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December 03, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-12-03

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Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom


Irw- 32
Mostly sunny, windy and
warmer through tonight.

- ..

'OL. LXXI, No. 61





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Demand- UN Aid Lumumba




t Increasin

By The Associated Press
Soviet Union asked last night that
Secretary General Dag Hammar-
skjold report to the General As-j
sembly immediately on what thel
United Nations is doing to help
Patrice Lumumba, deposed Con-1
golese Premier who was arrested
The Soviet delegation, in .a

statement released to newsmen,
said Luinumba's arrest yesterday
was an arbitrary and illegal act
against the lawful Congolese gov-
ernment committed by an illegal,
dictatorial regime.
"The Soviet Union declares... ,"
said the statement, "that the UN
Secretary General and the UN
command in the Congo . . . are
directly responsible for the safety

-AP Wirephoto
CAPTIVE LEADER-Deposed Congolese Premier Patrice Lu- +
mumba, handcuffed and disheveled, is taken to jail by soldiers
of Col. Joseph Mobutu. The Soviet Union demanded that the
United Nations determine what can be done to aid Lumumba.
Soviets Admit Faiure
To Retrieve Dog Satellite
MOSCOW (A -- The new Soviet dog-carrying space ship shot offI
course in an attempt to bring it back to earth yesterday and burned
up in the outer reaches of the earth's atmosphere, the Russians said
last night.
The test had been considered one of the last before a man
might be safely rocketed into space and brought back alive.
The failure to retrieve the two dogs aboard may be a setback for
Soviet plans for human space travel.
But the official Soviet announcemefit said testing and observa-
tion of the dogs in space flight-before the fatal disintegration when
the return signal went out-"yielded new data for manned space
flight in the near future.
Moscow radio said last night the signal sent to the globe-circling

and the lives of the members of
the Congolese government .. .
"The General Assembly . . .
should immediately have the ex-
haustive information from the UN
Secretary General about the situ-
ation with regard to the prime
minister of the lawful government
of the Congo and about the steps
taken by the UN command to en-
sure his safety."
Earlier, Hammarskjold sent Con-
golese President Joseph Kasavubu
two messages seeking fair play
for deposed PremierPatrice Lum-
Learns of Arrest
He dispatched the first on learn-
ing that Col. Joseph Mobutu's
Congo military regime had ar-
rested Lumumba and would try
him on charges of inciting the
army to rebellion. Diplomatic
sources said Hammarskjold asked
Kasavubu to see that Lumumba
was afforded due process of law.
The Secretary General sent the
second message tonight after re-
ceiving a three-man committee
from the Asian-African group. In-
formants said the committee told
Hammarskjold the 46-nation group
was concerned for Lumumba's
safety in view of unconfirmed re-
ports he was to be executed, and
Hammarskjold passed this along
to Kasavubu.
Seized in Interior_
Seized in the interior of the
Congo, Lumumba was manacled
and flown back to Leopoldville yes-
terday to face trial on a charge of
inciting the army to revolt. He was
shoved and manhandled as soldiers
hurried him off to jail.
At the same time the UN re-
ported that virtually the entire
white population of Stanleyville-
more than ,0d -was arrested and
ill treated last Sunday by police
supporting Lumumba.
The ex-Premier had slipped past
an army guard in Leopoldvlle
Sunday and traveled into the Con-
go's :wild hinterlands, apparently
intending to reach Stanleyville. He
was seized at Port Franequi, about
a third of the way to Stanleyvile,
by forces loyal to Col. Joseph Mo-
butu, Lumumba's archfoe-
USSR Planes
Chase Stray
U.S. Aircraft
fighter planes chased but failed
to force down an American civilian
plane that strayed over Russian
territory on a flight to Japan last
summer, State Department of-
ficials reported yesterday.
The incident led the Federal
Aviation Agency to warn United
States civilian fliers against flying
close to Soviet territory on the
Northern great circle route to
The FAA said there had been
instances of Soviet fighters buzz-
ing and attempting to intercept
American planes but did not
specify whether these were civilian
or military aircraft.
State Department officials said
the warning °to pilots had arisen
from a near-incident last July
when a D03 transport was being
ferried to Japan by a pilot and
co-pilot whose names were not

Army Tanks
Stop Revolt
Of Leftists
Students Surrender
University Refuge
CARACAS (R) - The last of the
holdout leftist students surrender-
ed before a government showing of
tanks yesterday and abandoned
their rebel fortress at Caracas
With machine guns and other
arms they had held out against
the troops of President Romulo
Betancourt for a week.
Government troops reinforce-
ments had been flown in all day
from bases in the interior for the
final cleanup of resistance.
The university council in an an-
nouncement to the presidential
palace said the youthful Marxists
gave up the entrenched position
they had dubbed their "Stalin-
grad," thus ending the last knot
of die-hard resistance after seven
days of bloody rioting.
Tank Attac4
The surrender came soon after
army tanks rumbled to the gates
of the University of Caracas where
the students had taken up posi-
tions behind brick piles in an un-
finished pharmacy school.
The death of a woman doctor
and a soldier by snipers' bullets
today brought to 11 the number
of persons killed in the distur-
bances which the government
charges were fomented by Com-
munists seeking to replace the
Betancourt administration with a
regime like Fidel Castro's in Cuba.
Demonstrations during the riots
carried anti-American and pro-
Cuban signs and shouted Cuban
revolutionary slogans.
Army loyalty and widespread
civilian support for the moderate
Socialist government of President
Betancourt left the extreme leftists
all but isolated.
Breaches Sanctuary
The students seized the Univer-
sity buildings last Friday at the
outbreak of the disturbances.
Betancourt was reluctant to move
directly against them in an effort
to avoid unnecessary bloodshed
and because of the traditional
status of sanctuary enjoyed by
universities in Latin American
Student ranks inside the Uni-
versity building began to dwindle
after the government's show of
force and defenders began aban-
doning their position. In two's and
three's they crossed over to the
Plaza Venezuela. Only the hard-
core remained till the end.
Some who defected said they
had lost confidence in their ability
to hold out against the govern-
ment, fearing strong measures
would be used to crush the re-
sisters. They said the current
series of riots had not been well

--Daily--David Giltrow
HIGU TENSION-Venezuela was quiet last night, as the last students left their Caracas University
sanctuary, but "in many cities it is quiet, wit a strong feeling of discontent," Senen Semidey re-
ported. "You feel that any spark could light the torrent," his compatriot, Felson Carrillo added,
predicting further struggles in his riot-torn country.
U.S. To Aid Cuban Refugees

Discontent Among

Calls 'Session
For Increase'
Sales TamX
LANSING (;P)-Gov. G. Mennen
Williams has called a special ses-
sion of the legislature to convene
Wednesday to raise the state sales
tax from three to four cents.
Williams and legislators ex-
pressed confidence this would only
be a one-day session.
The call by the governor was
limited to this one issue.
"Assurances I've had from lead-
ers of the legislature convinced me
that there should be no trouble in
having a one-day session to ac-
complish the will of the people in
voting a one cent increase in the
sales tax," Williams said.
Williams issued the call yester-
day. He had just returned from
Washington, where he accepted
the posh of assistant secretary of
state for Africa after conferring
with President-elect John F. Ken-
Both Republican and Democratic
leaders agreed'earlier on the ne-
cessity for the session.
The additional penny sales tax
is expected to put into effect on
Jan. 1. Revenue department ex-
perth estimate it will bring in be-
tween $15 and $20 million a year
In new revenue.
The penny sales tax increase
was approved by the voters at the
Nov. 8 election.
Staebler Cool
To Speculation
State Democratic chairman Neil
Staebler is "not taking very seri-
ously" the fact that he is being
considered for the post of the
new national party chairman.
Sen. Henry M. Jackson of Wash-
ington announced Wednesday that
hp wouild resign chairmanship of

satellite failed to return it to earth
on a pre-calculated orbit and the
vehicle burned out.
The broadcast did not mention
the two dogs-Pchelka (Little Bee)
and Mushka (Little Fly)--by
The launching of the ship drew
hearty praise from Russia's top
political leadership.
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev
said the new Sputnik represented
"a great victory and a step to
man's flight into space."
President Leonid Brezhnev said
the feat demonstrated "Our suc-
cess in overcoming Russia's back-'
wardness in one generation."
E. K. Fedorov, vice-president
of the Soviet Academy of Science,
told newsmen after the launch-
ing that the project's purpose was
" o gather information about the
response of living organisms to
space travel and thus pave the way
for putting a man into space."

States yesterday took a $1 million
step in behalf of Cuban refugees
and in doing so officially described
Cuba for the first time as a Com-
munist-controlled country.,
The $1 million was released for
the aid of an estimated 30,000 to
40,00 Cubans who are in Florida
and elsewhere in the United States
as refugees from the regime of
Fidel Castro.
The action was taken by Presi-
dent Eisenhower under a provision
of the Mutual Security Act which
authorizes assistance to refugees
from Communist-controlled coun-
tries when the chief executive
judges such spending important
Fuentes Lauds
U.S. Patrols
mala's President told President
Eisenhower today the United
States naval-air watch "you or-
dered was decisive in. . . prevent-
ing eventual establishment of a
new Communist government in the
Central Americas."
In a message thanking Eisen-
hower, President Miguel Ydigoras
Fuentes of Guatemala declared
that the U.S. patrol off the Cen-
tral American coast "prevented
outside forces from giving support
to the Communist-inspired revolu-
tionary movement."

First Action
Many United States officials,
from the President on down, have
publicly expressed conviction that
the Castro government is Com-
munist-dominated but yesterday's
action was the first which made
the designation official under
United States law.
Castro has consistently denied
his revolutionary government is
Communistic although some of his
top aides are known to be Reds.
But his growing hostility toward
the United States has been ac-
companied by increasing friendli-
ness with Russia, Red China and
other Communist nations. And he
has received great quantities of
arms and technical and economic
aid from behind the Iron Curtain.
For his part, Soviet Premier
Nikita S. Khrushchev has threat-
ened the United States with re-
taliation through nuclear weapons
if it takes aggressive action against
Formal Status
Tracy Voorhees, who has been
investigating the Cuban refugee
situation for Eisenhower, was
given formal status today as the
President's representative to ad-
minister the aid.
Voorhees told newsmen he hopes
to do the job without using all the
money released by the presiden-
tial order but said there is real
hardship for many of the refugees

to the

security of the UnitedI

which must be relieved promptly.
He added he was returnig at
once to Florida to get further in-
formation on the number of acute
hardship cases.
Voorhees said he hoped use of
federal money could be confined
largely to the task of transporting
refugees to places where they can
find work.
Much of the relief load, he said,
must be borne by charitable or-
ganizations corporations and in-
Voorhees said the problems has
been aggravated recently by the
arrival of many children unac-
companied by parents and by the
fact that Cuba allows each re-
fugee to take witli him only $5
in United States money.
James C. Hagerty, Eisenhower's
press secretary, also stressed that
the federal money should be re-
garded only as supplemental to
funds from other sources.
For Party
At Universit
A newly organized campus con-
servative club, subscribing to the
belief that "the individual's use
of his God-given free will" is life's
foremost value, is "growing rapid-
ly," Bob Attaway, '62BAd, spokes
man for the group, said.
The purpose of government is
to "protect freedoms," asserts the
Sharon Statement of the Young
Americans for Freedom, adopted
last September in Sharon, Conn.
This statement, which every ap-
plicant for membership must sup-
port, declares that "political free-
dom cannot long exist without
economic freedom."
Division of Powers
"The genius of the Constitution
-the division of powers-is sum-
med up in the clause which re-
serves primacy to the several,
states, or to the people" in spheres
not specifically delegated to the
national government.
The organization also stresses
the importance of "victory over,
rather than coexistance with,"
The Conservative group will be
concerned mainly with national
issues, but it is expected to be
vocal on campus matters concern-
ing Communst speaker bans, Bill
Sikkenga, '61, BAd, said.
Direct Action"
Members will be urged to take
any direct action possible to, fur-
ther the causes of conservatism.

Castro ,Style
May Result
Hit Agrarian Policy
Ask Fiscal Reform
There is a 50-50 chance th
Venezuela may soon erupt in
student-led civil war, Venezuela
student Senen Semdey, '62E, to
The Daily yesterday.
Semidey is a former Carac
University student, who partic
pated in the student riots of 195
which led to the overthrow
the government of dictator Ge
Marcos Perez Jiminez. Student a
tion has great effect on gover
ment in Venezuela, since 'pollt
cal activity is centered in t
young," Semidey said.
Returns From Tour
Semidey returned from a twi
week intensive tour of his co
try Thursday night, and report
an atmosphere of great dscontei
among the people with the polici
of the present government. T
discontent may result in "a Ca
tro-like revolution," he said.
"There are many people wi
would prefer a Castro-like regIm
to the presenthimmobilism ofge
ancourt's government," Semid
said. "They know that the fain
ers in Cuba have land and tgo
living standards.=
Uneasy Peace
Venezuela, suffering under a
economic depression, and rack
by the student-led riots of h1
last few weeks, settled into an u
easy pace last night--but a pea
which Semidey said would
"The students may have gve
up for a day or two, maybe 1
cause of lack of supplies or arms
he said, but the active rev
will continue as long as the go,
enment retains its present, pol
The Venezuelan government o
been under sharp criticism for I
economic policies for a long tin
The students especially oppose t
agrarian policies of the prese
Give Land
The policies "look good on p
per," Felson Carrillo, '62E, a con
patriot of Semidey's, said, "but
practice, all they are doing Is gi
ing land to the farmers. T
doesn't help the country peop
-what are they going to do wi
a piece of land? They need- go'
ement support, and tools."
The key to governmental r
form, in the eyes of the oppos
tion, lies in the elimination t
the tenant-farmer, landlord stru
The agrarian problems, whIt
have been intensified in the la
few months by an economic di
pression, have turned the studeni
who initially fought for and lat
supported the current gover
ment, into an opposition group.
Not Strong
The students feel that "the go
ernment has not been stro
enough" to prevent the econon
depression, the high unemplo
ment rate, or to introduce ad
quate agrarian reforms,
The students seek a social re
oluton--and a "revolutiona
government which will solve ti
social problems as quickly as po
In the fight for social ref o,
they consider Castro a success, a
"while they are not for a Castr
like regime, they are not again
it either," Semidey said.
Popular Government
The Cuban government is
popular government, Carrillo di

lared-it is primarily for the in
terests of the people. "The peop
in Cuba have arms, and coup
fight if they disagree. They dor
vote, but they have guns, whic
is better than the vote, at leas
in Latin America," Carrillo said
"We used to have peaceful den
onstrations," Semidey said, "pet
ple would go through the stree
and pass out pamphlets. But la
month it rose to a climax. Ther
were student riots." The pollic
began to interfere with the den
onstrations, with tear gas, ar

Toronto Skaters Ruin Wovernes' ebut, 4-3
" 41
Michigan failed to hold a pair of early leads last night as a
determined Toronto hockey team fought from behind twice to spoil
the season opener for the Wolverines, 4-3.1
v 'Captain Bill Kennedy scored what proved to be the winning
goal at 1:25 of the third period after the Blues had wiped out an
early two goal performance by Michigan's Gordon "Red" Berenson,
and a late first period goal by sophomore John McGonigal.
, , y ,/ ; , h : . ' 1"q 'ERv Rush duplicated Berenson's two goal performance within
,three minutes, and winger Jim Murchie beat Wolverine goalie Jim
Coyle at 8:09 of the second to set the stage for Kennedy's winning
- Renfrew Praises Toronto

Michigan Coach Al Renfrew, following the game, called the
Blues, "a real good hockey team." He cited Kennedy for special
But turning to the game, he said, "we made too many mistakes.
Our defense made too many bad moves deep in our own end and
we took too long clearing the puck."
The Wolverines, confused and hesitant behind their own goal
throughout the game yielded the puck innumerable times to the
agressive forechecking of the Toronto forwards. Time and time again

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