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October 08, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-10-08

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Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom


Clear skies throughout the day
with temperatures slightly higher.

Vi.7TYT i Nn. 17 _....













Intrasectional Til



Nixon, Kennedy
Hold TV Debate
Candidates Discuss Summit Talk,
Civil Rights in Nation-Wide Show
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Vice-President Richard M. Nixon and Sen.
John F. Kennedy took their rival bids for the presidency into millions
of American homes last night in their second TV-radio confrontation
of the campaign."
The hard-hitting debate skipped around over such subjects as
civil rights, Cuba, the Paris summit conference and U-2 spy plane
the state of the national economy, the whole cold war outlook, foreign
aid, taxes, the possibility of a summit conference in 1961.
Kennedy had been asked about his position with respect to
defending the Quemoy and Matsu Islands, off the Red Chinese
Nixon said America should not force an ally to give up part of
its territory to Communists. that would start a chain reaction,"

Quiet Group
Soviet's Talk
The quiet, attentive audience
that heard a Soviet scientist lec-
ture at Wayne State University
Wednesday had its parallel yes-
terday when 150 University stu-
dents and faculty listened to the
same man, Prof. Oleg Alexandr-
vich Reutov.
Prof. Reutov, a member of Mos-
cows University's chemistry de-
partment discussed his research
on unimolecular electrophillic sub-
stitution in an organometal in a
much clearer atmosphere than
the one at WSU.
Petitioners there are conducting
a protest campaign against WSU's
decision to -lift Its ban on Com-
munist speakers.
Supplementing his 41 page
manuscript with slide projections,
Prof. Reutov discussed his complex
work in understandable but rough
English. In a small group discus-
sion period later he displayed his
verbal facility in Russian and
"The conclusions and implica-
tions one can draw from Reutov's
explanations and research are ex-
tremely important to anyone in-
terested in theoritical organic
chemistry," Prof. R. Marin Stiles,
of the chemistry department said.
"Prof. Reutov is the best known
chemist in the world working in
this area and it's quite a catch
to have him speak here."
Discussing the protests at WSU,
Prof. Stiles said, " Some people
there seem to fail to appreciate
that all the information is emanat-
ing from his side to ours. There
is no threat to us that he will
gain information; only the ep-
posite is true."
7 Members
To Committee
Approximately 40 members of
the Ann Arbor Direct Action Com-
mittee elected a seven-member
steering committee last night to
lead them in their anti-discrim-
ination activities during the rest
of the school year.
The organization re-elected Jack
Ladinsky, Grad., as coordinator
of the steering committee. Other
members are: Etta Green, '62;
Anna Holden of the Survey Re-
search Center; Robert Ross, '63;
Judy Shepard, .'63;Judy" Yesner,
Grad., and Mrs. John Talayko.
'The group also made prelim-
inary plans for a "non-violent,
direct action workshop" to be held:
later in the year in Ann Arbor.
The workshop on "procedures and
devices for direct action" is to
be ca-sponsored by AADAC and
groups affiliated with the Ann
Arbor Council of Churches, Ladin-
sky' sai.
Peltlon List
Gains Names

Nixon said. Kennedy said Eisen-
hower has not given all the sup-
port he could to the 1954 decision
of the Supreme Court for school
High Principals
"If the president doesn't speak,
the country doesn't speak," he
In rebuttal, Nixon said Ken-
nedy talks of high moral prin-
ciples but doesn't do anything to
implement them.
'Kennedy, asked what steps he
would take to increase United
States prestige, said it would be
far better to concentrate foreign
aid, not on military equipment, but
rather on long-term loans.
Asks More Aid
He said he would strengthen the
development loan fund ror eco-
nomic projects.
"I believe we can afford to do
these things," he said. "This goes
to our survival . . , in the next
10 years the balance of power is
going to move either toward us
or toward the Communists, and
unless we identify ourselves with
the forces against hunger, it will
go to the Communists.
Nixon said that in the last six
years Democratic-controlled con-
gresses have cut heavily funds for
the Voice of America, $4 billion
I for mutual security, and $2 billion
I for national defense.
"I am not satisfied with what we
are doing in the cold war," Nixon
said. "We have got to step up our
Prof. George A. Peek of the
political science department re-
garded last night's debate as
"about even."
With regard to the candidates'
positions on Quemoy and Matsu,'
Prof. Peek said that he himself
tended to agree with Sen. Kenne-
dy, but added that Nixon may have
won the battle "for those people
who do not know the geography
of the area.
Pollock Speaks
Prof. James K. Pollock, chair-
man of the political science de-o
partment, saw Nixon as the vic-
tor in the debate, though not by
too large a score.. He added that
the clearest difference between
the candidates is "Sen. Kennedy
believes the country is in a bad
way, and Vice-President Nixon1


Duke Threat
Based Upon
Pass Attack
toss of Key Backs
Hurts'M' Offense
Associate Sports Editor
Today's game with Duke could
be termed a "nothing" contest on
the Michigan football schedule,
but the Wolverines aren't expect-
ed to treat it that way,
It's a non-conference affair,
both teams have a pair of games
under their respective belts, and
it's far from being a traditional
rivalry. (It's the first meeting of
the two schools). And so, the re-
action of players, coaches and
fans to this meeting could easily
be expected to be "so what?"
But at least on the Michigan
side of the field the attitude will
be far from that.
Today's game will show 70,000
Michigan fans just what kind of
team Coach Bump Elliott and
staff have moulded this year..
* Is this Michigan team a good
one? Or not so good?"
Can it bounce back from last
week's loss to Michigan State? Or
Can it function without the
services (or with only limited
service) of injured regulars? Or
These are the questions. And
60 minutes on the field with the
Blue Devils today will provide the
answers for Michigan football
fans to chew on before the Wol-
verines dive into the heart of
their Big Ten slate next week
against Northwestern..
Michigan has no soft touch
today. Duke has rolled to two
wins over a pair of Atlantic Coast
Conference foes.
The Blue Devils revenged three
straight season-opening losses at
the hands of South Carolina, by
upending the Gamecocks, 31-0
and followed with a 14-7 decision
over Maryland.
While today's game is expected
to show the stuff the Wolverines
are made of, some of that stuff
won't be seeing full-time action.
Bennie McRae, injured against
State, is a doubtful starter.
Coach Elliott indicates that he
will make his decision Just prior
to game time as to whether or
not McRae will start. The speed-
ster ran through yesterday's brief
drills, alternating with Dave
See BLUE DEVILS, page six












Note Warns
Against Aid
To Germany
Soviets Demand U.S.
Give No A-Weapons
MOSCOW (AP)-The Soviet Union
yesterday published a note warn-
ing the United States against
arming West Germany with nu-
clear rocket weapons,
Unspecified retaliatory measures
were threatened.
The note was handed to United
States Ambassador Llewellyn
Thompson Thursday by Deputy
Foreig Minister G. M. Pushkin in
reply to an Aug. 8 note of the
United States on the same sub-
A summary, distributed by Tass,
said that-no matter what ar-
rangements have been made with
West Germany-the United States
is not relieved of obligations stem-
ming from the Big Four occupa-
tion agreements.
No Rearmament
These agreements provided that
Germans must not be rearmed.
In the dispute about West Ber-
lin, the Western Allies have been
arguing that postwar agreements
I with the Soviet Union are still in
force and must be respected. The
Soviet note charged that the
United States is trampling on
these agreements.
The Russians protested to Bonn
six weeks ago that West Ger-
many's possession of such weapons
as the American Polaris rocket
could plunge the world into a mill-
tary catastrophe.
West German Defense Ministry
officials said Monday their navy is
interested in American and British
missies for a planned series of
modern destroyers.
The State Department said thea
Soviet note is a Russian attempt
to confuse discussions at the
United Nations and distract atten-
tion from Russian actions.
The State Department reply was
given in the form of a comment
rather than in a formal note.
Attacks Unfounded
The department declared that
wholly unfounded attacks against
NATO defenses and the role West
Germany plays in those defenses
shows thatSoviet leadership "feels
compelled to engage in obvious4
distortions because it realizes that
its own actions over recent months
have in increasing measure caused4
apprehension and concern
throughout the world."

'PRESIDES-Recently elected United Nations President Frederick Boland of Ireland presides over the
General Assembly meeting yesterday as*Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold and his assistant,
Andrew Cordier, look on. Boland convened a meeting that featured a speech by Soviet Premier
Nikita Khrushchev who, among other cfaims, asserted that the UN should be a forum that would
safeguard individual nations.
Panel Discusses State's Economics



* * *

The economic problems of
Michigan, including taxation, un-
employment, and automation,
were discussed by a panel at last
night's meeting of the University
Press Club.
Participants were Malcolm L.
Denise, vice-president in charge
of labor relations for the Ford
Motor Co., Prof. William Haber
of the economics department, and
Prof. Paul McCracken of the bus-
iness administration school.
No Equation
Prof. Haber, stressing that the
national economic picture could
not be equated with the Michigan
situation, listed four reasons why.
the state has 180,000 unemployed
"in spite of a booming economy."
He cited the declining percent-
age of the country's automotive
labor force located in Michigan,
which he felt was due to the na-
tional character of the car mar-
ket, not to a fault of the state.
Another problem mentioned was
the loss of defense production in
recent years, with the new em-
phasis on electronics and missiles
instead of heavy armor.
Also, Prof. Haber blamed the
inability to cope with a bad state
fiscal situation. This has led, he
charged, to false national images
of Michigan with "grass growing
in the streets," "schools all but
closed," and "labor and manage-
ment at each other's throats."
Prof. McCracken stressed theI

dual role of automation, whichi
has allowed us to increase pro-
duction and offer a higher stand-
ard of living, while creating great
problems of displacement.-
He credited automation as be-
ing one of the reasons why our
real income has doubled everya
generation, and our ecenomy has
grown along with rapid popula-
tion growth and a shorter Ior k
Denise concurred on this point,
stating that Ford could not have,
pfospered or grown without vast
technical improvements in this
decade. "Deliberate inefficiency is3

not the road to job security," he
Need Stressed
He also stressed the need for a
lower-cost product to compete with
foreign manufacturers with a
much lower overhead than in
Denise was also concerned that.
"improvements in 'output per man-
hour worked have been substan-
tially outstripped by the steady
advance in the cost of an hour's
work." He asked for a slowdown
in wage demands upon manufac-
turers so that workers' jobs will
not be "replaced by jobs abroad.".

Wants Talk
Next Month
Leader Asks Parley
On Disarmament
At General Assembly
Nikita Khrushchev threatened
yesterday to support Soviet inter-
ests outside the United Nations
, "by relying on our own force."
He demanded a summit confer..
ence after the United States elec-
tion as his price, for restraining-
Soviet action on isolated West
Berlin's status,
Khrushchev also demanded a
special United Nations General
Assembly on disarmament-after
the new United States president
is installed-by April at the latest.
He said Geneva, Moscow or Lenin-
grad would be acceptable.
No Comment
In Washington, the White House
said that it had no comment on
the Khrushchev demand.
The Soviet leader, answering
questions at a United Nations cor-
respondents association luncheon,
called for equal representation in
the United Nations organization
reflecting what he said was the
division of power in 'the world
today-communist, capitalist and
"This would mean all states
would have an equal opportunity-
in the solution of questions," he
said, "and they would be resolved
in a way not to harm the interests
of any one group of states."
He added: "We ask our share of
what we have a right to have...
this means we will uphold our
interests outside the United Na-
tions by use of force and this can
lead only to new exacerbations of
WIllKeep Word
"If a summit conference is held
after the elections in the United
States, we will keep our word"
he added, indicating he would not
upset Berlin's status in advance of
a top-level meeting.
But if there is no summit meet-
ing, said Khrushchev, the coun-
tries which fought against Hitler
will be asked to attend a confer-
ence on peace treaties with both
East and West Germany "and that
will mean the end of the occupa
tion regime" in Germany.
Khrushchev's demand for equal
representation of blocks in effect
was another attack on United Na-
tions Secretary General Dag Ham-
marskjold's office, which he wants
split up in that way, with veto
powers for all.
No Acceptance
Asked if he would accept a two-
thirds majority vote of the As-
sembly backing Hammarskjold,
Khrushchev retorted:
"Even if there was a 99 per ent
majority we would not accept it."
He accused Britain's Prime Min-
ister Harold Macmillan of at-
tempting to delay disarmament
agreement five, or as much as 10
years. But he said Macmillan as-
sured him there would be a sum-
mit conference.

Lodge Asks,
Negro Envoy
SEATTLE (P) - Henry Cabot
suggested last night that Ralph
Bunche, Negro leader in the Unit-
Nations, would make a good Unit-
ed States ambassador to the So-
viet Union.
Lodge, Republican candidate
for vice-president, said he had not
discussed the matter with Vice
President Richard Nixon,

Music, Wailing Sirens Enliven P4

Saulnier ClaimsEcnm
Can Make Major Advance
"I am not of the opinion that you can talk yourselves into a
depression," the chairman of the President's council of Economic
Advisers said yesterday.
"We have a very strong and vigorous economy," Raymond J.
Saulnier told the 43rd annual meeting of the University Press Club
of Michigan.
"On the basis of evidence as 'I read it, our economy is in good
position to make a major advance," he said. "It is my judgment that
the next decisive movement will be an advance. This is not merely
a hope, but an expectation."
Saulnier paid that reports of an imminent depression in the
United States were without basis and that economic facts show the
"contrary. The economist first cit-
ed the gross national product of
$505 billion for the second quar-
ter of 1960 as the highest level
ever, and said "indications are
that final purchases are higher
for the third quarter than for
the second.
Competition from the televised The industrial production in-
Nixon-Kennedy debate lowered dex for August shows the counp-
the rating of the pep rally last try one per. cent lower than at
night as a loyal but meager group the same time last year, but Saul-
of 500 students marched to Ferry nier attributed this to the strikes
Field to cheer for a victory in in the iron and steel industries.
today's football game against Omitting these industries, the in-
Duke dex would have shown a rise of
The crowd advanced toward the one per cent, he explained.
field in time to the music of the Employment Higher
bands of Gomberg House, Ander- Employment levels have also in-
son House and Acacia to attend creased by one million workers
the program sponsored by the above last year's figure.
Student Government Council bWol- Income payments have never
verine Club. been exceeded in value by pre-
Prof. Robert McCleary of the vious totals and the prospects in-
psychology department acted as dicate continued ,growth in this
master of ceremonies for the rally area which reflects "a high level
which was interspersed with of employment and more or less
cheers by the cheerleaders, steady increase in rates of pay."
The program began with a Weekly figures show that re-
short speech by Bump Elliott, head tail sales in the last two weeks
football coach, who praised the have been two to four per cent
team as a "band of fighters." above last year, Saulnier noted.


Kennedy Plans
Campaign Stop
In Ann Arbor
Sen. John F. Kennedy will be-
gin a 10-stop Michigan campaign
tour Thursday in Ann Arbor, Paul


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