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May 09, 1968 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1968-05-09

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Thursday, May 9, 1968


Thurs ay, ay 9 1 9~ TH MIC IGAN DAIL


-- - - - - - - - -




Reuther's United Auto Work-
ers union, currently renewing
threats to quit the 14 million-
member AFL-CIO, faces the
possibility of being kicked out
next week for nonpayment of
The Auto - Workers, issuing
new attacks on AFL-CIO Presi-
dent George Meany's leadership
from its convention in Atlantic .
City, will be three months and
about $250,000 behind in dues
May 15 and face autonatic ex-
pulsion, informed sources said.
T h e AFL-CIO Executive
Council, meeting next week,
may take up the matter and
some sources predict a major-,
ity of its members may be
angered enough to oust Reu-
ther's union, if it doesn't pay

Sources say AFL-CIO leaders
are miffed at Reuther's an-
noncement the Auto Workers
may put its per capita AFL-
CIA dues in escrow pending
settlement of its demands for
internal reform of the federa-
The Auto Workers, largest of
the AFL-CIO's 128 unions, pays
about $1 million a year into its
One source, noting Reuther's
frequent threats over the past
16 months to secede from the
federation, said an ouster would
be "going out with a whimper
instead of a bang."
This is thb second time in its
long feud with the AFL-CIO
that the Auto Workers has
withheld dues almost up to the
suspension deadline.
Meany previously ignored

most of Reuther's actions. But
there are new elements in the
deepening split between the two
men who founded the AFL-CIO
13 years ago by merging
. Meany's American Federation
of Labor with the Reuther led
Congress of Industrial Organ-
They are also now moving
apart on presidential politics,
and the impending Poor Peo-
ple's Campaign in the nation's
Meany, 73, is throwing the,
AFL-CIA's support behind V-ice
President Hubert H. Humphrey.
The 60-year-old Reuther, re-
elected Tuesday to a 12th term
as -UAW president, is officially
keeping the Auto Workers neu-
tral in the fight for the Demo-
cratic presidential nomination.
But he is reliably reported lean-

ing toward Sen. Robert F. Ken-
nedy of New York.
Reuther has endorsed the
Poor Peoples' Campaign. Meany,
while taking no official position,
is reportedly cool to the idea
of thousands of marchers be-
sieging government buildings in-
In his latest slap at Meany's
leadership, Reuther charged at
the Auto Workers convention
that the AFL-CIO is "ruled by
the dead hand of the past."
Replied Meany: "The Amer-
ican trade union movement to-
day is in the best condition in
its entire history."'
Meany cites a 141 per cent
growth of m'embership in AFL-
CIO unions the past three years,
record high wages and a power-
ful voice in national politics
and legislation as proof of lab-°
or's growing strength.

Reuther says the growth
doesn't match the rise in em-
ployment-and that millions of
white collar workers, farm la-
borers and others aren't being
organized into unions fast
Reuther also has criticized
AFL-CIO policy as too war
prone and inflexible in con-
frontations with Communist na-
Reuther has accused the AFL-
CIO leadership of not acting
strongly enough on social is-
Reuther gets out personally
and marches in support of far'
workers and civil-rights groups.
Meany prefers to exercise la-
bor's power in personal visits to
the White House and with lob-
bying pressure on Congress.

Call 764-0558-


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jobless rate high

Telephone workers
to reconsider offer

despite ,nationwide drop.

LANSING ( P) - Picketing of
Michigan Bell Telephone Co. fac-

WASHINGTON (P) - Only 3.5
per cent of the nation's workers
were unemployed in April, match-
Ing a 15-year low, but the jobless
rate was double in big city slums,
the government said yesterday
The 'number of jobless workers
in the 'nation dipped under 2.5
millipn for the first time since
1953. Total employment rose by
600,000 to 75.1 million, the Labor
Department said. . .
But a new study showed the
poorest ghettos in :the 100 largest
U.S. cities were islands of poverty
and hardship surrounded by ex-
panding jobs and income for most
other Americans.

covered in the survey were Ne-
groes. The over all unemployment
rate for the neighborhoods was
7 per cent.
Arthur' M. Ross, commissioner
of the statistics bureau, said the
new study was designed to spot-
light the problems of poverty,
low employment and hardship in
the slums at a time when most
Americans are enjoying the fruits
of economic growth.
Ross will become University vice
president for state relations and
planning July 1.
In the nation as a whole, ,Ross
said, Negroes appeared to be bene-
fitting from growing job oppor-

of some 45 million workers to a ilities continued at several loca-
new high of $104.63, an increase tions yesterday while members of
of 2a cents a -week. the Communications Workers of
The 3.5 per cent unemployment America prepared to reconsider
their rejection of new labor con-
rate for men dipped' to 2.1; per
cent, lowest since, 1953. The job- tracts.
less rate for teenagers dropped Representatives of the CWA met
lessrate fr eentag.ers droe in Lansing Tuesday and agreed to
from 13 per cent rto 11.9 per cent extend the ratification period on
SThe unemployment rate foir wo-a tentative three-year pact until
men remained at 3.7 per cent. May 19. The agreement was rati-

In the slum districts covering tunities at the same rate as white
11.5 million persons of working workers, but the national Negro
age, the jobless rate was 8.7 per unemplbyment rate of 6.7 per 'ent
cent for Negroes and 5.7 per cent remaned more than double the
for whites. white rate of 3.1 per cent.
For those in the slums who were Ross said that although Ne-
employed, jobs were more likely groes were moving' ahead at the
to be menial and low paying, the same pace as other workers in,
to bemna n o aig h Bureau of Labor Statistics said. gaining more and b'etter ...jobs, it
was a, case of "running pretty fast
"The concentration at the low- to stand still."
est end of the occupation scale was The, bureau noted rioting in
especially marked for Negroes in many cities after the assassination
poverty neighborhoods," it said. ' of Martin, Luther: King was partly
About half the slum residents responsible for cutting employ-
;.t.:::.::n': ment and hours of work in some
ORGANIZATION There was a sharp drop of 35,000
in the number of workers in retail
NOTICES trade, usually a major area of
job growth. Ross said ,this was
:probably due to the riots.
Use of this column for annunce- The loss was offset by the return
ments is available to pfficially to work of most of the strikers
recognized and, registered student in the copper and glass container'
organizations only. Forms are
available in room 1011 SAE. manufacturing industries.
M M DespiAte a slight drop in the
Baha'i Student Group, informal dis- length of the average work week,
ussin:a pay boost of two cents an hour
May 10, 8:00 p.m., 520 N. Ashley. All.apyboto wocnsa or
welcome! Call 665-4676 for transport. pushed average weekly earnings
Order Your Daily Now
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a~ v
J stt
Kicks! '

fied nationally but rejected in the
state last weekend.
The pact would provide wage
increases of $11 to $24 a week
,:spread over a three-year period.
All CWA locals in the state will
take new ratification votes.
State CWA director William.
Shelton said after Tuesday's meet-
ing that he expected picketing to
end at all Michigan Bell facilities
However, Leonard Fldrkey, strike
director of Local 4000 in Detroit,'
with 5,300 members, the state's
largest CWA unit, said a new rati-
fication meeting is scheduled for
tomorrow in Detroit.
Florkey indicated that picket
lines would remain; up pending
results of that meeting.
A spokesman for Michigan Bell
said company facilties were being
picketed in the southwestern
Michigan area, Flint, Saginaw,
Sad, Axe, Midland and Bay; City.
Some of the pickets were Western
Electric installers
Some 23,000 installers also have
scheduled a new vote on the con-
tract. The installers, who also be-
long to the CWA,- ratified the con-
tract last Sunday but it was char-
ged there were irregularities in the
The state CWA and Michigan
Bell agreed that if the contract
is ratified by May 19, it will bear
an effective date of May 1, and all
pay increases will be retroactive
to April 3.,

Julie Spiess
Kimberley Barclae
Jane Poulton.
Patti Kelly
Pat Connolly
Ginny Smith
Sue Taylor
Margie Davidson
Barbara O'Boyle
Carol Jean Hilema
Janet King
Nancy Rytina
Pamela Manuel
Cindy Nash
Judy Anrod
Andy Sanhar
Maggie Frasier
Francie Cuthbert
Gretchen Dowen
Sally Duff
Sue WengerI
Roberta Straley
Betsy Hanson
JoAnn Gillen {
Merry Ann Halligan
Jean Scotty

Kathy Steyer
Nancy Dillinger
Bonny Barnen
Bonnie Lantz,
Marsha Rosenberg
Alison Lang
Shannon Halloran
Ellen Kumata
Mary Snyder

Katheen McCarthy
'Jeff Buchanan
Bob Beals
Jim Embree
Jim Couch
Nick Hulchiy
Durlin Hickock
Tom Ward
Bill Tobin

Jim Stoetzer
Bill Sumerall
Chuck Cady
Roger Steiner


Mike Ferrante
Charles Akhuen
Jim Kreggs
Harold Weckler

Anthony Stagliano
Ralph Brennecke
Tom Douglas'
Dave Kiehl'
Tim Reade
Micheal Yanagita
Jerry Newport
,Bruce Martin
Steve Peebles

Wilfred Haugh
Mike Carpenter
Robert Davidson
Jamie Quakenbush
Pete Graff

Jim Neel

-Dafly-Jay L. Cassidy
icheting continues',at Bell

Dave Graff
Mike Keebler
Art Tai

Greg Broad
Craig Heyl
John Eggertsen
Fenton Dungon

Bill Brater
Rick Flagan
Don Blakely
Pete Fodor

Stanicy Blacker seasons the double-breasted blazer

Marilyn Link'' Jim Heiser Jim Wiseman
Melissa King Mark Harris. Chuck Lunger


Stanley Blacker tailored one of the
Rights of Spring into a blazer for all seasons.
The double-breasted Wickersham blazer
is cut in a midweight Dacron®-wool/navy
hopsack that lives all year. It's detailed
with four solid metal golden buttons; deep side
vents, and straight flap pockets.
Very sophisticated. $55.
Other double-breasted sport
coats in stock from $65 to $75
J ,1

'{ //
} 4 .1 '
1T 4'' '{
'. 'j .
& 'p

Nancy Raab
Janice Kemp
Kathy Boardman
Ann Roller
Claudia Malsack
Carol Woodward
Bev Smith
Julie Maienknecht
Margaret Nelson
Kathy Gerstenberger
Margy Banning
Meg Chaffee
Becky Davis
Joan Price
Elida Giles
Lucy Kennedy
Judie Bair}

__ , .

Chuck Vinocur
Randy Rissman
Ken Szymanski
Jacob David
,Steve Froman
Steve Shedldfsky'
Aron Levky
Mark Hoffman
Barry Emmett'
Larry Schultzs
E. 0. Knowles
Pat Feehan
Garth Black
Chip Rohde
Cbris Wyatt,
Paul Gow
Bud Uday
Carolyn Koppy
Arlene Tack
Suzy Krause
Margie Sottenberg
Nan Rosenberg
Debra Winston
Nancy Schreiber
Andy Leonard
Karen Anderson
Rena Wish
Nancy Leland
Ann Lehman
Betty Sue Simons
Jane Ruevitch

Donna Mills
Ann Holmgren
Donna Hawald
Cindy Merry
Marcia Johnson
Sue Lane
Joanne Miller
Sally Seiler
Marilyn Cheney
Becky Kimmen
Loretta Diphoye
Elise Phebus
Susan Lapene
Cherie Olson
Chris Dabrowski
Layne Zimmerman
Laurie Weston
Sandy Stone
Sue Kromelow
Ava Atler
Ronna Freeberg
Judi Richards
Susan Beenford
Mary Alice Godfrey
Dianne Miles
Betsey Begle
Becky Head'
Debbie Bender
Nina Hodge
Sue Peters
Jeanne Machlik


and Pure White

Beth Hinscheid
Peggy Smothers
Julie Nutting
Ki White
Shirley Hawkins.
Judy Rankin
Martha Mack
Betsy Bowles
Peggy Sawyer
Gwen Wilmer
Robyn Ronney
Susan Axsom
Kathy Lanard
Jackie Jones



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