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February 18, 1964 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-02-18

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PAGE TWO 'FUJI' ~~~~~~~1iL fflri!A. uu .. B BJJ. B-UJN- -qpL r RP. 33.




Boom in Enrollment Prompts Revisions

Jesus' Division of Private,
Public Morality 'Untenable'

The trimester was born in World
War II-literally.
It constitutes the University's
solution to the pressures of enroll-
ment, expected. to skyrocket when
the first crop of "war babies" hits
the college campuses this fall.
The problem is nationwide, and
the coming academic year is only
the beginning. Total college enroll-
ment in Michigan alone is expected
to jump from 193,000 students last
fall to more than 300,000 studentse
in 1970, a 60 per cent increase.
In 1961 Prof. David Goldberg of
the sociology department drew up
a report entitled, "College Enroll-
ment Potential in Michigan, 1960-
1975." He states the following:
"Between 1950 and 1960 we wit-
nessed an enrollment increase of
68 per cent although the college
age population (18-24) declined by
about 3 per cent in Michigan.
Almost Double by '75
"By 1965 the population 18-24
will be 29 per cent larger than the
1960 population 18-24. Ten years
from now it will be 66 per cent
larger and by 1975, 95 per cent
larger. These rapid increases in'
the college-age population result
entirely from aging the younger
SGC Backed
(Continued from Page 1)
The party will support incum-
bents Crooks, Cunningham and
Miss Miller as well as John
Reece, '66; Chad Gray, '66L; and
Don Filip, '65, in the forthcoming
Commenting on the endorse-
ment, Epker noted that "in evalu-
ating the candidates, we thought
they possessed the philosophy and
quality necessary for SGC."
According to Epker, SURGe willI
seek mainly to fulfill an educa-
tional function by trying to in-
form the campus of what SGC has
done and to prove that it has notl
been as ineffective as is frequently,
He pointed out that the group=
is "not advocating that SGC is,
perfect. There are some needs for
change within the structure."
He emphasized that the present
Council structure should be re-
tained, rather than abandoned in1
order to build a new type of stu-
dent government. He asserted that
any type of government will be
put in the same relation with the

population now residing in Michi-
gan to the college age level.
This is only one of hundreds of
projections that have been made.
The numbers vary, but they all
fall on a sharply rising line.
'U' Does Its Part
The University could respond to
the problem by freezing enroll-
ment. But administrators from
President Harlan Hatcher on down
have said time and again that, as a
state institution, the University
will carry its share of the coming
Thus the administration antici-
pates 1200-11500 more students
next fall, including 700 addition-
al freshmen. Enrollment increases
have traditionally averaged under
1000 students per year,normally
well under that figure. Freshman
enrollment usually rises by 100 or
Moreover, the Office of Academ-
ic Affairs has made rough pro-
jections which foresee 36,000 stu-
dents here by 1968 and 47,500 by
1975. Enrollment for the recently
completed fall term was 27,388.
The University began studying
means of alleviating the coming
pressures in 1957. The idea of
three full semesters earned vary-
ing degrees of support and oppo-
sition as a number of committees
made reports over the next four
In February, 1961, President
Hatcher appointed an eight-man
faculty commission to examine the
issue thoroughly. Dean William
Haber of the literary college, then
a professor in the economics de-
partment, chaired the group. Ste-
phen H. Spurr, then a professor
and now dean of the natural re-
sources school, served as execu-
tive secretary. In addition to his
deanship, Spurr has since moved
into the tOAApart-time and is re-
sponsible for the implementation
of the trimester.
Free To Decide
"The commission had the right
to come to whatever conclusion
they wanted; no one issued any di-
rectives as to the sort of recom-
mendation we should make, Dean
Haber recalled after the study was1
Within four months the group
reached a conclusion: year-round
operations would be the most ef-
ficient means of meeting enroll-
ment pressures and should be be-
gun "as soon as possible."
The commission report wast
highlighted by the following time-
1) Introduction of classificationt
prior to registration week - pre-
classification,-starting with the
1962-63 academic year.
2) Integration of the 1963 sum-t
mer session with the regular aca-E
demic year to 41 weeks -. 2%
terms - of "correlated studies."
This was done last summer byv
transferring responsibility for thet
summer session from the Summer"
Session Office to the 17 deans of
the individual schools and colleges.
Departments thereby had, for the
first time, programming authority
over both the regular and summer
3) Moving up the start of the
fall and spring semesters begin-
ning with fall, 1963-with the fall
semester ending before Christmas.
4) Inaugurating full-year oper-
ation with a modest third term
in the summer, 1964.
5) Achievement of a fully-inte-
grated, year-round program by
Unique Third Term
A unique feature of the proposal
was the conception of the third
erm. The Haber Committee sug-
gested splitting the summer se-
nester into two periods of seven
and a half weeks each. Various
ourses would be offered within
one or both halves; others would
e offered for a full 15 weeks.
While no restrictions were set

"Jesus' separation of private eth-
ics from public ethics was as un-
tenable to Jews of his time as it
is to Jews today," Rabbi Max
Kapustin, director of B'nai B'rith
Hillel Foundation and professor at
Wayne State University, said Sun-
Agreeing that Jesus placed more
stress on private morality and less
on public law than did contempor-
ary Jewish teachers, Prof. George
Mendenhall of the Near Eastern
studies department both supple-
mented and contested Rabbi Kap-
ustin's views in their dialogue on
"Jesus: The Man and His Teach-
This dialogue is part of a lec-
ture series concerning the "Jews
and Jesus" sponsored by the B'nai
B'rith Hillel Foundation at the
Born, Died a Jew
In discussing "The Jewish Her-
itage of Jesus," Rabbi Kapustin
began with the statement: "Jesus
the man was born a Jew, lived
the life of Jews, thought as the
Jews, and died a Jew."
"In addition we see from the
Rabbinicalsources of his time, that
his teaching was Jewish both iz
form and in content," the rabbi
continued. When Jesus taught that
loving God and loving thy neigh-
bor were ways to attain eternal
life, he was dealing with common
themes in Jewish tradition, Rabbi
Kapustin stated. However, when
Jesus preached the equally popu-
lar themes of the Messiah and the
coming Kingdom of God, he be-'
gan to differ from the preaching
of other Jewish-teachers.
In this sermon, Rabbi Kapustin
feels, Jesus expressed an attitude
toward Jewish social and ceremon-
ial law that differed significantly
from the attitudes of other Jewish
Prof. Mendenhall commented on
several of the Rabbi's views before

presenting a preview of his forth-
coming talk on "New Testament
Sources in the Perspective of the
Old Testament." He contested with
Rabbi Kapustin's statement that
Jesus preached "interim ethics" -
ethics to be practiced during the
short time before the coming of
the Kingdom of God. "Actually,
Jesus preached ethics for living
in the Kingdom of God under the
rule of God," Prof. Mendenhall
Reserving further comments for
a continuation of the dialogue
next Sunday, Rabbi kapustin com-
mented on the fact that both he
and Prof. Mendenhall had shifted
during the dialogue from histori-
cal positions to theological ones.
"I have spoken as a Jew and
Prof. Mendenhall as a. Christian,"
he said. A discussion like this
should not be purely historical, he
added, but should rather lead to
a scholarly delineation of the Jew-
ish and Christian points of view.
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--Daily-James Keson

Students have been on year-round operation all along!

upon the number of semesters a
student might attend, this scheme
was clearly aimed at allowing him
to go only two and a half terms
if he desired, thus getting at least
one major "breathing spell" dur-
ing the year.
No other school on a trimester
schedule provides this option,
which the University's executive
vice-president, Marvin L. Niehuss,
once called "the best of the year-
round plans" he had ever seen.
Financial Obstacle
The timetable has been followed
except for the last two points. The
report assumed, and administra-
tors confirmed, that the Univer-
sity could not move into full-year
operation until it received increas-
ed financial support from the Leg-
"It is quite apparent that such
a plan cannot be put into opera-.
tion until there is an increase in,
the University's budget," Regent
Eugene B. Power declared whenE
the report came out.
In its 1963-64 appropriation re-
quest to the Legislature, the Uni-.
versity asked funds to implementr
the trimester. The actual appro-
priation, however, was too small
to meet this need.
While the coming summer term
will contain more innovations aim-
ed at eventual fullyear operation
--faculty, for instance, will be paid

on the same basis as during the
regular year for the first time-
plans for an integrated summer
term have been pushed back to
summer, 1965.
Trying Again
In the budget request now be-'
fore the Legislature, for the aca-
demic year 1964-65, the Univer-
sity is asking $1.25 million to be-
gin a full summer semester in
1965. The total appropriation, how-
ever, will almost certainly be less
than the University's request of
$47.6 million.
If the appropriation is at- least
$44 million (Gov. George Romney
has recommended that figure), of-
ficials here hope they can insti-
tute a skeleton trimester at a cost
near $750,000.
The altering of the calendar last
fall was one major step toward
implementation. Both semesters
.ow contain the recommended 15%/
weeks; the winter term merely
has to begin a couple of weeks
earlier and a full summer term
will fit into place.
1964-65 Outlook
Last week, Dean Spurr revealed
a tentative calendar for 1964-65
which the administration will ask
the Regents to adopt if the Legis-
lature provides enough money. It
features these points:
--The fall term is the same,
running from Aug. 31 to Dec. 22.
-The second term would begin
early in January, eliminating the
oversize Christmas vacation, and
end late in April. Spring vacation
would be reduced to a Thanksgiv-
ing-style weekend.
-A full summer term would be-
gin in May.
Beyond the problem of financ-
ing, the major uncertainty lies in
the nature of the third term. Last
semester, for instance, N. Edd'
Miller of the OAA predicted that it
would be "decades" before the
summer term would have an en-
rollment equal to the other se-
mesters. If he is right, program-
ming in the summer would have
to be less extensive in order to
correspond to the number of stu-
dents in attendance.
Where Summer Session?

'U' Officials See Problems
Of Trimester as Transitory


(Continued from Page 1)
practices and procedures colliding
with -a new situation - rather
than inherent in the trimester sys-
In the education school, "at
least one group of people is trying
to be imaginative" in making use
of the month between the end of
this spring's term and the start
of summer school, Associate Dean
Charles Lehmann says.
A program, "which we hope will
get off the ground," would enable
education students to spend the
period in England, earning credits
there by attending seminars in
subjects related to England and to
the student's own program.
The project "may be opened be-
yond the education school," Dean
Lehmann adds.
Musiness students and faculty
have given "mixed" comments on
the new calendar, Associate Dean
Dick A. Leabo of the business ad-
ministration school says. But
"most have the feeling that they'll
like it when the kinks are ironed
"Personally, it seemed to me
that students were surprised that
the first semester started so early.
But I doubt that the new calendar
differed significantly in any as-
pects at all."
Dean Leabo lauds the calendar
for making "more efficient use of
the year," and providing "more
flexibility for our executive de-
velopment program."
Architecture and Design
Across the street, in the archi-
tecture and design college, Assist-
ant Dean Herbert W. Johe has
heard "no strong criticism" of the
calendar. "I'd say pressures here
were no greater. Art and archi-
tecture students don't work on the
basis of a final, so the absence of
the 'lame-duck' session didn't af-
fect our methods. However, both
the art and architecture depart-
ments did have to accelerate its
juries," he says.
Juries, composed of a student's

instructor and outside experts,
judge his project for the semester.
This process is the equivalent of
final examinations in other col-
The main complaint came from
non-academic personnel, who had
to handle "so many changes" of
classes following advance classifi-
cation, Dean Johe recalls,
Music School
Associate Dean John Flower of
the music school remarks that the
trimester is necessary: "We have
to adjust to changing times. The
fact that we compress what here-
tofore were more leisurely study
periods is inevitable, because we
have greater responsibilities to-
Effect on Activities
John Bingley, director of stu-
dent activities and organizations
in the. Office of Student Affairs,
noticed one major effect of the
new calendar. "Right after
Thanksgiving there was a heavy
slump of interest in student ac-
tivities," he said. Eliminating the
'lame-duck' session deprived stu-
dents of their usual "catch-up
period," he explained.
Bingley believes the University
will adjust to the trimester, but
he says student organizations
"haven't begun to feel the full ef-
fect. When full-year operation be-
gins, most student organizations
will have to alter their constitu-
Currently, these constitutions
specify the academic year - from
September to May-as the length
of a term of office. "When the
summer is integrated into this
year we'll have to redefine our
terms," he said.
Bingley, who does a lot of coun-
seling, adds that "some upper-
classmen were caught short" in
the calendar switchover. "They
had a harder time breaking old
habits and not doing term papers
over Christmas vacation."



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ITrimester ?
Among faculty comments on
the new calendar was one pro-
fessor's protest of "the linguistic
butchery which results in the
application of the term 'trimes-
ter' to the re-scheduled semes-
"The word 'trimester' already
had a perfectly good meaning
and use in the language, as a
period of three months, and
this is not its use applied to our
present calendar," Prof. E. G.
Voss of the botany department
..Our dictionary, however, adds
another definition: "one of
three terms into which an aca-
demic year is sometimes divid-
ed." Moreover, Webster adds,
'semesters" are no longer neces-
sarily . the . six-month . periods
that the name implies.
The group which designed the
new calendar faced the same
dilemma. It blushingly admitted
that "trimester" is "inaccurate-
ly but commonly applied to
three-semester year-round oper-
ation. 'Quadrimester' is the
etymologically preferred syno-
nym." Nevertheless, the Haber
committee went right on calling
it "trimester."
So, courageously sidestepping
the whole controversy by con-
forming to the prevalent usage,'
The Daily will continue to use
"trimester" to describe the Uni-
versity's new calendar.


"The Political Image
of France Today"
featuring Roy Pierce
Tuesday, Feb. 18, 7:30 P.M.



A cross
Prof. Roy Pierce of the political
science department will speak on
the "Political Image of France" at
7:30 p.m. today in the Multipur-
pose Rm. of the Undergraduate
library. This lecture is sponsored
by the International Students As-
sociation and the Cultural Affairs
Committee of the Michigan Union.
The University Woodwind.Quin-
tet, including Professors Nelson
Hauenstein, flute; Florian Mueller,
oboe; John Hohler, clarinet; Louis
Stout, French horn and Lewis
Cooper, basson; will perform at
8:30 p.m. today in Rackham Aud,

The University has elaborated
at least three criteria for deter-
mining summer programming in
the near future. In other words,
which areas of the University -will
first get a full summer program
will depend upon:
-- Physical plant pressures.
Classes where facilities are now be-
ing overused and where students
are being closed out during the
regular year, such as certain lab-
oratory courses, will be given pri-
ority in summer scheduling.
-Student willingness to attend
the University during the summer.
Graduate students, for example,
are more willing to be here at that
time than undergraduates.
-Size. Larger units such as the
literary college are more easily
adaptable because a certain min-
imal enrollment is needed to make
summer operation feasible.

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