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May 23, 1968 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1968-05-23

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Thursday, May 23, 1968


Page Three


t 3

Senate vote bits
court decisions
Amendments to crime-control act
would end restrictions on evidence
WASHINGTON (N) - The Senate has voted to undo Su-
preme Court restrictions on admissibility of confessions and
eyewitness testimony in criminal trials - landmark high
court rulings that have greatly strengthened defendants'
But in a series of votes yesterday the Senate voted
against a proposal to curb the Supreme Court's jurisdiction
to review convictions in state courts.
The voting came in connection with a broad crime-
control bill that ranges from profound constitutional ques-




talks may fail




*OK~s fair
credit bill
WASHINGTON (R) - Congress
sent to President Johnson yester-
day a far-reaching bill requiring
that buyers and borrowers be told
the true costofcredit \on con-
sumer transactions.
The Senate completed Congres-
sional action on the long-debated
measure byvoice vote after a brief
debate. The House acted several
hours earlier, also by voice vote.
Sponsors said they are delighted
withi the unanimous approval of
the bill, officially titled the Con-
sumer Credit Protection Act. It
is the outcome of seven years of
controversy in Congress over the
"truth in lending" issue.
The measure applies to con-
sumer-type loans and purchases,
not to commercial lending prac-
tices among banks and businesses.
Basically, the measure requires
that those who lend money or sell
4 on credit must tell the consumer
the total finance charge in terms
of an annual rate. Thus a 1.5 per
cent a month charge for a re-
volving credit account would also
have to be stated as 18 per cent
a year.
However, if the store's return
* is less than the nominal annual
rate because of the timing of
charges and payments, the store
could also tell the customer this.
Advertising of credit terms
would have to be specific in terms
of rate, amount and duration of
installments. The responsibility
*would be on the advertiser, not
the medium carrying the ad.
Extending credit on extortionate
terms would become a federal of-
fense, with penalties up to $10,000
fine or 20 years imprisonment.

tions to providing more fed-
eral funds to local police de-
Sens. John L. McClellan, (D-
Ark.) and Sam J. Ervin, (D-
N.C.), led the fight to keep intact
the section limiting the Supreme
Court's review powers and to
overturn decisions they contended
have hampered law enforcement.
They said there is nothing in
the Constitution to provide for
what they termed "a judicial oli-
Sena. Joseph D. Tydings (D-
Md.), who spearheaded forces op-
posing a lessening in Supreme
Court powers, said th1e court'srul-
ings were designed to protect the
innocent, the ignorant and the
He said there was no factual
support for arguments that the1
decisions accounted for increased
The Senate .voted 55 to 29 to let
stand a provision in the bill mak-
ing admissible as evidence in any
federal criminal prosecution a
confession voluntarily given. Trial
judges would decide if the confes-
sions were voluntary.
Similarly, the Senate rejected
58 to 27 an amendment to knock
out a provision on confessions.
This amendment provides that
confessions shall not be inadmis-
sible in federal trials just because
of a delay in a suspect's arraign-
ment after his arrest.
By a 63-21 vote the Senate re-
jected an amendment to eliminm te
a provision making identification
of a defendant by an eyewitness
to a crime admissible as evidence
in federal court trials.
Defeated 52 to 32 was a provi-
sion that would have barred the.
j Supreme Court and other federal
courts from reviewing or revers-
ing a state court ruling admitting
a confession in evidence as volun-
tarily given, if the ruling had
been upheld by the state's high-
est court.

Waiting in Resurrection Cii

Poor People Cc
WASHINGTON (P)-The ranks The Rev. James Bevel, a direc-
of the poor at Resurrection City, tor of the Southern Christian
USA, fluctuated rapidly yesterday Leadership Conference, which is
as officials of the Poor People's sponsoring the campaign, said the
Campaign banished 200 demon- youths had been unable to get
strators homeward and welcomed along with the others in the camp,
400 new ones. especially the whites.
The departing group was made I "They went around and beat up
up largely of militant young men on our white people," said Bevel.
from Chicago, Detroit and other "They interfered with the workers
Midwestern cities who were ex- and were hostile to the press. We
pelled for disciplinary reasons. had to get them out."
The arrivals and departures left
*-the shantytown headquarters of
the campaign near its planned
capacity of 3.000, but Bevel and
other officials were unable to say
precisely how many were there.
- A distinguished nonresident{
- showed up to lend a hand on the
garbage detail-actor Sidney Poi-
tier, who said he was there "to re-
establish roots among the people
who gave me birth."
Poitier attracted little attention
from the impoverished residentsj
of the camp as he went about his
duties with a sanitation crew.
The charge Bevel leveled at the
200 marchers who were kicked out
-that they "couldn't develop any
internal cohesion"-could not be
made about the incoming group.
The band of 400 Southern Ne-
groes, mostly young people who

'No progress
I on bombing
PARIS ()-The United States
and North Vietnam last night
recessed their preliminary peace
talks until 'Monday after the
Hanoi delegation for the first time
suggested the possibility that
these discussions might fail
In calm tones but with acid
----- ---- words the two delegations once
. again declined to move from x.'
-Associated Press stated positions. The leader of the
Hanoi delegation, XuanThuy,
3' ~asserted: "In the event these of- :
ficial conversations do not con-
elude with results, the American
m side must bear the fulland entire
i pa igniresponsibility."
A U.S. delegation spokesman f
said he did not take Thuy's state-
ment as an implied threat to
e"It is a statement of position,
preparing the way for the position
The march moved slowly, geared to take if, for any reason, the talks
to the pace of a crippled Negro did fail, said William J. Jorden,
youth who swung along in the the American spokesman. If the
lead on crutches. Unlike the silent talks should fail the people of the
marches staged by demonstrators world will make ,their own judg-
Tuesday in two forays to the Cap- ment."
itol, the newcomers sang, banged The North Vietnamese refuse to
bongo drums and clapped their admit they have any troops in
hands in rhythm as they moved South Vietnam, although U.S. in-
along. ' telligence reports from Vietnam Harriman lean
Driving beside them, stuffed say Hanoi has virtually stripped..
with their belonging, were station its own territory and has the
wagons of the white Virginia sub- equivalent of 12 divisions in the A TTA CK FAILS:
urbanites who had organized their South.
care and feeding during the three- "It's hard to see how we can
day stopover. move on toward finding a peace-
One of them, Jack Sweeney of ful settlement of a war when we H a ti eq p
Arlington, Va., said 2,000 white are dealing with someone who
Virginians had joined in the effort won't even admit he is there,"
to take care of the travelers. Jorden said.
"This has been a tremendous Time after time U.S. Ambas- pro, e 1
experience," he said, "and I think sador .Averell Harriman, the chief
we've gotten more out of it than negotiator, challenged the North PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti
they did." e delation to a d a rrnee t
The Rev. Ralph David Aber- public statements and mutual re- valier's government yesterday
nathy, president of the SCLC, met riminations and to get down to cil to meet promptly to con
the 400 at the entrance to the businesslike talks in private. His responsible for the attack ea
camp, embracing the march lead- efforts were rebuffed.r s invasion force which the gover
ers and being given a resounding Informed opinion here is that Th Hatnrees ws
cheer in return, the two sides eventually, and ex- The Haitian request was
"Follow me into the new city," tremely slowly, will move toward Siclait in a letter to Britain's
shouted Abernathy. "I've been compromise on the bombing issue council president.
waiting for you for a long time. and move on to othertmatters, Siclait said that Haiti had
We're going to build a new na- though there is no overt sign of
tion." that. that the Dominican Republic h,
Treasury continues excise taxes
,on phones, cars after lawkV ends
WASHINGTON (A") - Although however, because the excises are books because the extension would
the Treasury concedes it has no part of the bigger, intensely con- be retroactive when finally adopt-
s 1-1 i ht e lit t themtn rela- troversial avreement to tie a ten i ed by Congress.

-Associated Press
ves Paris talks

Rev. Ralph Abernathy

had never been out of the South
before, marched into the camp
singing, clapping hands and hug-
ging the residents waiting to greet
They had walked the last mile-
and-a-half of a two-week journey
that began in Mississippi and
wound by bus through Alabama,
Georgia, North Carolina, South
Carolina and Virginia.
Since Sunday theye have been
camping out in 15 churches in
northern Virginia waiting for
housing in Resurrection City to
become available. They regrouped
yesterday in front of Arlington
National Cemetery and walked
across Memorial Bridge, spanning
the Potomac River, to the camp-

tests U N
(M - President Francois Du-
asked the U.N. Security Qoun-
sider sanctions against those
rlier this week by a 35-man
nment says has been smashed.
made by Ambassador Raoul
s Lord Caradon, this month's
d been a victim of aggression,
lad concentrated troops on the
Haitian frontier and that U.S.
warships had been alerted in
the Caribbean.
Although Haiti asked the coun-
cil to consider sanctions, it did
not accuse any country of allow-
ing the invaders 'to use its ter-
ritory to mount the attack.
Siclait and Duvalier said earlier
that the invaders could have come
from one of five places - the
United States, the Dominican Re-
public, Cuba, Jamaica or the
Government and diplomatic
sources in Port au Prince said the
instigators of the attack were
Haitian exiles based in the United
Government spokesmen claimed
they were supporters of Paul
Magloire, a former president of
Haiti, and were members of the
New York-based Haitian Coali-
Government sources said Hai-
tian troops killed 10 and captured
16 of the rebel invaders and seized
two B25 bombers . that landed
them near Cap Haitien Monday.
The invasion was preceded by
a bombing raid on the capital in
which one person was reported
killed and several others injured.,
Informants said the 10 invad-
ers were killed in a 20-minute
battle Tuesday at Cap Haitien,
about 85 miles north of Port au
Prince. Those not killed or cap-
tured fled to the hills, they said.


i egai rlgn LO eCM Llei,
tively high excise taxes on auto-
mobiles and telephone service and
probably will continue to exist.
Both the House and the Senate
earlier this year approved in iden-
tical form extension of the ten
per cent excise tax on telephone
service and the seven per cent
manufacturers' excise tax on
Final action has been delayed,

per cent tax surcharge to $6-bil-
lion in spending cuts.
A House vote on the entire
package has now been postponed
at least until the first week in
June and probably later.
In the meantime, the Internal
Revenue Service has asked tele-
phone companies to continue col-
lecting the tax and auto makers
to continue figuring it on their'


Originally, the ten per cent tax
on telephone service was sched-
uled to drop to one per cent last
April 1 while the other tax was to
fall to two per cent. /
Congress in mid-April adopted
a resolution extending both ex-
cises at their old rate through
April 30. This was after both
houses had voted to extend the
taxes at their old rates through
calendar year 1969.
The resolution gave the Treas-
ury Department legal authority to
collect the tax through April 30
which it has done.
But it has no legal authority to
collect the taxes at the higher
levels for May. Legally, it can col-
lect only two per cent on auto-
mobiles and one per cent on tele-
phone service.
Taxes collected at the higher
rates by the telephone companies
and assessed on auto makers from
May 1 through May 15 ordinarily
would be deposited with the gov-
ernment on May 31. under the
existing collection scheduled.
But because of the legal block,
it's a virtual certainty that the
Treasury will be forced to post-
pone the deposit date until Con-
gress. acts on these excises.
Telephone companies and auto
makers, however, will be urged to
continue assessing the levies at
the higher rates.
Should Congress refuse entire-
ly to aprove the extension any tax
actually collected by the Treasury
Department illegally would have
to be refunded on telephone serv-
ice where the tax is paid directly
by the customers.
In the caseaof the auto excise,
which is levied on the manufac-
turer, no refund need be made
unless the manufacturer estab-
lishes that the tax was not in-
cluded in the price of the car or
that he had refunded the tax to
the car buyer.



President Duvalier

SANDLER OF BOSTON'S VIVACE -the couth little cut-up.
Cut out at sides and back to bare the dare of wild wild stockings.

Yesterday we had BATIK, SILK BROCADE

r: W/ W tf.,f f 1 Gig /f:,r % ..ff rA ; ' , ,r

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