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May 09, 1968 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1968-05-09

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Thursday, May 9, 1968

Pager EIgH' THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, May 9, 1968

Turbine racer claims

first life at Indy

Knicks select May; Pistons get Moore

British Grand Prix Driver Mike
Spence died yesterday after his
turbine - powered Lotus crashed
against a wall at the Indianapolis
Motor Speedway.
Spence, 31, of Maidenhead,
England, was injured in a prac-
tice run for the Indianapolis 500-
mile race May 30 and died in a
hospital 4% hours after the crash.
He was a member of the Lotus
team which' drives cars built by
Colin Chapman of England.

Spence was driving a car assign-
ed to another driver when it
slammed into the wall on the
Speedway's No. 1 turn. He suffer-
ed multiple head injuries and
never regained consciousness.
Walter Myers, Speedway chief
observer, witnessed the crash. He
said Spence was driving higher
and higher on the track each time
he neared the first turn.
He said just before the crash
the car went above the normal
groove into loose sand and other

material that accumulates outsides
the normal running surfaces.
Harlan Fengler, chief steward
for the 500-mile race, impounded
the death car and the three other
Lotus turbines entered for the
race. I
Meanwhile, Carroll Shelby of
Los Angeles, international auto
racer and builder, withdrew his
three turbine-powered cars from
the 500.
"After complete and intensive
testing," Shelby said in a state-1

ment, "I feel at the present time
it is impossible to make a tur-
bine-powered race car competi-
tive, with a reasonable degree of
safety and reliability. Therefore,k
I am withdrawing the Shelby
Racing Co. turbines from the 1968'
A few hours before the crash.
Spence ran the second fastest lap
in the Speedway's history-169.555
miles an hour.
He was the 34th driver killed
at the 59-year-old Speedway and

the second Lotus team member

killed this year. Jim Clark of NEW YORK 0P--Dayton's Don
Scotland was killed April 7 in a ;May, the most valuable player in
crash at Hockenheim, Germany. the National Invitation Tourna-
Spence was a veteran of 10 ment last season, was picked by
years of Grand Prix driving but the New York Knicks yesterday
he had only one Grand Prix vic-
tory to his credit. He won the in the third round of the National
South African Grand Prix in 1966. Basketball Association's college
Spence also finished first in draft.
the B.O.A.C. International 500- The 6-foot-4 forward, who av-
mile race at Brands Hatch, Eng- eraged 23.4 points at Dayton last
land, in 1967. season, also has been drafted by

the Indiana Pacers of the rival
American Basketball Association.
May is considered a small man
for a forward in the pro ranks
and that's why it is believed he
was so far down on the list. The
pros apparently rate him as a.
shooter and not a ball handler.
The NBA had completed its firstI
round several weeks ago, picking!
and signing All-Americans Elvin
Hayes of Houston by San Diego


Announce departure of Etter, Katzenmeyer

Summer Sports Editor
Michigan Athletic Director H.
0. (Fritz) Crisler announced yes-
terday that both Les Etter, Uni-
versity sports information direc-
tor, and Bert Katzenmeyer, - golf
coach and administrative assis-
tant, will leave their posts effective
June 30. -
Etter, who has held the publicity
position for the past 24 years, will
retire after a 38-year career in
collegiate athletics.
Katzenmeyer leaves his job as
Crisler's administrative assistant
to accept the athletic directorship
at Wichita State. He has been
Michigan golf coach for the past
21 years, and has held the admin-
istrative post since 1962.
While he is not the dean of the
Big Ten information directors
(Northwestern's Eric Wilson has
held his position since 1924, Etter
does hold at least one unique rec-
ord-he is the only person to ever
be sports publicist at two different
conference institutions.
Etter graduated from Minnesota


"We've been together quite a
while," he says, "and I guess it's
appropriate that we end our
careers here together."'


Crisler is also retiring on Junej
It is hardly the end of Etter's
career in sports, however.
"I guess I'll do some writing-
I've already had six sports novels
published-and I'll stay around
to help in the press box during

and Westley Unsold of Louisville
by Baltimore.
The second round was limited to
just eight picks. The bottom three
teams in each of the two divisions
and the two new expansion teams,
Phoenix and Milwaukee.
San Diego, picking first in the
second round, selected John Trapp
of Nevada Southern. Seattle se-
lected Art Harris of Stanford and
announced his signing.
The other second-rounders in-
cluded: Lloyd Peterson, Oregon
State, by Chicago; Bob Quick,
3Xavier of Ohio, by Baltimore; Ron
Dunlop. Illinois, by Cincinnati,
3which, got the draft right from
Chicago in a trade; Manny Leaks,
Niagara, by Detroit; Dick Cun-
ningham, 6-10 center of Murray,
State, by Phoenix, and Eugene
Moore, St. Louis U., by Milwaukee.
Dave Newmark, the 7-foot Co-
lumbia center, was picked by Chi-
cago in the third round. New-
mark's class graduates in June
but he has another yearof col-
lege eligibility because he remain-
ed out of school one year to re-
cuperate from an injury.
SABA owners
Still out over
draft right's
been restored to the fledgling
American Basketball Association,
but it could just be a temporary
Two feuding Eastern owners.
Arthur Brown of the New Jersey
Americans and Gabe Rubin of the
Pittsburgh Pipers,' buried the
hatchet for a whileat Tuesday's
concluding session of the ABA's.
annual meeting here.

I ' football season.
in 1930, and went on to become DELAYED RETIREMENT
sports information director there.'"We (both Etter and his wife
He spent a short time writing for Jean, who is his assistant, are re-
the Associated Press and for tiring) have been thinking about
magazines and newspapers in the doing this for quite a while. We
Minneapolis area before accepting had decided to leave after the end
the Michigan job'in 1944. . of the 1967 football season, but
His switch to Ann Arbor fol- Fritz asked us to stay, and now
lowed that of another ,presti ious we'll finish out the school year."
Michigan athletic figure from Etter will continue to live in
Minesota-Crisler. The athletic di- Ann Arbor, where most of his
rector came to Michigan in 1940 children now reside. This prospect
after serving as head football seems to please Jean Etter very
Princeton. much.
coach at both Minnesota and "Maybe I'll have /time to just
Etter points out the close rela- be grandma now," she notes. The
tionship he has had with Crisler Etters now have 14 grandchildren,
since the days at Minnesota. and another is expected shortly.
"It's been wonderful to be with




trdih9 qOuti

Getting high
With a little help
From your horse

Michigan for these years." smiles
Etter as he recalls the athletic
scenes from the past.- "They've
been some of the best years in the}
history of Michigan athletics.
"In '1934 I thought that the
greatest football teams I'd ever
seen were those of Benny Bierman
at Minnesota and Jock Sutherland
at Pittsburgh. They played for the
national championship that year,
and it was a sensational game.
"But then I saw the Crisler team
of 1947, and I decided that it was
really the greatest of all time.!
There were so many great players,
like Bump and Pete Elliott."
Etter also recalls the moments
of glory in other Wolverine sports.
"Yes, there was much more

MICHIGAN SPORTS information director Les Etter heads for'
a fall football practice session as part of his job of publicizing all
phases of Wolverine athletics. Etter is retiring in June to devote
all of his time to writing sports novels after 24 years as publicist
for the athletic department.

-Daily-Andy Sacks
BERT KATZENMEYER, Wolverine golf coach and administrative
assistant to athletic director H. O. (Fritz) trisler, listens at-
tentively during one of several interviews that followed the
exposure of alleged illegal practices within the athletic depart-
ment. He is leaving l\ichigan to become athletic director at
Wichita State.

But the matter is not endted.it
could flare up again if they do not
reach agreement on a dispte over
New Jersey's territorial rights.
Rubin is believed to be trying
to move his Pittsburgh team to
New York City. Brown saysl he
can't do it without compensating
New Jersey for an infringement
of the latter's 100-mile territorial
protection rights listed in the
ABA by-laws.


than football," he grins. "Like
the basketball teams with Cazzie
- they were really terrific,
"And there were Cliff Keen's
wrestling team's; the tennis teams
Bill Murphy has always had; tre-
mendous swimming teams under
Matt Mann and Gus Stager; and
Don Canham's fine track teams."

We have with us the two leading figures in the recent
controvqrsy concerning the, outcome of the 1968 Kentucky
Derby, Mr. Image and Mr. Pass. Mr. Pass was declared the
winner of the race after it was discovered that Mr. Image
had been drugged.
Mr. Image, I think the one thing that all America wants
to'know is, were you really drugged?'
Image: "I i'eally can't say. I was pretty high last Saturday.
And just call me Dancer's, man."
Look, Dancer's, you're the only one who can settle'this
thing once and for all. Were you drugged prior to the race?
Image: "Sure man, I had some grass before post time. Blue
grass. Any more questions?"
Did your trainer give it to you?
Image: "No, man, I roll my own,".
Don't be silly, horses don't have manual dexterity.
Image: "We can't talk either, but you keep asking ques-
I'll ask you, Mr. Pass r- uh, Forward - do you think
your colleague Dancer's, here, was drugged?
Pass: "Are you kidding? Dancer tried to push some stuff
off on .me before the race. Must have got hooked on it himself.
And you can call me Mr. Pass, thank you."
Is that true, Dancer's?
Image: "Well, how do you like that, busted by a nag nark."
* Then'you admit it?
Image: "Yeah, man I'm a junkie. You know, it started with
a little LSD in the sugar cube, next a little hemp in the hay, then
some grass in the grass, and now this-phenylbutazone. Some-
body told me it was speed, and I thought/it might help with the
Derby coming up."'
Did the other horses know about your condition?
Image: "Sure, they've been giving me the needle about it
for a long time."
What about the guy who rode you, Bobby Ussery?
Image: "I guess that makes him junkie jockey, doesn't it?"
Get serious, Dancer's. You've caused a lot of people a lot
of trouble. What do you have to say for yourself?
Image: "I can't wait till I get some horse. The drug that
One last question, Dancer's. Are you going to the Preak-

Etter smiles when he recalls
another great Michigan athletic
tradition - gymnastics.
"I remember Newt Loken com-
ing in here absolutely cold. He,
had to start from scratch to re-
new the gymnastics program and,
to get everybody interested. And
now look what he's done."

And to a sports publicist, what
can be more important ,than a
press box?
"That vas one of tlhe really
significant things that was done
while I was here," he points out.
"The old stadium press box
was of the old, open style, and
the reporters would have to shiver
through every game with the rest
of the fans. . -
"I remember the famous snow
bowl of 1951. It was the last time
we used the old box, and we had
ten inches of snow. We had to go
up on the roof' and( shovel it all
off because we vere afraid it
would collapse."

personnel, although Katzenmey.
er's departure is the first within
the upper echelons. . rs, t
During his stay at Michigan, C ougar
Katzenmeyer has been highly
successful as a golf coach. He has
produced three championshipb y W hi
teams, three individual titlists,'4
Not. since 1962 has one of his
teams fiinshed lower than fourth
in the conference tournament, DETROIT (AP) - Roy Chestham
and his past three teams have, scored with one minute left in
finished in the runner-up position..! the first half to give the Detrqit
Katzenmeyer starred on Ann Cougars a 2-1 victory over the
Arbor high golf squads before go- Washington Whips in a North
ing to Alma, where he led his American Soccer League game on
team to an MIAA title. He came Tuesday.
to Michigan as an assistant to Bill Detroit took the lead in the



Hunter s perfect
OAKLAND - Jim "Catfish"
Hunter hurled the American Lea-
gue's first perfect game in regular
season play since 1922 Wednesday ,~
night and drove in three runs as
the Oakland Athletics trimmed
Minnesota 4-0. Detroit
Hunter, a 22-year-old right- Minnesota
hander in his fourth major league Oakland
season, set down all 27 batters he Clstoln
faced in stymying the normally Washington
hard-hittingTwins to become the *California
,New York
ninth perfect game pitcher in *Chiceago
modern baseball history. *Late games n
The 6-foot-5, 195-pound young- Yes
ster from Hertford, N.C., struck Oakland 4,n
out 11 and needed just one out- Detroit 3, Br
standing defensive play-third Boston 3, W
baseman Sal Bando's stab of a Chigorat
fifth inning grounder by Bob Al-
lison-ins tossing the second no-
hitter of the young season. Boston at w
hitterMinnesota a
Hunter completed his clasic Chicago at c
.performance by getting pinch it- Only gamn
ter John Roseboro to ground out,
leading off the ninth, striking'95
out Bruce Look and fanning Rich I
Reese on a 3-2 count after the
pinch hitter had fouled off five
straight pitches. 1 F
Locked in a scoreless duel with All
Minnesota's Dave Boswell for six winte
innings, Hunter 'gave himself all of 8C
the offensive help he needed with incre
a run-scoring bunt single in the slowe
seventh. SEE1

ame whips Twins


Major Lcllgl e Sta11(Ii11us


11Tfl/fmTTvl" LITI7tnDl+Yl




16 8
16 9
i3 12
13 12
12 1?2
11 12
11 1
11 1
11 15
7 14


G i

St. Louis
San Froncisco
Los Angeles
New York

13 12
13 12
13 12
12 12
12 13
12 13
12 14
11 13
11 14



ot included
terday's Results
Minnesota 0
altimore 1
ashington I
, Cleveland I
California, night
'oday's Games
ashington, night
t California, night
Oakland, night
ies scheduled

ANOTHER SWITCH Barclay after serving threeyears
For Katzenmeyer, the phange in the Army Air Force.
will. be one of scene, and not so He also served as golf coach at
much one of jobs. Ohio State for a year before be-
He takes the Wichita State ath- coming head coach at Michigan.
letic directorship on the heels of Canham is expected to name
a major crisis in athletics at the successors to both Etter and Katz-
school. The NCAA recently placed enmeyer before taking office
the institution on two years' ath- June 30.
letic probation for having violat-___.___
ed recruiting regulations.
He also leaves Michigan during
a period of change in the
school's athletic department. The
Michigan change is quite peace-
ful, however.
Track coach Canham has been
named to succeed the retiring
Crisler. It has been widely ru-
mored that there would be nu-
merous changes in department

game after less than five minutes
of play on a shot by Andy Buren.
The Whips tied it up with 2:30
remaining in the half when Ro-
berto Mauro scored.
Detroit Player-Coach Len -Ju-
lian, playing his first game for
the Cougars, suffered a broken
arm in the match.


Yesterday's Results
San Francisco 3, Houston 1'
Chicago 7, Los Angeles 6
New York 4, St. Louis 2
Philadelphia 6, Cincinnati 2
Pittsburgh 4, Atlanta 3
Today's Games
Los Angeles at Chicago
Pittsburgh at Atlanta, night
Philadelphia at Cincinnati, night
Only games scheduled

a {
/ f



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BALTIMORE - Jim Northrup
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feated the Orioles 3-1 last night.
Earl Wilson got credit for the
victory with ninth inning helps
from Jon Warden. Northrup's run-I
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