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November 23, 1960 - Image 1

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Bee Page 4

Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL. LXXI, No. 56


WSU Defines Policy
On Use of Facilities
New Standard Designed To Prevent
Renting by 'Communist, Crackpot'
After a month of meetings and discussions, Wayne State
University issued a statement yesterday defining what kind of
organizations may make use of the school's facilities.
Fear that WSU buildings and lecture halls would have to be
made available to "any Communist or crackpot" prompted the
new ruling. This fear was initiated by a circuit court ruling that
WSU must allow the Global Books Forum to hold a scheduled meeting
at the school's McGregor Memorial Conference Center. The univer-
sity had tried to cancel its contract with the forum, whose secretary

Bonn Balks
At Request
For Fund's
BONN -United States-West
German economic talks became
deadlocked last night over a Bonn
government refusal to contribute
$600 million immediately toward
the upkeep of American troops
In this country.
The West German argued they
would not deliver such a sum on
short notice.
Britain was reporting planning
to make similar demands on the
prosperous Germans.
United States economic negotia-
tors temporarily brushed aside
German offers of increased out-
lays for foreign aid, which would
not release dollars to help the
declining gold position of the
United States treasury.
The Americans maintained that
Washington's balance of payments
troubles can best be solved by a
healthy German contribution to
the annual $700 million cost of
maintaining United 'States forces
here on the edge of the iron cur-
All told, the Americans are said
to want nearly $1.5 billion from
Bonn at once to pay for troops
and aid the West's program to
help underdeveloped countries. The
Germans are offering about $1
billion-spread over four years.
As for the troop costs, the Ger-
mans offered to pay about one-
quarter of the $600 million request
and would prefer instead to pay a
larger share of the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization (NATO) de-
fense costs, informants said.
Informants said German argu-
ments were bolstered with a report
that London also may ask. Bonn
for more funds toward maintain-
ing 53,000 British troops attached
to NATO units in Germany.
Group Scores
Any U.S. Veto
Of Red Chna
The United States should not
veto admission of Communist
China to the United Nations, a
workshop which studied the "Im-
portance of 'the United Nations"
concluded yesterday.
The workshop was one of five
making up the Fifth Annual In-
stitute in Human Relations which
was sponsored by the Ann Arbor
Chapter of the National Confer-
ence of Christians and Jews.
The members of the workshop
felt that since there is a trend
in other Countries toward admit-
ting Communist China it would
be "foolish" for the United States
at a future time to be in waminor-
ity on thissubject.
The workshop recommended that
the United States work toward
allshing the power veto in the
United Nations, since this would
strengthen the UN.
The group recommended that
more American aid to underde-
veloped countries be channeled
through the UN. This was a point
also advanced by Prof. Harold K.
Jacobson of the political science
department in a backgroid
speech given in the morning ses-
sion of the Institute.
Prof. Jacobson said that he also
felt that one of the key problems
of the UN in the '608 will be bring-
ing African and Asian ?countries

into the framework of the world
Another recommendation made"
ho +h ...rn -Arcnr u.. .A . ha

is an alleged Communist. Judge
George E. Bowles ruled that such
action would be "arbitrary -nd
Conflict Arises
The conflict over the book forum
arose in the midst of a contro-
versy over Wayne's new speaking
policy. The university lifted a ban
in September that had forbidden
Communist speakers on campus
for 10 years.
They substituted one that allow-
ed all speakers "who service the
educational needs" of the univer-
sity and who are not "mere pro-
The policy issued yesterday was
unanimously approved by the
WSU Council of Deans and issued
through Vice-President and Pro-
vost Athur Neef. It limits use of
the school's facilities to:
Facilities Limited
1) University program and pro-
grams sponsored by the university
through one of its component
2) Professional, scientific and
learned societies with which the
university or its facilities are con-
nected or which are generally re-
cognized as being in this category;
3) Ogranizations which present
programs that are directly related
to the university's academic pro-
gram and utilize in a significant
degree authorized academic per-
sonnel of the university. 1
4) Student groups which have
been officially recognized by the
university as part of the student
activities program;
Officials Permitted
5) Governmental officers, com-
missions and committees having
official status as part of the
government at any level;
6) A music, dance, dramatic or
literary program adjudged by the
appropriate university department
to be at the university level of
interest and excellence, even
though not sponsored by such de-
7) Non-profit organizations hav-
ing specific civil, cultural, educa-
tional or professional interest
which have been recognized by the
United States Department of
Internal Revenue in the category
of organizations contributions to
which are tax deductible under
internal revenue tax provisions.
The forum's president, Carl
Haess1er, said last night that his
group wil apply for use of the
center's facilities. "The net the
university has drawn is not fine
enough to keep us out," he said.
Noting that his group fell under
the provisions of the sixth cate-
gory, Haessler said, "Most of our
meetings present noted authors
or historians who lecture on
national or international problems.
"We are a reputable organiza-
tion with educational objectives.
We think we can iron out our
difficulties with the university,
either through its own adminis-
tration or, if we have to, the

To Analyze
Aid Effect
tThe University has agreed to
join '22 other colleges and univer-
sities throughout the country in
a Carnegie Foundation study to
determine the influence of the
federal government on ~higher
Prof. Otto G. Graf, of the Ger-
man department, is director of the
study at the University. He ex-
plained yesterday that because of
the great increase in federal
grants and contracts to universi-
ties since World War I, some
schools depend on government
agencies for 97 per cent of their
research budgets, Y the effect
on universities of this and other
government activity is largely un-
"It is inevitable that government
involvement in education has had
some effect on schools," Prof.
Graf said. "From interviews with
faculty and staff we hope to dis-
cover University expenses con-
nected with research contracts,
the degree to whih federal sup-
port has influenced the amount
of time professoi's spend on teach-
ing, and the areas in which they
will do research.
"But we are also interested in
how departments not supported
by government grants and con-
tracts have fared in competition
with the others. Many medical
schools, for instance, have com-
plained that they are losing stu-
dents to the natural sciences,
which receive more federal aid
than do the medical schools."
Prof. Graf, working with a 12
man committee of professors from
several departments, expects to
conclude the study by mid-May.
Board Seeks
New Basis
The Association of Michigan
Governing Boards discussed pro-
gress toward determining a com-
mon basis for statistics from all
state - supported institutions of
higher education at their meeting
The association met jointly with
the State Council of College Presi-
It received a report from Victor
Spathelf, president of Ferris In-
stitute and chairman of the State
Council of College Presidents, on
the Council's progress in hiring a
state coordinator, Regent Eugene
B. Power said.
The state coordinator, serving
as the executive of the Council,
would obtain data from all pub-
licly-supported colleges and uni-
versities in the state for the
benefit and use of both the state
legislature and the universities in
determining the financial needs of
each university, Regent Power ex-
Committees of the association
are studying ways of making com-
parable measurements of teach-
ing loads, space utilization and
unit costs, and also of establish-
ing common budgetary and ac-
counting procedures in the schools
The association also heard the
latest survey report on the atti-
tude of citizens of Michigan to-
ward higher education from Prof.
Stephen B. Withey, a program di-
rector of the Survey Research

K as avubu Gains. 1
Congo Army . . ....~
Terrorizles j .

UTN Officials

Forces Ghana Aide
To Leave Country
Joseph Mobutu's victorious army
roved through Leopoldville yester-
day, arresting and beating scores
of United Nations officials in re-
venge for the death of their field M
commander in an all-night battle
with UN troops.
With the Congo army attacking
the official residence of Ghana,
the world organization backed
down on its pledge to protect the p
diplomatic immunity of Ghana's
charge d'affaires, Nathaniel Wel-
beck, an ally of deposed Premier
Patrice Lumumba. Welbeck flew
home this morning on orders from
Mobutu after the young colonel's
troops had forded him from the AFTERMATH OF ANGER-The burned out shell of a United States Embassy esr rests at the Leo-
residence that was guarded by UN poldville Airport after being towed from the scene of a riot Sunday. The car was attacked and burned
troops. and its driver, a United States Embassy official, was killed by angered Congolese after the car struck
Despite this setback, the UN and fatally injured a Congolese cyclist.
reaffirmed its pledge to maintain
order in the Congo. Machine gun
units were posted at UN offices. FOR MINORITY GROUPS:
Twelve other UN officials were
heold roughout the day at Camp[ u ep ept i u cs n m kn
Depiehiuces in makin W orksho p A sks Rule 9 E xplanation
good on the expulsion order By LORA KRAPOHL
against Welbeck, Mobutu faced the phlet be considered discussing the for the involved parties, and, the
problem of subduing his rampag- Recognizing the problem in im- place of religion, race, or creed commission tries to "adjust" the
ing troops, defying his orders to plemjenting Rule Nine of the Ann in an election from the consti- case. If this fails the case is taken
refrain from violence. Arbor anti-discrimination code, a tutional point of view. to court.
A UN spokesman said Mobutu, workshop studying open occupan- In discussing fair employment - Harry Mial, a Psychometrist in
who is striving to maintain his cy in housing yesterday suggest- practices, William Seabron, of the the Ann Arbor High Schools, re-
role as the Congo's strongman, ed that the provisions of the rule Fair Employment Practice Com- ported the results of a study made
had issued orders to his men to be explained to minority groups mission of Michigan, said that on the employment of young Ne-
halt the violence. so that they can be educated to after the commission received a groes who recently graduated
the needs and advantages of the complaint and it was investigated from high school in Ann Arbor.
rule, a conciliation conference is held The study showed that these
(Rule Nine makes it illegal for young Negroes have "realistic job
M ioss Charges a real estate broker to act in a.asirations" but that even these
discriminatory method.) P s ~ 1 J gI were unfulfilled, and that not one
The workshop, which was a part IIUIUeU Negro boy interviewed had been
Civil D efense of the Fifth Annual Institute in employed in a white-collar job.
Human Relations sponsored yes- The workshop on "Adult Re-
R e port Hyidden terday by the Ann Arbor Chapter .taeb e sponsibility to Youth" agreed with
of the National Conference of Frank Kline, a teacher at Ann
Christians and Jews, urged that Arbor High School who gave the
WASHINGTON (M)-The House local ordinances and state legisla- Neil Staebler, chairman of morning background speech, that
government information subcom- tion be considered in promoting Michigan's Democratic Party, said agencies need to re-evaluate their
mittee said yesterday it has evi- "brotherhood in neighborhoods." last night that he would resign programs so that they may better
dence that civil defense director Urges Fair Housing his post in February. ' s o th t the arett.
Leo A. Hoegh pressured the army It also suggested that Negro A probable successor to Staeb-
last August to suppress a scientific leaders encourage their following ler is Alfred V. Meyers, a Detroit
report on deficiencies in the to seek housing according to their schoolteacher and chairman of D eGaulle Beats
nation's air raid warning system. economic level regardless of what the 17th district. A meeting last
Subcommittee chairman John E. race is predominant in the neigh- Saturday of Gov.-elect John B.
Moss, (D-Calif) noted that earlier borhood. Swainson's advisory committee Censure Vote
this month Hoegh denied a state- In a speech concerning the re- and campaign staff reportedly
ment that the scientist's report ligious issue in the presidential paved the way for Meyers' ap- PARIS (P) - President Charles
had been suppressed by the army election Philip Converse, Study pointment. de Gaulle's plan for a French
because of civil defense pressure. Director of the Survey Research Staebler called his job "strenu- atomic striking force passed
But, Moss said, the subcommittee Center, said that partial results ous," and said "it is quite rare for another step nearer realization
has a Hoegh letter urging the of a survey being conducted by one person to have held this job as last night.
suppression. the Research Center shows that long as I have." Staebler was first His government beat off a se-
"Political face-saving has been anti-Catholic feelings played a appointed to his post in 1950. cond censure vote in parliament
claimed by an administration part in the election. Staebler emphasized that he and the bill was held adopted on
bureaucrat as justification for Converse said that if a mem- would continue to work for the second reading.
supressing the ugly fact that dur- ber of a minority party had run party after he gave up the chair- The bill now goes back to the
ing the past eight years little or he would have been "soundly manship. "There is never any lack senate, where a second rejection
nothing has been done to put into thrashed." of work in a political party," he is virtually certain. It then comes
effect a meaningful air raid warn- The workshop studying this said, "and there are plenty of to the National Assembly for
ing system," Moss said in a state- problem recommended that the people in our party now trained the third and last time under
ment. possibility of publishing a pam- to replace me." French parliamentary procedure.


Students Evacuate University for Holiday at Home

Thanksgiving is quite popular this year, if booked-solid airlines
and harried cabbies are any indication, and last year's memories of
left-over turkey haven't slowed the frenzied rush to the terminals.
Besides Juniors and seniors in the school of nursing, who must
stay at school because of their work at the University Hospital, only
70 women will remain in the dorms. Approximately 350 men will stay
In the quadrangles.
Although all three quadrangles will stay open during the vaca-
tion, women's dormitories will close at 8 p.m. today and remain closed
until 8 a.m. Sunday.
Dorms Open
Only Alice Lloyd Hall a;d Cousins Hall will be open to house
the nursing students and other women who will stay here.
Over 200 international students have accepted invitations to spend
Thanksgiving with Michigan families, continuing a 15-year tradition
of the International Center.
Local cab companies offer shuttle service to the airports, and
Willowpolitan, the Union's limousine service, leaves for Willow Run
ard Metrnnnlitan nrnnrts at hour and hour-and-a-half intervals.

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