and has ex-
tremely limited foreign exchange
to purchase Japan's exports. The
trade situation can only improve
with the area's economic develop-
ment. As early as 1955 Japan ne-
gotiated with the British Common-
wealth to provide technical skills
for projects in the area if Britain
would provide capital. These proj-
ects comprise part of the Colom-
bo plan. A similar plan was ne-
gotiated with the United States
government. Recently Japan has
taken a bigger role in the financ-
ing of these plans. Thus Japan is
participating in the construction of
her future markets. There is talk
of the distant formation of an
Asian Common Market, which
could cause as much trouble for
the United States as its European
think of Japan's participation in
Southeast Asia may recall Man-

churia which later became Man-
chukuo in 1931. Those were the

To the Editor:
LAST SEMESTER, a brochure
was distributed to all Univer-
sity housing units explaining the
goals and the functions of the
UnitedaStates National Student
Association on this campus.
Again, we would like to extend
to any recognized organization the
facilities of USNSA for carrying
out USNSA's objectives. One of
these objectives is improving stu-
dent self government. USNSA is
an important part of student gov-
ernment on this campus. Last
weekend, members of the USNSA
committee were a part of the
delegation that participated in a
three day conference at Michigan
State University concerning the
problems of the people in South-
- east Asia.
Nearly three hundred delegates
ac- from Michigan and the surround-
not ing states attended the "Winds of
ned Change" conference. Among the
un- distinguished speakers present
on- was Roger Hillsman, then Under
Secretary of State for Far East-
ern Affairs. Seventeen student
ites l e a d e r s from universities in
a Southeast Asia were flown to this
im- country to be present at the con-
his ference.

days of Japan's Co-Prosperity
Sphere. Japan's national aim of
that period is now clear: in Ruth
Benedict's words ("Chrysanthe-
mum and the Sword"), it was "to
take one's proper station" in the
world by the most effective means.
In the thirties the most effective
means were economic and, mili-
tary imperialism.
Modern Japan also wants to
take her proper °station. Though
Hiroshima is ever-present in the
people's hearts, and thus military
imperialism a thing of the past,
every day one can read a new
expression of shame that Japan
should be called a second-rate
power. The government is now
debating whether the present de-
fense agency should be raised to
the status of a ministry.The agen-
cy receives about eight per cent
og the government budget.
Economic imperialism is also
not a likely trend. The modern
trade world has quick ways of
penalizing imperialistic deviants.
Japan has exercised admirable re-
straint in her exports to the United
States. Through the mechanism
of "voluntary restrictions" she has
limited the export to America of
many of her most valuable cate-
gories, including textiles, cameras
and glass thermometers. The fact
that she is'talking more and more
about her voluntary restrictions
indicates, however, that she is
getting tired of them.
not be an element, Japanese
Guallism is a likely phenomena.
Each point listed thus far has
ended in a possibility for greater
Japanese independence from Un-
cle Sam's intimate shadow: These
possibilities are not chance, they
are planned. One cannot yet judge
the consequences of this inde-
pendence. One can only watch and
IT WAS ONCE said of a Roman
emperor that he "found Rome
brick and left ithmarble." Renato
Ruotolo and the Orchestra San
Pietro di Napoli, in concert at
Rackham last night, came to the
field of classical music, which
might seem sterile and over-for-
mal and demonstrated it in all
its glory.
The first number on the pro-
gram, Sacchini's "Oedipo a Col-
ona," is a short, fast, gay piece.
The oboe sang over the strings,
and the bass provided an ex-
tremely pleasant, never overbear-
ing, pizzicato commentary.
Benedetto Marcello's Concerto
in C minor for Oboe, played by
Arrigo Galassi, was a delight.
After some difficulty at the out-
set ("stickiness" in crossing trip-
lets, some problem with breath-
ing and vibrato), Mr. Galassi
demonstrated Italian oboe play-
ing at its best: warm, sweet, and
solid. His variations on the ori-
ginal second movement were
tasteful; in the last movement,
soloist and orchestra had some
difficulty keeping together. Here
Mr. Galassi showed his marvel-
ous technical ability.
PERGOLESI'S Concertino No.
1 was next. The Grave, somber
but sunny, sank to an awesome,
almost inaudible ending, followed
by the cheerful Allegro. The
dreamlike Largo had some in-
tense solos from the first violin.
The Allegro con spirito followed;
again technique and tone were
The strings also showed this in
the "Sinfonia" of Cimarosa. The

difficult sixteenth-note passages
of the two fast movements and
the middle slow movement shone.
Gianni Amadio, the contrabass
soloist in Bottesini's Theme and
Variations on "Nel cor piu non
mi sento," had an almost uncan-
nily accurate intonation and a
superb technique, particularly
with the many slurs and phrase-,
marks of the piece. There were,
however, little dynamics.
IF THE ABOVE pieces showed
how to play Classical music, the
next work was a compendium on
how not to write it. The Minuet-
to maestoso had the same mean-
iigless ornamentation and pedes-
triani writing as the preceding Al-
legro. In several passages the
horns started out beautifully,
proceeded to some grotesque
Hindemith-like chords and set-
tled back into Classical style
again. The Adagio, was marked
principally by the inane violin ca-
denza, rendered flawlessly and
with great feeling, which ended
up on a single, impetuous pizzi-
cato, the movement ending soft-
ly. The last movement, ended,
however, on three grossly disson-
ant chords, after more of the
same pedantry and sterility-be-
cause this was Mozart's classic,
"A Musical Joke."



ation in which Chaplin places
himself. As a result we are
amused constantly and do not
have to wait for something funny
to happen. Chaplin in particular
was a master of comedy, because
he could create, through a set of
subtle mannerisms, an undeniably
sympathetic character. Instead of
belly-laughs, Chaplin e l i c i t s
chuckles. The greatness of his art
is that we chuckle upon seeing
the same situation again.
IN ALL fairness it must be said
that "Tom Jones" did contain
some superb moments. The deer
hunt and the gluttony scenes are
memorable; the acting was uni-
formly excellent, and I particu-
larly enjoyed the tone of un-
abashed bawdiness which is a re-
freshing change from the snicker-
ing lewdness of contemporary do-
mestic comedies.
In general, however, "Tom
Jones" the second time around
was a pretty tedious experience.
Most critics found the movie "vi-
brant" and "full of life." I must

to go for separation and no pr
tical method of getting there;r
even with the all-out combi
assistance of the bigots, the "u
involved,' and the cause cc
scious; which would be-
INSIDIOUS: separation viola
the first principles on which
member of the American co
munity must act if he accepts]
(white) guilt and involveme
For the only resolution of b
the guilt and involvement is in
gration in the most meaning
sense of the word. The Negro
piration and our "liberal"(
concurrence therein arisesr
outside the framework of our
ciety but as a direct extension
that framework. It is preciselyI
cause the framework strives
inclusive equality and freed
that denying the future hope
realization of those sacred c
is denying the injustice oft
past failure to have realized th
very ideals. Such denials wo
Atrocious: The solution advi


* * *
USNSA IS a dynamic organiza-
tion composed of nearly four hun-
dred member schools having a
total enrollment of over one mil-
lion students. USNSA can play a
vital role on this campus only
when the student community be-
comes aware of the facilities it
has to offer their organizations.
USNSA does more than merely
provide low cost summer foreign
travel to supplement studies-it
aims to promote civic awareness
and civic responsibility, as well as
student welfare.
-Ronald Gottschalk, '65
Delegate to the
USNSA Congress

Production by an Irresistible Formula

A GOOD PLAY, well produced, with a charming leading lady-an
irresistable formula. The Ann Arbor Civic Theatre, currently pre-
senting "The Miracle Worker," is following the formula.
It's an ambitious play for an amateur group to attempt, but
Ted Heusel's direction produces a well-oiled, captivating end product.
Helen Keller is, played by Molly Marie Rae (on Thursday and
Saturday). She is a charming, lovely child who does an excellent job
of staying in character throughout a , very demanding performance.
* * * *
NANCY HEUSEL deserves the enthusiastic applause she receives
for her portrayal of Annie Sullivan. She creates a sympathetic char-
acter that radiates earthy good humor and strength.
The tremendously difficult scene between Annie and Helen where
Annie begins to discipline an absolutely spoiled child is carried very
well by both actresses. They fight, throw things and knock over furni-
ture, and throughout the entire episode-almost 10 minutes-'-they are
continually acting and reacting with an admirable spontenaity. In
fact good timing was a characteristic of the whole production.
THE SUPPORTING players offer an excellent backdrop for Molly
and Mrs. Heusel. Mary Ann Stevenson and Robert Green play the


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