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June 15, 1968 - Image 1

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. . thundershowers,
becoming warmer

Vol. LXXVIII, No.31-S Ann Arbor, Michigan, Saturday, June 151 1968. Ten Cents

Six Pages











Spock, ti
Raskin a
Judge sets July 10

* *




* *









Duties of position
not yet defined
Fleming, Regents may specify
appointment at June meeting
Vice President for Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler will
be appointed to a newly-created vice presidency after he
leaves the.Office of Student Affairs this August, high ,Univer-
sity sources confirmed yesterday.
Cutler's exact duties and the nature of the new, post are
still a closely guarded secret. However, it has been rumored
the position will be a "floating" tice presidency without a
specific area of concern.
President Robben W. Fleming was unavailable for com-
Fleming may define the nature of the new vice presidency

sentencing session.)
BOSTON (R)-Dr. Benjamin Spock and three of his four
co-defendants were convicted last night of conspiracy to
counsel young men to avoid the draft.
Acquitted was Marcus Raskin of Washington's Institute
for Policy Studies.\
But convicted with Spock were the Rev. William Sloane
Coffin, Jr., chaplain at Yale University; Michael Ferber, a
Harvard graduate student; and Mitchell Goodman of Temple,
Maine, a writer and teacher.
The 12-man jury returned the verdict after deliberating
seven hours and 20 minutes at the conclusion of a 19-day
Judge Francis J.W. Ford set July 10 for sentencing. The
law provides for sentences up to five years imprisonment
wand fines up to $10,000.'
67A Leonard Boudin, counsel for
A rest Spock, indicated before the deci-
sion he would appeal a conviction
to the Circuit Court of Appeals.
A lawyer for Coffin asked that
S'.0orl Othe jury be polled for the verdict
on each defenldant.
The jurors looked straight

,..am pa'gn
Mule train riders of the Poor Peo-,
ple's Campaign were arrested at
an interstate highway yesterday
but then accepted a compromise
offer by Gov. Lester Maddox and
were released. i
After the riders had been held
for several hours, their leaders
agreed to resume the trek on the
highway during a light traffic
period early today. That /still vio-1
lates a state law, but Maddox had
offered to waive it.
Promptly Douglas County Sher-
iff Claude Abercrombie announced
that all charges had been dropped
against 67 persons accused of
violating the state law prohibiting
pedestrian and nonmotorized ,use
of the expressway system.
Then the riders boarded school
buses and were taken to Zion Hill
Baptist Church in Douglasville,
30 miles west of Atlanta.
Wagonmaster Willie Bolden ear-
lier had spurned offers; by Mad-
dox and Abercrombie under which
the journey could be resumed
without prosecution,
But then, Abercrombie said, the
riders voted to accept the propo-
sition to continue the trip to At-
lanta on Interstate 20 between the
hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. High-
way patrolmen will escort the
The adults arrested had been
kept at a National Guard armory.
Thirty-two juveniles had been re-
leased but stayed with the adults.
The children included the 9-year-
old son of the Rev. Ralph David
Abernathy, president of the
Southern Christian Leadership
Conference, and two sons of Hosea
Williams, a top aide.
The mule train is headed for
Washington, D.C., where several
thousand persons have set up
"Resurrection City" to demon-
strate for jobs and income.
In addition to the travel hours'
proposal, Maddox had volunteered
to use state equipment to move
the 13 wagons, 23 mules and three
horses to any point in Georgia,
presumably toward the state line.'
Spokesmen for SCLC, which is
sponsoring the campaign, said the
interstate route was chosen be-
cause it is the most direct route
V to West Hunter Street Baptist
Church in Atlanta, where a wel-
come rally had been scheduled.
The mule train left Marks, Miss.,
last month, and had traveled on
interstate highways in Alabama
with a highway patrol escort.
However, state regulations on in-
A terstate travel varv

ahead as the court clerk asked
each in turn for his verdict on
each of the five.
The case was prosecuted by
Asst, U.S. Atty. John Wall, a for-
mer paratrooper and Army intel-
ligence officer.
After the verdict Spock said,
"My particular defense was that
I believed a citizen must work
against the war he feels contrary
to international law. The court
has decided to feel differently."
Mrs. Spock said she was "not
surprised" at the verdict. "I ex-t
pected it all along."
Goodman was hugged by his-
wife, Denise, but said upon advice
of his lawyers he would not com-
"My belief has always been,'
Coffin said, "that the issues we
wanted to bring before the court
were never argued. That's the
legality and constitutionality of
the war and the draft."
Raskin left the courtroom
with one of his lawyers, his head
down, and tears in his eyes.
"I feel very good for myself,"
he said, "and badly for the
Ferber, at 23 the youngest, and
the only defendant of draft age,
laid he had "mixed feelings all
along" about the verdict. "I sort
of expected this," he said.
In giving the case to the jury,
Judge Ford told them the prime
question to be decided was
whether the defendants agreed to'
violate federal laws.
"We are not trying the morality,
legality or constitutionality of the
Selective Service Act, or the war
in Vietnam, or the right of a
person to protest the war on'
these grounds," Ford said in his:

-Dally-T omasR. Copi
While awaiting word on their application for admission as observers to the national convention of the Students for a Democratic
Society, Michigan Rep. Harold Clark (center) and Sen. John Bowman (right) discuss corporate centrism and other such topics with
delegates to -the meeting, held this week on the campus of Michigan State University.
SDS draws unexpected visitor-

ment yesterday, but a high
next week at the Regent'
regular June meeting.
Cutler declined to comment on
the expected appointment.
Another official called Cutler's
new post "the most closely
guarded secret in the University!:'
He said Cutler has told associates
for some time that he intends to
stay with the University, after
,leaving OSA. Cutler' has told
friends and staff he will receive
an appointment to a position
"comparable" to his present post.
The search to find a replace-
ment for Cutler inthe OSA has
yet to begin formally. A successor
must be found before he will leave
his present duties, an informed
source said
During Cutler's tenure as vice
president for student 'affairs, the
University has agreed to liberalize
numerous regulations affecting
student conduct. The -latest and'
most sweeping changes have been
the experimental exemption of
freshman women from curfew and
the decision to allow individual
housing units decide policy on
visitation by the opposite sex.
Although he has been vice pres-
ident only since 1964, the 42-year-
old clinical psychologist has been
perhaps the most' controversial,
figure at the University.,
He has reeived . criticism
from faculty and students for a
number of actions. The most re-
cent was an attempt to imple-
ment .sections of the Hatcher
Commission report on the student
role in decision-making. Cutler,
his critics charge, failed to con-
sult student and faculty properly
in preparation of the regental by-
law implementing the report. Cut-
ler's by-law draft, they also
charge, was inconsistent with the
spirit of the commission's recom-

University sourc indicated


Special To The Daily
EAST LANSING-Students for
a Democratic Society spent the
last day of their national conven-
tion here electing officers, and de-
bating over factional differences
within the organization.
Michael Klonsky of Los Angeles
was elected to the post of National

Secretary. Bernadine Dohran, also
of Los Angeles, was elected Inter-
Organizational Secretary a n d
Fred Gordon of Boston Will serve
as SDS Educational Secretary for
the coming year.
The election process was briefly
interupted by the request of two
state legislators, Rep. Harold
Clark (D-Warren) and Sen. John
Bowman (D-Roseville), to observe

the meeting. The session's chair-
man conveyed the request to the
membership in the closed session.
The group was divided among
those who cried "let them come
in," and those who felt they
should remain outside.
It was resolved that the conven-
tion's host, the Michigan State
University SDS chapter, should
caucus and make a recommenda-
tion regarding the admission oI
the legislators.
Clark and Bowman were accom-
panied by a television film crew
and a reporter from the Lansing
State Journal, which has been
barred from covering convention
activities at the request of the
MSU SDS chapter,
The MSU caucus recommended
that the legislators be admitted
until the dinner break if they
agreed to register as observers and
pay the $5 registration fee.
"We .just came in to look,
Bowman explained. "We just
heard SDS was having a conven-
tion and just drove up (from the
Detroit area) to see for ourselves."
"They're trying to get pictures
for their campaigns," charged one
SDS delegate. "Then they can say
'We talk to Hippies."' House
members face campaigns this fall,
but Senate terms run through
"I was a little shocked to say
the least," Bowman said outside
the building. "I never thought I'd
see something like this at a state-
supported University."


Clark said the two wanted to
see MSU President John Hannah
"who is responsible for allowing
them in." "If he had knowledge of
it, we would ask for his resigna-
tion," he said.
The two cited Marxist-Leninist'
literature they had seen and "talk
of revolution" by SDS delegates.
"It is a free country and they
can believe this way," Bowman
said, "But I don't think the tax-
payers are willing to condone
this" at a state university.,
"They're teaching things con-
trary to what we're fighting for,"
Clark added.

hit MSU
wake of student demonstrations
on campus, the Michigan Ztate
'University Board of Trustees yes-
terday restated its stand that dis-
rupting activities "will not be
A resolution, passed unani-
mously, said MSU "stands for
freedom of speech, freedom of in-
quiry, freedom of. dissent and
freedom to demonstrate in a
peaceful manner.
"The university holds that
freedom requires order and disci-
pline," the rsolution continued
"and to protect the one it must'
maintain the others."
Some 26 persons were arrested
last week in violence-punctuated
demonstrations at the MSU ad-
ministration building. Charges
ranged from trespassing-in the
administration building after busi-
ness hours-to assaulting a police
"In any . . . attempt to inter-
fere with university activity, the
leaders and participants are held
responsible and are subject to ap-
propriate legal and disciplinary
action," the trustees' fesolution
said. Such action, it added, in-
cluded suspension and expulsion
frqm the university, under estab-
lished procedures.
Trustees also added sections to
a university ordinance dealing
with disorderly assemblages, a rule
under which some of the 26 were
The ordinance now includes a
section stating: "No person or
persons shall disrupt the normal
operation of any properly author-
ized class, laboratory, seminar, ex-
amination, field trip or other ed-
ucational activity of the univer-
In other action, the trustees
accepted; an $8,000 scholarship
fund for Negro students interested
in ,journalism. The fund, estab-
lished by the MSU student news-
paper and the campus chapter of
Sigma Delta Chi-a journalism
fraternity-will provide two $4,000
Jour-year scholarships.

-Daily-Thomas R. Copi
SDS Natota Secretary Mike Klonsky /

Fr& nc i po 'lice d rive
PARIS ()-The French student the French society and its
revolt lost one of its strongholds and replace them with a ruli
yesterday when more than 1,000 lance of workers and intellei
police induced 208 young men and "The Odeon experiment
women to give up the Odeon The- lasted long enough," Police
ater where they had camped in re- fect Maurice Grimaud comm
bellion for a month. as his men took over.
Most of those in the showplace It was not imimediately i
left of their own accord after po- whether Grimaud intende
lice promised that anyone who crack down on the student-
walked out voluntarily would not pied Sbrbonne as well.
be arrested. The promise was kept
and forcewas held to a minimum.
Police issued a list of weapons
and gear they said they found
abandoned in the Odeon. It in-
cluded two carbines, two pistols,
24 Molotov cocktails, 12 tear gas
grenades, 24 gas masks and 32
Revolutionary students still oc-
cupying the Sorbonne, the near-
by school of the University of
Paris, did some expelling of their
own. They threw out some 20 self-
described mercenaries, mostly un-
employed youths, from university
Police said five of the group, in-
cluding its leader, were arrested
later in a stolen car carrying a
loaded gun.
As the first bedraggled students
filed out of the Odeon Theater"4
between lines of helmeted police,
an official shook his head and
muttered: "What a strange form"
of wildlife."
Only 76 die-hards defied the po-
lice and had to be forced out.

ng al-
t has
ed to

Indoctrination of sweet youth

Education is often merely a process of
Indoctrination. And the child is most re-
ceptive to learning at the very earliest ages.
This reasoning extends equally to the
notoriously impressionable incoming fresh-
man. Thus the freshman orientation pro-
gram, as the student's first and most impor-
tant look at University life, may hate a
great effect on his view of the school itself.
Take women's curfew for example. De-
spite the fact that even for freshmen wom-
en, hours have been virtually eliminated,
female nrientees have been subiect to an

points out. Furthermore, many of them are
new to Ann Arbor and there is the problem
of protecting their safety, he says.
But there is more to it, quite a bit more,
than just getting the women adjusted to
being locked into the dorm every night.
While, the primary purpose of orientation
is to avoid the massive confusion of coun-
seling, classification and registration for
the new student, the program attempts to
provide a view of the University which will
make the student feel more at home when
he returns in the fall.
"Within the context of the three-day pro-
wrn~ " Rnemo ae ,.p+ ,ac°w tvt ive th e tu-

Earlier this week, some Voice-SDS mem-
bers were asked to leave Mosher-Jordan
complex when they began distributing leaf-
lets about the organization.
This was in line with the University's
policy of barring soliciting in the dormitor-
les, says Butts. But arrangements have been
made with Voice to make their presentation
an optional portion of the program.
In fact, almost everything except the
strictly academic procedural matters have
been made optional. Even the infamous
psychological raw carrot test was made op-
tional by the literary college. Also the 45
minte with the Resrve Off1irs Trining

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