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August 20, 1969 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1969-08-20

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-Daily-Richard Lee

Daily--Richard Lee -Daily-Richard Lee -Daily-Richard Lee

See Editorial Page





Vol. LXXIX, No. 69-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, August 20, 1969 Ten Cents

Four Pages



Polce gas




Prague outbreak


5 001

PRAGUE (N) - Club-swing-
ing riot police fired tear gas
shells and charged into a
crowd of thous.ands yesterday
in Wenceslas Square on the
anniversary eve of the Soviet-
led invasion of Czechoslovak-
Only hours earlier, Communist
Party chief Gustav Husak had en-
dorsed the Aug. 20-21, 1968 invas-
ion and warned against anniver-
sary agitation.
Riot squads, backed by m o r e
than a dozen armored personnel
carriers and water cannon vehi-
cles, cleared major parts of the
square with three separate tear
gas attacks.

GULFPORT, Miss. (N)-Limited martial law was clamped
on Mississippi's storm-ravaged coastal strip yesterday and
Gov. John Bell Williams said Hurricane Camille's death toll
may soar far higher than first feared.
"Because of the fact that bodies are now being found
regularly, some people estimate the death rate could go up
above 500 and possibly reach 1,000," he said.
The storm's death toll stood at 170. The governor said
the highway patrol counted 162 killed along Mississippi's
coast. Louisiana counted eight dead in flat Plaquemines
Parish county, hit by raging tides that left its bottom half
under deep water.
Under the martial law proclamation, chiefs of the Na-
tional Guard and highway-

They launched sudden thrusts:
at portions of the crowd, swinging
truncheons and grabbing those too,
slow to escape.

-Associated Press
LOCAL RESIDENTS in Londonderry pass in front of a rubble
barricade being constructed yesterday by Londonderry citizens.
British in control
of Ulster poice
BELFAST, Northern Ireland O) - Ulster's Protestant-
based B-Special police force - bitterly hated by the Roman
Catholic minority - was placed under British command yes-
terday night in a peace-seeking compromise.
British Prime Minister Harold Wilson announced t h e
move in London after talks with Northern Irish Prime Min-
ister Maj. James Chichester-Clark.
The British prime minister also said that civil rghts re-
J forms demanded by the Catholics in jobs, housing and voting
rights would be speeded up.
Charges of discrimination in these areas have been at
the heart of the rioting.
In addition, the British govern-.
ment issued a declaration em-,
phasizing that Northern Ireland,
R torn by religious and political
strife, would remain a part of the:
United Kingdom as long as its
people want it.0 Wn

Throngs of Czechoslovaks and A LOCAL POLICE OFFICIAL stands gu
foreign tourists shouted "Gesta- Miss. The main street is covered with wreck
po," "swine," and "occupation Camille lashed the gulf coast late Monday
lackeys," as they scram bled from -----------e-pathoadvanci-g------- -
the path of advancing white-hel-
meted riot forces. REPORT IN JANUARY:
Many persons were injured in
the charges. Witnesses said a,
young man was shot in the leg
while scuffling with a policeman, H uber ani
but there was no official confir-

-Associated Press
ard yesterday in the downtown section of Pass Christian,
kage frrom businesses and beach homes after hurricane
with 20 foot tides and 180 mile per hour winds.


nounces plan

Another witness said he saw at
least 20 persons taken away by
police. Ambulances were-seen
making two trips to carry away

for campus unrest stud

. I



LANSING A)-Calling its work 1students, faculty and the com- could only be solved through a
As the police repeatedly cleared a "mutual aid pact" and an "ed- munity at large. series of meetings.
sections of the square, o n 1y tojucation 'sweat equity' plan," the In operation for more than Invitations were extended to 85
have the crowds reform behind chairman of the Senate commit- seven months, the Huber commit- administrators, faculty and stu-
them, several columns of police tee probing campus unrest yester- tee has yet to make a formal re- dents to participate in those meet-
riot trucks waited behind the Na- day outlined committee plans for port of its findings. Nearly 30 stu- ings, Huber said. From the ses-
tional Museum and 25 army the fall and said a complete report dents from colleges across the sions the committee put together
trucks stood at the ready beside could be expected in January. ' state are listed by Huber as a "stu- a nearly 40-member advisory com-
the Vltava River. Chairman Robert Huber (R- dent advisory committee," to the mittee including educators from
"Go home or bear the conse- Troy) said areas to be studied by main body. across the state.
quences," blared police loudspeak- the committee in depth include Outlining the work of his com- "I'm sure that anyone who re-
ers as shell after shell of tear gas activities of the news media, law mittee thus far, Huber said the views the scope of this in-depth
burst in the square. agencies, administrations, trustees, problem of "mutual distrust" study on campus unrest can read-
-- __-ily see that a primary reason the
I P O Cstudy appears to be moving slowly
is the fact that what we propose
to do is a study of the first mag-
nitude," Huber said.
"If the committee had proceed-
ed from its wn perceptions on
campus unrest with an effort to
buttress what the members thought
therblemwathe esult truly
By DANIEL ZWERDLING the down payments on a $60,000 house, the prolhave bas, witchhunt,' thy
If the Inter-Cooperative Council's plans with perhaps six or eight separate apart- senator added.
work out, students may begin buying their ments. Huber said the main reason for
own houses this year with a little help ICC thinks the University could help out the meetings with administrators
from ICC. if it contributed money - with the North faculty and students was to "dis-
Under the plan, students would find old Campus cooperative project in the works, pel the idea that we were the re-
converted houses or apartment buildings Buchele estimates that ICC couldn't pro- incarnation of the late Sen. Joseph
tsuitable for purchase on land contract, vide more than $6,000 without gifts or a ''Wc ary.r"nd ht hoe
half-the down payment, and then fund drive of some sort. But the Univer- who might be a piece of the prob-
contribute monthly rents until the house sity so far doesn't seem interested. lem be invited to be a part of the
ipadforprhs nln otat iemr hn$,0 ihu it ra o w r eemndta hs
fTe pl is a way to get students con- Members of the Student Advisory Com- solution, he explained.
plni~ aytme tdet o- iittee on Housing asked Housing Director To further the study, the High-
Strollingmore real estate," says Luther John H over a mosngo Dtos er Education Executive Associates
Buchele, executive secretary of ICC. Stu- Jof Detroit has been retained by
dents who purchased apartments under what the University could do, and accord- t h e committee to conduct sur-
this method would have full voting privi- ing to Feldkamp, lawyer E. A. Cummiskey veys on Michigan's college cam-
leges in ICC. and would control day-to-day told him that article 9, section 18 of the ;puses.

patrol exercise joint responsi-
bility in supervising the area.
The first step, Williams said,
was to quarantine the area and
limit the flow of people-particu-
..,larly sightseers.
State Adj. Gen. Walter Johnson
said his Guardsmen would deal
mainly with police and rescue
Imatters. "They're not going to
try to run the government," he
President Nixon declared parts
of Louisiana a major disaster area
and allocated $1 million in fed-
eral disaster funds. He did the
same for Mississippi's coast Mon-
The President also said he was
sending Vice President Spiro T.
Agnew and George Romney, Sec-
retary of Housing and Urban De-
velopment, to New Orleans today
to inspect the stricken areas on a
helicopter tour.
Gov. Williams acted on the rec-
ommendation of the state adju-
tant general who said that the
sightseers were turning the coast
"into a carnival."
Johnson said he had 2,000 men
under arms and "I've got to bring
in another 2,000. Sightseers are
jamming in-looking for bodies, I
The death toll jumped Tuesday
with the discovery of 23 bodies in
a luxury apartmenticomplex at
'nearby. Pass Christian' and the
announcement by authorities in
Louisiana's Plaquemines Parish
county that they knew of eight
dead in the area.
HRC against
school police
The Ann Arbor Human Rela-
tions Commission last night voted
"to go down on record" as op-
posing the presence of a resident
policeman in the public secondary
HRC also passed a resolution of
intent to arrange a meeting with

arr ested
Brighton County, N.J. police
Monday arrested White Pan-
ther minister of defense Pun
Plamondon, his wife Genie.
corresponding secretary for
the White Panthers, Magda-
lene Sinclair and t W o other
men for alleged possession of
marijuana and hashish.
Arresting officer William
Thorne, of the Brighton County
Narcotics Squad, s a i d yesterday
the five people were stopped in a
"rented vehicle" in Oakland, New
Jersey, on their way back to Ann
Arbor from the Woodstock Rock
Festival in New York.
Thorne 'said he had a search
warrant when Plamondon and the
others were stopped. However,
Thorne would not say whether or
not the people w e r e originally
stopped because of a traffic vio-
lation. "That's part of the case
against them,' Thorne said.
The arresting officer claimed he
found quantities of hashish, mari-
juana and unidentified pills in the
car. The pills will be examined by
the crime laboratory at Brighton.
The five are being held in the
Brighton County jail until they
put up bond originally set at $7,500
for each person.
However, a lawyer for the five
was successful in :getting the bond
reduced to $500 for each woman,
$1,500 for Plamondon and $1,000
for the other two men who have
not been identified.
Thorne said the five probably
will not face trial for another year.
After the preliminary examination
-if the judge rules there is prob-
able cause that a crime was com-
mitted-they will go before a

The statement was seen as a
perfunctory rebuff to the inde-
pendent Irish Republic to the
south that has demanded a review
of the 50-year-old partition of
The developments brought a
mixed reaction in Northern Ire-
Bernadette Devlin, 22-year-old,
member of the British Parliament
'who became a Joan 'of Arc to the~
embattled Catholics at the peak
of last week's fighting, said in a
broadcast: "Mr. Wilson's state-
ment has given hope that now
things are going to be for the bet-


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