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June 27, 1968 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1968-06-27

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Thursday, June 27, 1968


Thursday, June 27, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY

Gaullists establish price limits
to check inflationary increases

-Associated Press
After the victory: Blueprinting a 'Just Society'
Trudeau: One Canada

TORONTO (P)-Prime Minister Pierre Elliott
Trudeau's solid election victory is being hailed
as an endorsement of his "One Canada" policy
and a repudiation of those who advocate a special
status for Quebec.
His strong showing in French-speaking Quebec
was regarded as especially significant since pro-
vincial officials were supporting the rival Con-
servative party and Quebec separatists had made
the Liberal leader a target for demonstrations.
Trudeau, a French-Canadian himself, had
stressed national unity as the major issue during
the campaign and had insisted that Canada must
maintain a strong federal government while pro-
viding for bilingualism.
The Liberals took 55 of Quebec's 74 parlia-
mentary seats as compared to four by Robert
Stanfield's Conservatives.
One of the victims of the pro-Liberal tide was
Stanfield's Quebec lieutenant, Marcel Faribault,
who had urged a two-nation policy.
Nationwide the Liberals took 154 of the 264
seats in the House of Commons, giving the country
its first majority government since 1962.
The Conservatives won 71, a result which
former Prime Minister John Diefenbaker called
'a calamitous disaster."
The New Democratic Party took 23 seats, but
lost its top leaders, and the Quebec based Credit-
iste party won 15, largely on economic issues.
The Toronto Star's Ottawa correspondent,

Peter C. Newman, said that both English-speaking
and French-speaking Canadians had "cast their
ballots for the only party leader who was able
to state-and reiterate-a clear and firm position
on the French-English dilemma."
He said the Liberal victory was clearly a
mandate to settle the national unity crisis.
Editorially, the Star said:
"It is fair to say that the people of Quebec
have shown that they want to continue as a nation
rather than turn into the sort of loose federation
envisaged by Mr. Faribault and those who share
his views."
The London, Ont. Free Press said the election
results show "Quebec wants to preserve Canada."
For Trudeau, the task at the moment was
to begin work on strenghtening his cabinet and
preparing a blueprint for his "Just Society."
He has presented no detailed program so far
and has made few election promises, but he said
Tuesday he would have comprehensive proposals
ready when he convenes Parliament, probably in
the second week of September.
In his election sweep, Trudeau carried with
him almost all his cabinet members and added
some impressive new cabinet material, including
Eric Kierans, former president of the Montreal
Stock Exchange.
Stanfield, on the other hand, lost most of his
front bench veterans.

PARIS () - The government
moved yesterday to hold price
increases to three per cent so
that workers will get some ad-
vantages from the wage incease
of 10-14 per cent they won in
the recent nationwide strikes.
Withthe second round of the
elections coming up Sunday-
and the Gaullists apparently
headed for a record majority in
the New National Assembly-the
government moved quickly to
avoid an inflationary spiral. The
action may help the Gaullists at
the polls.
The government's- price pro-
gram, tied in with measures to
prevent unemployment in the
wake of the strikes that once
idled about 10 million workers,
was outlined after a meeting of
the Cabinet.
A communique hinted that
price controls will be imposed if
manufacturers and shopkeepers
do not follow government guide-
Import quotas will be institut-
ed for automobiles, electrical
household appliances and some
textiles to keep foreign products
from flooding into the country to
undercut increased French prices.
Similiar quotas are being con-
sidered for steel.
Exporters will receive a sub-
sidy equal to 6 per cent of the
salary charges to help pay for
the newly won wage increases.
This will continue until Oct.
31, when it will drop to 3 per
cent for the next three months.
Exporters will also be able to
borrow at 2 per cent interest rates
instead of 3 per cent.
The Cabinet communique said:
"Certain enterprises have an-
nounced their intention of rais-
ing prices in proportions which
have no relation to the real ex-
tra charge which has been im-
posed on them. They must im-
mediately renounce such increas-
es, and if not the government will
take the necessary measures."
Three French car makers and
the electric industry have an-
nounced 3 per cent price in-
creases, and the government
hopes to keep most price boosts
to this level.
Each case will be examined
individually, however, and great-
er increases will be authorized
in special circumstances.
To show an example, the gov-
ernment plans no increases at
the present time in the cost of
electricity for industrial users or
railway freight rates.
The elections boiled down to
266 races with only two candi-
dates, and 49 contests with three
In one district all opponents
of the leading Gaullist withdrew
so that he wins without a fight.

Wage Three
May infiltration
sets war record
U.S. accuses Hanoi of continuing
to pour troops into South Vietnam
PARIS L4)-North Vietnam poured more troops into South
Vietnam last month than ever before in a similar period
during the war, the United States charged yesterday.
Ambassador Cyrus R. Vance said a record 29,000 men
crossed in May-which saw the start of the Paris peace talks
-and "an abnormally high rate of infiltration" is indicated
for June.
He appealed to Hanoi's delegation at the 10th session of
the peace talks, which have been deadlocked from the start,
for a sign that could lead to easing the struggle.
Vance said the sign could bet

-Associated Press
After the riots: Saving their money
LBJ -to sign income
tax billI afte f r review

WASHINGTON (4) - President
Johnson said- yesterday he will
sign within the "next day or
two" the 10 per cent income tax
surcharge bill passed by Congress
last week.
He told an informal news con-
ference in his office that the
measure is now under review by
federal departments because it
contains provisions which 'the
administration did not request
-principally $6 billion in spend-
ing cuts which Johnson has con-
tended is too much.
The President, however, al-
ready had indicated he would
sign the measure.
Individuals would begin pay-
ing the 10 per cent surcharge
through increased withholding
15 days after it is signed into
Johnson said the president has
10 days to act on any bill approv-
ed by Congress. Such legislation
is circulated among government
officials for examination depend-

ing on how much new material
is in it, he said.
The process is simple if a bill
is passed as it is submitted by the
administration, he added, but the
tax-spending measure is now un-
der review to see how it will af-
fect spending and government
Johnson said he will sign the
measure as soon as the review
is completed.,
At the same news conference,
the President said he hopes Con-
gress will give him legislation he
submitted Tuesday for registra-
tion of every gun in the nation
and the licensing of every gun
gun owner.
Johnson opened the session by
announcing he has accepted with
regret the decision of Chief Jus-
tice Earl Warren to retire from
the Supreme Court and by nam-
ing Associate Justice Abe For-
tas to move up to the nation's
highest judicial role.
Fri. & Sat.-7:00 & 9:05

an actual step or some indication,
direct or indirect, that a step
would be taken.
"We hope very much to see
some response which we have not
yet seen on the ground in the
direction of de-escalation," he
There was no sign of progress
in the talks, which started May
13. William J. Jorden, the U.S.
spokesman, told newsmen after a
closed-door session of more than
four hours: "There's value in get-
ting to know as thoroughly as pos-
sible the point of view of the other
But he called a formal state-
ment by Thuy, which took two
hours for delivery "long, repeti-
tiousand heavily propagandistic."
Thuy said the lack ;of progress
was "due to the position of aggres-
sion of the United States and
their quibbling attitude."
His spokesman, Nguyen Thanh
Le, said it was because the United
States did not show good will
Xuan Thuy, the chief North
Vietnamese delegate, insisted once
again that U.S. bombing must stop
altogther before he will even talk
about anything else.
Vance retorted: "Does the Dem-
ocratic Republic of North Vietnam
think the circumstances are ap-
propriate when there is no indica-
tion that any further restraint by
the United States would induce
North Vietnam to lower the level
of violence on its part and when
the record since March 31 shows
that U.S. restraint has been fol-
lowed by North Vietnamese escala-
Thuy countered that the United
States is doing the escalating.
"While clamoring deceitful al-
legations including the ceasefire
proposal and mutual de-escala-
tion," he said, "the United States
spares no efforts in intensifying
attacks on an important part of
the territory of the Democratic
Republic of Vietnam."
Thuy charged at last week's
session that, though U.S. bombing
squadrons are now limiting their
attacks to the North Vietnamese
panhandle, the number of air
strikes rose from 2,500 in March
to more than 4,700 in May.
Vance, a former Undersecretary
of Defense, took over the leader-
ship of the U.S. delegation for the
first time. His boss, Ambassador
W. Averell Harriman, is In the
United States reporting to Pres-
ident Johnson.
Harriman is due back for the
next session July 3.
far American statements of
guarded optimism have been based
largely on the hope that the
lengthening coffee breaks at the
official sessions could develop into
private negotiations. Yesterday's
coffee break lasted a record 42


new attack
on Saigon
SAIGON () - U.S. military
sources, who expect another
major ground attack on Saigon
early in July, reported yesterday
that two North Vietnamese regi-
ments are slipping through the
jungles toward the capital.
An intelligence officer said the
32nd and 33rd North Vietnamese
regiments-possibly 5,800 men-
moved out of their central high-
lands headquarters and were 74
miles north of Saigon in Phuoc
Long Province five days ago.
Prisoner interrogations an d
captured documents have indica-
ted enemy plans for a third of-
fensive on Saigon. It is expected
to be as big as the attacks launch-
ed by about 10,000 enemy soldiers
May 5.
To counter the threat of Coi-
muist troop buildup, U.S. and
South Vietnamese troops swept
around Saigon and U.S. B52
bombers hammered again at sus-
pected enemy positions north and
west of the city.
The two North Vietnamese
regiments contain veteran troops
who fought in the Ia Drang Val-
ley campaign of 1965.
Both have been inactive -for-
about ahyear while refitting.
Their normal headquarters is
west of Pleiku along the Cambo-
dian border.
Intelligence reports indicated
they moved through Cambodia
and then crossed the border.
Air Force B52s fade 10 more
strikes late Tuesday and yener-
day in the three provinces north
and west of Saigon in an effort
to break up enemy troop concen-
trations and to blow up supplies.
The raids concentrated on en-
emy base camps and river load
ing points in Binh Long, Binh
Duong and Tay Ninh provinces,
west and south if Phuoc Long.
They are considered the en-
emy's main infiltration routes
from Cambodia.
The river installations, 15 to
20 miles from the Cambodian
border, are where rockets des-
tined for use against Saigon are
shipped through Laos and Cam-
loaded on sampans after being
bodia from North Vietnam.
The only significant ground ac-
tion yesterday was 19 miles south-
west of Saigon where American
9th Infantry Division soldiers re-
ported they killed 42 more North
Vietnamese in the same area of
the Mekong Delta where they
have been hunting three, com-
panies of enemy troops for three
Headquarters reported that
"the southward flow of materiel
remained the top priority." Re-
turning pilots said they destroy-
ed or damaged 13 trucks, 7
bridges, 5 supply boats and 3
The U.S. Command announced
the loss of two American planes
to enemy ground fire in South
Vietnam but all personnel were
Sunday NightFilm Series
9 P.M.
330 Maynard-in the alley

dir. Joris Ivens, narration
written and spoken by
Ernest Hemingway. Script
by Lillian Hellman, John Dos
Passos, Archibald MacLeish,
Music by Virgil Thompson
and Mark-Blitzstein.
Photography by John Ferna.
A film of the civil war in
Spain; collaboration of the
outstanding documentarist
Ivens with Hemingway
and there American
writers in 1937.

MOLIERE'S - Directed by
Stephen Porter
A distinguished dramatist's view of the condition of modern man.
A contemporary approach to
Directed by EllisRabb - Music by Conrad Susa
# The comedy-fantasy by a master of modern theatre.
By Sean O'Casey{
Directed by Jack O'Brien --Music by Bob James

in Air-Conditioned
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
University Players'




in cooperation with
The Smash Hit tMuskaI
Book. Music and Lyrics by UONEL .ART
InWm ajto rW~ihs "Now TOW


Wednesday through Saturday, July 17-20, 1968
8:00 P.M.-- Trueblood Theatre
Please send check and order form below to U-M Gilbert
and Sullivan Society, Student Activities Bldg.,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104
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I enclose $ for tickets to OLIVER!
on the date indicated below:

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rcestr.I3UoWsAA. $5.00 $ 150.00 $t2.1
Orchestra 10 Rows W-W 4.00 1200 1020
Ealcony 4 Rows A0 4.01 12100 I40.20
Balony 4 Rows E-H 3.00 900 7.15
Balcony 2 Rows A6 2.00 6.00 "a1



#1 A A C I

All seats reserved!
All seats $2.00 each
Please make checks
poypble to
The University of Michigan

tU14, , r.D ..r.


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