~4r 3iAtitan Dath
Seventy-eight yeOrs of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan/
S':- records
Summer 's end: Bach cantatas avai~lable
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.
News Phone: 764-0552
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
The great
Ameriean resistance
WITH THE GROWTH of massive insen-
sitivity on the part of government
and industry all sorts of people are learn-
ing the benefits of illegal or extra-legal
The most recent example of this trend
came Monday of this week when the New
York City Commissioner of Consumer
Affairs told city residents they should re-
fuse to pay telephone bills if they are
not given adequate service. The faltering
New York telephone system has become
seriously overloaded during the last year
and service has declined to an all time
Thle city commissioner told telephone
users, "No one has an obligation to pay
for service which is not in fact received-
Ad men and
your body
MADISON AVENUE has taken over the
sexual 'revolution, and the whole
thing really stinks.
The front page of this week's Adver-
tising Age, "The National Newspaper of
Marketing," carries a lead story on a
soon-to-be advertising campaign for a
new' "femine hygiene" product dubbed
"Cupid's Quiver."
A full advertising effort, to begin in
September, will utilize color spreads,
titled "Relax and enjoy the revolution,"
in all the major fashion magazines.
A new advertising concept plans to
"promote the product like a cosmetic as
well as a hygiene product. Cupid's Quiver,
a liquid concentrate douche, is being of-
fered in two floral scents-orange blos-
som and jasmine-plus two flavor scents
-champagne and raspberry."
Also on the front page of that issue of
Advertising Age is an item giving ad-
vance notice of the marketing of a new
genital spray deodorant for men. It is
planned as part of a four-product line
called Specific Sprays. (With one devoted
to the genitals, two others presumably
for under-arms and mouth, God only
knows what the remaining deodorant is
T IS ALL very nice for people to smell
good. Soap, toothpaste and a couple of
other items may be, for this crowded
world, Good Things. But there does seem
to, be a point where things, become just
the slightest bit ridiculous.
But being ridiculous has never stopped
the ad men from taking money from us
Suitmmer Staff
MARCIA ABRAMSON ...................... Co-Editor
CHRIS STEELE . ........ ...............Co-Editor
MARTIN HIRSCHMAN .. Summer Supplement Editor
JIM FORRESTER .... ...Summer Sports Editor
LEE KIRK ......Associate Summer Sports Editor
ERIC PERGEAUX....................Photo Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: Nadine .Cohodas, Martin Hirsch-
man, Judy Sarasohn, Daniel Zwerdlng ,
Kahn, Scott Mixer, Bard Montgomery.
Business Staff
GEORGiE BRISTOL. Busines Manager
rSTEVE ELM AN Administrative Advertising Mange
SUE LERNER ... Senior Sales Manager
LUCY PAPP..... .............. Senior Sales Manager
NANCY ASIN .. Senior Virelation Manager
BRUCE HAYVON...........Fnanee Manager
DARIA ItROGI SKI Assoiate etnance Manager
BARBARA SCHULZ...... ....Personnel Manager
even to a colossus like the telephone
Similar moves by state and local gov-
ernments have been made concerning
rental' problems. Pennsylvania, among
other states, has adopted laws which
regularize the withholding of rent from
landlords who fail to properly maintain
apartments. This form of legally provid-
ed-for rent strike, as well as the extra-
legal sort going on in Ann Arbor, is
spreading across the country in both low
and middle rent districts.-
Similar examples of people breaking
out of the mold of a society built around
mammoth institutions iclude the com-
muter strikes on several of the train lines
leading into New York City and the
grape boycott on the part of millions of
On a more basic level, many in our
society are learning the ways of legal and
social law breaking through draft resis-
tance and the hip culture.
THE ORIGINS of this trend of institu-
tional resistance date back to the
beginning of the labor movement. Work-
ers found that the then illegal means of
a strike was the only way to better their
wages and working conditions. And as
time went on labor unions and strikes
became a rather accepted and regularized
neans of adjusting and temporarily set-
tling the differences between the laborer
and management.
The underlying rationale which allow-
ed the labor movement to succeed is that
the only way to move established power
in a world where that power is increas-
ingly centralized is through the force of
By bringing the weight of many, in the
case of labor unions by withholding labor,
the center of power is forced'to concede.
Because power operates on a chain of
command rather than through the direct
imposition of control any break in the
link is vital. When those charged with
carrying out an order refuse the whole
mechcanism stops functioning.
THE RAMIFICATIONS of this formula
are of immense importance to this so-
ciety. This country, as well as most of
the other countries in the world, is grow-
ing into the age of the institutional
colossus. Not only government and in-
dustry, but the organizations more di-
rectly involved in the lives of everyone
are falling into this pattern. Universities,
and not just the big ones that people
havelong been whispering "megaversity"
about, have become gigantic complexes
involving enormouse accumulations of
power and authority over the way people
live. City governments, public utilities,
mass communications and any number of
other supposedly service oriented insti-
tutions have become basically insensitive
to the needs of individuals. And there is
every reason to believe this trend will
continue and expand into the future with
the proliferation of mass communication
and data processing methods.
In such a society the development of-
an ethos conducive to breaking the lines
of authority is crucial. Only through the
willingness of masses of people to bring
organized pressure to bear upon the in-
stitutional giants of the age will indi-
viduals be allowed to survive.
Contributing Editor
The end of August in Ann Arbor hardly
lends itself to deep involvement in either
Art or Nature, let alone the island world of
academics; rather it is a time for packing
up; throwing out, moving, cleaning, paint-
ing, and wondering how the summer
months went so fast. Before The Daily
resumes its AP condensations in the fall,
and before the record companies begin
their seasonal push of major issues, I too
have some shelf cleaning to do. The fol-
lowing comments briefly recommend or
warn against various recordings issued in
the last two months.
Nonesuch continued over the summer
months their policy of adding to circula-
tions compositions previously unavailable
in Schwann. They have most recently
added to the list of Bach contatas avail-
able the secular Cantata BWV 213, titled
"Hercules at the Crossroads." Composi-
tionally and nelodically more interesting
than many of Bach's secular cantatas-
often quickly tossed together, such as No.
215, "Preise dein Glucke,"-BWV 213 in
fact served as the anlage for the Christmas
Oratorio. No less than seven of the can-
tata's movements were directly re-employ-
ed in the later, larger work.
The subject deals with Hercules's di-
lemma: to follow Pleasure and win the
hedonistic life or to follow Virtue and win
the life of moral purity. The libretto by
Picander offers a "dramma per musica"
that looks forward to Handel's L'Allegro
and I1 Penseroso. Bach's music allows both
focal arias and dramatic complications.
As with most of Nonesuch's Bach can-
tata recordings, the performance is under
the direction of Helmuth Rilling, a con-
Letters: P
To the Editor and wat
on the City Council's cam- They
paign to "protect impressionable and get
youth" from Ann Arbor "porno- tasies tw
graphy" was intructive though on Mon
he failed to press his "analysis" ceremon
to the obvious conclusion (Daily, pie to b
Aug. 5).law" up
Ann Arbor right-wing reaction- absolute
aries and their city council mouth- which a
pieces merely want to put the homage.
Argus, the White Panther Party THE
and Trans-Love Energies out of battle a
commission, and they'll use any parent
phony pretext (remember the "childre
thousands of motorcyclists who "protect
were going to "invade" Ann Ar- these fo
bor) in their insane attempt to tainly n
stop the cultural revolution. Un- whose
fortunately for them, and for- Portnoy
tunately for the people, the revo- Jacqueli
lutionary people's movement can't thriller,
be so easily stopped by this re- ing soci
actionary gaggle of paper tigers emetic,
and their phony "laws." about e
The political nature of their re- Argus a
pressive actions is perfectly clear Party is
to everyone who is affected by may get
their so-called "laws." These re- ute, but
actionaries-the judiciary is equal- one but
ly vicious-make a big show of With
denying the political nature of actionar
their acts, but in reality the laws tural re
they make and the arbitrary sen- people -
tences they hand out have nothing ple --I
to do with the so-called "crimes" aware o
they profess to be dealing with. tions in
Always th'ey are on the side of regime,
reaction and opposed to any rev- termine
olutionary behavior. They feign rule.
shock at "obscenities" in the Argus We do
and the White Panther Party's and jail
literature, at nakedness in the per- the reac
formance group's production of people b
"Dionysus in '69," at marijuana ers and
used by long-haired cultural revo- with us,
lutionaries, at "obscene" perform- by fools
ances by the MC5 or the Tate even foo
Blues Band, at "public drunken- As Ma
ness" in the parks when people ing fron
pass around a bottle of wine. "all rea
ers," an
BUT THEY speak freely as we at that.
do in their offices and clubs, revel might, t
in the purient plastic sex of night- and they
clubs and "men's magazines," fill pose the
themselves up with seconal and people!
dexadrine and alcohol (even, some ers! Lon
of them, the more "daring" cf tionaryc
them, smoke a few joints with -
their "hipper" friends in the busi-
ness), applaud the actions of no-
torious -public drunks who pose
as "law enforcement" officials,
ductor known for his lively hythms and
clean delineation of parts; the four soloists
are all competent, though only Theo Alt-
meyer makes one really sit up and listen.
The recorded sound is ripe (11-71226).
Nonesuch has also released an album
devoted to the vocal music of Josquin Des
Prez, the late 15th and early 16th century
court and church composer. Included on
H-71216 are Four Motets, probably from
the time when Des Prez served the Este
court in Ferrara, and the Missa Ave Maris
Stella, a work beautiful in design and in
melody. The performance by the Univer-
sity of Illinois Chamber Choir is com-
petent but no more than that. The so-
pranos lack a certain flute quality, and
the tenors and basses lack the degree of
focused definition which is needed to best
describe the classic lines of the music. In
general, the choir lacks the final touches
of style and tone which are possessed by
such European choirs as the Capella An-
tiqua Munchen, the Regensburg Cathedral
Choir, and Karl Richter's Munich Bach
Choir. Still, at a budget price, the album
grants pleasure.,
Along with adding to the Schwann cat-
alog in the classical department; Nonesuch
continues its successful and fascinating
"Explorer Series" which has already
brought excellent performances of Indian
and Japanese music into the impecunious
student's collection. One of the most in-
teresting of this series is a new release
called "Kingdom of the Sun" that collects
together music from the Peruvian Andes.
Recorded in Peru by David Lewiston, the
thirteen selections on the disc (H-72029)
include dance .music played by the harp,
quena or flute pieces, an ensemble of six-
teen panpipes, songs performed by villag-
ers, and a final processional of accordion,
flute, and conch music. At times the music
sounds as if written by Manos Hajidakis,
but all of the selections are very fresh and
Neither terribly fresh nor very lively is
Rimsky-Korsakov's Symphony No. 1 in E
Minor. Rimsky-Korsakov was urged to
write a symphony by his friend and teacher
Balakirev, even though the sixteen year
old aspiring composer admitted that "I did
not know the names of all intervals and
chords . . . harmony meant but the far-
famed prohibition of parallel octaves and
fifths ... I had no idea what double coun-
terpoint was, nor the meaning of cadence,
thesis and antithesis."
Using Schumann's Manfred Overture
and pieces by Glinka and Balakirev for
models, Rimsky-Korsakov began his sym-
phony. He continued it piece-meal while
serving in the navy and sent off, from his
ship, movements to the appreciative Bala-
Each movement is thus what you would
expect: a precis of what a scherzo or an-.
dante should be. The andante tranquillo,
for instance, presents a broad melody which
is tossed around the orchestra and repeated
with litte development or variation. The
scherzo is vivacious and goes nowhere, just
sort of doodles along pleasantly. In other
words, the composer °could come up with
themes of interest but could in no way do
anything with his material other than con-
tinue it for the duration of the movement.
Yet, this very lack of skill will seem to
some an amenable naivete, and the sym-
phony is pleasant and undemanding; it is
tuneful, happy; unsophisticated music, and
is treated energetically by Boris Khaikin
and the Moscow Radio Symphony Orches-
tra. The sound is very good on this Angel
recording (SR-40094).
Another Angel release can be recom-
mended unequivocably: Ralph Vaughan
Williams's Mass in G Minor is a beauti-
fully serene and open choral work, and the
performance by the King's College Choir
under David Willcocks is up to that or-
ganization's predictably high standards.
Best known for his symphonies-alter-
nately bucolic and irascible-Vaughan
Williams emulated in his Mass in G Minor
the a capella music of Byrd, Tallis, and
Vivtoria. On first hearing, the music for
unaccompanied soloists and double chorus
indeed sounds completely reactionary in
its simple polyphonic style, but repeated
listening will reveal the gentle modernity
of the composer; the amalgamation of
these two directions makes the music both
soothing and exciting.,
Also included on this recording (S-
36590) are five "Mystical Songs" by the
English composer. Setting to music poems
by George Herbert, Vaughan Williams
sought and found, I believe, profundity by
relying upon simplicity; Ned Rorem could
take a lesson from these songs. John
Shirley-Quirk sings quite well, but Janet
Baker has delved deeper into "The Call."
Finally, Leonard Bernstein has come up
with two excellent readings on Columbia's
MS-7285 that pairs Mandelssohn's "Refor-
mation" Symphony and Schubert's un-
relievedly lyrical Symphony No. 5. Eschew-
ing the hypertension which ruins ninety-
percent of his performances, Bernstein
elicits a solid and controlled ensemble
sound from the New York Philharmonic;
instrumental details are clear without be-
ing, for once, exaggerated. The Schubert
is a bit heavy and opaque, but still effec-
ornography and
paper tigers'
tch the stag movies at the
ll with fiendish glee.
demand "law and order"
together in cocktail par-
dream up their legal fan-
dhich are enacted into law
day nights with pomp and
y. Then they expect peo-
believe in them and their
as "laws," and set "the
as some impersonal and
arbiter of morality to
ll citizens must pay total
PRE CRAZY! The latest
bout "obscenity" is trans-
and ridiculous. To the
n" they're talking about
ing" f r o m "obscenity"
ols are obscene, and cer-
aot the Argus. For people'
best-selling books a r e
is Complaint, Airport, and
ne Susannfs latest porno
utterly without redeem-
al value except as an
for these fools to t a 1 k
nacting laws against the
nd the W h i t e Panther
blasphemy at best. They
away with it for a min-
they aren't fooling any-
each increase in their re-
y attack against the cul-
volution more and more
- and not just young peo-
become more and m o r e
of the terrible contradic-
this repressive capitalist
and more and nmore de-
d to put an end to their
n't even care about arrests
s any more - each move
tionaries make against the
brings more of our broth-
sisters into the struggle
and we cannot be stopped
and buffoons who can't
I their own children.
ao says - as we are learn-
m our own experience -
etionaries are paper tig-
A transparent paper tigers
Let them try as the y
they can't arrest us a 11,
y only help us as they ex-
mselves. All power to the
Free all political prison-
g live the people's revolu-
John Sinclair
Minister of Information
White Panther Party
August 12
To the Editor:
MR. STEELE'S editorial, "Toy-
ing with Technology," is in it-
self interesting and has the even
b e t t e r quality of stimulating
,thought. I suppose it is inevitable
that some of these thoughts are
adverse. The general idea is that
work is being progressively elim-
inated by technology, so that it
is no longer necessary that people
should work in order that they
(and the rest of the world) may
be fed.
It is true, of course, that the
machine has displaced, or supple-
mented, human labor in countless
ways. But imagine the most per-
fect Utopia that science fiction
can devise. The machines s t ill
have to be made, repaired, and
applied. One farmer feeds us
where it used to need a dozen. But
we would still go huigry without
that one.
What is more, new jobs a r e
multiplied by new inventions. The
automobile created more jobs than
it destroyed; so did the airplane;
so did television; so does astro-
nautics: If it were true that the
more the machines advance the
less need there is for anyone to
work, this country would now be
' at the all-time maximum of un-
employment, statistically we are
nearer a minimum. Cyclical un-
employment (as during the de-
pression of the 1930's) throws out
of work ten times as many people
as does technological unemploy-
ment. It is the real problem.
IN NEARLY all the professions
there is a shortage of skilled and
trained labor. In my own job of
teaching there are far too f e w
qualified persons even in this
country, and, if you take the world
as a whole, it will be centuries be-
fore the need is met. Half the hu-
man race has inadequate medical
care, or none at all.
What I foresee is not an idle or
lazy future (forerunner perhaps of
biological decline?), but a busy
future with emphasis on what ma-
chines cannot do, such as activi-
ties concerned with human rela-
tionships. A dishwashing machine
and a vacuum cleaner may replace
the housewife but never the moth-
Remember that we are not con-
fronting a new problem but only
an enlarged one. For, o v e r six
thousand years there has been a
leisure class which did not need
to toil for pay: the wealthy.
Broadly speaking the wealthy fall
into two groups: t h e strenuous
rich and the idle rich. The form-
er have invested their leisure in
many ways: traditionally in war,
government, and estate manage-
ment, more beneficially in phil-
anthropy, science, art and liter-
ature. But all have b e e n busy,
many have been useful, some have
been happy. The idle rich have
treated life as one long vacation
and tried to fill it with amuse-
ments. You could generally tell
them by their yawns.
-Preston Slosson
Professor Emeritus, history
August 16
Northern Ireland
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one giant leap for '72!"
"That's one small Step for the poor,
ficial name is, has a protestant
majority. When the South was
granted independence, the North
elected to remain attached to the
rest of Britain. The Catholics in
the North were isolated from the
Catholics in the South and the
Northern protestants began 1a
campaign of persecution. Richer
than the Catholics they establish-
ed a system of voting in inter city
elections based on a property
qualification. This gave the prot-
estant landlord with perhaps 20
properties, 20 votes, while the ten-
ants were totally disenfranchised.
This naturally meant that condi-
tions for the Catholics became
worse and wqrse, they being un-
able to secure representation on
local government bqdies to put a
halt to the oppression.
In the towns with a high per-
centage of Catholics the protes-
tants saw to it that the electoral
boundaries were set so as to make,
sure that the Catholics could not
gain control of the councils, this
so called 'gerrymandering' was an-
other bone of contention to the
To add to the difficulties the
police force in Ulster was almost
totally protestant, and they were
armed, as no other police are in
the United Kingdom. To back up
the police, a large force of B-
Specials' was set up to defend the
status quo. They are armed with
rifles and are totally protestant.
RECENTLY, egged on by stu-
dents the Catholics in Ulster be-
gan to make demands for the re-
form of the system of government.
These were met by attacks from
militant protestants, led by the
reverendi Ian Paisly. Civil Rights
marches were so harassed by this
group that they began to turn into
blood baths. The B-Special police
were also responsible for outright
provocation, so much so that they
were disarmed on tacit instructions
from the central government.
to overthrow the prime minister,
Captain Terance O'Neill. O'Neill in
desperation called an election
which he narrowly won, to give
him a mandate to put the prom-
ised reforms into effect. Paisly
took to the streets and forced
O'Neill's resignation.
The new prime minister was a
conservative, Majo James Chich-
ester Clark. Although he too prom-
ised reforms, they never seemed to
materialize, and two weeks ago, in
desperation the Catholics took to
the streets. That is the background
to the horrifying situation of to-
-Jonathan Miller
Aug. 15
Dearborn dead
To the Editor:
SAY that the Pentagon is caus-
ing the double-the-national
death rate among -the soldiers. of
Dearborn, Mich., and doing it in-
How could I possibly arrive at
such a hideous statement? Well,
Dearborn's Mayor Hubbard is in
the public print already with his
charge that his city's soldiers are
apparently meeting death in the
Viet Nam killing zones at a rate
over double that of the national
average, and he states he's asking
President Nixon to now withdraw
all soldiers from Vietnam who
lived in Dearborn on the basis that
Dearbornites have already con-
tributed more than their share of
life to a project that Mayor Hub-
bard (and most of us too) feels is
worse than useless, even silly.
I feel I'm 100 per cent justified
in saying that it is intentional be-
cause his excessive death charges
did not commence a few weeks
ago-it was three years ago I'm
sure when he first noticed Dear-
borns excessive sacrifice. Two
years ago he even included an
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