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October 29, 1960 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-10-29

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New Bylaw * L* f
Established" ____ C__I ____I_ _S
LOST: White gold circle pin somewhere CS\D /
on central campus. Semi-precious(/
The Regents Thursday passed a stones in bow. Call NO 2-3241. Caro-
by-law defining the relationship line Dow. A1
of the newly-created Kresge Hear- STRING OF PEARLS, South Univ.
ing Research Institute to the near Martha Cook Monday morning.
Medical School Call Ext. 3098 from 9-12, and 2-4741 in LINES ONE-DAY
Mcafternoon. A48
The by-law makes the Institute
both a part of the Medical School FOUND: A girl's ring near Chem. Bldg.
and an extension of the Kresge Call NO 3-1415. A49
Medical Research Laboratories. TRENCH COAT mix up. I have yours, 3 96
It also provides' for the direc- you have mine. Found alligator
trench coat with car key in pocket
tor to be responsible to an ad- on Sunday, Oct. 23 in Bu Ad Bldg.
visory committee from the Medi- NO 2-0773. Dave Grupe. A50
cal School faculty, appointed by FOUND - Pair of new rust calfskin
the dean and executive commit- gloves, size 7%x, on morning of Oct. Figure5 average words t
tees. 21, between Couzens and Victor
The by-law also states a defi- Vaughn. Call Couzens Hall, ext. 451. Call Classified between 1 :00 and 3:
nite purpose for the new Instia-_nd 9:00 and 11:30 Saturday -P
tute. It is "to be maintained for LOST-Round gold charm with 2 pearls
the purpose of conducting re- lost between campus and Michigan
search into the causes and treat- 2-69aum. Reward. Please cal N
ment of disorders of hearing."
LOST-Double log slide rule in leather PERSONAL BUS
. sheath. InitIals inside sheath E.L.W.___________________ _____
'36 and D.S.W. Reward, $10. Call 414
DAI YWinchell He. W.Q. after 6:30. A38 ALPHAOATOR, please come home. We ARCHAEO
miss youl AOPi. P36 structure
LOST? To find yourself try the Michi- it, unobt
OFFICIAL gan Daily. Just find a telephone and IT'S A KNOWN FACTTHAT . * ingfron
dial NO 2-3241 A3 "Mani is too cowardly to undergo S. U vr
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ suffering, but enjoys being men-
BULL 'IN FOUND: 30 weeks (a full school year) tioned as having suffered." REWEAVN
of interesting, newsy reading. This Dio Chrysostom REWEVen
was found on the Diag June 6, 1960, F25 Weave-Be
and the owner is wanted desperately.SCDNO 2-464
(Continued from Page 4) Please call NO 2-3241 for information, SNOW IS COMING. Don't get caught
and find a year's DAILY subscription with your ski soff. ULLR. F37
caiton for varied programs; Assoc. as a reward (only $6.50 too). A2 NOV. 1 is fast approaching, and for Pickles a
Health, Phys. Ed., & Recreation Di- many students that means. more Anything
rectors, Program Supervisors, Center FOR RENT than Mid-Term exams. Nov. 1 is the Ralph ha
Directors, General Program Correla- due date for your payment on plane
tor. APARTMENT for couple, furnished, in tickets for Thanksgiving and Christ-RA
WED., NOV. 2-- private home. All utilities, $100. Call mas and also the due date for mak-
American National Bank and Trust NO 3-6829, evenings. C71 ing reservations for those times. Call 709 Pack
Co. of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.-Gradu- or stop in at Alva's now, between 8
ates: Feb. Men with degree in Liberal 1309 S. UNIV. Ideal campus locale. a.m. and 6 p.m. NOrmandy 2-1006. Open a
Arts or Business Admin., Economics, Modern, furnished apts. with wall-to- F38
English, Accounting, Banking and Fi- wall carpeting. One efficiency and
nance for their banking- program. one 3 rm. apt. Immediate occupancy. EUROPE, 7 to 8 weeks only $1,000. Call
THURS., NOV. 3- Call NO 3-6030 or NO 2-4607. C72 5326 Markley. F27 RUBB
fiProcter & CGamble (Buying tr-view ROOMMATE WANTED to share large FIRESIDE FORUM Fellowship. Single
men with. degreein General iera 3-room apart. $38 month. 538 N. State. young adults "Factors Influencing Regula
Arts or Economics for work in Traf- Phone 3-6678 after 4:30. C70 the Lutheran Reformation,". Pastor We carry
lact .(InEu.), PuchsingrwrkInuT.),-&Robert Setz, St. Luke's Lutheran link
fIc (Indus.), Purchasing (Indus. RAILER SITES AVAILABLE: New sites Church. Oct. 30, 7:30 P.M.; First
Management Training Program. Nature available at University Trailer Parks et t , t
of Business: Manufacture and sales of be t e sit a Methodist Church, 120 . State. 30 MUELI
complete line of soaps, synthetic de- .Boverlooking Whitmore Lake. Eight HURRY! There are still a few bosses'
tergents, and edible fats and oils for miles from Ann Arbor, 5 minute walk knees left to sit on. Become a MUS-
home and industrial uses, etc. On the to Whitmore Lake shopping center. KET sec'y. Union any day after 3 DANCJ
job training. Call HI 9-5961 or drive to 11630 Whit- p.m. F35 So yo c
University of Chicago, 111.-All ma- more Rd. C69 usy bring
jors. Interviews for men and women ENTERTAINMENT at Cafe Promethean dance ba
interested in attending the Graduate GIRL TO SHARE newly - furnished every Friday and Saturday evening. Recorders
School of Business Administration, ground floor apartment close to cam- P106 Donation
Scholarship program and career oppor- pus. NO 8-8634 or NO 2-7705. C67
tunities will be discussed in informal Yes-You Can Still Join G.
Detroit Edison, Detroit-Graduates: nished, 2 bedrooms, $110 a month. BUSINESS STAFF ' 660 Gill I
Feb. Men with M.A. in Psychology, good NO 3-7268 after 5. C64 - Advertising
background in statistics, personnel or -Layout
industrial psychology for position as FOR RENT to bride and groom: clean - Accounting
research assistant-industrial psychol- apt. on Huron River. Available to Stop in Anytime M
ogy. Also men with degree in Business refined couple. Phone NO 3-5126. C65 F2 RA
Admin., major in accounting, experi-
ence preferred for position of senior ONE ROOM for single girl. Living-bed- FOR THE FINEST in music and enter-
accounting assistant-general account- room arrangement. Completely fur- tainment contact the Bud-Mor Agen-
ing. nished. Community kitchen. NO cy, featuring the BollWeevils, Johnny COMI
(p.m.) 2-987. Off Washtenaw in fraternity Harvard, Dick Tilkin, the Kingsmen,
Swift and Company, Chicago, Il. . area. C59 Ray Lewis, Al Young, Al Blaser, Men
Graduates: Feb. Men with degree in of Note plus many others. 1103 South GREA
Gen'l. Liberal Arts or Business Admin. HOUSE-2 bedroom. New oil furnace. University.. NO 2-6362. P57
for work in Market research and Sta- Newly decorated. Furnished or unfur- . Be sure
tistics. Nature of business: Meat & nished. $75 per month. Off Highway STEAK AND EGGS--85 cents. DELTA time cor
meat products, dairy and dairy prod. 23 between Ann Arbor and Brighton. LUNCH, 409 E. Jefferson. P12 Webcor Z
ucts, agricultural chemicals, and prod- EL 6-899,_Q25_PLA___NGT______ _Th_ _- age cou
ucts for industry. Employes 65,00. BOKfomcmu,-Mdr PLANNING TO GO HOME Thankgv Pries ra
ONE BLOCK from campus - Modern ing and Christmas? Make your flight
apartment. Newly furnished. NO 2- reservations at Alva's Travel Agency, Recon
Par - ime,1443. C10 300S. Thayer. The due date for pay- One
PRIS"Endg gen c mentINov.soyou'd better HUR- Sav
PARKING 54l oym Fore. block RY! For information call NOrmandy
Ey nfromcampus. S14 S. Forest. Phone NO 2-1008 between S A.M. and 6 P.M.
8.5JI~ U/. -1443. C F195 YOUR
The following part-time jobs are 323 S. M
available. Applications for these jobs HELP WANTED PIZZA AND BREW - $.30-2.00. Delta
can be made in the Non-Academic Per- Lunch, 409 E. Jefferson. IN
sonnel Office, 1020 Admin. Bldg., dur- BREAKFAST WAITER WANTED. Phone A1INe
ing the following hours: Monday steward, NO 2-3215. 1127HOORAY! COME TO THE FAIR. 204 BANJOS
through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. R
Employers desirous of hiring part- PART-TIME PIANIST for local church. CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIES PAU
time employees should contact Bill Phone 3-9369 or 2-3737. H25 119 W. V
Wenrich at NO 3-1511 ext. 2939. _______CUPEorchldensot
Students desiring miscellaneous jobs MARRIED COUPLE for children's cot-
should consult the bulletin board in tage. Parent's position, preferably FOREIGN CAR SERVICE
Room 1020, daily. without children, over 24 years of
MALE age, live in but duty evenings and
1-Delivery-boy (Sunday morning pa- weekends only, two miles from cam- We service all makes and models 1958 MGA
pers, must have car). pus compensation is apt., food, and of Foreign and Sports Cars. 2308 Wa
1-Desk clerg (Tues. and Thurs., 2:45- aary. Must be available for two '57 JAGUA
7:00 p.m.). ears. Mr. Rome, Washtenaw County Lubrication $1.50 miles. In
2-Busboys (11:45 a.m.-1:30 p.m.). Juvenile Court, NO 3-7511, ext. 277.
3-Cab drivers (evenings and week- H26'9 MERC
ends, must be 21 or over). TUDENT8 AD YOUNG WOMEN 18 NM otor Sales age. Call
2-Salesmen - graudate students pro- years and over to work part time:
ferred, commission basis. 9 a.m.-l p.m.. 1 p.m.-5 p.m. or 5 p.m.- 514 E. Washington 55 CHEVI
2-Salesmen (Monday, Wednesday, & 9 p.m. Mon.-Fri,. Telephone inquiries Phone NO 3-4858 87 V8, powe
Friday afternoons), from our office. Salary. For interview and heal
15--Psychological subjects, hours to be call NO 2-5697. iH7 BIKES and SCOOTERS 7 and 10
arranved. -- '51 CH___

1-Waiter (meal and evening hours). ROOM AND BOARD chanical
2-Rooms in exchange for light wor LITTLE BEAVER says brakes. $
-Porters (4-10 p.m., 2-3 nights per SINGLE, DOUBLE-Two large rooms; NO 2-064
week). "h hne fsmoekeig
1-Stock-boy (1 p.m.- p.m. and all quiet, clean. Linens furnished. Get- "The chances of someone keeping
a-Satocr-boy ( ).. m a ting married, have to move. Double your secret are about 40 to 1 1959 AUST:
day Saturday). only $15. Single takes best offer. Only against you. But don't worry, ev- 3-2713 (11
FEMALE 2% blocks to campus. 307 N. State, eryone likes to know about the_.
2-Room in exchange for light house- or call NO 2-4250. E34 great bikes' BEAVER'S BIKE AND
work. HARDWARE sells, and Mr. Beav-
1-Married couple to do light work ALPHA KAPPA KAPPA Fraternity, 1315 er doesn't mind your telling THAT I pQi
in exchange for room and board. Hill St. Excellent cook. Any or all kind of secret."
4-Waitresses (hours flexible). meals. Call NO 2-2252. E37 "Go to BEAVER'S for more bike
1-Reader (Monday and Wednesday, for your money."
from 8-10 p.m.). WANTED: Male roommate for spacious
3-Waitresses (part or full-time). apt. 2 blocks from campus. Call 2- BEAVER'S BIKE Michiga
SINGLE ROOM for man. Clean and AND HARDWARE.
at quiet. Close to campus and all sports 605 Church ,,NO 5-6607 1960 SIMC
areas. Linens furnished, $7. Phone Z18 roomy i
NO 2-8372. E35 1.000 ml
No ices PARILLA SCOOTER. Excellent condi- NO 5-732
FOR SALE tion. Floor shift, luggage rack and
spare tire. Windshield, speedometer, 55 MERO
Cong. Disc. E & R Stud. Guild, FOR SALE: 2 door, 2 tone 1980 Simca. etc. NO 2-4010. Z16 Radio a
"What a Christian Believes," Nancy Grand large. Call HU 3-5034. B52 evenings.
___Bethlehem______&_R__Church_ 1957 TRIUMPH T 20 in immaculate-
Prime, Bethlehem E & R Church FOR SALE-EVERGREENS by employee condition. With bags and windshield.
Lounge, 10:45 a.m.; Hallowe'en Party, of chemistry stores at wholesale to Must sell. Contact Frank Crawford,
Memorial Christian Church, Hill at University personnel. Priced at $2.00 NO 8-6978. 14 GET
Tappan, 7 p.m.; "Biblical Thought." to $5.00. Junipers, yews, arborvitae,GRA
Rev. J. E. Edwards, 524 ThOmpso, spreaders, uprights, globes, dwarfs.
9:30 a*m., Oct. 30. Call Michael Lee at NO 8-8574. B22
Newman Club, European Breakfast FOR SALE: Automatic Westinghouse IHOUSEDORK WANTED-Experienced,
after 9:30 Mass, Oct. 30, 10:30 a.m., washer, $75, matching electric dryer, dependable person. NO 3-9782. HH
331 Thompson. Y65. Also misc, nursery furniture. Sul
Wesley Fdn., Reformation Day Serv--eve
ices at 1st Presby. Church, Oct. 30, 8 55 LINCOLN hard top. A-one cond. All BEFORE you buy a class ring, look at
p.m., 1432 Washtenaw. Speaker: Dr. power extras. 6:30 p.m. NO 5-9134. the official Michigan ring. Burr-Pat-
H. Bosley, Methodist Minister, "Need- 351 terson and Auld Co. 1209 South Uni- 142
ed: A New Reformation." versity, NO 8-8887. FF2
WOMAN'S Raccoon Coat, sizo, Medium.
Very good cond. $20. NO 3-5355. B49 BARGAIN CORNER
CA E COME IN and see our 88c toy display
along with toys for all age groups. ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords-$7.95 socks
P R LM ET EA NWestern Auto, 119 E. Washington. B48 39c; shorts 69; military supplies.
PRVM ETH EAN SAM'S STORE, 122 3E. Washington
MOUTON COAT, size 14, $25; (excellent W1
508 E. William condition); automatic French fryer,
$5; Sunbeam 3 qt. electric sauce pan, G
- Entertaiinment $9; beige and gold tweed carpetingn * -,e
(with pad) 12x12, $65. Call NO 3-5465. 1.r /Op
Fri. and Sat. Night B144
9 P.M. to Midnight 1000 ITEMS good, clean winter clothing. Bring Results
This week: AL YOUNG All sizes. Nearly New Shop. 311 College

J. .. . _.. ,......... .r ..... .w t" r mr w w

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