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October 29, 1960 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-10-29

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"Poll? What Poll? Who Puts Any Stock in Pc


an aj

'Can Can' Can't

wlu Prev. .wA Awa f L..... 1)2 AI

HOLD 09 TO your hat, folks. 20th Century Fox's highly touted
production of "Can-Can",has finally arrived!
Arrived with persuasive melodies and lyrics by Cole Porter-
arrived with Maurice Chevalier back tending his old boulevard
stand-arrived with sensual and highly talented Juliette Prowse.
Arrived with choreography by Hermes Pan, arrived n sparkling
color by technicolor and all framed on the vast Cinemascope screen.
* * *
COMPLETE WITH ALL this professional polish, what more could
you ask for in an enjoyable evening's entertainment? Well, for orie

thing a plausible book - for
:r m,,,,. another, a bit of inspired direction
--for a third at least 'passable_
performances from Miss MacLaine
Wand Mr. Sinatra. And for a fourth,
the suggestion of a faithful French
atmosphere. "Can Can" is just
about as Parisian as a hotdog
with mustard and relish.
Mr. Sinatra is a smooth singer
and Miss MacLaine is a very
talented musical performer. But
last time we checked Mr. Sinatra
was still boasting his Hoboken-
birthplace, and Miss MacLaine's
delightful midwestern accent cer-
tainly does not help matters in
Os4 ** *
THE MERE casting of them was
as absurd as the Lederer-Kingsley'
scenario. Come to think of it, it is
-q . getting a bit tiresome to watch
Mr. Chevalier's modified wicked-
ness, and Louis Jourdan's attempts
to sing. It is sad that Miss Prowse
could not have been put to better
The original Cole Porter score
- has been tampered with and the
haunting and lovely "I Love Paris"
has almost disappeared from this
garish Hollywood carnival.
And not even a cartoon on the
bill of fare. Oh well, "Jungle Cat"
1 L , t -_'-o . is due in Monday.
--Marc Alan Zagoren
U.S. Should Show Patience inCuba

I .



A 'Passion
Daily Staff Writer
" EING A collector of art is
an act of passion, a very
personal thing," said Prof. Mar-
vin Felheim, of the English de-
partment, "and all collectors
share an intensity and love for
Speaking about modern art from
the collector's standpoint, Prof.
Felheim gave the fourth in a
series of talks at the Forsythe
"I wanted to be tempted to buy,"
he said, "and so I don't want to
go to a gallery where nothing
is for gale." Prof. Felheim com-
pared the addiction to collecting
to an addiction to alcohol.
HE BEGAN collecting by acci-
dent, when he was sent to teach
in Formosa, and acquired a house
which needed a painting. To fill
his empty painting niche, he
bought his first painting, a
Chinese one, which he terms
In Formosa, Prof. Felheim also
began unsuccessfully studying
Chinese writing, which led him
to an interest in graphic arts.
* * *
ALTHOUGH HE bought less
than $500 worth of paintings,
Prof.. Felheim became known as
a patron; he once took a special
interest in a starving painter with
twelve children.
Considering a Chinese picture
of a red bamboo branch, the col-
lector noted that red bamboo is
a distortion of nature, but that
"all painters in all times to-some
extent distort reality."
The ability to notice and ap-
preciate the distortion, to main-
tain a "childlike wonder," is one
of the characteristics of the col-
lector, he added.
Returning home from Formosa
with sixty paintings, Prof. Fel-
heim realized that he was "in
business",as an art collector, and
if he had taken an interest Ii
Chinese art, why not in American
contemporary art?
* * *

Daily Staff Writer
Castro is simply an anti-Ameri-
can neutralist, no more Com-
munistic than Nasser or Nkrumah
This is the conclusion to be

drawn from my interviews with
Prof. Irving Leonard of the his-
tory department and Robert Taber
head of the Fair Play for Cuba
Prof. Leonard points out that
Latin Americans are more anar-

Majoityof Houses
S5 .
Set Constructive Plans
Daily Guest Writer
IT IS UNFORTUNATE there are fraternity houses on this campus
which practice the hazing described in the editorial by Jerome
Weinstein. However, the Interfraternity Council has taken a strong
stand against such practices.
The IFC by-laws specifically forbid such activity. In Article III,
sect. 1, it says:
"All men pledged to fraternities shall be given training and
education of a constructive nature "during the entire period of
their pledgeship." 3
Section II of this same article says:
"No man under any circumstances shall be given any physical
mistreatment during his pledge period."
Es W
TIIESE ARE NOT just words. When a fraternity was found in

violation of these by-laws last fal
fined them $150.00 and requested
the Dean of Men's office to place
them on social probation for a
period of six weeks. This meant
they were not allowed to have
any social functions during that
time. Bear in mind that a majority
of the voting members on this
committee are fraternity presi-
dents. ,
Fortunately the hours spent, in
hazing are far outnumbered by
the hours spent in constructive
work by and with the pledges. The
IFC encourages houses to do con-
structive things with their pledges.
Each semester the Fraternity
Relations Committee of IFC holds
a meeting of fraternity pledge
trainers to discuss ways and means
of carrying out a positive and
constructive pledge program.
4* ,
Interfraternity Council, govern-
ing body of all fraternity pledges,
plans and carrys -out an extensive
community service program. This
fall they are one of four groups
sponsoring "The Bucket Drive"
to raise money for the University
of Michigan Fresh Air Camp. By
far the greatest number of people
participating in this program are
fraternity pledges.
JIFC also provides lists of com-
munity service projects for in-
dividual pledge classes to do.
Through their leadership and hard
work, hundreds of hours of work
are put in each semester by fra-
ternity pledges for such groups as
the Red Cross, Salvation Army,
Junior Chamber of Commerce and
various church groups.
* '* *
EVERY SPRING hundreds of
fraternity and sorority pledges
spend thousands of hours working
at the Fresh Air Camp preparing
it for the summer session. Leaves
are raked, windows washed,

L, the IFC Executive Committee
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Building,
before 2 p.m. two days preceding
General Notices
Student Recital: Nancy Hallsten,
pianist, will present a recital on Sun.,
Oct. 30, at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. A, Angell
Hall. This recital is in lieu of a thesis
for the degree Master of Music (Music
Education). Miss Hallsten has included
in her program compositions by Beet-
hoven, Kodaly, Chopin, and Debussy.
open to the public.
Placement Notices
U of M Physiology Lab., Ann Arbor-
Opportuity for highly qualified li-
censed AEC Technician for Develop-
mental Research. M.S.: Biological Sci-
ences, Blo-Chemn. or Bio-Phys. Wide ex-
perience in Biological field with train-
ing in isotopes and irradiation tech-,
Management Consulting Firm in De-
troit seeking- recent graduate, womnan,
as Medical Research Asst. for client
doctor. Position for a 3-yr. period, be-
ginning Nov. 30. Requires interests In
medicine, & statistics. Good typing &
reporting ability.
Canadan Civil Service-Career op-
portunities for seniors & recent grad-
uates in Engineering, Liberal Arts,
Econ., & Bus., Admin. General examina-
tions to be held on Nov. 19 in Windsor,
Chicago & other major cities. British
subjects only, age under 31 yrs. Ap-
plications should be filed by 'Nov. 1,
but may also be turned in at the
Please contact Bureau of Appoint-
mnents, Rm. 4021 Admin, Bldg., Ext.
3371 for further details.
Attn.: a Seniors and grad students
(1961 candidates): Please call the Bu-

chistic than Communistic in tem-
perment, which account for their
frequent revolutions and unstable
governments. The Cuban people,
like all have-nots, are willing to
accept aid from anyone who offers
it. The desire for material gain is
in this case linked with a desire
to embarrass America, whom they
hold responsible for the under-
developed state of the island.
* * *
MR. TABER believes that it is
extremely unlikely that the Cu-
bans will trade their recently-
severed dependence on America
for an equally disadvantageous
and compromising association with
Russia. Militarily, the Castro
government would simply refuse
to allow the Soviets to use Cuba
as a base for soldiers and sub-
marines. Ideologically, the Cuban
revolution has already moved far
left of Communist doctrine, so
there is little point in fearing
contamination. Economically, the
closer ties with Russia and China
are just part of an overall expan-
sion and diversification of Cuban
This diversification of markets
became necessary when economic
dependence on the United States
was abandoned, and has seen in-
creased trade with Mexico, West
Germany, Holland, Japan, France,
Czechoslovakia, and Canada. Ta-
ber believes that it saved the Cu-
ban economy.
* * *
ON THE OTHER hand, Castro
has tarnished the basic justice of
his position and alienated liberal
opinion through his demogogic
tirades and dictatorial tactics.
Prof. Leonard affirms that there
is no doubt that Fidel is a dictator.
But the people are used to nothing
else, and in Castro they have
found a leader willing to use
his power for their benefit. Land
reform has ended the near-feudal
concentration of property in the
hands of the aristocracy. Hospi-
tals and schools are being built.
Most importantly, the natural
wealth of the country is no longer
being pumped off by foreign in-
vestors, but is remaining within
the national boundaries.
The press is largely state con-
trolled. But this was true also
under Batista, whom we support-
ed. The Church is subject to oc-
casional harrassment. But the
Church has a bad record in Latin
America, having long played on
the superstitions of the peasants
to maintain the hegemony of the
landowners. It is dangerous to
criticize the revolution in Havana.
But the danger comes less from
Castro than from the masses who
passionately support him.
* * *
WHAT POLICY, then, should
America adopt toward Cuba? Prof.
Leonard sums it up in one word:
patience. We should admit that
we sinned and blundered. We must
negotiate on a basis of equality,
in the Good Neighbor spirit which
once formed the basis of our re-
lations with Latin America. Prof.
Leonard points to a similar con-
flict which arose in 1938 when
Mexico nationalized its oil in-
dustry. Patient discussions in good
faith led to compromise and
settlement; the American busi-
nesses involvedl were promptly
raihi"UA. nr+hi a a v-

countries will move to fill the
gap. And the large scale diversi-
fication of the Cuban economy has
made the embargo less damaging
than it might once have been.
In fact, Taber believes that the
resulting unemployment in this
country might ultimately harm us
more than the Cubans.
* 0 *r
DESPITE THE immense popu-
larity of the revolution, both pre-
sidential candidates are agreed
that Castro must be destroyed. But
Castro is identical with the revo-
lution throughout Latin America,
and the revolution symbolizes the
aspirations of the economically
submerged people of the region.
Kennedy would apparently support
a counter-revolution; Nixon would
apply unilateral economic sanc-
tions. Both policies are violations
of the Bogota Treaty of the OAS,
according to Taber. Neither Ken-
nedy nor Nixon show on this issue'
that they have divorced them-
selves from the influence of
American business, and finance.
Neither has had the courage or
statesmanship to take what might
be an unpopular stance, the stance
that Taber advocates: that we
should identify ourselves with the
objectives of the Cuban revolution.
Cuba is not an isolated incident.
It is part of a world wide egali-
tarianism characteristic of this
century, a movement which every-
where has colonialism and im-
perialism on the run. The United
States is tied to its record of
economic imperialism. It is time
that we owned- up to our past
and faced the future.
THE EARLY nineteen hundreds
found every town with its
select members of the upper crust.
Each town seemed to have at least
one family who controlled the
wealth; living in a huge house
on the hill, and throwing wildly
extravagant parties. "The Magni-
ficent Ambersons," is the story of
one such family.
Basically, the story is an Oede-
pus conflict between the beautiful,
emotionally dissatisfied wife of an
unimaginative businessman, and
her spoiled young son. The em-
otional young boy, as portrayed
by Tim Holt, holds no mercy
toward the people he is closest
to because his pampered life has
given him a terrible sense of self-
importance. God-like, he com-
mands and orders, and destroys.
* * *
fully plays the high society Am-
berson offspring. Too, the wonder-
ful acting abilities of such stars
as Joseph Cotton, and Agnes
Moorehead make this a pageant
of opulence and splendor.
Unfortunately, the plot, which
is from Booth Tarkingtons' novel
of the same name, has a sur-
prisingly schmaltzy ending. Our
proud young man is financially
and -miorally broken, and we find
,him on. hie 1rnPoe hainr f .r

TO COUNTERACT the fearful
attitude that many people have
towards modern art, Prof. Felheim
takes the attitude that buying art
is "buying a certain amount of
pleasure," rather than that it is
something which must maintain
When he began collecting
modern Western art, he found
that works are often expensive.
After discovering this, Prof.
Felheim found a small Parisian
shop which sold graphics; here
he could buy an original Chagall
lithograph, for example, for $15.
In addition, he found himself
drawn more toward the graphic.
and linear, than toward oil paint-
* * *
that all collectors should under-
stand the techniques of creation,
Prof. Felheim said he had studied
techniques and knows nothing.
But, he added, the "passion for
art surpasses the need to know"
about technique, although an in-
terested collector will learn about
Defending the interest in con-
temporary art, the collector said
it is our obligation "to listen to
our own time speaking to [us .. .
We mustn't die without knowing
we've lived," he said, "and mustn't
live in the past . . . We all live
lives which are immediate, but
when it comes to art, we balk and
are critical of new things."
Talking about one of his prints,
which is abstract, Prof. Felhein
noted its naive sense of wonder,
but also its high degree of coor-
dination and sophistication. In
this type of painting, he stated,
there is a danger of attributing
profundity to the merely decora-
collector lies in the sentimental,
he said, showing one of his "mis-
take" purchases, a lithograph of
a ship on the Thames. He bought
it from a showing in the London
Academy, in which "all the artists
exhibiting are walking around,
but are dead."
Some of the dangers to the
amateur collector can be avoided
. by knowing the galleries with
which one is dealing, he said. He
recalled an unfortunate exper-
ience, in which he bought a Kan-
dinsky etching from a famous
Paris galler. nn tn 'finA tha+ i+

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