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December 03, 1960 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-12-03

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.. our, r. S a -/ !

irator Views Soviet Schools

The nature of educational re-
rch conducted in a country
st be oriented with the basic
losophies of that country,"
y Hall, Assistant Commission-
for Research in the United
tes Office of Education, said
terday at the University Club
the Union. ~h mrsin
call discussed the impressions
received during his one-month

various areas of science and math-
ematics in all of Russia, Hall not-
ed, particularly at the Pavlovian
Institute at Leningrad. Their re-,
sults are compiled and passed
on through the ministry of Edu-
cation to the schools.
The Academy of Pedogogical
Sciences includes seven minor in-
stitutes which would be equivalent
to our social' science departments.
It operates in much the same way'
as the science academy, Hall add-
The Academy of Disseminating
Research is responsible for train-
ing all teachers in the new meth-
ods and knowledge as soon as it
is discovered.*
Each one of these institutes has
divisions throughout Russia, but
the most intensive research is
done in Moscow, Hall said,
Moscow Center
"Russia's pre-occupation with
the 'how' is the most character-
istic feature of their research,"
Hall explained.
"When 40 per cent of the stu-
dents miss 10 per cent of the
questions on a chemistry "exam,
researchers examine methods and
concepts of the material to deter-
mine what is wrong. The findings
are re-assembled and developed
into new methods for testing
chemistry. Teachers are immedi-
ately briefed of these findings."
Hall stressed several notable1
characteristics of Russian re-

Hall noted that Russian chil-
dren can "perform" more things
than American children at the
same age levels in certain areas.
For example, some Russian stu-
dents in the seventh grade were
preparing a radio for a physics
class when Hall visited them.
However, upon investigation he
discovered that their understand-
ing of concepts and theoretical
knowledge "was inferior."
Education facilities were shod-,
dy and antiquated in most areas,
Dr. Hall observed, and all ele-
mentary teachers had only two
years training beyond high school,
"I found the Russians were avid
questioners, even though they were
confined somewhat by political of-
ficialism. They were grossly naive
concerning our new techniques
and knowledge of psychology in
education, however.

ACWR Develops Plans
To Present to Congress
Byei JanEComidtooutlined the steps by which A
Americans Committed to World will achieve this goal.
Responsibility is ready to begin Plan Conference
work leading to presentation of its Plans were described fo
plan to Congress, spokesman Alan ACWR - sponsored confe
"Peace Corps and World Re
Guskin, Grad., announced yester- sibility: A Work Symposiur
day at a mass meeting.-f be held Friday and Saturd
Ratification of its constitution Rackham Auditorium.
and Student Government Council There exists a possibility,
recognition, both completed this kin said, that Governor G.
nen Williams may be kn
week, are the final preliminary or- speaker at the Friday evenin
ganizational steps. gram, which Is designed to p
Guskin estimated the goal of ACWR's general program.
the movement, to send approxi- Plans for Saturday includ
mately 500 trained college gradu- dent discussion of four sp
ates abroad to serve as "diplomats problems: training and sel
in developing countries," would be and world health, economi
achieved in about two years. He A,

T Mayor C real Announces Plan
Toi*$eek'Re-election In April,.

. ,. Russian education
of the school systems in the
et Union last spring.
Ve must first consider the role
ducation in a society," Hall
nented. Education's role may
o develop the potential ca-
lities of the individual so he
handle any problems, present
nforseen, with care and dis-
on; to bring into being in
ty some pre-disposition to
-political goals on pre-ar-
ed principles; or to develop
individual uniqueness in all
Different Purpose
ince the very purpose of the
£an educational system,is dif-
t from our own, we had to
just our thinking to under-
i it," Hall said.
cited three important levels
isearch in the U.S.S.R.
e scientists employed at the
emy of Scientists here do;
of the finest research in the

Mayor. Cecil 0. Creal of Ann
Arbor announced yesterday that
he will seek a second term in the
April 3, general election,
He is the first person to proclaim
his candidacy for the city's highest
post. In his announcement Creal
noted that it was a complete re-
versal of his previous feelings
about seeking a second two year
Confidence Vote

"There are no individual differ-
ences recognized in Russian
schools," Hall noted. No testing
materials are used which would
measure the "norm" or compile
any averages. "The Russian edu-
cators criticize American teach-
ing methods most severely on this
score, claiming that our testing
and intelligence ratings produce
Emphasize Motivation
"Another definite characteristic
of Russian education is its em-
phasis on motivation. The Rus-
sian educator's philosophy is 'If
one can do it, then everyone can.'
"Researchers take the most ad-
vanced segment of a class or
school, study it and try to get the
rest of the group to reach that,
level. Children who cannot meas-
ure up are put into places where
motivation is not important."

ity Cominittee To Speed Up
eseareh Park Development

Ch e Economie Development
relopment Committee of the
n Arbor Chamber of Commerce
speeding development of its
r research park in the hope that
can be opened to industrial
spects in the spring.
'he research park will be es-
lished on a 210-acre tract of
d south of Ann Arbor near
te St. and the US-12 Express-
r. It will provide an organized
imunity of research and de-
pment facilities, to attract
L. industries to Ann Arbor.
'hn G. McKevitt, assistant to
bur K. Pierpont, vice-president
business and finance, and
irman of the newly formed
ministration and finance sub-
imittee for the research park
ect, acclaimed the development
"a great asset to the com-
ilty of Ann Arbor."
To Help Students
e also said the park will have'
le to the University in that it
provide opportunity for stu-
ts to view the methods and
cesses involved in commercial
arch and development plants.
aay also offer practical working
erience during school or em-
'ment after graduation.
Many members of the faculty
)uncil Appoints
ason To Office
ter-Quardangle Council ThUrs-
night elected Michael Mason,
former secretary-treasurer, as
group's vice-president. He will
the post vacated by David
ron, '61, who resigned last week.

have an interest in research," Me-
Kevitt said, "and many more are
interested in the development and
economic expansion of Ann Arbor."
McKevitt said his subcommittee,
one of three recently formed by
the University's Economic Develop-
ment Committee, will deal with
the initial budgeting, operating
costs, development programming,
engineering investigations, and
information services necessary to
speed the project toward its spring
Form Other Committees
Two other subcommittees were
formed to work in collaboration
with McKevitt's group: site plan-
ning, headed by James F. Brinker-
hoff, vice-president of operations
for a camera corporation, and
prospect co-ordination headed by
F. James MacDonald, works mana-
ger of a local automobile corpora-
All three committees are to work
independently of the larger group
which formed them and which in-
itiated plans for creation of the
park and its incorporation into
the city of Ann Arbor.
A total of 50 persons will work
on the t h r e e subcommittees
throughout the winter as the
groups work to solve the problems
involved in constructing a research
community out of raw land.

Creal said the favorable vote by
Ann Arbor property owners on
the city hall proposal in the last
election was partially responsible
for his change of view. "The vote
indicated confidence in the present
administration," he said.
"Perhaps people would like us
to keep working to see that the
projected cost of the city hall
and the projected tax rate are kept
within the bounds announced,"
Creal continued.
The mayor noted that there were
a number of other projects that
he wants to work on. One, he
explained, "is a new zoning or-
dinance, something that will re-
quire a number of public hearings
to give all interested groups a-
chance to be heard in order to
assure a fair and equitable or-
Lists Problems
Creal indicated that he was vi-
tally interested in the rehabilita-
tion of the central business dis-
trict. "I feel much can be done
for Ann Arbor in the next couple
of years through wise planning;"
he said.
He also listed the liquor-by-the-
glass ordinance and the research'
park as two other problems on
which work must be done. "Ann
Arbor will have a tremendous
growth in the next few years,"
Creal predicted.
The mayor felt his experience
in city government could be a
great asset to the city, especially
in providing leadership and con-
tinuity for the City Council where
there is a substantial turnover1
in membership.
Won Easily
Creal was elected two years ago
when he swept aside primary op-
position to recive the Republican
nomination, then easily won the
election over his Democratic op-
Among the accomplishments of
his first term Creal listed: the
city co-operation with the State
Highway Department on the soon-
to-be-constructed Eastbelt bypass,
a number of major street improve-
ments, the restoration of bus ser-
vice, and keeping the tax structure
at a steady position, even at rates
below two years ago.

Creal also noted the raising of
city bonding power to $400,000
for the construction of city park-
ing facilities, and the new city
hall project as other achievements
of his administration.
He also mentioned the establish-
ment of the proposed research
park through co-operation with
the Chamber of Commerce, which
he described as "a move that will
build a larger tax base."
Teachers To Give
Television Series
George Peek of the political
science department will host a
television program on "The Bill
of Rights" tomorrow.
The program, which is part of
the University television series,
"The Blessings of Liberty," will
be presented at noon tomorrow on
station WWJ-TV.
The narrator, Victor Dial, will
begin the program by discussing
the problem of balancing the 11-
berty of the people and the
authority of the government.
The founders of America achiev-
ed liberty with the Declaration of
Independence but this was follow-
ed by the Constitution which was,
more authoritatian. The Bill of
Rights, the first ten amendments
to the Constitution, made it more
liberal, according to Prof. Alfred
Kelly of Wayne State University.
With the use of actors and visual
aids, Professors Peek and Kelly,
whi will speak on the 'program,C
describe the Bill of Rights. They
discuss the historical reason for
each amendment and some of its
historical applications.


Notices I
December 3, 1960
Congregational Disc. E R stud.
Guild, J. Edgar Edwards "Bibical
Thought, Dec. 4, 9:30 a.m.; Fireside on
Mid-winter Retreat, Dec. 4, 7 p.m.;
Grad Group, Dec. 5, 8 p.m.; 524 Thomp-
* * *
Hillel Fdn., Dec. 4, 1429 Hill St.
Speaker: Prof. Spencer Kimball, U. of
M. Law School, "The Eichman Case:
its Legal and Moral Implications." Dis-
cussion follows. Everybody welcome.
La Sociedad Hispanica, Tertulia, Dec.
5, 3-5 p.m., 3050 FB.
* * *
Wesley F n., Pat Pickett "Christian
ityv-Neo-Orthodox Position, 10:15 a.mn.;
Fellowship Dinner, 5:30 p.m.; Pine
Room; Program-Al & Judy Guskin
speaking on Americans Committed to
World Responsibility, 7 p.m., Wesley
Loung~e; Dec. 4.




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