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October 29, 1960 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-10-29

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iller, Richter Head Crop
f Five Badger Newcomers

Ole Miss to Encounter LSU
As Top Teams Defend Ratings

(Continued from Page 1)
Ohio 15 yard line, Miller
id a big hole on the keeper
but could only hobble for
n yards to the eight. Four
s later the Buckeyes took
ron downs.

Iback Tom Wiesner,
s leading rusher with



:aentz LE
ibson LT
>ulos LG
with C
rring RG,
chopf RT
ihnson RE
linka QB
:cRae LH
aimtey RH
ureaud FB


lanky signal caller has rushed for
95 more yards.
Richter, a 6'6", 230-pound ball
hawk, has been no less sensation-
al than Miller. Against Michigan
the big end is almost certain to
break Wisconsin's all time pass
receiving record for one season.
To Break Rec6rd
Richter has 24 receptions for
326 yards, and needs only two
more to break the record set by
halfback Jerry Witt in 1952. He
also is nearing the school rec-
ords, also set by Witt, for most
passes caught in one Big Ten sea-
son, 20, and the most yards gain-
ed in Big Ten receptions, 371.
Michigan's sophomore gallery of
stars is led by quarterback Dave
Glinka and halfback Dave Raim-
Glinka, the first sophomore to
quarterback the Wolverines in 20
years, has completed 30 of 70
passes for 463 yards and four
touchdowns. A cheering sign about
Glinka was that he did not panic
last week when under severe
pressure by Minnesota's monstrous
Leading Rusher

was injured in

the thirdI

riod last week but has shown
ill effects and will be able to
.ay today.
Reserve quarterback Jim Bak-
n and tackle Brian Moore, each
which saw only limited action

gainst Ohio State, will also be Raimey is the team's leading
lady for duty. ground gainer with 231 yards on
42 carries, for a 5.5 average. He
Sophomore Battle has also grabbed three passes for
Today's game holds the pros- 37 yards.
ect of turning into a battle be- Elliott was unusually optimistic
reen exciting sophomores. about his teams chances before
The Wisconsin starting lineup leaving for Madison.
oasts five sophomores, including "I'm sure we'll come back all
iller, the conference's total of- right," he said. "We had a bad
use leader, and end Pat Rich- day against Minnesota and never
r, who has been on the receiv- got going. Minnesota's defense was
ig end of most of his tosses. excellent and contained our run-
Miller has attempted 114 passes ners. But we have a sophomore
n the year and completed 61 of team and it's improving. Now
iem for a rousing 867 yards and we've got to gather our forces and
ye touchdowns. In addition the charge again."

-Daily-David Giltrow
STARTLING SOPHOMORE-Michigan's Dave Raimey, shown here being brought down by three
Northwestern tacklers, is one in a gallery of sophomore stars that will be performing today at Camp
Randle Stadium in Madison.
Spartans, Buckeyes To Clash;
Four Big TI .en Games Scheduled

Today's top Big Ten clash brings
Ohio State's Buckeyes to East
Lansing to battle the Spartans of
Michigan State with both teams
still fighting to stay alive in the
title race.
In other action Michigan travels
to Wisconsin, Illinois is at Pur-

titans, Chargers Defeat AFL Opponents;
:eltics, Warriors Victors in NBA Tilts

by The Associated Pres
The Oakland Raiders, coming
m behind three times, pushed
er two touchdowns in the fourth
riod last night and defeated the
w York Titans, 28-27, while
s Angeles crushed Boston, 45-
in AFL action.
A crowd of about 10,000, sitting
ough a miserable drizzle at the
o Grounds, saw Al Dorow, his
ttered ribs padded and his in-
ed ankle wrapped in tape,
ect the entire New York attack.
le passed for two touchdowns
ding the Titans ahead twice.
t, ironically, it was a fumble
Dorow deep in the Titans' own
ritory with less than a minute
' in the game that stalled their
t ditch drive and gave the
,iders the victory.

A pair of Pauls-Maguire and
Lowe led Los Angeles to their
Maguire led a rangy defense
which smothered the' Patriots'
attack until the game was out of
reach, scoring once on a blocked
kick and taking a big hand in
Halfback Lowe, the ex-Oregon
State flash, turned in a spec-
tacular 76-yard scoring run in
the second period and was a con-
stant threat.
Lowe also broke loose on a 68-
yard gallop to the Boston 12 in
the final period which led to a
14 yard field goal by Ben Agajan-
The Los Angeles triumph was a

complete reversal of Boston's 35-0
victory at Los Angeles earlier in
the year.
. , .
Ed Conlin's field goal at the
game-ending buzzer last night
gave the Philadelphia Warriors a
122-120 victory in their home NBA
opener over Los Angeles, and the
Boston Celtics beat New York
110-101 at Madison Square Gar-
Conlin, onetime Fordham star,
joined the Warriors only two
weeks ago in a trade that sent
Ernie Beck and Woodie Saulds-
berry to the St. Louis Hawks. His
basket, giving him 10 points for
the game, came on a 30-foot set,
his fourth such long two-pointer.
The Warriors led most of the
way, spurting to a 44-36 advan-
tage in the second quarter on 10
straight points in 2:10. Guy Rod-
gers, who tallied 16, had six in the
spree. Philadelphia led by 13 in
the third quarter and had an 11-
point lead 98-87 early in the


due, and Indiana plays host to
Northwestern. In non-Conference
tilts Big Ten leader Iowa can
"take it easy," if they dare, as
Kansas invades the corn belt.
Kansas State, meanwhile, takes
on "monstrous" Minnesota.
A near-capacity crowd is ex-
pected to watch the Buckeyes and
Spartans, each with one Big Ten
loss marring their records in a
Homecoming clash.
Famous Formula
Both teams will probably stick
mainly to the ground with the
Buckeyes using their famous for-
mula of "four yards and a cloud
of dust." The main guns of their
attack are fullback Bob Ferguson
and quarterback Tom Matte.
These two have combined for
548 yards on the ground. If the
ground attack falters Matte is also
a proven passer with 15 comple-
tions for 254 yards and three
Leading the Spartan attack is
fullback Bob Charon, and half-
backs Herb Adderly and Gary
Ballman. State's passing attack is
fairly weak with Tom Wilson hav-
ing completed only five of 14 for
93 yards.
Early Favorite
Illinois, one of the pre-season
favorites, will be looking for its
first win after two setbacks,
against favored Purdue. The
Boilermakers possess one of the
Conference's top quarterbacks in
Bernie Allen, who has completed
37 of 43 passes for 294 yards and
one TD. He is also fourth in total
offense with 334 yards gained.
Another pre - season favorite,
Northwestern, 1which has an 0-3
Big Ten record, will meet Indiana
in a game which won't count in
the standings. The Wildcat attack
is led by quarterback Dick Thorn-
ton and end Al Kimbrough.
Looking Forward
Iowa and Minnesota are likely
to be looking forward to next
week's clash with each other, and
if that be the case,'the Hawkeyes
in particular could be in for an
unhappy surprise.
They take on a strong Kansas
team, which has lost only one
game-to Syracuse, 14-7.
Detroit QB
Sparks Win
DFTROIT (P) - Jerry Gross
launched a one-man air assault
that struck down the Quantco
Marines and brought Detroit a
28-7 victory last night.
The slender sophomore quarter-
back, pressed into emergency ser-
vice two weeks ago when regular
Bob Lusky was hurt, performed
like a seasoned veteran as he ac-
counted for 294 yards and two
touchdowns through the air.
Miami (Fla.) 10, Boston College 7

The Gophers should have an
easier time in their battle with
Kansas State, who was mauled
earlier in the season, 41-0, by
Kansas, and are considered the
doormats of the Big Eight Con-


.. . Northwestern speedster


is a good time

to invite your parents in
for Business instead

A crowd of 10,142 saw the
champion Celts win their second
straight National Basketball As-
sociation game as the Knicks went
down to their fourth defeat in five
Sharman supplied the scoring
impetus as Boston broke open a
close game and pulled away in the
final minutes. With Boston lead-
ing 95-92, Sharman clicked on
three one-handers and Frank
Ramsey edded another basket to
give the Celtics a 103-94 lead.
Bob Cousy cashed in two free
throws, Sharman hit again from
the outside and Cousy flipped in
a left-handed layup as Boston
opened up its biggest lead, 13

the w
from the
Great Lakes

of Pleasure-

Bring them to BEAVER'S


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