Steering ommittee.
To Air uban omplaints
Tgeo iscuss
.. Alleged I...S.
Court Jails
DECATUR, Ga. (A9-A Negro
leader who says integration is
unstoppable was ordered yester-
day to serve four months in a
Georgia public works camp on a
minor traffic violation.
Dr. Martin Luther Bing, Jr.,
holder of degrees from at least
five celleges, may spend the time
on a road gang if an appeal is
Roa Says
Use Cuba
for Issue
-AP Wirephoto
AIRS GRIEVANCES-Cuban Foreign Minister Raul J. Roa addresses the UN General Assembly
where Cuba criticized the United States yesterday. He charged that presidential candidates Richard
M. Nixon and John F. Kennedy had made Cuba the scapegoat of the campaign and urged a full
UN review of an alleged American plan to invade Cuba.
Castro Seizes U.S. Propertie s
HAVANA (-) - Prime Minister
Fidel Castro took another quar-
ter-billion dollar bite yesterdayp
from the remaining AmericanI
properties in Cuba.
He said he was retaliating
against the United States embar-
go on most exports to this island
A decree issued at dawn after
a meeting of Castro's cabinet an-
nounced the seizure of 167 Amer-!
ican firms. With this seizure, Cas-
tro was almost down to the "nails
in their shoes." He had promised
to take from American investors
here on the ground the United
States was committing aggression
against Cuba.
The preamble spelled out the
decree's retaliatory nature, as-
serting that Washington's ban on
shipping everything but food and
medical supplies to Cuba is de-
signed to "strangle our economy."
The Cabinet challenged the
United States government itself
by seizing the Nicaro nickel plant,
owned by the United States Gen-
eral S e r v i c e s Administration.
Washington had decided to shut
down the plant, located in east-
ern Cuba, after the Cuban gov-
ernment refused to make what
United States officials considered
a realistic offer to buy it. Its list-
ed value is $110 million.
Denounces Seizures
(In Washington,. a State De-
partment spokesman denounced
the seizures as a move "in full
accord with international Com-
munist dogma." He said it repre-
sents another step by Castro's
government to exploit the Cuban
people for foreign political pur-
poses. The spokesman did not
mention the Nicaro nickel plant.)
The seizures ranged from 30
American insurance companies-
some of them with assets up to
$20 million-to the Capri Ho-
tel's gambling casino and the Ha-
: yfi.
f %.,
$7.' .
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vana racetrack. Havana's only
armored car company was also
Estimate Value
American economists here es-
timated the total value of the
seized properties at about $250
million. They said that properties
worth more than, $100 million are
still left in United States hands,
although the bulk of them are al-
ready being run by Cuban offi-
cials under the government's in-
tervention procedure.
With the seizures, Castro now
has taken over lands and proper-
ties estimated by the United
States Embassy at a value of
about $1.5 billion.
Among the larger firms seized
were Cuban outlets of Wool-
worth's, Sears Roebuck, Coca-
Cola, Westinghouse, General1
Electric, Reynolds Aluminum,
Schering Pharmaceutical, Abbot
Laboratories, Burrus Mills, Beth-
lehem Steel, Kodak, Railway Ex-
press, Simmons Beds, Continental
Can. Armour Meats, Owen Illinois
Glass and the Minimax Supermar-
ket Chain.
Seize Small Firms
The seizures also reached small-
er firms in construction, textiles,
cosmetics, 'paper, minerals, oil,
auto machinery, poultry, tobacco,
rice milling, electric light bulbs,
railroading, clothing, electricity
and dry cleaning.
United States Embassy sources
estimate there still are 213-firms
in Cuba with American ownership
or interest which have not been
confiscated although many of
them have been intervened by the
Castro regime,
COEDS-:- -
It's Hairstylingt
Galore I
No Appointment Needed
Near Michigan Daily
United Nations Steering Commit-
tee yesterday agreed quickly to a
full UN4 airing of Cuban com-
plaints that the United States is
preparing an invasion of Cuba.
The decision was taken without
opposition after Cuban Foreign
Minister Raul Roa accused Sen.
John F. Kennedy and Vice-Presi-
dent Richard M. Nixon of making
Cuba a scapegoat in the United
States presidential campaign. He
called for urgent UN action.
The United States denied his
charges, but said it would not
oppose UN debate.
The Cuban leader made his
charge before the General As-
sembly's 21-nation steering com-
mittee as he appealed for a full
UN airing of alleged plans for a
large-scale invasion of his country
from United States bases.
Roa said the situation was so
urgent it should be considered at
once by the UN assembly.
The UN action came after
several recent clashes between the
United States and Cuba. Last week
the United States placed an eco-
nomic embargo on all exports to
Cuba except for medical goods
and foodstuffs.-
On Saturday U.S. Ambassador
to Cuba Philip Bonsal notified
the Cuban foreign office he had
reports that several Cuban trahs-
port planes at the San Antonio de
los Banos airbase near Havana
had been painted with American
isignia and flags for unexplained
reasons. Castro has recently
charged that the United States
is making plans for an invasion
of Cuba.
'Cuban -Seizure
Brings Protest
In Washing ton
States yesterday denounced Cuba's
seizure of 167 more American
properties as another step by
Prime Minister Fidel Castro "to
exploit the Cuban people for
foreign political purposes."
The move, the department said,
is "in full accord with internation-
al Communist dogma" and a
policy of state ownership and con-
trol of all means of production and
distribution of goods.
The sharp United States reac-
tion came a few hours after Castro
issued a decree seizing most of
the $250 million in American pro-
perty left in Cuba. Other big
American holdings already have
been taken over by the Cuban
It was obvious from the wording
of Castro's degree that his action
was in retaliation for the United
States ban on shipments of every-
thing but food and medical sup-
plies to Cuba. The preamble to
the decree called the ban an ef-
fort to "strangle our economy."
The State Department noted
that Cuba's policy of taking over
private industry was forecast by
Cuba's left-wing economic czar,;
Ernesto "Che" Guevara, before he
left for a trip behind the Ironi
Curtain a few months ago.
Guevara, the Department said,
sought to warn the Cuban people
"of the economic hardship and,
dislocations which will result from:
Cuban establishment of the statist1
economic system demanded by
international Communism." I
denied. The Russians also have refuse
King was among '19 persons ar- to pay their share of the costs o
rested Oct. 19 during mass picket- the UN emergenpy force sent t
ing and sit-in demonstrations pro- the Middle East in 1956 durini
testing segregated eating places at the Suez crisis.
Atlanta department and variety Hammarskjold warned in the re
stores. port that funds rarked for th
County officials in this sub- controversial Congo operation ar
urban area of Atlanta called nearly gone, and asked for au
King's part in the sit-ins a viola- thority to borrow money at cur
tion of a 12-month probationary rent rates of interest to avert
sentence given him Sept. 23 on financial crisis.
a charge of driving without a i-
King, who moved to Atlanta last
February from Montgomery, was
charged with operating a car with-
out a Georgia driver's license.
Georgia sells 1- and 5-year driv-
ers licenses which expire on April
1. King said Monday he had a
valid Alabama license at the time
of his arrest.
Judge Oscar Mitchell of De-
kalb County Criminal Court heard
two hours of argument in a court-
room packed with Negro and
white spectators. The court de-
nied bond for the Negro minister .
ending appeal, and set a hear- F'='2.
ing on the appeal motion for 10
a.m. Wednesday.
King, leader of the Montgomery,
Ala., bus boycott, has been active s._
in southern sit-in demonstrations
by Negro students. He has urged
students to "fill up the Jails of
the South to arouse the dozing DAG HAMMARSKJOLD
conscience of the nation." . , . budget for Congo
All of the recent Atlanta dem-
onstrators except King were re-
leased on bond, when Atlanta
Mayor William Hartsfield agreed r
to attempt to mediate an agree-
ment between the demonstrators
and Atlanta merchants.
King was held at the request For Troops
of Dekalb County officials for
violating the state's recently en- LEOPOLDVILLE (P)-The Leo
acted trespass law, aimed at curb- poldville radio called on the Con
ing lunch counter sit-ins, while
on probation in the traffic case. golese people yesterday to line un
Small Room behind the Congo's rampaging
More than 200 white persons troops against the United Na
and 100 Negroes crowded into the tions.
small courtroom. In the confusion, The radio, manned by Col. Jo-
the president of the Atlanta Chap- seph Mobutu's technical commis.
ter of the National Association for sioners, declared that a plot I
the Advancement of Colored Peo- being prepared by the internation-
ple was arrested and charged with al body to disarm 'the Congoles
interfering with duties of a depu- army.
King pleaded guilty in Septem- It charged that the plot 1
ber to the traffic law violation spearheaded by Ghana, Guine
charge and paid a $25 fine. He and Morocco-the three nation
said yesterday he was not aware Mobutu has been accusing o:
that he was on probation in the planning to return deposed pre.
traffic case. But Mitchell inter- mier Patrice Lumumba to power
rupted his testimony by declaring "We are sure the Congolesi
the Negro signed the guilty plea nation will stand behind its ar-
and that an attorney had explain- my" the broadcast said.
ed to King at the time that the Eventual Assault
12-month sentence could be re- It charged that anti-tank weap
onsin event of further law vio- Iforged thavenb-tnun-
lations. ons for UN troops have been un
Six Months loaded in Leopoldville to be used
D. L. Hollowell, heading a staff against an eventual assault o
of five Negro attorneys for King, Congolese armor from the Thys
contndedtheprobtioary en-ville base, about 75 miles south,
contended the probationary sen- ws fti iy
tence was null because state law west of this city.
limited such a sentence to six The UN force was recruite
months. Hollowell also argued that from.half a dozen UN membe:
the anti-trespass law, allegedly nations to restore order in the
violated by King is unconstitu- Congo when the army mutinie
tional. during the first days of Congoles
Jack Smith, Dekalb prosecutor, independence in July. Since the
declared King had pleaded guilty the United Nations has found i
to the traffic charge and violated increasingly difficult to stay ou
the law again in the Atlanta sit- of local politics, since pacifica-
ins. "By doing so," Smith said, tion of one rioting group ofter
"he violated terms of his probated gives the upper hand to its op
sentence. ponents.
The four-month term was call- Possible Move
ed shocking by Roy Wilkins, exec, High UN officials confirmed
utive secretary' of the NAACP. that they fear a possible move
Wilkins, a spectator at yesterday's on the city by about 30 armore
revocation hearing, commented: cars of a special Congolese in.
"Its intent will be felt all over terventibn b r i g a d e. Informe
the country as a persecution rath- sources said the brigade recent.
er than a satisfaction of a viola- ly received half a dozen Belgiar
tion of a traffic rule. instructors.
"This incident and the picketing No immediate UN military
and the protest and other demon- measures against the possible
strations are merely evidence of a move have been announced thu
problem to which the state of far. But UN military officials
Georgia will have to address itself said, "We will do everything we
whether it -wants to or not." can to stop it."
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