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November 04, 1960 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-11-04

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"...Let's All Bunch Up Like A Rocket
And Start World War III!"


Seventy-First Year

S F.- -
b Will Prevail"
Opinions Are Pree


'Frogs' Buoyant-
In the Water
HE SPEECH DEPARTM ENT is throwing a happy-go-lucky beach
party this week-end inspired by Aristophanes "The Frogs." Un-
fortunately the achievement is not on the same lofty level as the
First to the credit side of the ledger, and there is certainly very
much pleasant news which can be reported about last night's grandiose
production. Visually "The Frogs" is splendid!
The Michifish and Michifins are in delightful form, in and out
of the water. The Varsity Swimming team, abetted with such breath-
taking divers as Peter Cox, Tom Francis, Joseph.Gerlach, Ronald

torials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

>AY, NOVEMBER 4, 1960



Ik *r

Budget Request Shows
Need for Tax Reform,1s


. .. ,.

HE University requested yet another record-
high appropriation from the state Legisla-
e-$41 million this time. Hearings in Lans-
begin next week. The chances for getting
No one is saying because no one really
For the University, in trying to meet its own
;ent needs, must work within the context of
tate which has financial problems of its own
f which education is only one.
['he University's appropriation request re-
cts pressures and tensions originating with
state's 1958 fiscal crisis.
At that time the University released 90 facul-
members and cut all expenditures except
ulty salaries by roughly ten per cent. Fac-
y salaries were increased only at the cost of
lucing every thing else-including instruc-
nal and research facilities, custodial staff and
:ary service.
XCEPT for the Mental Health Research In-
stitute Bldg. (which was financed more than
per cent by federal funds) and the Physics-
:ronomy-IST Bldg. (for which $1.5 million in,
h and an authorization of $7 million was
proved last spring) no new construction has
n undertaken with state aid since 1956.
Pressures on the University to increase en-
Iment mount every semester. Applications for
nissions this fall were almost twice the num-
that could be accepted-and by 1965 there
1 be 48 per cent more young people of college
a in Michigan.
['he, appropriations request was based on an
imated increase in enrollment of 771 to 1,271,
marily in the graduate school, the Dearborn

Center and the engineering college. But the
increased enrollment is contingent on an ap-
propriation large enough to allow increasing
the faculty by 125.
UNIVERSITY officials are especially con-
, cerned with "protecting the present fac-
ulty." Academic salary increases in colleges
and universities throughout the country have
been approximately seven per cent for the last
several years. The University must keep up
with this if it is to preserve the quality of the
teaching it offers.
A high rate of technological obsolescence
with which the University has been unable to
keep pace due to reduced appropriations has
inhibited the growth of research activity and
made it even more difficult to hold faculty
in the physical and natural sciences.
rPIS is not a list of suggestions of nice things
to do sometime; it is an enumeration of the
pressing and undeniable needs of a great Uni-
versity which cannot stand still without mov-
ing back. And these needs must be met by the
The fact is that Michigan has an anti-
quated and crazy-quilt tax system incapable
of meeting the needs of the state. Thorough-
going tax reform cannot safely be put off any
longer. The passage of more temporary taxes
or approval of a sales tax increase to tide the
state over is not only postponing the inevitable
but, in the long run, hurting both the state
and the University. Vote thoughtfully on Tues-

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Castro Anticipates Incident

Jaco, and Don Wright were their
usual outstanding selves. Surely
there was no finer or more joyous
moment in the evening than the
beginning of the second act when
all these naturally acquatic people
were able to show their very con-
siderable skills.
* * *
CREDIT ZELMA Weisfeld with
costumes that were altogether
dazzling, and Ralph Duckwall for
bits of scenery that were most
effective. The swimming pool itself
made a very colorful stage and
was put to good use for a good
deal of the evening. The spec-
tacular finale in thepool was in-
deed quite specacular.
But unfortunately too frequently
during the evening all these mar-
velous swimmersthad to come up
for air. And it was at, these
moments that "The Frogs" . fell
flat on its face and drowned! The
land sequences lacked the neces-
sary precision and co-ordination
of a large scale production and
the pacing out of the water. was'
frenzied and unnecessarily ani-
The current presentation found
itself resorting to gimmicks too
frequently to . inject life into the
garrulous goings on. After a while
the gimmicks become not only
tiresome but in one particular oc-
casion primitive and for the
Speech Department surprisingly
* * *
certainly imbued with the proper
airiness of spirit, the playing of
the participants is too often rigid
and static. Highly uneven at best,
the obviousness of their attempt
is painfully apparent. And it is
quite easy for the viewer to im-
mediately perceive that the prin-
ciples on land just aren't having
as gay a time as the people in
the water.
Unfortunately the orchestra does
little to help the actors, out, of
their enigma. The music is too
limpid to adequately soar during
the nicely choreographed musical
sequences. The necessary lightness
is never adequately captured.
On land "The Frogs" is a fran-
tically paced three-ring circus in
which nothing vital seems to be
happening in any of the playing
areas.; But in the water "The
Frogs" is able to leap highly into
an experience both delightful and
--Marc Alan Zagoren

Associated Press News Analyst
FIDEL CASTRO obviously ex-
pects somebody to try to do
to him what he did to Fulgencio
Batista, but he isn't getting any-
where with his effort to convince
the United Nations that the in-
vader will be the United States.
The picture of an American
behemoth standing over poor little
Cuba with mailed fist drawn back
to strike is Just a little too much
for the delegates to swallow. As
the Nepal delegate said of Con-

munist tactics in general, it's an
insult to their intelligence.
A fundamental practice of the
United Nations is to give anybody
a hearing about almost anything.
But twice now the delegates have
ruled that Cuba's accusation of
an impending U.S. invasion is in-
consequential, to be debated in
its turn with other routine of the
political committee, with no air
of immediacy.
WHAT CASTRO is trying to do
is lay the groundwork for charg-
ing, when the anti-Castro relu-


Should Boycott be Stopped?

E QUESTION of whether Northern stu-
dents should continue their sympathy
emonstration picketing outside those variety
ores which continue to have segregated
ranches in the South has once again appeared
s a real issue. Just because of its reality and
s vitality, it is important that it not be
ouded with false and spurious controversies.
Two weeks ago five NSA officers met with
ve representatives from four of the variety
pains involved. It was made clear to all con-
rned that the NSA officers did not feel that
hey could speak for all northern students; nor
,as it claimed that they could control the
iture course of the Northern demonstrations.
i fact, NSA had requested two representatives
om the Studeent non-violent coordinating
)mmittee to attend the meeting. Un-
irtunately, they could not come.
Instead the five officers presented themselves
s vitally interested students, who, to some
tent, could speak in concert with the wishes
nd interests of Northern and Southern stu-
Yet the problem remains. Should Northern
udents engage in an economic boycott?
Woolworth's and its peers were originally
lected for the best of reasons. Negroes could
aand and be served at the same counters where
hites were sitting; the black and white races
iuld be shoulder to shoulder. One could sit
id the other could not. The totally irrational
.dignity of this situation defied conservative
guments. There could be no defense of this
itolerable situation. The indigenous and spon-
neous protests of the early sit-in period
sulted in wave after wave of national publi-
ty and world-wide sympathy. A better site
r a sit-in could -not be found. In a spirit
awe, unswerving respect and total sympathy,
ie northern student did what he could: he
llected moles, he petitioned, he publicized,
id he picketed the northern branches of the
fending chains.

Many students, even those in the Northern
picket lines, had misgivings about these sym-
pathy strikes. The national chain vWas more
correctly a loose federation; the dime store
outlets, in the North, had been fully integrated
for years. But the situation allowed neither
time nor room for such misgivings, and the
students acted.
But the situation has changed somewhat,
Since the sit-ins began stores have been inte-
grated in 112 cities. No student has been ar-
rested for sit-in activity on the basis of a'
Woolworth complaint. The officials constructed
this convincing brief for themselves: We, as a
corporation, have responded to your complaint.
We are attempting to integrate as rapidly
as is feasible and practical. Is it just to con-
tinue to subject a friendly institution to con-
tinued economic boycott while other stores
with much more insidious policies remain
untouched? One must note that at the con-
clusion of the NSA-Woolworth meeting the
chains issued a public statement which com-
mitted them to an active policy of desegrega-
tion, and that this statement was released in
the South as well as the North.
If, indeed, these companies are sincere in
their statement, if they fully intend to continue
rapid desegregation, then perhaps further
Northern pickets are unnecessary and unjust.
On the other hand, it is possible that their
statement is insincere, that all their prior
actions have resulted from student pressure,
and that once this pressure is relaxed, progress
will slow down.
At no time has any responsible student
organization suggested the elimination of stu-
dent protest activity, rather the suggestion has
been for a redirection of that activity.
The problem is a real one both practically
and morally. It must be met head-on and
answered with full satisfaction. In all honesty
we must confess at 'this time that we do not
have that answer,

Overdeliberation Hurts
Council's Campus Image
Daily Staff Writer
THERE IS A GREAT deal of sentiment among its members for stu-
dent Government Council to appear as a careful, considerate.
deliberative body.
It's possible, however, to overdo this. Care, consideration and
deliberation can be used as excuses for inaction. And inaction is what
the Council can least afford.
A case in point is the motion on fraternity and sorority con-
stitutions, now put off until Nov. 16. There is no particular reason
why the notion needs to be passed immediately, but putting it off

gees do try to go home by force-
as they will - that the Cuban
people are being attacked by the
United States. Otherwise he might
find the loyalty of his militia
rather spotty.
In the meantime, Castro hopes
to substitute fear of invasion for
growing unrest at home over the
ever-mounting failure of his
economic program.
He owns all the newspapers and
radio stations now, so that he can
publish these gambits in the
United Nations against a back-
ground of his own manufacture.
And his actions in New York in
September strongly suggest he is
not sensitive to the impression he
creates abroad.
like better than to provoke a mili-
tary incident, and nothing the
United States will be more careful
to avoid. All of Cuba is now "off
limits" to American military per-
sonnel except the tiny enclave at
Guantanamo Bay, which Cuba
leased to the United States In
perpetuity as. a part of her own
The Castro administration, while
talking about some vague "legal"
means of recapturing that base,
itself admits that a military at-
tack would be "idiotic."
The Castro regime also is build-
ing up trouble for itself with its
bragging about growing military
strength. Already the Castro revo-
lutionaries havercaused some
shooting in several. other Latin
American countries, and their ac-
tivities are growing more and more
irksome to these governments. As
their fears are enhanced, so will
be their sympathy and material
support for a counterrevolution ni

IVIC Theatre productions should
not be reviewed. They should
never be -reviewed by an outsider
who is unappreciative of their
traditional charm. My credentials;
now then.
This week the Ann Arbor Civic
Theatre is on stage at the Lydia
Mendelssohn. They have taken, in
Civic Theatre style, a Broadway
play whose '60 royalties are low
enough to inspire dreams of ac-
cessibility, andmight even be-
token the right time for its mid-
west premiere, "Bell, Book, and
Candle" by John van Druten.
* * *
THE PLAY is a classic and needs
no synopsis. Its style is Broadway
Big, asopposed- to the sophisti-
cated,' Connecticut Cool plays of
George Axelrod and Pete DeVries.
In the latter the amont of fun
to be had is in proportion to the
degree you can convince yourself
you are a snob. No such prepara-
tion is asked by van' Druten. Of
the audience. From the production
he asks for energy.
Whether, indeed, van Druten
asks for. more than the average
amount itf stage energy I don't
know] but it would seem so from
this production. It is lacking in
everything from any kind of im-
aginative stage business to ener-
getic characters to emphasis in
phrasing (absolutely unpardonable
in comedy) to plain gestures and
MUCH OF THIS must be laid to
the cast but most of it to the
lead, who is, alas for Civic Thea-
tre, beautiful. How she can walk
across the stage, steal the scene,
read her lines and ruin the effect
is moving to behold.
If there is magic in this produc-
tion, it is that two of the support-
ing leads manage to get their full
quota of laughs though doomed by
this beautiful hex. Their move-
ments are free and. their charac-
ters energetic to the point of slap-
stick, but it works. These are the
warlock, Jerry Shull and sub
witch, Barbara Sandburg.
,,--Robert Kraus


The EisenPhower Speech

ought to add little to its luster-
or the Council's. For this reason:
it appears to have been discussed
mainly at the Council table, One,
ex officio member vitally con-
cerned with the motion said only
four council members stopped in
to talk over the matter.
Council is often uninteresting, and
why it is subject to intermidable
foot-dragging. The members' re-
sponsibility isn't confined to Wed-
nesday evenings. If members
would argue the motions during
the week, they could know what
they think, and why, and quickly
transform their thought into
legislation without the intermin-
able "consideration." The desire
for this "consideration is way out
of proportion; it makes the Coun-
cil appear overly indecisive, when
it doesn't need to be,
But more is at stake than the
Council's image; the legislation
undoubtedly will come out even-
tually. The sentiment for "con-
sideration" often appears to be an
excuse for doing nothing, espe-
cially in controversial off-campus
and civil rights areas. This at least
is an inference in the motion to
delay motions calling for expres-
sion of student opinion for one
week. This motion is, in a sense,
ridiculous. The Council members
have already by their election been
given a mandate to express stu-
dent opinion. It is up to each
member to obtain constituents
comment, if he thinks he needs
to do so. (This should make it in-
cumbent that such motions be
submitted quite early.)
this process is absurd in the ex-
treme. Sometimes, the expressions
of opinion are only meaningful if
made immediately. A, week is a
long time in a changing world.
One member criticizes the deli-
berations in off-campus issues

the motion to protest Georgia.
anti-trespass laws. The acts are
well . . . Simply to automatically
delay consideration in order to
get facts, which may be unobtain-
able anyway, is often inexcusable.
It almost sounds like a filibuster
of silence.

....:.:. . _. ..c-.< .::.. :.... ... . '. " ' .S; . 'i:

)N FIIDAY at Philadelphia Mr. Eisenhower
made his first frankly political speech. The
Imax of the speech was a challenge and a
iarge. The challenge was to ask how the
emocratic pledges are to be paid for. The
arge 'was the Democrats are responsible for
Le recent speculation in gold on the London
According to Mr. Eisenhower, the Democratic
edges which call for greater expenditures on
fense, education, medical care, and other
vilian public needs, can be paid for in only
ae of three ways. One way is to raise taxes.
riother way is to run a deficit and print
oney. Another way is to cut existing govern-
ent programs. We may dismiss the last two.
obody around Mr. Kennedy that I know of is
. favor of deficit financing, except of course
5 an emergency measure in case the present

ing, Sen. Kennedy must choose between raising
taxes and abandoning his program.
Kennedy intends to pay for his program (1)
by raising taxes, social security taxes, to finance
care; (2) by taking In more revenue as result
of a reform of the tax structure which will not
only close the well-known loophole somewhat,
but will strengthen. economic growth by tax
incentives to capital investment; and (3) by
encouraging and stimulating the growth of the
economy in order to put an end to the sorry
record of three recessions in the past seven and
a half years. If the economy can grow, since
it has idle plants and idle men, it will produce
profits and income which will increase the gov-
ernment's revenues from the existing corporate
and income tax structure.
However, if the economy remains sluggish
and depressed, if reform of the tax law fails,

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should 1 be
sent In TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3518 Administration Building,
before 2 p.m. two days preceding
General Notices
The following student-sponsored so-
cial events have been approved for the
coming weekend., Social chairmen are
reminded that requests for approval
for social events are due in the Office
of Student Affairs not later than 12
o'clock noon on Tuesday prior to the
NOV. 4-
Alpha Omicron Pi, Fletcher Hall,
Prescott House, Phi Delta Phi, PI
Lambda Phi, Triangle.
NOV. 5--
Alpha Epsilon Pi, Adams House, Al-
pha Kappa Lambda, Beta Theta Pl,
Delta Chi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Delta
Sigma Delta, Delta Sigma Phi, Delta
Theta Phi, Chi Phi, Gomberg-Huber
Houses, Greene House, Jordan Hall,
Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Alpha Kappa, Phi
Delta Phi, Phi; Delta Theta, Phi Kappa
Sigma, Phi Mu, Phi Rho Sigma, Phi
Sigma Delta, Phi Sigma Sigma, Psi
Omega, Reeves House, Scott House,
Sigma Chi, Sigma Delta Tau, Sigma
Phi Epsilon, Trigon, Weneley House,
Williams House, Zeta Beta Tau, Zeta
Psi, Zeta Tau Alpha, PI Lambda Phi.
NOV. 6-
Stockwell Hall.
summary of Action Taken by Student
Government Council at Its Meeting of
Nov. 2
Approved: Minutes of previous meet-
Interim Action ,Announced: Nov. 2

The phrase "of provisions in the
group's Constitution pertaining to
membership selection" amended to read
"of all rules, regulations, and explicit
or implied agreements of the organi-
zation which directly or indirectly af-
fect the selection of members."
The word "notarized" will be deleted
from all parts of the motion.
Postponed: Until Nov. 16 the motion
regarding fraternity and sorority Con-
stitutions (Vol. 6, p. 24).
Calendaring Change Approved: The
Military Ball will be changed from
March 3 to March 10.
The Union Jazz Show will be changed
from March 18 to April 15.
Activities Calendared and Approved:
Nov. 6 Democratic-Socialist Club,
speaker, Robert Tucker, "The Case of
Socialized Medicine," Union, 2:30 p.m.
Nov. 8 Political Issues Club, Election
Day Civil Rights Demonstration, Un-
ion, UOL, 7:30 p.m.-10:00 p.m.
Nov. 18-20 SOC Wolverine Club, Trip
to Ohio State-Michigan Game. (Bus
leaves Union at 2:00 p.m. Nov. 18 and
returns to Union at 6:00 p.m. Nov. 20.)
Approved: The proposal of the Board
to review the situation of the office
space on the second floor. Since there
are more organizations petitioning for
office and desk space than there are
openings and several groups are not
making full use of their facilities, the
Board feels that some of this space
could be put to better use by other
groups. Every organization will be re-
quested to petition for the office and
desk space they feel necessary for their
operations. No preference will be given
to those groups who already occupy
offices on the second floor. Petitioning
will begin on Nov. 8 and end on Nov.
22. Only recognized student organiza-
tions, who are registered, will be al-
lowed to petition. Once a group I-as
obtained an office, they would be re-
quired to submit a report each year
as to how they used their office. They
would not be required toxe-petition
each year.

'Re qutem'- Un-Italian
VERDI: REQUIEM MASS. Shakeh Vartenissian, soprano;
Fiorenza Cossotto, mezzo-soprano; Eugenio Fernandi, tenor; Boris
Cristoff, bass; Tullio Serafin conducting the orchestra and chorus
of the Rome Opera House. Capital (S) GBR 7227.
HERE IS THE first stereo recording of this, the most popular work
of its type. Verdi's peculiar blood and thunder approach to the
text led one critic to call this work, "the best opera Verdi ever
wrote." Indeed, the music stresses' the dramatic side of the Last
Judgment. The recording in question does not exploit these dramatic

Approved: Changes in the Operat-
ing Procedures as follows:
Under MOTIONS add
Those motions concerning the ex-
pression of student opinion and changes
in University Regulations 'shall be
given initial consideration in a comn-
mittee of the whole. All final consid-
eration cannot be given until seven
days after the initial consideration.
Under AGENDA, Section 4 Change 'to
Other items of business, except cal-
endaring, in written form be made
known to the Executive Committeetat
least 24 hours' prior to the meeting
at which they are to be considered.
Defeated: That Student Government
Council with its next mailing of the
mihutes send a statement which:
1. Publicizes the Ann Arbor Election.
Day Demonstration..
2. Explains the background and the
purposes of the demonstration, which,
are: a. a call for speedy implementation
of both parties' platform planks on
Civil Rights, b. expression of sympathy
with Southern students in their drive
for social equality.
3. States our support of such dem-
onstrations and our reasons for giv-
ing such support.
4. Encourages student support in this
Placement Notices
of Nov. 1-5-
Canadian Students Only-Following
summer jobs in The Bigwin Inn, Mus-
koka, Ontario, Canada: Waitresses,
Waiters, Chambermaids, etc.
Also Vacation replacemc ts, men, in
Anglo-Canadian Pulp & Paper Mills
Limited, Quebec, Canada. Salary starts
at $1.46 per hr.
Come to the Summer Placement Bu-
reau, Room D528, Lower Level of the
SAB. The Summer Placement Service
is ovnn Mond~av througih'T'hursv "1:30 nf

possibilities to anywhere near the
extent that Toscanini and others
have done.
IN A WAY, this is a surprise,
for Serafin is regarded as the
dean of Italian opera conductors,
and would normally be expected
to approach this work in typical
Italian fashion. But here the tempi
are quite a bit slower than Tos-
canini's and the trend of' the
performance seems to be toward
the escetically religous rather to
the dramatic concept. And while
there is nothing wrong with slower
tempi per se, here, they tend to
This is partially due to the
soloists. No one seems to have
heard of either Miss Varenissian
or Miss Cossotto and the notes
tell us nothing. Miss Vartenissian's
voice is a large and rich one, but
she seems to be having trouble
controlling it. She does not bring
off the "Libera Me" and elsewhere
her failings are still present, if
less obvious. Miss Cossotto posses-
ses a pleasing voice, but is as
yet not one of the really good
* * *
and Boris Cristoff are well known
to American audiences, and both
are substantially better thal their
female counterparts. Mr. Cristoff
is by far the best of the four solo-
ists and his singing of the "Con-
futatis Maledictis" is probably the
best singing in this recording.
The stereo is quite good through-
out and greatly enhances the
choral passages, especially the

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