Looming Geogi
~Cook Sek
Rules Out
Tax Cuts
Mansfield Faces Tough Job
-AP Wirephoto
,ERS COLOR BARRIER -- Charlayne Hunter, is one of the first two Negroes to attend rote-
ted classes in any school ni Georgia. Her first day at the University of Georgia was quiet and
Cuba. Calls for Volunteer Workers
To Dissolve
Court Ruling
U.S. Judge May Call
Georgia Decree Void'
MACON, Ga. W--~-Weary attor-
neys for the state move back into
federal court at Macon today for
a last-ditch fight against decrees
which have brought integration to
the previously all-white Univer-
sity of Georgia and written new
pages for the history books.
The lawyers headed by the seg-1
regationist Attorney General, Eu-
gene Cook, will plead with Judge
W. A. Bootle to dissolve an injunc-
tion which kept Gov. Ernest Van-
diver from closing the 175-year-
old university at Athens Tuesday
until a conflict between state and
federal laws could be ironed out
by legislative action.
Move Swiftly
Meanwhile, Negro attorneys,
moved swiftly last night to ob-1
tain federal court clarification of
a Georgia official's decision to
hold up university system operat-
ing funds because of integration
at the University of Georgia.
State Treasurer George Hamil-
ton said he was not releasing Jan-
uary operations funds for the 19
institutions in the system.
He made the statement in a
letter to State Auditor B. E.
Thrasher, Jr. on the day two At-
lanta Negro students attended
classes with white students for
the first time at the university.
"I don't think this is a crisis
this time," said Hamilton. "The
university system has money to
operate a month and I hope this
will force somebody to clear up
the situation so I can pay."
Prepared Closing
The governor, before issuance
of Bootle's order was prepared to
close the university until next
Monday. He said in the interim
the Legislature could repeal a sec-
tion of law providing that no state
funds can be used to operate an
integrated college.
State officials predicted yester-
day that a decision by Bootle to
make the injunction permanent
would be coupled with a decision
that the state law is void. That
would do away with any moves to
repeal it.
Frank S. Twitty, Vandiver's
floor leader in the House, said he
felt sure Bootle would clarify the
situation in his final ruling. If
the judge does not void the state
law, Twitty said he thought the
Legislature would "do whatever is
necessary to keep the university
open and operating."
WASHINGTON (A) - Douglas
Dillon, a Republican picked asf
secretary of the treasury by Presi-
dent-elect John F. Kennedy, yes-1
terday ruled out any immediate
plans for a temporary tax cut toa
spur the sagging economy.
But Dillon left the door open
for such a possibility in the future.
And he indicated he would like to
see income taxes - particularly in
the high brackets -- slashed per-
manently if the money lost can be
replaced by closing tax loopholes.
In testimony to the Senate
Finance Committee, which is con-
sidering his nomination ahead ofa
its formal submission, Dillon as-
sured the senators that he regards,
as sacred the traditional power of
Congress over taxes.;
Dillon said Congress would have
to decide whether to give the
president power to fix tax rates
to cope with changes in the na-
tion's economy, as recommended to
Kennedy by one of his "task
forces." Dillon said it would be
most unusual for congress to dele-
gate its taxing authority to the
executive branch.
The finance committee was the
first group in the Senate to start,
informal hearings on Kennedy's
cabinet appointments, which can't
be formally submitted until after
he becomes president.
world News
By The Associated Press
yesterday indefinitely sidetracked
a move for a change in rules to
make it easier to shut off filibus-
By a vote of 50-46, proposed
rule changes, which had embroil-
ed the'Senate inScontroversy since
it convened Jan. 3, were sent to
the rules committee for hearings.
This swept from the Senate floor
an issue which could have kept
it tied in knots for weeks and
been an effective block to early
1poram President-elect Kend
wilsubmit after his inauguration
MOSCOW-The Soviet Union
last night demanded United Na-
tions action to abolish Belgian
trusteeship of Ruandi-Urundi and
grant independence to that Afri-
can neighbor of the Congo.
The demand was voiced on the
eve of another meeting of the Se-
curity Council in New York on
the Congo.
A government statement called
on Belgium to comply with pre-
vious Security Council decisions
and withdraw its troops and civil-
Ian personnel from the Congo.
Associated Press Feature Writer
WASHINGTON () -- A one-
time copper mine mucker ...
son of poor Irish immigrant par-
ents . . . a runaway from home
at the age of 14 to serve in the
United States Army, Navy andI
Marines . . . now emerging as onei
of the most powerful figures in thes
new 87th Congress.
That in brief is the success1
story of Montana's Sen. Michael
J. (Mike) Mansfield (D).-.
With his election as Senate
majority leader, Mansfield willa
bear prime responsibility for driv-
ing the incoming administration's
"new frontier" legislation through
the Senate.
Ticklish Spot
It's a ticklist spot, for two,
reasons :
1) The razor's-edge margin of
victory by John F. Kennedy over
Richard M. Nixon may stack up as
something less than an all-out
"mandate" for any ultra-liberal
2) A traditional coalition of con-
servative Republicans and South-
ern Democrats appears ready to
team up against some of the
broad spending proposals advocat-
ed by Kennedy during the elec-
tion campaign.
But Mansfield is at least midly
optimistic over the chances of
enacting a fair chunk of Ken-
nedy's campaign promises..
"We'll break our backs trying,"
he says.
Retains Reins
There has been speculation on
the extent to which the restless
and dynamic Lyndon B. Johnson
would turn over the reins of Sen-
ate power. Perhaps a clue came
when Mansfield announced im-
mediately after his election as
majority leader he wants John-
son to preside at Senate Demo-
cratic caucuses.
Mansfield, like President-elect
Kennedy, is a Roman Catholic.
So is his counterpart across the
Capitol, House Majority Leader
John W. McCormack of Massa-
Born March 1$, 1903 in New
York City, the son of poverty-
stricken parents - his father was
a New York hotel porter - Mans-
field left home and fibbing about
his age joined the navy in Feb-
ruary 1918 and served 10 months
overseas. Then, at 15, he enlisted
in the army, and a year later,'
still in quest of adventure, he
joined the marines for a two-
year hitch in the Philippines and
Finished School
He had to finish high school at
the same time to qualify for his
college degree, getting his diploma
three months before his bachelor's
degree. He later married his high
school teacher.
He won five consecutive two-
year terms in the House, success-
fully bucked the Eisenhower land-
slide to capture a Senate seat in
1952, and was a shoo-in for a se-
cond six-year Senate term in 1958.
Now 57, Mansfield has made
his legislative reputation chiefly
in the field of foreign affairs. He
Kennedy Advisors PrediC
Loss. of Space-Man Race
PALM BEACH, Fla. (R)P - The
United States will probably lose
the race to free a manned space
vehicle into orbit around .the
earth, President-elect John F.
Kennedy's space task force re-
ported yesterday.
The group called for an urgent
effort to develop a more powerful
thrust for spacecraft--the field in
which the Soviets have been con-
sistently ahead--and said better
leadership of the whole military
and civilian space program is Im-
The task force pictured this
country as lagging not only in the
prestige-packed competition for
the first man in space, but in de-
veloping military missiles needed
for a secure deterrent force and
supersonic commercial craft for
the tasks still left to winged air-
Group Reports
The President-elect's headquar-
ters here made the task force re-
port public without saying what
Kennedy thought of it--but at the
same time it announced the nam-
ing of the task force chairman,
Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
nology scientist Jerome B. Wies-
ner, to be the incoming Presi-
dent's special assistant for sci-
Kennedy also announced the ap-
pointment of George W. Ball as
undersecretary of state for eco-,
nomic affairs, completing the top
echelon of the new State Depart-
ment. Ball, a Washington lawyer
specializing in international prac-
tice, is also a close political asso-
ciate of Adlai E. Stevenson, the
1952 and 1956 Democratic presi-
dential candidate who will bec
ambassador to the United Nat
in the new administration.
The space task force said
tional prestige, the departmei
which the Soviets have sc
heavily since they placed the
satellite in orbit, is a prime
sideration in space policy. Ar
"It is very unlikely that
shall be the first in placing a
into orbit around the earth.
The official goals of the Ur
States project Mercury ar
short manned space flight in
ril or May and a manned c
orbiting the earth late this
There has been unofficial
that the program is badly be
Report Observes
The report observed thatI
nedy has expressed intentio
using what it called the 1
dormant National Aeronautica
Space Council for coordini
government activities in the :
and said the council should ac
the responsibility and be giv
top-notch staff. Kennedy ha:
dicated he will seek a chang
the law so the council, now he
by the president, can have
incoming vice president, Ly
B. Johnson, as Its chairman.
Reforms must be made
within the national aerona
and, space administration, th
port continued, and especial
the "fractionated military s
program," which it said
characterized by efforts of
service to create its own inde
dent sphere.
has been an arch critic, calm but
consistent, of the Eisenhower ad-
ministration's foreign policies 'for
most of the past eight years.
Paradoxical Speaker
A prolific speaker, Mansfield
paradoxically has scolded his
fellow lawmakers for their utter-
ances on global affairs while him-
self belaboring the GOP adminis-
tration on the same subject.
"The custom of unending com-
ment by senators and representa-
tives on every phase of foreign
relations . . . has become too pre-
valent," he said.
"Many of us, (in congress) talk
too much and cut the ground from
under the regularly constituted
authority whose duty, it is to
carry out the foreign policy of
the United States," he said.
But later, in a globe-ranging
speech, he devoted 12,000 words
to a blast at what he called
Eisenhower Administration's "fe
laden inflation of the Sc
Wrest Initiative
Declaring the United St
should be "big enough and c
fident enough" to wrest the
war initiative from the Kren
Mansfield told the Senate:
"It is time to realize tha
there are dangers to freedon
the ideology of Communism, tl
are even greater dangers for C
munism in the doctrines of
berty. Foreign policy . ..n
be based less on fear and n
on faith.
Despite his four-year apprent
ship as party whip, Mansi
takes over the floor with s(
misgivings. He has, in fact, b
termed "too nice a' uy for
job -- the majority leader
got to be tough and a little me
New Defense Head Takes Firm Stand
Robert Strange McNamara, "until I have a chance to under-
newly appointed Secretary of De- stand the need for any change."
Tense, made it clear recently that McNamara is not willing to be
he will not tolerate opposition persuaded either by Gen. Carl
from the Pentagon personnel on Spaatz (U.S.A.F. Ret.) who has
any decision that he and President- said that "the recommended re-
elect John F. Kennedy make. forms are certainly long overdue,"
He placed this policy on a blunt or by the more vociferous screams
"either he goes or I go" basis. from the Pentagon opposing the
In so doing, the 44-year-old ex- changes.
president of Ford Motor Company Interestingly, the suggested re-
and past resident of Ann Arbor organization which is calculated
exhibited the firmness and ability by the Symington group to end
to head-off factional problems be- "an arbitrary and a ridiculous
fore they arise. division between land, sea, and
McNamara is a man of insight, air" has been strongly opposed by
but also of deliberation. He has the man McNamara will replace
carefully refrained from taking a after Jan. 20 - Thomas S. Gates
definite stand on Sen. Stuart Jr.
Symington's controversial recom- Gates, who is sometimes refer-
mendations for sweeping reorgan- red to as "Big Daddy" by his
ization of the defense department. aides, has indicated that "the De-
Repeatedly Told fense Secretary has enough au-
He has repeatedly told the press, thority."
to which he is cautious almost to To Increase Centralism
the point of being hostile, that The Eisenhower appointee was
no major changes will come about. referring to the provisions of the
Symington plan which through
the elimination of the individual
civilian secretaries and replace-
ment of the Joint Chief of Staffs
with a weaker advisory council is
aimed at consolidating the central
authority of the Secretary of De-
Apparently McNamara, who has
been in conference with Gates and
Chairman of the House Armed
Services Committee Carl Vinson,
will wait until he has a firm grip
on his duties before making such
important decisions.
Kennedy has indicated that Mc-
Namara will have free rein in
handling the Symington recom-
Contributes to Both
McNamara functions as an in-
dividual. He is a registered Re-
publican who has made' campaign
contributions which helped elect
Democratic Senator Philip Hart
and attempted to defeat Demo-
cratic Governor John Swainson.
While in Ann Arbor McNamara
belonged to an informal dinner
club which meets monthly to dis-
cuss matters of worldtimportance.
Clearly, McNamara has not left
his Phi Beta Kappa key in his
Ann Arbor home. It will be applied
with the rest of the McNamara
assets to fulfill the command from
Kennedy to build a military es-
tablishment "second to none."
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