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December 10, 1960 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-12-10

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"Guess What-We Ain't Imaginary Characters
After 'All"




v sr ::

On Uses of Clauses


By Pat Golden
Daily Staff Writer
STUDENT GOVERNMENT COUNCIL seems unable to agree on why
it wants the membership. practices statements it decided Wednes-
day to require from all fraternities and sororities.
President John Feldkamp insists that it all has nothing to do with
membership selection--that the regulation would have been passed if
there had been no interest in membership selection at all.
He-cites the motion's history: it began as a change in the ruling
which placed sorority and fraternity constitutions in the deans' offices.
The term "membership selection" did not enter the discussion until this
fall, when the wording of the original motion evolved from "constitu-
tions" to "constitutional forms" to
"a notarized statement of prpvi- LETTERS:
sions in the group's Constitution LETTERS:
pertaining to membership selec-
This.last change occurred Oct; C risis
26. Since that time the problem of
discriminatory membership prac-
tices has definitely been part of Shared
the issue.
Certainly, the motion began as a
general desire to move the consti- To the Editor:
tutions of fraternities and sorori- N THE PAST few days an Amer-
ties into- the hands of the organi- ican family has been catapult-
zation vested with the power of
recognizing them. Certainly, the ed into a crisis which it had prob-
issue is still one of obtaining the ably not expected or wanted We
information necessary to properly speak of Mr. and Mrs. James Ga-
handle recognition procedure. Cer- brielle of New Orleans. Until the
tainly, part A of the regulation other day Mr. Gabrielle was an
still replaces the old rule that
constitutions be filed with the employee of the city f New Or-
deans. leans.
Yet the motion was passed in Mr. Gabrielle felt that his small
the context of anti-discrimination. daughter had the right to go to
The information requested per- school, and that she had the right
taips solely to membership selec-. to go to a school which admitted
tion practices. The statements will a small colored child. He took his
probably be used by the member- daughter to school despite hoot-
ship practices committee which is ing women. He has now had his
working toward the elimination of windows broken by those who wish
discriminatory practices in organi- to demonstrate that "white" cul-
zations. ture is superior. And h'e has lost
Therefore, the motion imple- his job.
ments SQC's function of recogni- We share his feelings about the
tion of an withdrawal of recogni- right of his daughter to go to
tion from student organizations by school. Our windows have not
providing information on member- been broken and our children can
ships selection, which is one cri- still go to school without fear.
terion of recognition. But we- cannot forget that Mr.
If SGC should desire informa- Gabrielle's windows have been
tion about other items insorority broken and he has lost his job.
and fraternity constitutions or
practices in order to facilitate rec- *
ognition, it would have to ask for WE FEEL we should share his
them separately. The newly passed burden, in a small way, with him.
regulation, regardless of its orig- It is small compensation but we
inal aim, now deals only with that want to help Mr. and Mrs. Ga-
part of recognition relevant to brielle. We are going to send them
membership selection practices in what we can to help out in their
organizations. . crisis. Our reason is simple, we
It is equally significant that the think it is our crisis too.
new ruling makes explicit the true If any of our friends, colleagues
relationship of student organiza- or students at the University wish
tions to the University. to send help, we will be glad to
By removing the requirement forward every cent we receive to
that organizations must file their Mr. and Mrs. James Gabrielle in
constitutions with the deans, and New Orleans. If anyone wants to
replacing it with the stipulation join us in this they may send
that they must submit informa- checks made out to Mr. James Ga-
tion about membership practices brielle to us and we will forward
to STUDENT GOVERNMENT them along with our own checks.
COUNCIL, the Council has clari- May we make it clew we desire
fied that it, and not the adminis- no gain or reward for this attempt.
tration, grants recognition to stu- We are in no way connected with
dent groups. r. ,4'Pd to4Mr..nrf . I".. -

Is Kenne dyElected
ption of where there are no voting ma- been apt
at once chines. A statewide recount would have n
f power take a long time, far beyond Jan. chosent
ognition 20, when a new President must be coun
tion, al- take office. That
able and The most that can happen in demons
Illinois is to prevent Kennedy from election
senhow- getting the twenty-seven electoral and of1
in great votes. Illinois, in other words, of 1877,
what is would be unable to cast its elec- Hayes,'
s action toral votes, and the Illinois voters not the;
.ssociat- would be unable to participate in repealed
euvering the election of the President. only tim
liticians *. tion wa
'esult in WITHOUT ILLINOIS'S elector- violation
g doubt al vote Kennedy, who now has 300 ing of t
on. This votes, would have only 273. It has There
by the been widely supposed that this practica
is not would leave him with only four of that
or even votes over the 269, which is a ma- year, an
edy can jority of the electoral college. But Kenned
nd Nix- this is not true. If Illinois cannot (c) 1960b
ner, the cast its twenty-seven votes, the .
vhisper- size of the electoral college shrinks
heir ef- from 537 to 510. To elect a Presi-
road. It dent a majority would then be 256,
ortance which would leave Kennedy with
iy cloud a margin of seventeen votes.
t of the The constitutional reasons for
all this are to be found, as Mr..
Wilmerding has explained to me, (
in the 12th amendment which says
is use- that "The person having the great- Sarkes
e situa- Ind. -,
>ublican est number of votes for President graduate
shall be the President, if such num- available
o this I ber be a majority of the whole Asst., Pr
us Wil number of (italics) electors ap- man, Loc
le Elec-a few in
lieg Ee- pointed (end italics.) Today we Owens-
inal ori- are likely tp think of the electors openings
as. being elected, and the word "ap- cists. en
pointed" is not clear. But in the countant
choose minds of the authors of the consti- also av
id the tution "appointed" means "cho- training/
iblicans sen" In whatever manner each Please
ugh ir- state chooses its electors. 3371 for
precincts * * 37racem
the city THE CONSTITUTIONAL con- grad stu
nnedy's vention dealt with the matter on appointm
in the Sept. 5, 1787. Originally the clause DEC. 1
-e is no did not have in it the word "ap- Atlanti
runal ir- pointed." It said simply, "a ma- with deg
Office si
. There jority of the whole number of Programs
ny for- electors." Madison objected to this ductionP
ublican on the ground that the President New York
re were must be elected and that no state DAmerica
>uld not or group of states should have the Evanston
As elec- power by refusing to appoint elec- Feb. gra
tors to nullify the election. So, on variousn
Smfg. and
n there a motion by Dickinson, the exist- ment &
for the ing formula was adopted. It said staff and
pecially that a President must have a ma- state
;istricts jority of the electors who, have Achain.,

pointed. When the electors
ot been appointed (that is
by a state) they are not to
rted in the total.
this is the rule has been
trated several times, in the
counts of 1865, of 1869,
1873. In the electoral count
7, as between Tilden and
Tilden would have won had
Republican Senate in 1875
d the rule for the first and
me in our history,. This ac-
as a scandal, a deliberate
>n of the intent and mean-
the constitution,
is no theoretical and no
al possibility of a scandal
sort being repeated this
nd there is no doubt that
y is the President-elect.
New York Herald Tribune. Inc.


Continued from Page 2)
Tarzian, Inc., Bloomington
Various openings for qualified
engineers. Positions also
as Announcer-Director, Studio
oduction Manager, and News-
ations mainly in Bloomington;
tFort Wayne and Indianapolis.
Illinois, Toledo, 0. - Several
for graduate chemists, physi-
gineers. advertising men, ac-
s, production managers, audi-
s executives. Senior positions
veilable requiring advanced
contactBureau of Appoint-
Loom 4021 Adin. Bldg., EXt.
further information.
ent Interviews --- Seniors &
dents please call Bureau of
vents, Ext. 3371 for interview
nents with the following:
c Cos., Detroit - June grads
ree in Liberal Arts for Home
ales & Management Training
. Also interviewing for Pro-
Program. Locations in Detroit,
an Hospital Supply Corp.,
, Ill. - Several openings for
ds with pertinent degrees for
TRAINING programs. Largest
distributor of hospital equip-
supplies. Positions in sales,
general ngmt.
Farm Insurnace, Marshall,
Feb. grads with degree in Bus.
Econ., Psych., or General

Liberal Arts for insurance and office
The following part-time lobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can be made in the Non-Academic
Personnel Office Room 1020 Adminis-
tration Building, during the following
hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00
a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Employers desirous of hiring part-
time or temporaryemployees should
contact Bill Wenrich, Part-time Em-
ployment Interviewer, at Normandy
3-1$11, extension 2939.
Students desiring miscellaneous jobs
should consult the bulletin board in
Room 1020, daily.
22--Psychological subjects (hours to be
2-Experienced camera repair work (2
hours per day, plus all day Sat)
1-Bacteriology major (10-15 hours per
1-Electrical Engineer -- 3. average
20 hours per week)
1-Salesman p- Graduate student
(commission basis)
3-Waitress (3-4 evengings per week)
1-Technical typists (15-20 hours per
2--Girls for housework (hours to be
10-Psychological subjects (21 or over,
for drug experiments)

vi UV11ga A J LoN r. an a mrs. -
brielle. We want to help because
they need help and because we
want them to know that we sym-
pathize with their views aiid sup-
port their right to have their child
educated in a school with little
children of a different color. We
plan to send our checks to them
on the 17th of this month.
--Robert I. Crane
Department of History
-Arnold S. Kaufman'
Department of Philosophy
Title Misleads ...
To the~Editor:
CONCERNING my letter publish-
ed yesterday by the Daily, I
would appreciate very much if
you could print:
1) I decline responsibility for
the title
2) The letter was sent immedi-
ately after the article was pub-
3) I have discussed the prob-
lems involved with Mr. Ait-Laous-
sine, and we have cleared any
misunderstanding which could
have come from his article.
--Jean R. Carduner
Asst.-Prof. of French
Letters to the editor must be
signed and should be limited to 300
words In length. The Daily reserves
the right to edit or withhold any


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