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November 06, 1960 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-11-06

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1. 2.) Yes, I favor constitutional
revision at present - and by the
Convention method.
Certain of, the articles in the
present constitution will almost
certainly be considered , for re-
vision. Decisions on these points
would be made by the delegates
elected to a convention if we use
that means of constitutional re-

I would epecth Article V on the
egislative Department to be re-
vised. I would favor four year
terms Zor legislators. The question
of reappoitineint of the Senate
would be especially controversial.
Undoubtedly, some change in sen-
atorial districts would be justified
althougbh b&icalY the concept of
rprestatton for the Senate
as d to population repre-
sentat ix for the House should be
Articlf tI on the Executive De-
partment would bear revision. I
am aware of strong arguments for
a four year term for the Gover-
nor and other state Administra-
tive Board officers. It might also
make sense to' have these officials
appointed by the .governor sub-
ject to leglatine approval as with
the President's 0abinet at national
Article VII on the Judicial De-
parto ent may well tear changing.
The Resed Judicature Act, in-
troduced last year as House Bill
No. 1, may provide some of the
much needed judicial reform if
passed by the next Legislature.
Other judicial subjects which
could require constitutional re-
vision are famnily courts and inter-
mediate appellate courts.
Article VIII refers to Local
Government. A basic Republican
principle has been to keep local
gover nent strong. Revision here
could lead to revew and consoli-
dation rather than weakened re-
lative to state and national govern-
Article X on Finance and Taxa-
tion has been amended fifteen
times and fifteen other proposed
amend4ents have failed. This
article )s far too det ied and re-
strictiva and i in part responsible
rh of feibility in fiscal
' anagement . 'state affairs,
would favor shortening it in the
direction of a statement of basic
fii prinpiples, leasing more dis-
cretionary ppwer to the Leglsla-
yr" rcle :X l, Sectlons 3, 4 and 5
establish the Board of Regents of,
the University as the body cor-
porate of the University and spell
out the fact that the Regents
"salhave the general super-
"Sion of the University and direc
tion and control of aln expendi-
trsfromt the University funds.'
I would strongly supr reaiing
these provisions In their present
S.) Yes, the operating budgets
of the state colleges and univer-
sities should be Increased, This
growth should reflect an increase
to take care of the needs of a
growing state population, The
state legislature appropriated $11,-
000,000 for operations of the Uni-
versity of Michigan In 1950 an4
about $3oOO,00,00 in 960. This
certainly portrays a generous and
healthy growth and should be
I feel that the needs of the other
state colleges and universities in
Michigan should receive equal and
fair consideration.,
We must take care, however, to
a avoid zany formula that differen-
tiates between schools on" a simple
head-count basis. We recognize
that it costs several tines as much
for the University to educate a.
graduate or professional student
as an undergraduate freshman.
I would 'also be in favor of
eventual state support of certain
basic research' programs such as
the Phoenix Memorial Project.,
On the questions of research
support and capital-outlay in-
creases, I would cite the Republi-
can State Platform.
Recognizing that basic research
In the physical sciences is a po-
tentially powerful stimulus to the
expansion of present industry and
the attraction of new industry --
we recommend that steps be taken
to expand substantially the basic

research programs at our major
"We have confidence that a re-
vised tax program will allow in-
creased annual appropriations to
meet the growing capital-outlay
needs of state institutions of
higher learning."
4.) I have advocated a yes vote
on proposal two calling for a
penny increase in the sales tax.
It would be my suggestion to make
thin increase for two years (1961-
62). Such a tax would provide
$250,000,000 additional revenue
which would retire the present
deficit of close to $80,000,000 and

The Republdan candidate for
the State House of *Represen-
tatives is Gilbert Bursley as-
sis ant director of the Univer-
sity's Development Council.
A native of Ann Arbor, Burn-.
ley holds degrees from the Uni-
versity and the ar ard Busi-
ness School. His long record of
service in government includes
various diplomatIc assignments
in Turkey, the J-ar' ast andj
Africa. His last post was as
American consul 'of the U.S.
Information Agency program In
French Equatoral Africa,.
.ast year, Burley served 'as
chairman tf the Ann Arbor Re-
publican Party. He has held his
position with the University
since returning t Ann Arbor
mind towards any strong case for
lowering the requirement to 18
6) I strongly support action to
eliminate social and religious dis-
crimination and second-class citi-
aenship in~ our country. My many
years in the United States foreign
service- in the Middle East and
Africa, where I lived among people
of different religions and races,
motivate me strongly toward these
I do not believe that rule 9 is
a constructive step in $his direc-
I do support the action called
for i th e ulian State Plat-
rm , bI quote;
S ... We ,pledge thiat we will
w9rk for constructive legislat1
which will guarant0 full equality
of opportunity for every citizen
in the field of public accommoda-
tion, education and employment,"
"We believe that in the matter
of the sale or rental- of private
property, no group should be al-
lowed to interpose itself between
the individual owner and the
would-be bpyer or renter. We vig-
orously condemn such actions as
a "screening system" whereby
brokers and salesmen licensed by
the state establish a point system
for the disqualification of some
buyers on the grounds of race,
creed color and national origin.
7.) No, there should be no-mor-
atorlum on college construction.
Bond issues in some cases-par-
ticularly of a self-liquidating or
revenue-producing nature-would
be a sound method of Dlnancing
such construction.
8.) I feel that a proper balance
can be struck between university-
owned housing and that furnished
studepts, by private owners. in
whatever way the principle is
stated I would think It should be
applicable to all state-supported
9.) I consider my professional
experience, local background and
lifelong interest In and dedication
to the problems of government to
be my major assets in this cam-
My present' Position is that of
Assistant Director of the Univer-
sity's Development Council. In this
capacity I am vitally concerned
with the needs, " problems, and
future growth of all the schools
and colleges which make up our
In addition to this experience
with educational problems in our
state, my 17 years of government
service in Washington and abroad
would serve me well in Lansing.
To function effectively as a repre-
sentative of the people, one must
have a working knowledge of our
political system and practical ex-
perience in dealing with people
with divergent viewpoints
10.) There are many Important
problems facing Michigan but1
none of greater Importance than
a solution to our fiscal crisis and
a "new look" for the State's eco-
nomic development,
We must obtain added revenue
from a new source in the iMmedi-

ate future to avoid the threat of
more payless paydays and further
bad national publicity.

1.) Yes. I, favor constitutional
revision as soon as possible. I al-
so favor Proposal 3, which would
anend the provision for calling a
constitutional convention and the
basis of representation. I am par-
ticularly interested in such ques-
tions. as debt limitation, reappor-
tionment, ear-marking of funds,
tax revision, school district or-
2.) Yes, I support the constitu-
tional convention method. To con-
tinue adding amendments to an
already boo rigid constitution is
unwise and unworkable.
3.) Operating budgets must be
increased to meet increased de-
mands on state colleges and uni-
versities. Community colleges need
more state support. Capital outlay
for educational institutions must
be increased.
4.) I favor a fiat-rate two per
cent income tax plus a five per
cent corporation profits tax, the
repeal of the Business Activities
tax and the intangibles tax, and
allowing the present, nuisance
taxes to lapse. I do not favor the
four cent sales tax proposal be-
cause it would extend further a
regressive form of taxation (since
food is also taxed) and because
Its yield would not be sufficient for
more than two to three years, at
which time another tax would
undoubtedly be added. Everyone
seems agreed on tax reform. Why
not now?
5.) I admit the justice of cer-
tain arguments in favor of reduc-
ing the state voting age, viz., one
is considered an adult at eighteen
in the eyes of the lay; he has had
courses in government at school;
frequently he has already gradu-
ated from college and might even
be married by the time he is
twenty-one. All of this assumes
somewhat earlier adulthood, there-
fore a right to vote.
6.) I am in favor of the intent
of Rule 9, but I think that it has
been worded in such a way as to
lend itself to misinterpretation. I
also think that because of this, it
would be virtually unenforceable.
7. A moratorium on college con-
struction in the state is tanta-
mount to limiting college enroll-
ment. I am committed to the
proposition that every person who
wants a higher education should
have the opportunity of getting
I would favor bond issues for
construction funds only as part
of a general state program.
8.) Absolutely. Housing accom-
modations provided by private

Wife of Prof. Albert Marck-
wardt, head of the English Lan-
guage Institute at the Univer-
sity, Mrs. Grace Marckwardt is
the Democratic candidate for
the State House of Representa-
tives from Washtenaw County's
first district.
Mrs. Marekardt was
graduated from the University
in 1932 and, except for brief
stretches when her husband was
teaching elsewhere, has been a
resident of Ann Arbor since that
Long active in local politics,
Mrs. Marekwardt has also taken
part in such civic activities as
the cancer society, the YWCA,
United Fund, Girl Scouts, League
of Women Voters, PTA and
Dramatic Arts Center,
Mrs. Marckwardt is the moth-
er of three children.
sources have long since ceased to
be adequate.
9.) My major assets in this
campaign are 1) a willingness to
discuss issues, (2) a knowledge of
my district's problems through a
long and continued residency, and
(3) a tremendous amount of en-
ergy coupled with an inquiring
10.) The most important prob-
lems now facing Michigan are:
a. Unemployment.
b. Effects of'automation.
c. Business diversification.
d. Taxation.
e. Ald age security.
f. Human relations.
g. Natural resources.
h. Mental health facilities.
I. Educational facilities.

State Representative
(EDITOW8S NOTF-Statements on these pages are in response t*
Daily questtionnaires,)
1.) Do you favor constitutional revision at the present
time? On what points?
2.) Do you support the constitutional convention method?
If not, what means do you propose?
3.) Should the operating budgets of state colleges and
universities be increased? Is redistribution necessary? Should
there be a capital outlay increase?
4.) What means of taxation do you support to provide new
funds for the state treasury? Why?
5.) Do you favor lowering the state voting age requirement
from 21 years of age?
6.) What is your position on Rule Nine?
7.) Do you believe there should be a moratorium declared
on college construction in the state? Would you favor bond Is-
sues to provide construction funds?
8.) With regard to University residence halls which oper-
ate on a self-liquidating basis, do you feel the state govern-
ment should support housing for students in competition with
private owners of housing accommodations?
9.) What do you consider your major assets in this
10.) What do you feel are the most important problems
now facing the state of Michigan?
Swainson (cont.)

(Continued from Page 6)
to face the real need for real so-
lutions of our problems and to
work with local communities in
achieving effective programs. I
sincerely believe that my commit-.
ment to and support of the Demo-
cratic platform on such vital is-
sues as Economic Opportunity, the
Aging, Education, Conservation,
an Equitable Fiscal policy on both
revenue and state budget coupled
with m ypractical experience in
our state government are assets
Bagwell (cont.)
(Continued from Page 6)
Jobs for our growing population;
(3) Constitutional Convention to
modernize our 52-year-old Consti-
tution; (4) Meeting the needs of

not only toward voter preference
but also in assuring the electorate
that they may expect dedicated
action in their behalf immediate-
ly after the election.
9.) Michigan's major problems
are inter-related on almost all
levels. There are more of us -
people of all ages, more young
families, more children, more chil-
dren entering school, more young
people needing and wanting high-
er education, more of us to be
employed and more need for the
product of that employment both
in tangible goods and services.
While our economic problems are
related to those of the nation
there are specific steps we can
take to achieve greater economic
good in the state. I would stress
the need for progress in education
because this ,again, will help
achieve greater progress in indus-

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