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November 06, 1960 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-11-06

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1.) I am in favor of providing
federal assistance to the states
for education. I favor creation of
a federal revolving loan fund
from which qualified private and
parochial schools may borrow con-
struction funds at low interest
rates. Assistance is needed at all
levels of education, from elemen-
tary through college.
2.) I think it would be reason-
able to lower the voting age to
3.) I am in favor of removing
the disclaimer affidavit from the
National Defense Education Act,
but I have no particular objec-
tion to the loyalty oath. While
total academic achievement is im-
portant, I feel it is necessary to
have some program such as the
NDEA to concentrate on technical
and specialized subjects. I am in
favor of a national scholarship
4,. I would like to see disarma-
ment and a test ban, but it must
be done unilaterally and under,
enforceable conditions. This is a
highly complex subject and there
is no easy answer.
5.) Over the long range, real-
ism would require the United
States and the United Nations to
consider the recognition of Red
China. However, China must dem-
onstrate that it is capable of be-
ing a constructive member of the
world community and it certainly
has not done so up to now. I
would not favor recognition at
this time.
6.) I believe economic techni-
cal foreign aid should be stepped
up, with military aid at a mini-
mum and only where necessary.
7.) Michigan's economy is tied
tightly to the national economy.
A strong national economy will
provide jobs in Michigan. This is
the kind of economy the Demo-
crats seek. Also, Michigan should
receive a greater share a the de-
fense contracts than it has..


Patrick V. McNamara, one of
Michigan's United States Sena-
tors and a Democrat, faces his
first contest for re-election this
McNamara was born in Mas-
sachusetts in 1894, and received
training as a pipefitter at a vo-
cational school. After moving to
Detroit he began to "work his
way through the ranks of labor,
eventually becoming vice-presi-
dent of the Detroit Wayne Fed-
eration of Labor. He has served
on the Detroit City Council and
Detroit Board of Education.
McNamara was elected to the
Senate in 1954 and is a mem-
ber of the Labor and Public
Welfare Committee, and the
Public Works Committee.
8.) I feel I have built a good
record as Michigan's Democratic
Senator over the past six years.
My bill to provide federal educa-
tion assistance to the states was
the first such to pass the Senate
in more than a decade. I created
the Senate subcommittee on prob-
lems of the aged and aging, which
spearheaded the, fight for health
insurance for the elderly. I have
actively sought to build a strong
economy, to protect civil rights
and generally work for all the
peop.le of Michigan.
9.) The key word for the future
is leadership. There has been
little executive leadership for the
past eight years and what there
has been is generally against what
the Democratic Congress has
sought to do. This drift also has!
resulted in serious deterioration of
our foreign relations: A strong, in-
spired president such as John
Kennedy, would work to build up
real friendship with our world
neighbors and create a strong
foundation for peace. He also
would give the necessary leader-
ship and support to the work of
the Democratic Congress to build
the economy.
The Democrats
T. John Lesinski, Candidate
for Lieutenant Governor.
James M. Hare, Secretary of
Sanford A. Brown, State
Paul Adams,Attorney General.
Otis M. Smith, Auditor Gen-
The .
Judge James R. Breakey, Jr.,
Candidate for State Supreme
Theodore M. Souris, Justice
of the State Supreme Court.

1.) I have always favored con-
stitutional reform and believe that
consideration shoupld be given to
revising the Constitution as fol-
(1) To provide fairer apportion-
ment of the legislature.
(2) To strengthen local govern-
(3) To raising the debt limit.
(4) To changing the number and
terms of elective officials.
As Governor, I would appoint in
addition to the Technical Study
Commission., already appointed by
Covernor Williams, a citizens study
commission to explore the above
and other possible changes.
2.) Although I respect the sin-
cere. interest in government and
efforts of the proponents of the
convention method of achieving
constitutional reform, I favor
achieving reform by the amend-
ment procedure because I believe
it will enable us to achieve urgent-
ly needed action faster on such
items as complete reform of the
state's tax and fiscal structure. It
should be noted that within both
political parties there is an honest
difference of 'opinion as to the
method of achieving constitutional
reform and therefore I have not
considered this an issue between
the parties in this campaign.
3). Increasing enrollments re-
quire increased operating and capi-
tal outlay budgets for state col-
leges and universities. The need
for new buildings, classrooms', and
special-purpose installations has
existed for some time and has been
delayed by the lack of an adequate
fiscal policy in the state legisla-
ture. In many of these instances,
the costs have risen because of the
Other areas in which higher ed-
ucation budgets merit increase
would include instructors' pay-
I have consistently urged that we
treat teachers, at all levels, at
least as well as junior executives
are treated, and this has become
an urgent factor in competing with
other, more lucrative opportuni-
ties which take needed teachers
out of the field.
Although these are but ex-t
amples, our consideation of high-
er education budgets should in-
clude recognition of increased
need for specific categories of i
graduates, both in industry and
government, such as engineers,;
doctors, and scientists. Another
specific example, one which I have
advocated in the past in the Michi-
gan Senate, would be the strength-
ening of the Institute of Science
and Technology at the University
of Michigan to attract, through;
leadership in research, the science-
oriented industries in the fields of
electronics, automation, atomic3
energy and chemicals.
4.) The specific tax program willj
be subject to Gubernatorial sug-
gestion and legislative decision. I
oppose the proposal to increase
the state sales tax not only be-
cause this would dangerously de-
lay achievement of an equitable
solution, but also becauseit would
result, again, in inadequate reve-
nue to meet our real needs.
My emphasis in relation to fiscal
policy is to achieve equity, based
on ability to pay, with recogni-
tion of local as well as state
needs, and with realistic budgetary
considerations to that state and
local services can meet the needs
of our growing population. This
would apply to" both individuals
and business.
5.) I have favored the 18-year-
old voting statute for some time
and would continue to support
passage of a constitutional amend-
ment to enable the state to lower
the voting age.
6.) I have advocated, repeated-
ly, the strengthening of our Eco-
nomic Development Department
and provision of adequate budget

funds to enable it to promote
business expansion and job op-

Lt. Governor John Swainson,
at 35, is the Democratic nomi-
nee for governor to succeed G.;
Mennen Williams.
Swainson grew up in Port
Huron, Mich., entering the army
after graduation from the local
high school. During a night com-
bat patrol in France, a land
mine explosion necessitated the
amputation of both .legs. He
received decorations from both
the United States and French
After being discharged, Swain-
son resumed his education, at-
tending Olivet College and the
University of North Cdrolina,
at Chapel Hill, from which he
received a law degree.
After establishing a success-
ful law practice in Detroit, he
entered politics. Elected to the*
state senate in 1954, his per-'
formance led to his selection as
Democratic floor leader in 1956.
He was elected Lt. Governor in
portunities more adequately. I con-
tinue to favor an Economic Growth
Act, with provisions similar to the
Federal Council of Economic Ad-
visors, to achieve the greatest
cooperation in using our expert
know-how and Michigan's best
brains to promote our economic
opportunity. An Automation Com-
mission, which I have supported
in the past, would also help by
averting unnecessary unemploy-
ment through planned transition1
Other things which must be
done are the development of port
facilities to take advantage of the
St. Lawrence Seaway, strengthen-
ing the Institute of Science and'
Technology at the University of
Michigan, establishing a loan pro-
gram to help establish new manu-
facturing plants and industrial re-
search facilities, an aggressive'
program of state park expansion
and water pollution control and
Tourist Council to further promote


1,). I have favored consitutional
revision for years - and every
expert study of our tax structure
and government organization for
the past 25.yearA has recommended
a constitutional convention to re-
vise the 1908 Constitution.
There are many areas of the
Consitution which need revision.
Solne of the most important are:
(1) Rewriting tax and other finan-
cial provisions for 'clarification, to
delineate clear-cut authority' for
both the state and local units of
government; and to raise -the debt
limit to a reasonable figure; (2)
Establishing true, non-partisan.
ship for the, State Supreme Court;
(3) Reorganizing the executive
branch of government, including
four-year terms for state offi-
cers and the appointment of the
State Superintendent of 'Public
Instruction and Auditor -General;
(4) Broadening.:authority for lo-
cal units of government to meet
problems -arising front population
growth and sublubhanr develop-
ment; (5) Eliminating from the
present: Constitution matters.
which are essentially statutory in
nature, not constitutional..
2.) I support the Constitutional
Convention method as the most
effective and emeient -means of
achieving necessary reform and I
urge a "zYes" vote on ballot pro-
posal No. 3 relative to the meth-
od of calling a Constitutional Con-
vention. ..
' 3.) The operating: budgets of
the state colleges and universities
must be increaed 'to meet the
needs of the future. By 1970,. we
must have almost half again as
many professional and skilled peo-
ple in all fields as we have today
just to keep up our standard of
living in relation to population
growth. This:means that we must
expand -our facilities for higher
education In all areas, including
community colleges. Capital out-l
lay also Must increase' to meet
needs. I believe the budgets should3
be raised in all areas, We-must,
develop a long-range :program in
the field of higher education to,
make sure that we meet "needs1
adequately.'hAs we look to the fu-j
ture, both the humanities and
sciences must be advanced to pre-
serve and extend our' concept oft
4.) I support the ,-proposed 1-
cent sales tax incfease as the
most immediate and practical
means of meeting the 'current
problem in the state treasury. We
must have an immediate settle-
ment of our fiscasl problem, as'the
recent economic report by Dr.1
William Haber pointed out. The
sales tax will stabilize the situa-2
tion and buy the time necessaryt
to proceed with constitutional re-
forms which would enable us to
integrate the state and local taxc
structures, relating the whole to
the Federal tax pattern. Withoutc
immediate action, I fear that ear-Q

T h e Republican standard:
bearer in Michigan thia 7ar is
Prof. Paul D. Bagwell, eandi-
date for governor:
Bagwell was raised in Akron
Ohio, the son of a factory work-
er and labor organiser. He did-
his undergraduate' work -at Ak-
ron University and later stud-
led at the University of Wiscon-
sin. At the ,age of 29, Bagwell
became a full professor and head
of the department of speech
at Michigan State University
the youngest in the school's his-
Bagwel, who -was crippled by
polio while in high school, be-
came the Republican candidate
for governor in 1958, losing te
Gov. G. Mennen Williams. He-
has long been active .in sueh.
civic affairs as the March of
Dimes and the Mental Health
dustries and, let- industrial leaders
know that a change has occurred
in Michigan and that we are mov-
ing constructively to build our
(3) Establishment .of a State
Department of Commerce, embrac-
ing the functions of the Economic
Development Department, to work
with the Committee on Michigan's
Economic Future and the State
Chamber of Commerce to promote
industrialgrowth. This department
would invite financial and business
writers and consultants as well as
industrialists to visit Michigan and
inspect our facilities and resources
(4) Development of adequate
port facilities and the possible
establishment of an international
zone of commerce where goods
from abroad could be stored, used
in manufacture and trans-shipped
without payment. of c-ustoms

1.) Do you favor constitutional -revision at present? If "o,
on what points?
2.) Do you support the constitutional convention methods.'
If not, what means do youpropose?
3.) Should the operating budgets of the state colleges and,
universities be increased? Should the capital opItlay budgets be
increased? In what areas should these be increased?
4.) What means of taxation do you support to provide new
funds for the state treasury? Why?
5.) Do you favor lowering the state voting age require-
ments from 21 years of age?
6.) What means wouldyou employ to increase employ-
ment in the state of Michigan?
7.) What is your position on Rule No. 9?
8.) What do you consider your major assets in this.
9.) What do you feel are the most important Problems
now facing the state of Michigan?


(5) Promotion of our tourist in-
dustry, which should provide 100,-
000 new jobs within the next
(6) Organization of a series of
labor-management conferences on
problems pertaining to their own
relationships; with the goal of es-
tablishing permanent means of
communications and the develop-
IFment of a constructive labor re-
lations law designed to fit Michi-
gan's needs.
(?) Government-sponsored con-
ferences on automation, job re-
training and the level and sup-
port of public services.
. (8) Improvement of the Fair
Employment Practices Act, in-
cluding a provision to prevent dis-
crimination because of 'age.
(9) Establishment of an Advis-
ory Council for Industrial Re-
search and Development to make
the benefits of research at our
universities and colleges available
to our business commurnity and at-
tract research-oriented industry to
our state.
7.) I agree with the concept and
import of Rule 9 but believe that
the, purpose should, be accomp-
lished by legislation, not by ad-
miinistrative rule, because we are
still a government of law, not a
government of men. The Republi-
can Party platform pledges the
Party to work for constructive
legislation aimed at eliminating
discjanination in all fields.
8.) I believe my major assets in
tbis campaign are these: (1) I am
neither the candidate of big busi-
ness nor the candidate of big la-
bor and can maintain a truly in-
dependent postion :on all ques-
tions- without being beholden to
any special interest group; (2) I
have taken specific stands on the
major issues confronting the vot-
ers without equivocating on taxes
and constitutional convention; (3)
Ibelieve that my positions are re-
sponsible and. in the best inter-
ests of our state as a whole; (4)
I have had more than 20 years of
hYzAe1AlVn '0 as , anftadminlistr1ator,

TONIGHT At 7 and 9
t^I IA !L IA r r^% I n 1% 'rM A k IM

tourism as a major state industry,
and a thorough-going reform of
the state tax structure to end Re-
publican created tax uncertainty.'
Michigan's economic advantages
to business and industry are many,
We have suffered in national repu-
tation because of an exaggerated
attack on our so-called 'economic
climate' by my Republican oppon-
ent iin past years. Increased ex-
posure of our advantages through,
a strengthened Economic Develop-
ment program will help keep the
state in its rightful place in the
national industrial scene, especial-,
ly now that we have recovered
from that past attack.
7.) I have expressed support of
Rule Nine. Although the actual
provisions of Rule Nine have been
distorted by its opponents, this is
a conservative interpretation of
the intent of Michigan's Constitu-
tion and would help eliminate un-
fair practices by those who have.

ly in 1961 we will face the possi-
bility of schools, closing for.lack
of state aid. In addition, the sales
tax gives 'our -people. some. choice
in paying their. taxes;,, it .is a
broad-based tax under which ev-
eryone pays a share of the cost
of government; visitors and tour-
ists would pay .it ;to help support
the facilities they .enjoy; and it
would not require. additional costs
of administration which we can ill
afford at this time.
5.) I do not favor lowering the
voting age requirement of 21 for
several reasons, including the le-
gal protections now afforded. these,
under 21 as minors.
6.) RIght or wrong, an unfav-
orable image of Michigan does
exist in the minds of businessmen
both within and outside of. our
state, and as the. Upjohn Institute
Report on Michigan's Economy de-
clared last. year, this image -4oes
influence businessmen's decisions

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