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November 04, 1960 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-11-04

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of~ Lyn

NiXon Urges
Of Tradition
Asks Dixie To Rally
Behind Republicans
WASHINGTON (A) - The presi-
dential candidates hawked their
political wares in the South and
Southwest yesterday, saying little
new but saying it more sharply as
their campaign time dwindled and
tensions grew.
To the cheers of rebellious Dixie
Democrats in Columbia, S.C., Vive-
President Richard M. Nixon urged
all the South to forget political
tradition, discount his party's
stand on civil rights and rally
behind Republican conservatism.
And Nixon renewed his charges
that his Democratic rival, Sen.
John F. Kennedy, is lying - and
lying dangerously.
Charges Inactivity
In Phoenix, Arlz., Kennedy said
the Republicans "gutted our
hopes", for orderly development
of the West's natural resources
through a policy of "no new
starts" on Western power and
water projects. Despite a 3 a.m.
arrival he was greeted by about
6,000 persons.
In Albuquerque, N.M., the Demo-
cratic candidate threw the lie
charge back at Nixon because the
GOP nominee had accused Ken-
nedy of a "bare faced lie" in say-
ing Republicans would kill social
security. Kennedy denied he said
that but did say that since 1935
the Republicans have shown "con-
sistent opposition to social secur-
ity.? As for the lying, Kennedy
To Determine Truth
"I think the American people
next Tuesday can best determine
who is lying and who is telling the
Both candidates moved into
Texas whose 24 electoral votes
generally are listed among the
undecided. .
Before speaking at the Alamo
in San Antonia, Nixon issued a
statement renewing his challenge
to Kennedy to explain how his
finance broadened government
services. The Republican charged
Democratic fiscal policies might
produce violent inflation. '
For his part, Kennedy at Ama-
rillo accused Nixon of using "the
blackmailer's tactic of distorted
threats" in saying the Democratic
farm program would boost con-
sumers' food prices and impose
harsh controls on farmers.
Evangelist Present
Nixon in South Carolina was
bolstered by an introduction by
James F. Byrnes, former Demo-
cratic Secretary of State, and the
platform presense of evangelist
Billy Graham. Nixon drew a crowd
estimated at 30,000 to 35,000 in
Columbia, compared with one of
about 8,000 which heard Kennedy
there last month.


Describes Soviet Trial

. ....,

Three weeks ago he sat de-
jectedly in the cell of a Soviet
secret police jail, but yesterday
Mark Kaminsky came here to talk
congenially to friends about grill-
ing interrogation sessions and the
"farcical military trial which
convicted him of espionage.
Kaminsky-University graduate,
former teacher at Ann Arbor High
School and now instructor of
Russian at Purdue University-
worries about people here consid-
ering him a spy.
"I never confessed to espionage,
but only that articles the KGB
secret police found on me were

and Kiev now seem like two re-
hearsals for the final play," he
remarked after a long drag on
his cigarette. "The guy in the cell
above me paced the floor every
day at 6 and 9:30, just like clock-
"But in a place like that, every-
one gets used to pacing.
"Those first few nights, I may
have imagined it, but I could
swear I heard screams too."
He quickly fell into the prison.
routine: Awake at daylight; eat
breakfast served through the peep-
hole at 8 a.m.; an hour's exercise
at 9; go to sleep at night under
the glare of a 100-watt light bulb.
Each day he was interrogated
for hours on end, like he had
been previously at Uzhgorod where
he was apprehended along with
Harvey Bennett of Bath, Me., his
companion on a motoring tour of
the Soviet Union.
Bearing down on the charge
that Kaminsky's notes and photo-
graphs were for an anti-Soviet
book or espionage purposes; his
interrogators, Col. Lysenko and
Col. Arakchayev, tried to wear him
down and confuse him.
Kaminsky is a big man, tall and
husky. He flashes a broad smile
easily, and his pleasant voice is
tinged by a scarcely discernable
Slavic accent left by the Russian
language he has known since
Sees Jail
Kaminsky received his first look
at the bleak headquarters build-
ing and jail of the secret police
in Kiev, in which he was to spend
perhaps the most harrowing five
weeks of his life on September 3.
He was given a seven-year sus-
pended sentence and expelled from
the Soviet Union on October 14.
His "home" was Cell No. 35,
one of 80 in the four-story, walled
brick building, where the KGB
"temporarily detains" persons it
is investigating. The cell was a six-
by-ten foot, white-washed room
with a cast-iron cot, night table,
and shelves upon the bare wooden
"The most disconcerting thing
about it was that guards kept
looking in at me through the
peep-hole in the door," Kaminsky
recalled with a smile, now that
the affair was behind him.
Sees No Prisoners
"I never saw any other prison-
ers-even during the daily exer-

cise periods," he said with sud-
den sternness. "But I knew they
were there.
The prosecutor's questions cov-
ered about the same ground as
the interrogation sessions earlier,
and the purpose of the whole trial
seemed to be to impress him with
"the correctness and formality of
Russian law," Kaminsky conclud-
Farcical Formality
"The formality was there, but
it was a farce. The six Russian
witnesses contradicted each other
in their testimony, and when, in
answer to a question, I said I had
considered writing a book which
could be sold in the United States,
the 100 people in the crowded
courtroom began chanting 'Beez-
ness, Beezness!'"
Kaminsky freely admitted he
was "a little jittery" while await-
ing the decision of the three So-
viet military officers who com-
posed the tribunal.
Kaminsky was judged guilty of
espionage and sentenced at 7:20
p.m. Sept. 19; he appealed his
case and was expelled from the
Soviet Union Oct. 14. After arrest,
interrogation, confinement, trial
and expulsion, he says, "Maybe
some rday I'll visit Russia again."

Reports Say
China Sends
Aid to Cuba
HAVANA (M)-Chinese residents
in Cuba have been mixing in pub-
lic with a small group of Com-
munist Chinese technicians-the
result being an impression of siz-
able Peiping support for the Cas-
tro regime, reliable sources here
said yesterday.
These sources say they under-
stood about 30 Red Chinese mili-
tary technicians have arrived in
Cuba. Six of them are believed to
be pilots.
Some of the newly arrived Chi-
nese have been seen at social af-
fairs sponsored by Castro units.
With them have been substantial
numbers of local Chinese known
reports say.
The sources doubt that Red
Chinese pilots are here to teach
Cuban pilots how to fly jets. In-
stead they probably are here to
fly such planes themselves as a
stopgap until Cuban pilots can
be trained here or abroad.
Diplomatic sources say they un-
derstand an added number of So-
viet, Czech and either Chinese or
North Korean military technicians
are here now and are being sent
throughout Cuba.
Some are thought to be here
in connection with the delivery of
Russian MIG jetfighters from
Riding Daily
50665 Huron River Dr.
Bellevelle, HUnter 3-5010


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...*five week ordeal
mine," he said almost imploring-
ly. "I really hope I didn't make
any propaganda material for the
Russians-and I don't think I
"They would judge my actions
by my own ideals," he explained.
"They would use my love of
teaching, asking, 'If you wrote an
anti-Soviet book, what would your
students thing of you?'
"Then I judged my note-tak-
ing and photographing by Soviet
law, I had to admit I had done
wrong-not in my own eyes, but
in theirs. For example, if I took
a picture of a cow that looked
undernourished, the Russians con-
sidered it detrimental to them and
a violation of their law."
Constant Questioning
Kaminsky was subjected to this
kind of grilling three times a day:
Morning, afternoon and evening.
The longest session he could re-
member was from 10 one morn-
ing to 4 the next morning. On
this occasion, the interrogators
drew it out by intentionally mak-
ing errors in the long-hand ac-
counts of the session, making it
necessary to recopy some pages
"as much as four times," he re-
called good-naturedly.
The questioning at Uzhgorod

Newman Club
Campaigning Allowed
8:30 P.M.


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