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July 31, 1968 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1968-07-31

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Wednesday, July 31, 1968


'Page Three

Wednesday, July 31, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY
I . -

F eTh-re

Bir th control ban:

Rusk says Hanoi

Conscientious objection

By The Associated Press
Some Roman Catholics have reacted with
dissent or indifference to Pope Paul VI's ency-
clical against birth control.
But others hailed the papal statement as a
refreshing reaffirmation of Christian truth.
The Pope, in a long-awaited pronouncement
Monday, upheld the prohibition on all artificial
means of contraception and appealed to lead-
ers of civil governments everywhere to outlaw
contraception, sterilization and abortion as
means of limiting population.
Most liberal Catholics who spoke out after
the announcement took the view that those
among the world's half billion Catholics who
already use modern birth control methods would
continue to do so based on the belief that sex-
ual morality is a matter of conscience.
Gerald L. Fitzgerald, a Catholic layman and
an official of the Christian Family Movement,
said in New York: "I suspect that Pope Paul
and a lot of church authorities are going to be
surprised by the lack of concern caused by the
"If Pope Paul had come out with it four or
three or even two years ago, it might have made
a difference," he said.
"But by now I think that most couples who
have been struggling with the problem have
made up their minds and settled their con-
Commonweal, a liberal weekly journal edited
by Catholics, said in an editorial for publication
this week: "For millions of lay people, the birth
control question has been confronted, prayed
over and settled-and not in the direction of
the Pope's encyclical.'
Most Catholic prelates and priests, including
several in Ann Arbor, preferred not to comment
until they had seen the official text of the Pope's
Some, however, did voice their views.
A spokesman for Archbishop Terence J.
Cooke of New York said the papal decree was
"an authoritative teaching on the part of the
Pope that does require assent by Catholics."
"Rome has spoken," said Richard Cardinal
Cushing of Boston, "and for the time being the
case is closed."
But in Washington a group claiming to speak
for 142 of the 1,223 clergymen in the archdiocese
went on record against the anticipated ban
last Saturday, saying in a letter to Patrick
Cardinal O'Boyle:.



"Many of your priests cannot in conscience
follow this directive because it gives no room
for either probable opinion regarding the prac-
tice of contraception or the right of conscience
so clearly enunciated in the documents of Vat-
ican II."
Mary Louise Birmingham, a Catholic house-
wife, said, "The papacy is an outmoded insti-
tution, something like the English monarchy.
Catholics are paying less and less attention to
"I don't care what the Pope says," said Mary-
ann Napolie, a young Manhattan housewife and
mother of two. "I have the feeling the clergy
are talking to themselves on this issue.
Jewish and Protestant leaders and officials of
population control organizations were generally
critical of the Pope's stand as were some medi-
cal authorities.
Dr. Hudson Hoagland, a colleague of the late
Dr. Gregory Pincus who perfected the contra-
ceptive pill, said the papal ban was a "moral
crime against humanity" and "a tragedy of
sweeping proportions.
"The world population problem is a serious
social disease which threatens great tragedy
throughoct the world due to massive starvation
caused by uncontrolled birth rates," he said.
Evangelist Billy Graham, arriving in New York
from Paris, added his disagreement saying,
"Within the framework of marriage, there is
no such sin as sex."
Outside the United States, there was also a
good deal of negative reaction.
Anglican bishops attending the Lamberth
Conference in London expressed fears that the
encyclical would harm closer relations between
Anglicans and Roman Catholics.
Belgians heard a Jesuit priest, Father Dele-
pierre, declare over their national radio:
"The Pope's encyclical is not the language that
people expected. It appeals to a very high ideal
but is too remote from the daily life of Catho-
The Pope's statement hrew a verbal blast
from t he Italian Socialist party newspaper
Avanti which called it the product of a "coun-
terreformation Catholicism."
Archbishop Casimiro Morcillo of Madrid, how-
ever, expressed support for the encyclical and
told a news conference that employers should
increase the wages of workers with large fami-



WASHINGTON -) - Secretary of State Dean Rusk said
yesterday the United States cannot further curtail bombing
in North Vietnam until that country makes a "realistic re-
sponse" to U.S. moves for peace.
Sharply discounting reports that Hanoi already is show-
ing signs of military restraint, Rusk told a news conference
that what is important in the situation is "not what happened
yesterday but what will happen tomorrow, next week,

next month...


-Associated Press
Student rioters line up after building seizure
Mexi-,l1ca n police on a lert

trolled in downtown Mexico City
yesterday, after a bloody night of
student riots that authorities said
were Communist-inspired.
Groups of young students com-
mandeered buses and painted slo-
gans against the administration of
President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz.
Steel-helmeted riot police trail-
ed the shouting youths while
troopers in full battle gear guard-
ed the U.S. Embassy and other
Police and army troops sealed
off the National University for
a time after receiving reports
students planned another demon-
stration to defend the principle
of university autonomy, estab-
lished after bloody disorders in

Interior Minister Luis Echevar-
ria blamed the youth arm of the
Communist party, Central de
Estudiates Democraticos, for yes-
terday's predawn violence that
left at least one student dead and
400 injured.
About 300 demonstrators were
arrested in what police termed
the worst student disorders in the
Mexican capital in 20 years.
Student demonstrators set nu-
merous fires in a 10-block area,
threw Molotov cocktails and
battled police for five hours.
The demonstrators, about 2,000
strong, said they were protesting
what they called police brutality
used to quell other student dis-
orders last weekend.
Police squashed the riot after
they fired a bazooka shell and

lobbed tear gas through the wood-
en door of the National Univer-
sity's major preparatory school,
where most of the demonstrators
had barricaded themselves.
Police and paratroopers backed
by tanks charged into the school.
with fixed bayonets and made
Some sources said the stern po-
lice action and firing of the ba-
zooka would cause more students
to join in the unrest to defend
the principle of university auto-
Although police and army troops
withdrew from the entrances of
the university city later yesterday
traffic policemen remained on
The sources pointed out that up
to now a majority of the city's es-
timated 250,000 students have not
joined in the demonstrations,
fearing they would give Mexico a.
bad image only three months be-
fore the 1968 Olympic Games.
At a news conference, Mayor
Alfonso Corona del Rosal, Eche-
varria and Atty. Gen. Julio San-
chez Vargas said they took joint
responsibility for calling in the
They said they weighed the
decision carefully and decided td
act before the university system
suffered damage by the continued
actions of the students.

Rusk's statement appeared to go
somewhat beyond the conditions
for a bombing halt enunciated last
February by Secretary of Defense
Clark M. Clifford.
There was no mention by Clif-
ford of Hanoi's intentions for the.
Clifford held that "normal" re-
supply operations by Hanoi in
moving men and supplies into
the South would not violate the
U.S. conditions for a show of mili-
tary restraint.
Rusk contended the United
States had made a major move
to de-escalate the war on March
31 when President Johnson or-
dered the bombing halted in al-
most 80 per cent of the territory
of North Vietnam where 90 per
cent of the population lives.
"We need to have something
better than just a blank wall,
something better than just com-
mitting ourselves to a course of
action on our side, leaving the
other side 'with complete freedom
of action to move men and arms
from North Vietnam into South
Vietnam in whatever 4way- they
wish," Rusk said.
Questioned about the lack of
rocket attacks on Saigon in re-
cent weeks, the secretary said the
presence of substantial enemy
forces near major population cen-
ters and evidence from prisoners,
defectors, captured documents
and other intelligence "do not
suggest there has been an effort
to move toward peace by action
on the ground."'
He said regrouping and resup-
plying may explain the lull in
ground fighting.
Rusk displayed little optimism
over the course of the Paris ne-
gotiations. But he called upon the
delegations, meeting today for the
15th time, to "respond construct
tively and in a way that will.help
us move toward peace in South-
east Asia.?'
Rusk suggested there could be
two stages in the Paris talks since
Hanoi would not discuss any other
subject until there is a halt of all
bombing in the North.

war stand,
MIAMI BEACH () - Despite
cautious "de-escalation" proposals
from the 'Rockefeller camp, Re-
publican platform writers are
probably ,adopting the no-retreat-
in-Vietnam line urged, by former
President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Eisenhower sent to the Repub-
lican platform committee hear-
ings a special niessage urging that
both parties reject any "camou-
flaged surrender."
The United States should stress
to Hanoi, he said, America's "pa-
tient determination to obtain
security for the South Vietnam-
Almost simultaneously, Gov.
Raymond P. Shafer 'o( Pennsyl-
vania, political ally of Gov. Nel-
son A. Rockefeller, was urging
the policy body to reassess the
role of Americans as "policemen
of the world."
There should be no jeopardizing
of the Paris peace talks, Shafer
said, but the new assessment
"should -lead us to de-escalation
of the war and a de-Americaniza-
tion of foreign involvement wher-
ever our influence has become a
way of life."
These statements kept the Viet-
nam issue rumbling ,persistently
in low key, despite visible efforts
by Chairman Everett M. Diriksen
and other party leaders to down-
play it in the interest of national
unity and bipartisanship in for-
eign policy-as well as the neces-
sity of building a platform broad
enough to carry any of the, po-
tential GOP presidential nom-
nees. V
Shafer, who took the time on-
ginally allotted to Rockefeller in
the hearings but insisted he was
not speaking for the New York
governor, drew the longest and
loudest applause of the day.
As policy chairman of the Re-
publican Governors Association,
he urged that the GOP take firm
and specific positions on every
major foreign and domestic issue,
saying :
"I am convinced that a mean-
ingful document-that spells out
how we intend to lead the nation
-will go a long way toward in-
suring victory in November."
Meanwhile Dirksen delivered an
oral denial, as the day's parade of
witnesses began, that the hearings
are "no more than a perform-
ance," and that the plaftorm was
ready-written before the- testi-
mony taking started.
Dirksen n said his notebook
shows he took 30 notes Monday on
matters to be studied. He said he
was addressing his denial to dele-
gates and to the press.



Rockefeller baffled
by Gallup poll result

Bx The Associated Press
Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller said
yesterday he is baffled by the
latest Gallup report showing Rich-
ard M. Nixon running ahead of
Rockefeller said, "it's so out of
keeping With the trends that it's
very hard to explain."
Rockefeller said again he be-
hower's endorsement of Nixon,
coming while the poll was being
taken, may have had significant,
influence on those surveyed.
He announced, however, that
Sen. Milton Young of North Da-
kota "has authorized me to say
that he is with me 100 per cent
and will support me."
Rockefeller said he considers
the Republican delegates "more
sophisticated and they are going
to make up their own minds"
rather than be over-influenced
by the polls.
Rockefeller's presidental camp
staged a political counterattack
yesterday in Miami Beach, ac-
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cusing Nixon's managers of post-
ing inflated claims of Republican
delegate strength.
Nixon men shot back a charge
that the New York governor is
spending millions on a campaign
of politics and publicity "in an
effort to blitz the convention."
However, Rockefeller supporter
Gov. Raymond P. Shafer of Penn-
sylvania said, "Every day Gov.
Rockefeller is gaining in strength,
not only with the delegates but
also with the people." "We want
to nominate a team that can
"I think Nelson Rockefeller
gives us the best chance of win-
ning," Shafer added. "The polls
are evidence of trends but they
are not final."
George L. Hinman, Republican
national committeeman from New
York and a top Rockefeller ad-
viser, challenged the Nixon claim
that 700 delegates - more than
enough for nomination - are pre-
pared to vote for the former vice
Hinman contended that. ac-
counting includes delegates who
are pledged to favorite sons and
will not switch to Nixon. I
The Nixon organization pressed
its side of the argument by dis-
playing Richard B. Ogilvie, Re-
publican candidate for governor of
Illinois, its newest recruit.
He endorsed Nixon at a news
conference, and forecast a first
ballot victory. ,

McCarthy asks curb
on favorite son rule

gene J. McCarthy called yesterday
for curbs on favorite son control
of delegations to the Democratic
National Convention.
He said this is as necessary as
repeal of the unit rule to assure a
representative convention.
The Minnesota senator scoffed
at Vice President Hubert H. Hum-
phrey's announcement that Hum-
phrey is releasing delegates bound
to him under the unit rule.
"He has only released about
eight," McCarthy said. "I'd be
happy to release eight."
He called Humphrey "kind of
a late comer" to the cause of a
representative convention but
added: "If this is the opening on
his part, we might do something
about favorite sons."
The senator explained later, in

response to a question, that he
wants the convention to restrict
favorite son candidacies, whereby
a state gives its first ballot votes
to its governor or senator as a
holding operation.
As to Humphrey's suggestion
that he release the 72 Massachu-
setts and 35 Oregon delegates
bound to him by a unit rule, Mc-
Carthy said "I don't really have
any to release" because those two
states bind the delegates to the
winner of the primary election
rather than party rules.



j for
(For You and Your Date)

-Associated Press
Humphrey greets opposition in San Francisco
IFTfNICHT and every W ednesdav

Platform and credentials fiahts





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