st Proclaims
New Congo I
Rusk Confers on New Duties
designated Monday as top-ranking
man in President-elect John F.
Kennedy's cabinet, yesterday
visited his future office at the
State Department to begin boning
up on the problems he will face.
He met for 40 minutes with vet-'
eran diplomat Roy Henderson,
deputy under - secretary who is"
acting as head of the department
in the absence of Secretary of1
State Christian A. Herter and un-
der-secretary Douglas Dillon.
Emerging from the session, Rusk
told reporters he would not discuss
foreign policy issues or comment
on the issues. Such remarks should
"be made only under responsible
conditions," he said, meaning the;
Dwight D. Eisenhower adminis-
tration is in charge until Jan. 20.
Sees 'Homework'
Apparently trying to explain
why he ruled out any discussion of.
great deal of homework to be
done ... I have been aware of my
prospective responsibility for a
very brief time."
However, Rusk clarified two
pending questions:
substance, Rusk said: "There is a
1. The future administration
has no immediate plans to raise
the number of under-secretaries
and appoint a third one.
2. ie said Rep. Chester Bowles
(D-Conn.), whom Kennedy has
selected as under-secretary, will
U.S. To Make First Attempt
To Launch Lunar Satellite
moon moved into a favorable posi-
tion yesterday and a giant United
States rocket is poised for an at-
tempt to launch the first lunar
Scientists here are making final
preparations to fire a towering
Atlas-Able rocket on the exacting
mission of propelling a 388-pound
spacecraft deep, into space and
guiding it into orbit about the
moon, some 240,000 miles away.
The spacecraft, named Pioneer
VI, is packed with electronic in-
struments designed to make the
most extensive study ever attempt-
ed of lunar environment. They
will collect and transmit informa-
tion on radiation, magetic fields,
micrometeorites and other space
This data is needed before man
ventures forth to the moon. If
he is not properly protected, deadly
radiation would kill him before -he
got there. And a strong magnetic
field could upset a space vehicle's
guidance system and send It off
The most favorable time for the
launching is a five-day period
starting yesterday. The chance of
success is greater in this period
because the paths of the earth
and the moon are most closely
aligned as they orbit about the,
sun-and the sun therefore is not
in a position to distort the rocket
by its pull of gravity.
If the launching is not accom-
plished in this time, it will be
postponed until the next optimum
period, which occurs each 28.days.
be the department's No. 2 official
in charge of political affairs.
Appointment Coming
Rusk said another under-secre-
tary, to be in over-all control of
economic affairs in foreign policy,
will be appointed later.
Rusk was asked about his phi-
losophy on news conferences, a
sore point to reporters who feel
that Herter has shunned meeting
with them in recent months. Her-
ter has had no news, conference
since Sept. 14.
"One of the great responsibilities
of the Secretary of State is to keep
the American public as fully in-
formed as possible about what is
going on in the foreign policy
field," Rusk said.
Explains Position
Rusk firmly brushed aside a
question reminding him that some
European newspapers had ex-
pressed concern that he might be
preoccupied with Far Eastern
problems since he had been an
assistant secretary inscharge of
that area-a key position in the
period of the Korean War and of
the Japanese peace treaty.
In his reply, Rusk referred to
Kennedy's statement of Monday.
The President-elect, Rusk said,
had emphasized "the fundamental
nature of our relations with Eu-
rope and the importance of
strengthening and improving our
transatlantic relations."
World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Massachu-
setts came up with its official
Presidential vote yesterday, leav-
ing only Illinois and Rhode Is-
land to certify for the final na-
tional count.
Counting official results from 48
states and unofficial totals from
the two missing states, Sen. John
F. Kennedy's national popular
vote plurality over Vice-President
Richard M. Nixon was down to
113,554 in a total count of 68,-
BRUSSELS - King Baudouin
yesterday gave Secretary of State
Christian A. Herter Belgium's
highest award-the Grand Cordon
of the Order of Leopold.
The presentation smoothed over
the rather chilly reception Herter
got fronm the Belgian Govern-
ment on his arrival earlier yester-
Herter, who came to Brussels as
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
personal representative at King
Baudouin's wedding tomorrow,
was givenma proper but cool re-
ception at the airport.
SEATTLE-Deadly, nuclear-tip-
ped Minuteman missiles, rolling
through the countryside on spe-
cial trains, could be fired within
50 seconds of an alert, an Air
Force general said yesterday.
Maj. Gen. O. J. Ritland of Los
Angeles, commander of the Bal-
listic Missile Division, told a news
conference the solid-fuel Minute-
man could be launched from any
one of thousands of pre-selected
rail sites.
West Fears
Ci1 trif e
From Action
Gives Plan To Move
Capital to New City
LEOPOLDVILLE (R) - A leftist
lieutenant of deposed Premier Pa-
trice Lumumba proclaimed himself
ruler of the Congo yesterday, rais-
ing fears of civil war in the Congo.
From Lumumba's old stronghold
of Stanleyville in the northeast
Congo, Antoine Gizengo cabled
Group Tells
Of Anti-Red
Rule in Laos
Western Laotian forces
smashed into the leftist-held
capital city of Vientiane and
forced a withdrawal of pro-
Communist troops, a dispatch
of the Voice of America re-
ported late last night.
The dispatch was filed by
Western correspondents in
Vientiane through VOA fa-
calities because of a break-
down in normal communica-
seven-man cabinet delegation flew
to the royal city of Luang Prabang
yesterday to report to King Savang
Vatthana on the formation of
Laos' new anti-Communist govern-
ment here.
The delegation was headed by
Prince Boun Oum of Champassak,
who is premier although the power
behind the government i right-
wing Gen. Phoumi Nosavan.
Savannakhet radio claimed the
king had already granted power to
the pro-Western regime set up
here Monday and ordered the pro-
Communist regime in the adminis-
trative capital of Vientiane to dis-
Quinim Pholsena, pro-Commun-
ist politician who heads the Vien-
tiane group with the support of
Soviet arms and the Communist-
led Pathet Lao rebels, has indicat-
ed he will ignore any orders from
the king taken "under duress."
The royal seat of Luang Prabang
is held by troops loyal to Phoumi.
Enforcing the decisions of the
king and the government here now
is the job of troops outside Vien-
tiane under the comand of Phoumi,
Vice-Premier and defense minister
in the Savannakhet government.
The army remains loyal to him for
the most part.
(A Moscow broadcast said
Phoumi's troops had attacked
Vientiane and one unit had driven
into the capital but the defenders
were holding fast).
Phoum said his troops are
closing in on Vientiane, located
about 200 miles up the Mekong
River from Savannakhet.
Ecuador Chief
Praises Russia
QUITO, Ecuador P) - President
Jose Maria Velasco Ibarra, angered
by the United States position in
an old border dispute between
Peru and Ecuador, has begun
praising Soviet Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev as a great statesman
and world leader.
His minister of government pro-
posed establishment of relations
with Moscow.
Addressing a Guayaquil rally of
50,000 Monday, Velasco Ibarra
hailed Khrushchev's peaceful co-
existence line. Following the rally,
demonstrators hurled rocks
through windows at the United
States consulate building in Guay-
SEGREGATIONIST DEMONSTRATIONS HALTED-Women throng on. sidewalk and jeer in one
of the protests against the integration of William Frantz school in New Orleans, which ceased for
the first time yesterday. Mrs. James Gabrielle, with police escort, walks her- daughter home. Few
white children attend the school where one Negro child is a student. Action by the state Legisla-
ture helped curb demonstrations for a total white boycott.
Silence Greets Students in New Orleans
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... Congo ruler?
United Nations Secretary-General
Dag Hammarskjold he had assum-
ed the premiership.
The Deputy Premier in Lumum-
ba's old regime also announced
that the capital of the Congo
henceforth would be Stanleyville
instead of Leopoldville.
Gizenga's proclamation is ex-
pected to have little effect in areas
beyond his control, but his allies1
in the Soviet and African blocs
are expected to rally to his cause
in the UN and may extend diplo-
matic recognition.
It was Gizenga's rebellious re-
gime in Orientale province that
threatened to round up and be-
head white hostages unless Lu-
mumba was released from an army
prison in Thysville east of Leopold-
This threat vasdropped when;
the UN intervened.
President Joseph Kasavubu and
Col. Joseph Mobutu, heading the
pro-Western regime in Leopold-
ville, ignored the ultimatum..
Many fear Gizenga's bid for
power could start new warfare ge-
tween Mobutu's army and the
Communist-supported provincial
government at Stanleyville.
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