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February 18, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-02-18

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Trimester Experiment: Officials' Viewpoin

(EDITOR'S NOTE! This is the first in a four-part series of articles
canvassing the University community's reaction to last fall's newv
Once the University adjusts to it, the new calendar will be
productive and popular.
This is the consensus of key University officials as they look
back over last fall's term, the first under a new calendar designed
to prepare the University for full-year operation. Changes intro-
duced in the fall term included:
-Beginning the term immediately after Labor Day rather
than in the middle of Septem-
--Reducing slightly the num-
ber of class days in the term;
-Cutting final exams from
three hours to two, and the
exam period from two weeks'
to one, and:
-Ending the term before
Christmas, leaving almost a
month of vacation before the
current term began. This elim-
inated the January "lame Hatcher Heyns
duck" session of the old fall,
semester. The changeover has not been painless, but most of the
difficulties are those inherent in any change, administrators say.
University President Harlan Hatcher said he was "very
pleased" with operations under the new calendar.
"This was the first time, of course, and I think it was diffi-
cult for some people to get going early," he said. "We also can't
judge how much of an effect the Kennedy assassination had."
President Hatcher said he is "wholeheartedly in favor" of
a reading period being built into the semester. "We tend to over-
structure class teaching. If a reading' period were properly led

up to and guided, students would gain much benefit."
He speculated that such a period could come either at the
end or in the middle of the semester.
Vice-President for Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns said
he had not systematically gathered opinions on the calendar but
had heard "more favorable than negative" comments on it.
Whether or not adjustments will be made in light of student-
faculty opinion remains an "open issue," he added.
The man responsible for implementing the trimester, Stephen
H. Spurr of the Office of Academic Affairs, admits that "there
were some rough spots on the first trial. The major problem was

is planned for next year - should make that term more leisurely,
Spurr notes.
However, any modifications will be made within the frame-
work of the trimester. "We don't want to back-pedal now. We
would rather stabilize the new calendar than return to the old
one,". Spurr says. "There's no particular magic in any specific
calendar. The length of the academic term isn't a critical factor
in the educational process."
The official faculty group watching trimester's progress is a
subcommittee of the Senate Advisory Committee on University
Affairs headed by Prof. Stuart Churchill, chairman of the chemi-

Dean Haber chaired the eight-man committee which drew
up the trimester plan in 19614
"The new calendar will require students to organize their
study programs better, since exam periods will suddenly appear
without the two-week break beforehand," he says.
Dean Haber, too, hopes "a hard look can be given to adding
a reading period, which would ease some of the strain I observed."
He advocates from five to seven free days before finals.
These problems notwithstanding, Dean Haber feels the liter-
ary college did "surprisingly well" under the new system. He em-
phasizes the difficulty of change - "since this was the first
trial, I'm surprised there wasn't
more dissatisfaction" - and
foresees popularity for the tri-
mester once people adjust to it.
Old habits also plague honors
students, Prof. Otto Graf of
the German department, di-
rector of the Honors Council,
observes. "Students who were
here last year used the Christ-
mas holiday - more than we
had supposed - to complete
Flower Bingley papers and to study. So many
were caught short this fall.
"This apparently is why sophomores, juniors and seniors ex-
perienced more problems in adjusting to it than freshmen did.
Students who had two or three term papers and four or five
exams to prepare for were obviously under greater strain than
previously," Prof. Graf says.
The engineering college's problems under the new system
'have not been significant," Associate Dean Glenn V. Edmondson
reports. "I think, at least for the time being, there are pressures,
but I don't think they will be permanent."
He defines last fall's problems as "operational" - due to old
See 'U' OFFICIALS, Page 2

Spurr Churchill Haber Graf
not students so much as getting faculty to pace themselves to
the new calendar."
"Until the new pattern is established we can't thoroughly
evaluate it," Spurr, who is also dean of the natural resources
school, cautions. He says other universities - Pennsylvania, Cal-
ifornia and Florida in particular - converting to new schedules
have experienced a large drop-off in complaints after the first
semester of a new system.
In case complaints persist, however, the OAA is' considering
revisions such as class-free study days to relieve pre-final pres-
sures. Also, beginning the first semester before Labor Day - as

Edmondson Lehmann Leabo Johe
cal and metallurgical engineering department. This group soon
will meet with Spurr to discuss the effects of the calendar so far
and the prospects for implementing the full third term.
Prof. Churchill adds that the Kennedy assassination, "for all
intents and purposes, eliminated a week of school," and required
teachers to make adjustments which the trimester wouldn't oth-
erwise impose.
In the University's largest teaching division, "one could ob-
serve a good deal of tension around exam time," Dean William
Haber of the literary college reports. "Also I heard occasional
criticism of the absence of a leisurely break at Christmas

See Editorial Page


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Low-2 7
Little snow in afternoon;
little temperature change

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


'U' Bills Introduced;
Expect Few Changyes
Special To The Daily
LANSING-A bill calling for spending a record $147 million for
education, including $44 million for the University, was introduced in
the Legislature yesterday.
Key Republican and Democratic senators expressed satisfaction
the size of the request and predicted it would pass with little change.
Committees in both houses of the Legislature are expected to
begin immediate consideration of the budget bill, one of 14 includec


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Admit Bias
Two of the six sororities at
American University in Washing-
ton, D.C.-Delta Gamma and
Kappa Delta-recently admitted
discriminatory practices in a pub-
lic report to a student senate com-
mittee investigating such prac-
The student senate asked the
university's trustees to withdraw
recognition of sororities and fra-
ternities that continue to practice
discrimination in membership se-
Mary Ellen Knake, '64, president
of the University KD chapter, re-
fused to comment on the American
chapter statement. The Iowa State
University KD chapter also re-
cently admitted having a discrim-
inatory ritual.
Miss Knake had commented
then that she was not aware that
any chapter had received a waiver
from the national sorority to free
them from such a discriminatory
Commenting on DG's statement
at American University, Sara
Hoberman, '64, president of the
University DG chapter, said, "To
my knowledge, the national soror-
4+Yn e not hnm. -nh . nl-

' n Gov. George Romney's pro.
posed $622.7 million budget for
Senate Majority Leader Stanley
G. Thayer (R-Ann Arbor) said he
thought the higher education re-
quest was "just right" and that
the bill would pass substantially
Senate Minority Leader Charles
Blondy (D-Detroit) commented'
that "if the bill has adequate
funds we will vote for it. We will!
oppose any attempt to water it
Sen. Charles Youngblood (D-
Detroit) said he wondered if the
r e q u e s t e d appropriation was
enough, and Sen. Robert Vander-
Laan predicted it would pass with
"very little cut," if any.
Budget Details
The 1964-65 budget proposed by
Romney for education is $24 mil-
lion above the current year's ap-
In spending for the state's 10
tax-supported colleges and univer-
sities it is about $130.8 million or
$21 million above 1963-64, a 19.5
per cent increase.
Also included in higher educa-
tion are 18 junior and community
colleges, the State Board of Edu-
cation, the Higher Education
Assistance Authority and the
State Board of Public Community
and Junior Colleges.
The total for all of higher edu-}
cation is about $138 million.
The increase in spending for
higher education, the governor
said, is necessary because of
sharply climbing enrollment and
other demands on higher educa-
' tiEnrollment Up
Added enrollment of 10,000 to
a new high of about 128,400 is ex-
pected in the fall of 1964, he said.
An additional 10,000 students
cannot be absorbed each year
without additional funds for fac-
ulty, non-academic personnel, ser-
vices, supplies and equipment, said
the budget synopsis.
The 1964-65 recommendations
should enable each college and
university to consider selective
faculty salary adjustments of no
less thap seven per cent, it added.
Also figured into the total would
be non-faculty wage increases of
no less than four per cent and
other increased expenses.
Few Turn Out
z W ' -r

Area Seeks
Coin panies
The University will participate
as a team member in an intense
nationwide effort to attract elec-
tronic firms to Southeastern
Michigan today and tomorrow,
Associate Director Hansford W.
Farris of the Institute of Science
' and Technology said yesterday.
Thirteen two-man teams, in-
cluding seven from Ann Arbor,
will be visiting 39 electronics firms
throughout the nation to push
Southeastern Michigan as an ideal
location for future expansion.
Each of the teams will use
scripts and slides similar to those
used recently for a presentation
in Washington in a bid to gain a
$50 million space research center
in this area.
"Following the assemblage of
material for the Washington pro-
posal, the Michigan Department
of Economic Expansion decided to
capitalize on the strength we had
mustered both from industry and
the University," Farris explained.
Robert A. Boyd, head of the in-
dustrial development division of
IST, classifies the Michigan drive
for electronics firms as "a first-
rate community effort.
"This is a good opportunity for
the whole community to band to-
gether to present Michigan's po-
tentials to industry: By use of the
two-man teams, this can be done
on a lot more personalized basis,"
he said.
The project originated with 89
letters sent out by Gov. George
Romney to firms in the electron-
ics industry whose sales amounted
to over $70 million per year.
The firms were asked if they
would like to receive a two-man
team which would present the
strength and potential of South-
eastern Michigan as area for ex-
pansion of the electronics indus-
Thirty-nine firms replied that
they would. These replies will be
followed up today and tomorrow
with on-the-spot presentations.
Joint Effort
The project is being run jointly,
by the University, Michigan State
T~nreia 117mnaC mm -Tm.._

A new survey of students' per-
sonal finances will be mailed out
this week. The questionnaires also
will ask students to compare Uni-,
versity with other local employ-
ment, and will seek their view on
the trimester.
Thomas Brown, '66L, said yes-
terday the survey will be mailed
to one in 12 students, both gradu-
ate and undergraduate. It is co-
sponsored by Student Govern-
ment Council's Committee on Stu-
dent Concerns, the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs, and the Office of
Academic Affairs.
The financial section of thei
survey is designed to compare the
working conditions at the Univer-
sity to those in other places where
students are employed, and to de-
termine the entire financial back-
ground of the University 'student.
Brown commented.
Sources, Spending
Questions are asked to find out
where the money that students
live on comes from and where it
Month's Illness
Fells Hartweg,
Prof. Norman E. Hartweg of the
zoology department, curator of
reptiles and amphibians in the
zoology museum, died Sunday
morning after a month's illness.
He was 59.
Prof. Hartweg earned a bache-
lor of arts degree from the Uni-
versity in 1930, a master's in 1931
and his doctorate in 1934.
Tropical Studies
As president and chairman of
the board of the Organization for
Tropical Studies, Prof. Hartweg
supervised a cooperative undertak-
ing by eight universities. The
group provided education in tropi-
cal research.
In addition, Prof. Hartweg was
a member of the Sigma Xi Re-
search Club, the Science Research
Club Biological Society of Wash-
ington and the American Society
of Icthyologists and Herpetolo-

goes. In addition, the survey will
bring together the information re-
garding loans and scholarships o
which the University has no
knowledge -- such as those from
home-town organizations.
The last section will also survey
the summer jobs that students
Brown said that although theI
financial part of the survey is the
major reason for its being sent, the
trimester section will be important
since the poll is of all students in
the University and not just under-

graduates, as previous surveys have
He said that preliminary results
of the survey should be available!
by April 15 and that the final re-
sults should be available sometime
in mid-May.
Brown noted that the random
sample of almost 1900 people will
be similar to one taken by Mich-
igan State University recently. He
added, however, that the returns
on the survey must total over 75
per cent of those sent in order to
make the survey valid.


SURGe To Counter
Anti-SGC Movement
Another new campus political party will seek to counter-act the
efforts of the recently-formed "abolitionist" party.
The new party, Students United for Responsible Government
(SURGe), was established "by a group of individuals who didn't like{
what the Student Government Reform Union (SGRU) was doing.
They felt that SGRU just wanted to destory Student Government
Council, without presenting an al-
ternative," Frederick Rhines, '64, 6
SURGe chairman noted yester-
day. Rhines is also a member of
The party's proposed constitu-
tion states that SURGe "shallf
work to maintain a high level of.
responsibility in SGC through gen-
eral political education and direct:
support of qualified candidates.";
In addition to Rhines, the offi-
cers of the group are: Vice-Chair-
man, Robert Pike, '65, chairman of
the Special Projects Committee of
the Michigan Union; and Secre-
tary - Treasurer, SGC M e m b e r
Elaine Resmer, '64.
Rhines commented that SURGe
agrees with SGRU that a study
committee should be set up to FREDERICK RHINES
probe SGC "but we think it shouldF
study SGC in its present structure rather than a new form of stu-
dent government."
SGRU advocates a student-faculty study committee to look into
the possibility of setting up a student-faculty government to replace
Rhines commented. "I think we'll get support all over campus,

To SurveyStudent Finances

Harlan Says Verdict
Voids House Seats
Claims 398 Representatives
'Jeopardized' by Tribunal's Ruling
WASHINGTON M-The Supreme Court ruled yesterday
that congressional districts in each state must be mapped so
as to give "equal representation for equal numbers of people"
as far as practicable.
The decision was 6-2, with Justice Tom C. Clark concur-
ring in part and dissenting in part.
This drew a protest from Justice John M. Harlan that the
high tribunal is placing "in jeopardy the seats of almost all
the members of the present House of Representatives."
Only 37 Left
"Today's decision," Harlan said, -"impugns the validity of
the election of 398 representatives from 37 states, leaving a
'constitutional House of 37"" -

members now sitting." By his
calculation, only 22 members
elected from states at large,
plus 15 others, would meet his
interpretation of the majori-
ty's "equal population" ruling.
Leaders of both parties in the
House of Representatives dissent-
ed promptly from Harlan's inter-
pretation. Most of those question-
ed saw the majority ruling as fair
and something which many had
expected for some time.
Justice Hugo Black, presenting
the majority opinion in which he
was joined by five other justices,
conceded that it "may not be pos-
sible to draw congressional dis-
tricts with mathematical preci-
But, he added, "That is no ex-
cuse for ignoring our Constitu-
tion's plain objective of making
equal representation for equal
numbers the fundamental goal for
the House of Representatives. That
is the high standard of justice
and common sense which the
founders set for us."
Begs Questions
Harlan protested that the court's
formula of equal representation
"as nearly as is practicable" is not
defined and sweeps a host of
questions under the rug. He said
there is "an obvious lack of cri-
teria for answering such questions
as these, which points up the im-
propriety of the court's whole-
hearted but heavy-footed entrance
into the political arena."

Austin, Plan
Seen in State
Special To The Daily
LANSING-In the shadow of
,yesterday's Supreme Court deci-
sion on congressional districting,
legislative leaders predicted last
night that the state Supreme Court
would reapportion state Senate
districts on a one man, one vote
Sen. Robert VanderLaan (R-
3rand Rapids) said that the rumor
in Lansing is that the high court
will use the Austin Plan for re-
The Austin Plan was presented
to the state Supreme Court by
Democrat Richard Austin, a mem-
ber of the Legislative Apportion-
ment Commission. The plan calls
for districting the state on a
strict population basis, ignoring
the state constitution's require-
ment that state senatorial districts
be drawn using a formula giving
80 per cent weight to population
and 20 per cent to land area.
Senate Minority Leader Charles
Blondy said that despite the fact
that using the Austin Plan would
violate the state constitution, he
thinks the state Supreme Court
will go along with the federal tri-
bunal and use it anyway.
VanderLaan and Blondy, togeth-
er with Senators Stanley R. Ro-
7_vlr M-Tonit " hro

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