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December 10, 1960 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-12-10

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European Algerians


Leftists Recapture Laos City

As De



4Vientiane (A')-- Leftist Capt.
Kong Le and his troops recaptured
military control of Vientiane in
a bloodless coup yesterday, ousting
anti-Communist soldiers who un-
seated him 24 hours earlier.
As the two forces observed an
unofficial and uneasy truce in
their struggle for control of the
World News
By The Associated Press

capital's garrison, two more plane-
loads of paratroopers from the
command of rightist rebel Gen.
Phoumi Nosavan dropped eight
miles from the capital.
The Phoumi paratroopers rein-
forced two other planeloads drop-
ped Thursday, giving the rebel
general about 180 well trained men
in easy striking distance of the
capital. t
Choice Seen

Frenh Fear
F or Safety
Of President
Crowds Driven Off
By Rain, Tear Gas
ALGIERS VP)-Rebellious Eu-
ropean Algerians rioted angrily
yesterday d e f y i n g President
Charles de Gaulle. as he started
touring this revolt-torn land to
drum up support for his plan of
self-determination for Algeria.
At least 100 persons were hurt
in a day of stone-throwing and
head-cracking. About 400 were ar-
rested. In Algiers, army tanks
flattened barricades erected in an
effort to recreate the perilous
siege of last January.
returns To Algeria
De Gaulle, back on Algerian soil
but far from the violence here,
scorned it, saying in the town of
Ain Temouchent:
"Shouts, noise-that signifies
nothing. Facts, clarity, good sense
are what we should show and not
a devotion to outdated slogans
and formulas."
Nevertheless, there was fear that
yesterday's demonstrations were
only a start. De Gaulle's tour has
five days to go and some French-
men expressed fear for his
Last January the Europeans at
their barricade almost overthrew
de Gaulle. They want Algeria to
remain a French territory. At the
other end of the political spec-
trum, Moslem nationalists want to
make Algeria an independent na-
tlion. De Gaulle seems hopeful of
obtaining a solution somewhere
between the extremes.
Battle Scene
At nightfall, Algiers looked as
if it had been the scene of a full-
scale battle. The fighting still rag-
ed after dark, with riot troopers
lobbing tear gas grenades into
groups of demonstrators and even
into overhanging balconies where:
screaming Europeans gathered.
Finally, a torrential rain and a
14-minute tear gas bombardment
drove the demonstrators away and
relative quiet settled over the city.
Heavy police patrols remained on
Clearly, authorities did not in-
tend to let the situation get out of
hand as has happened so often
before in this troubled North Afri-
can territory. Some 400 people
were herded off to Jail and au-
thorities announced most of these
would be taken off to internment
camps in the hot southern area
of Algeria.
Need Army Aid
There is general agreement that
unless the army sides with riot-
ers, the rioting cannot succeed in
no sympathy yesterday.
its purpose and the army showed
While the Europeans rioted
bloodily in Algiers and Oran, the
towering French president cooly
faced down a shouting hostile
throng at Ain Temouchent, in
Western Algeria.
De Gaulle began his six-day Al-
gerian inspection trip by seeking
Out Moslems in the packed public
square. While his aides looked on
in helpless awe, the icy French
leader pushed through his own se-
curity guard to shake hands with
clutching Moslems who beamed
and cried "Vive de Gaulle."
Around him howled angry Eu-
ropeans-some 5,000 of them-
shouting "Algeria is French." Only
minutes before his arrival the
same men were shouting "De
Gaulle to the stake" and had bad-
ly mauled several Moslems who
dared raise signs reading "Vive
Ade Gaulle."

--AP Wirephoto
PROTEST IN ORAN-Stone throwing crowds filled the streets of this Algerian city in demonstra-
tions touched off by the visit of French President Charles de Gaulle.
U.S. Waryl of Newff, Red Pact

More Posts
By Kennedy.
WASHINGTON (M)-President-
elect John F. Kennedy gathered
his personal family yesterday and
left by air for a long weekend in
Palm Beach, Fla., where he will
continue the job of assembling
an official family to take office
with him in six weeks.
A few hours before the takeoff,
Kennedy brought home from
Georgetown University Hospital
Mrs. Kennedy and their two-
weeks-old son, John F. Kennedy,
He apparently discussed an ad-
ministration post with at least
one of a stream of callers who
filed through his Georgetown
house during the morning and
early afternoon.
This one was Walt W. Rostow,
a Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
nology economist who has built a
reputation as an authority on the
relative strength of United States
and Iron Curtain economies and
who was a key member of Ken-
nedy's campaign brain trust.
Rostow after his conference
turned away questions about job
offers, but inadvertently hinted at
one when he said he might make a
decision next week.
Kennedy has indicated opti-
mism that the coming week will
see major offices in his adminis-
trati6n filled. He told reporters
Thursday he hopes to talk again
about midweek with Adlai E.
Stevenson, to whom he has of-
fered the cabinet-rank post of
ambassador to the United Nations.
Stevenson withheld an immedi-
ate decision, leading to specula-
tion he may want to see who
would be the Secretary of State
with whom he would be associat-
Kennedy talked at breakfast
with Rep. Hale Boggs (D-La)
about the social-security financed
health plan for the aged Kennedy
wants Congress to approve.
Boggs is the third member of
the House Ways and M ans Com-
mittee whom Kennedy hs seen in
two days.

African group yesterday readied a
proposal for a United Nations con-
ducted referendum to allow Al-
gerians to decide their own politi-
cal future.
The resolution is a rival to
President Charles de Gaulle's
proposed French-sponsored ref-
erendum on Algerian self-deter-
* * 0
talked about foreign threat to the
American g o 1 d supply comes
mainly from Japan and five
European countries.
The latest figures of the federal
reserve board showed yesterday
that the countries with the biggest
potential claims against United
States gold are West Germany,
the United Kingdom, Japan, Italy,
Switzerland and,.France, in that
CODY, Wyo., - United States
Rep. and Senator-elect Keith
Thomson (R-Wyo), died of an
apparent heart attack yesterday
afternoon. He was 41.
Thomson's death will 'allow
Gov. Joe Hickey, a Democrat, to
appoint a successor. The appoin-
tee will serve for two years until
a qualified successor is elected at
a general election.
Thomson was at the home of
Ken Bailey, a public accountant
and a long-time personal friend.
Two physicians, Dr. Cedric J.
Jones, Thomson's personal doc-
tor, and Dr. Deweitt Dominick
said Thomson died at about 2:30
* * *
CHARLESTON -- A special
grass-roots committee of business
and labor representatives will give
to President-elect John F. Ken-
nedy by New Year's Day its re-
commendations for a vast area
redevelopment program.
Sen. Paul Douglas (D-Ill) head-
ing the 21-man task force, said
yesterday the group would meet
by subcommittees Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday in Washing-
ton, then convene again Dec. 27
to formalize the over-all recom-

The Phoumi paratroopers could4
either support the anti-Communist
soldiers of Vientiane-who favor a
truce with Phoumi-or act as a
spearhead for the general's main
force, now reported only 50 miles
away from the capital.
Premier Prince Souvanna Phou-
ma, unmolested by the rival mili-
tary factions maneuvering in Vien-
tiane, called his cabinet into ur-
gent session. It reaffirmed his
policy of neutrality in the cold
war, a policy established after a
coup led by Kong Le put Souvanna
in power last August.
But Western diplomats, who re-
Joiced when the anti-Communist
garrison officers routed leftist
elements from Vientiane,,noted


that Laos' white flag of neu
now has a reddish tinge.
Kouprasith Troops
Col. Kouprasith Aphay,
of the movement that to
Kong Le as garrison commf
was surrounded with some
soldiers in Chinaimo Army
on the capital's outskirts.
of his forces faced those of
Le's across a tense 100-yard
no-man's-land'near the city:
The colonel sent out wor
soldiers will not shoot unle
"We are seeking any pc
solution to prevent the ou1
of fighting," Souvanna tol
porters. "The Kong Le forces
agreed not to shoot if Ph(
paratroopers leave."
Both the Kong Le forces ir
Red arm bands and Koupr
soldiers in their white ones
loyalty to Souvanna and his
of neutrality. But there agre
The anti-Red forces ci
Kong Le tolerated Communi
filtration. Kong Le's lieute
accused Kouprasith of tryi
set up a regime headed by Ph




States officials reported yesterday
that the new Soviet-Communist
China agreement published in
Moscow this week contains some
dangerous storm signals for the
Russia and Red China failed,
however, to reconcile their basic
differences over a major Com-
munist strategy in ideological is-
sues. They did succeed in "paper-
ing over" their differences for the
Their dispute is expected to
erupt again some time in the fu-
ture into open ideological conflict.
But meanwhile the agreement they
have been able to achieve un-
doubtedly means much more ag-
gressive Communist operations
against the rest of the world and'
could thus lead to serious trouble.
These views of the meaning and
importance of the statement is-
sued Monday at the conclusion of
a month's long Communist party
Algeria Rebels
Criticize U.S. -
WASHINGTON (iP--A spokes-
man for the Algerian rebel gov-
ernment yesterday sharply criti-
cized the United States for its
position on Algeria.
M'hammed Yazid, minister of
information of the Algerian Front
for National Liberation, said the
United States expresses "anti-
colonial sentiments one day a
week, followed by specific actions
which in effect support French
colonialism the other six days of
the week."
He said the United States can-
not hope to profit from such a
"I believe," he said in a speech
to the National Press Club, "that
the time has now come for the
United States to make its choice-
not only in Algeria but in Africa
as a whole-between the dying
forces of colonial rule and the
new, independent spirit which is
sweeping our continent."
Yazid charged that "French Ar-
my divisions now fighting in Al-
geria have been equipped with.
NATO material. Not only is prac-
tically all material utilized by the
French Army of NATO origin, but
spare parts and repairs are Amer-

summit meeting in Moscow were;
reached by American government
authorities after several days of
intense study of the document.
These authorities expect Soviet
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev to'
press ahead with his plan for seek-
ing a summit conference with the'
new United States President, John
F. Kennedy, next spring or sum-
mer. But to get Chinese support
and cooperation-in the sense of
not undercutting his position -
Khrushchev has had to agree to
a tougher statement of Red aimsr
and tactics and a generally tough-1
er policy line toward the WestI
than he had been following. I
Some of the sessions are re-#
ported to have been full of bitter
dispute between Russian delegates
arguing for a peaceful world vic-
tory of Communism through co-
existence - the Khrushchev line
-- and Chinese arguing that war
was inescapable in a world where{
imperialism was still so powerful.
In the end, officials said, the
agreement made covered these
main points at issue:
1) The nature of the world at
this period of history -- Khrush-
chev and company have argued
this is a period of transition from
capitalism to socialism. The Chi-'
nese contended it is an epoch of.I
imperialist wars and of revolu-
tion. The statement, or marifesto
as itghas been called, says both
things are true - that this is a
period of struggle and revolution
and of the decline of imperialism.
2) On the inevitability of war--
Khrushchev has insisted that war
is not inevitable and that a great
nuclear conflict could be devas-
tating for all. The compromise be-
tween his view and Red China's
nievitability theory is that the
threat of war has increased.
3)h The means of Communist
conquest of the world. The Reds
all agree that the world is going
Communist.aThe confident tone
of their statement is one of its
outstanding characteristics. The
Russians have said they can take
over the world peacefully; the
Chinese Reds said the process
would be violent.
The compromise statement said
a peaceful transition is possible
but sometimes a changeover may
be violent.
4) Peaceful coexistence - For
years Khrushchev has sought to
persuade the world that he re-

garded peaceful coexistence as a
means of relaxing tension and
getting better East-West relations
through agreements on Berlin, dis-
armament and other issues. The
compromise statement provides for
negotiation, but defines peaceful
coexistence as just another form
of class struggle; that is, a policy
of continuing the cold war.
5) Communist Leadership -The
statement which came out of a
Moscow conference explicitly re-
affirmed the leading and dominant
role of the Soviet Communist
party in the world Communist
movement. But before that affir-
mation was set out in three para-
graphs came three other para-
graphs which stressed the right
of national party independence and
the need for collective decisions.
This appeared to represent a
concession by Khrushchev to the
Chinese Reds so that the Soviets
can no longer dictate Communist
Party policy and plans.



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per semester. Two one-semester terms open.
. ~. runs the campus elections March 2,1st and 22nd includ-"
ing petitioning, polls, open houses, publicity, and count
rite. A member of Student Government Council's Execu-
tive Council. A one-semester position.



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