'QUr Ar~ galt Bally
Seventy-First Year
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Notably Fine Poetry
Gives 'Arbor' Stature
]PIE SECOND issue of Arbor suggests that its editors will soon have
to decide whether they want it to continue as a professional
journal or remain an obscure rival of Generation and the repository
of contributions from entrants in the Junior Hopwood contest.
One solution might be to restrict itself mainly to poetry. All the
poems are competent and some are excellent; whereas the fiction
varies from bad to mediocre. For all the attacks which have recently
been leveled against modern poetry and the criticism which has
Voting Blocs Forming
For SGC Elections
INTERQUADRANGLE Council is going to try
to deliver a big bloc of votes in the upcoming
Student Government Council election. But IQC
hopes to deliver them to SGC, not a particular
This is one of the things presently going on
that hopefully point to a big turnout at the
election Another thing is the newly-formed
campus political party.
At this moment, the IQC campaign gets
better odds on its success. The political party
is still largely theoretical: an organization has
been set up, but as yet the party does not
advocate anything except the importance of
its concept and it does not have a nathe.
Next Installment
PART III of the thrilling "Adventures of Jack
and Dick - Boy Politicians" appears on the
moving Rembrandt tonight and an audience
of millions will watch the two candidates
battle over semantics and scope of the vital
issues facing the campaign. The historic nature
of the Great Debate will attract many. The
concern over the problems facing the nation
will draw other viewers. But regardless of the
reason for the interest in the debate, the real
purpose should not be forgotten.
If the candidates talk around the issues
instead of about them, as they did last week,
and if they continue to use this media merely
as a means of expressing their personality
or "humanness", and if they are interested
only in conveying a "sincere concern" for the
problems of the world without suggesting pro-
grams to solve these problems, then we should
be thankful for our good neighbor to the
North - Canada.
Windsor, at least, offers light entertainment
labelled as such on channel nine.
The Resis
WHEN THE HISTORY of the UN is written,
one of its great chapters will turn on the
outcome of the Russian vendetta against Dag
Hammarskjold as Secretary General. and Ham-
marskjold's courage in fighting back. In a
General Assembly session which in the past
weeks has been crowded with episodes of poli-
tical theater, both in and out of the chamber,
Hammarskjold's quiet reply to Khrushchev's
frontal attack proved easily the most electric
of the whole session thus far.
Compared with the inner drama and the
historic importance of Hammarskjold's words
the cavortings of Castro and the antics of
Khrushchev have a tawdry fleeting quality.
They will be forgotten when the next batch
of arm-wavers and desk-thumpers comes along.
But no matter what happens to Hammarskjold
in his own personal fortunes his stance and
the way he defended it will not easily be for-
IT IS NOT often that a figure is cast up in our
time who so clearly takes the long view and
who so inevitably will be part of the loom of
history. Hammarskjold is that kind of figure.
He is not shaped to the heroic mold of the
recognizable heroes of the past. He doesn't
shoot people nor shed blood, he doesn't order
mass mUrders, he doesn't sweep like a con-
queror over a land nor resist the invader, he
doesn't die for his country. He is a man who
in the past has always had to speak in the
most guarded and tortuous phrases and whom
we have associated with everlasting, musty,
dry-as-dust dossiers.
Nonetheless he emerges as a hero in our time.
He is one of Ralph Waldo Emerson's "repre-
sentative men," using the term as Emerson
used, to mean a man who expresses the new
main currents of thought and striving that
give an age its character. He has no divisions,
as Khrushchev and Eisenhower have, and no
rockets. He has no consistency except mankind
itself. If he represents the spirit of our age
it is not the spirit of the past we have had to
shoulder as a crushing inheritance, but of a
future whose outlines we can barely grasp-
Editorial Staff
City Editor Editorial Director
JUDITH DONER .......... .. Personnel Director
THOMAS KABAKER ................ Magazine Editor
THOMAS WITECKI ....,..,....... Sports Editor
KENNETH McELDOWNEY ..,. Associate City Editor
KATHLEEN MOORE N.. Associate Editorial Director
HAROLD APPLEBAUM ,...... Associate Sports Editor
MICHAEL GILLMAN ,.....,.... Associate Sports Editor
HE IQC plan, on the other hand, is based
on a stable existing organization which has
the means and support to act. Envisioned in
the IQC program: strengthened open houses,
an advertising campaign, and personal contact
between IQC and house officers in an attempt
to interest voters and explain issues.
If this plan is carried out successfully, as
it can be, the so-called "apathetic quaddies"
will have a big voice in the election. Maybe it
is not that they are apathetic but that they
are just uninformed. Similar programs by other
residence unit organizations would add greatly
to interest and concern with SGC.
Another means for generating interest in
the election would be a concerted effort by
incumbent members to publicize the Council,
exclusive of a particular candidate's campaign.
At election time, many candidates promise to
bring SGC closer to its constituents by meeting
with them, or issuing newsletters, or visiting
houses for dinner. There is, actually, little
done to carry out these promises. Something
should be done.
THESE efforts are within the scope and
structure of present University organiza-
tions. They have promise for return and should
be prosecuted vigorously.
While the political party is still in the forma-
tive stages, members of the party expressed a
wish to center election campaigning around
campus issues. Their success in arousing and
focusing campus interest on elections depends
on their ability to transform their objectiv
into organized action in a limited time.
At the same time, the organization people
should not disparage the political party's
efforts toward the same end. The ultimate am-
bition of both should be to make student
government at the University mean something
to each student.
a future that men can win only if they develop
a disinterested body of international officials
who feel passionately committed to their de-
WHAT IMPULSIONS have moved Khrush
chev to make the all-out effort to destroy
Hammarskjold? That is a question on which
observers can differ. It may be a frustrated
fury at having lost the rich prize of the Congo,
which was like a golden apple ready to fall into
his hand. It may be that Hammarskjold's per-
sonality-contained, correct, ironic-is so com-
pletely estranged from Khrushchev's own
bumptious and volatile personality that every
resentment against the Secretary was com-
pounded. It may be quite simply that Hammar-
sk old's idea of his duty stands in the way of
Khrushchev's projects and schemes.
But whatever Khrushchev may be up to, the
more important fact is that Hammarskjold has
chosen to resist rather than fold up. His words
have the rhythm of a mind which has seen the
writhing serpents and refused to panic. To
Khrushchev's jibe about whether he had the
courage to resign, his answer had the spare
simplicity of a committed man: "It is very easy
to resign," he said. "It is not so easy to stay on.
It is very easy to bow to the wish of a big
power. It is another matter to resist."
In the face of a bloc leader who struts and
swaggers like a gang tough, the resister faces
probablet mayhem. But in resisting he will
have created a new image of transnational
man for younger men to follow, and will thus
have made history.
HAMMARSKJOLD'S stance needs no verbal
flourishes from any of us to decorate it. But
one fact needs to be made clearer than it seems
to be to a number of heads of delegation in the
UN. Khrushchev's charge is that Hammarskjold
is a stooge of the West and not genuinely neu-
tral. The fact is the exact opposite: Hammar-
skold's sin was exactly his neutrality, which
was unyielding to the Soviet designs in the
Congo when Khrushchev wanted him to be
pliant. Khrushchev does not want a neutral UN
Secretariat that will act justly, but one that is
paralyzed and will not act at all.
That is why the David-like struggle of Ham-
marskjold against the Russain goliath may
prove a turning-point in the history of the UN.
If Khrushchev wins out, the UN will become as
ineffectual as the League of Nations was, and
the only law we shall have will be the law of
the nuclear jungle. If Hammarskjold musters
enough support from the small nations of Af-
rica, Asia, Latin-America and the Middle East,
and rides out his term, the principle will be
established that a UN official need not panic
before any of the great-power Goliaths, and
perhaps some day we shall have a body of men
capable of building precedents for a body of
grown up around it, there seems
concerning what constitutes a good
poem. No one seems to have any
idea what makes a good story,
resents a variety of styles from
the precision of Charles Philbrick's
poem on birth, "Circle Without
Any End", to the doggerel of Mary
Sutton's "Digame Porque", Some-
times the spectre of e, e. cum-
mings seems to tread heavily be-
hind many of the poems, but the
majority are surprisingly original.7
Among the best contributions are
X. J. Kennedy's fanciful "Seine
River Blues", Meryl Johnson's'
"The Cats" and James Boyer
May's "Conundrum".
Only two of the short stories
deserve notice. Robert Erwin's "A{
Gal's Red Comb" creates a con-
vincingly folksy Ozark setting;:
unfortunately the characters and
plot are as original as a Snuffy
Smith comic strip. Merril Whit-
burn's "Where The Rainbow Ends"
fails to connect its fascinating
description of economic depres-
sion on the Upper Peninsula with
the life of its uninteresting one-
dimensional hero. One other piece,
H. B. Hamme's "The Mars Brown
Suit", an interior monologue of
a maniacal artist who sees the
world about him in terms of form
and color, has a good central idea.
I wish the narrator didn't have to
end up by murdering his psy-
ings,Arbor succeeds in rising above
the usual standard of college
literary magazines in its poetry
and in one good piece of prose -
Victor Perera's "Rejilaj Mam", a
vivid description of a cigar-smok-
ing Dionysian deity from Guate-
mala whose delightful pagan cere-
monies seem like something out
of a Huxley novel. With the ex-
ception of some lapses in style
(what is an elliptical twist of
Irony?) this essay is in the best
tradition of travel literature,
-M. E. Novak
Instructor, Depart-
ment of English
to be some general agreement
to the
Passions Rage...
To the Editor:
ONE IS NO longer surprised to
find that the commercial
movie houses resort to exaggerat-
ed, misleading, and sex-baited ad-
vertising to promote their other-
wise dull motion pictures. However,
is it necessary for the Cinema
Guild, which shows good films, to
advertise Dreyer's sober PASSION
Weekly Calendar for Oct. 3 to 9)?
G. Mumma
Week Shock ...
To the Editor:
WHILE thumbing through our
calendar, marking off test
dates, and other 'goodies', it be-
came apparent that there are fif-
teen and a half weeks of classes
this semester, as compared to
fourteen and a half next semester,
and all semesters previous to this
one. Needless to say, it came as
a shock.
For some unknown reason, this
was not made public by the Uni-
versity administration. Not only
are we interested in why we have
an extra week of classes (as
punishment for one extra day of
Christmas vacation?), but also,
why no one knows of this fact,
other than the Calendar Com-
mittee? Are we lowly students
completely isolated from every-
thing but work, in the chaperon-
ing eyes of the administration?
-Paul Schoenwetter '62
Bob Benson '63
Bob Daskal '62
Evaluates Three Functions
MARY Curtis-Verna swept on to
the stage and into Verdi's
aria "Ernani involami" to begin
the eighty-second Choral Union
series at Hill Auditorium last
night. The soprano, arrayed in a
sweeping red evening gown, began
her recital in full voice, although
somewhat off-pitch in the high
register, From this aria through
the Verdi aria that conclude the
concert, howevedr, there was little
more action from Miss Curtis-
Continuing in Italian, the sop-
rano sang three rather easy melo-
dic Italian songs, and then, under-
took Ravel's Sheherazade. The
Ravel number, fairly slow might
be, in proper hands, a piece dis-
playing the sensuality of the East
as seen by the composer, but as
sung by Miss Curtis-Verna, it
continued the tranquil mood of the
previous songs. The audience, a
fairly good barometer of perfor-
mance interest, came down with a
minor case of coughing. A quintet
of Richard Strauss lieder com-
pleted the pre-intermission portion
of the program. Although the
language changed, the mood of
restraint continued. Some of the
Strauss was well sung, but the
quality was hard to detect amid
the peaceful atmosphere.
Curtis-Verna again switched lan-
guages, this time to English with
a group of four songs. Giarnini's
"Tell Me, Oh Blue, Blue Sky,"
Duke's "Morning in Parr" and
Charles' "Night" added little to
the quality of programming or
performance, but Samuel Barber's
"Sleep Now" was given a fine ren-
Concluding the program, the
soprano again turned to Verdi,
singing "Pace, pace, mio Dio"
from La Forza del Destino. This
time Verdi got a better hearing
than at the beginning of the re-
cital, but the performance lacke
the excitement that a good dra-
matic Verdi aria can have in the
hands of a stimulating soprano.
Two encores ended the evening's
singing: first the well-known
Italian air "Ritorne a Sorrento,"
easily the most dramatic number
of the evening, while second came
the peaceful "Songs my Mother
Taught Me," which left the au-
dience on the restful note that
characterized most of the program.
--Mark Slobin
-Daily-James Warneka
THE GRAMMATICAL FICTION-Comrade Rubashov, disillusioned
and degraded by the new communist regime, communicates his
frustrated philosophy and dreams to the inmate of the neighboring
cell by tapping on the wall.
'Darkns at Noon':'
Unfulfilled Drama
"DARKNESS At Noon" opened at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
last night, to a sparse audience - and, I'm afraid, more with'
a whimper than a bang.
The play had some really fine moments - the sets were well
conceived by Alice Crawford, with scrim walls separating the cells,
and various kinds of drops for the dream scenes, Some of the scenes
were truly moving - the last scene, between Luba and Rubashov,
done under the guise of quoted interrogation but, actually spoken
by the girl who was dimly seen behind' the scrim wall, carried a
good deal of emotional impact.
But generally, the play was disappointing, largely because Darkness
Daily Staff Writer
W OMEN'S Senate has three du-
ties, according to the Michi-
gan League constitution: To pass
legislation concerning women stu-
dents; to refer projects and ques-
tions to appropriate organizations
and committees for study and
solution; and to express an opin-
ion by vote on matters concerning
Its legislative function, as ex-
plored previously, appears to be
valuable to the University and to
women. Yet this function does not
operate effectively alone, since it
is seldon needed. One way to im-
prove Senate's effectiveness would
be to develop and emphasize the
two other duties it possesses.
ONE OF THESE, the privilege of
referring projects, questions and
recommendations to the appro-
priate committee, seems to be
more of a procedural permission
than a specifically delegated re-
sponsibility. W i t h i n Senate's
sphere of operations it is quite
normal for committees or boards
to be formed to study special prob-
lems. However, this function does
not lend itself to expansion.
Senate's executives have also
explored a related method of ex-
pansion, using Senate as an in-
formation-disseminating center.
Forinstance, spceakers from cam-
pus groups such as the Office of
Religious Affairs would tell the
delegates about their services. The
girls would then take the ideas
back to their houses and present
them merely as interesting in*-
There would then be one per-
son in every housing unit with a
general knowledge of special serv-
ices and programs at the Univer-
sity which are often overlooked.
It would mean that the represen-
tatives of such organizations would
only have to make one speech or
demonstration, instead of meet-
ing with Panhel and Assembly
It is possible, however, that in
meeting with the two smaller
groups more is accomplished on
both sides. The speaker can relate
his subject to the audience more
directly, and the listeners are
more apt to ask questions and of-
fer opinions in a small, close
Another major drawback of
this is that Senators, also func-
tioning as Assembly or Panhel
as an opinion bloc, does not at
first seem valuable, but deserves
further investigation.
Senate is recognized as an or-
ganization for considering prob-
lems which concern women as a
body. Is it not possible that on
other more general problems,
women as a body might tend to-
ward one viewpoint? Perhaps a
women's opinion bloc does have a
place on campus. If so, its activi-
ties might be compared to those
of the League of Women Voters.
On the other hand, emphasiz-
ing this function might tend to
isolate women's needs, and in ef-
fect create differences of opinion
which do not really exist. If Sen-
ate were to consider all-campus
issues and express opinions on
At Noon is a novel which shouldI
problems of transforming any
novel into a play are many and
complex; when the novel is one of
thoughts and dreams almost ex-
clusively, it is even more difficult
to transfer it to the stage, a
medium of action and of words.
minor technical difficulties be-
came deterrents to the thought of
the 'play. Sudden changes were
required to change the scene from
the cell-reality to the dream-
flashback. This was done by
suden set-changes - scrims flying
in from the ceiling, set walls
suddenly creaking in -
The acting was somewhat
spotty. Merrill McClatchey, who
played Rubashov, was vocally
secure, but his movements were
static and tened to so much re-
petition that his performance was
occasionally monotonous.
Nancy Heusel as Luba had a
sudden warmth which was start-
lingly effective in the general
coldness of the play.
All in all, the play fell a little
,flat-more because of its inherent
weakness as a play than the acting
or inconspicuous direction. When
Rubashov, at the very end, says
to Gletkin, "The means have be-
come the end, and darkness has
come over the land," the audience
should be nearly shaken from their
seats. Instead, the drums are only
them by vote, the preponderance
of such opinions would have noth-
ing to do with women's needs, but
would rather be an expression of
the members' feelings as students.
* * * .
THIS IS THE type of activity
the newly-formed campus politi-
cal party will undertake, It is
quite possible that the appear-
ance of one such opinion bloc on
campus will spark a trend toward
group stands on local issues.
If Senate is to expand its acti-
vities, the most effective way is
perhaps to act as an opinion bloc
on campus issues. This, however,
hinges on whether there is a
place for such an opinion bloc and
on whether Senate is in a position
to take this place.
"Oh, Yes - He WAS Here, But He Just Left".
- r
- C
.:J 4A'4>
probably have been left alone. The
Cinema Guild...
"PICNIC" is a realistic filq.. Its
subject is frustration:'~ the
frustration of a beautiful young
girl who wants to be loved for
more than her body; the frustra-
tion of her not-so-pretty younger
sister; the frustration of a mother
who wants her daughter to marry
"up" and a father who doesn't
want his son to marry "down";
the frustration of an old maid
school teacher; the frustration of
a restless athlete to succed beyond
the football field; the frustration
of a middle-aged bachelor who
finds his way of life challenged.
"Picnic" is essentially a film
about sex, but it treats the subject
with honesty and taste. It is well
filmed and well directed - and
yet it misses being great. This is
perhaps because the movie lacks
subtlety and plays down to its
beautiful but dumb and she mono-
tones her part adequately. William
Holden and Cliff Robertson do
well as her chasers, while Susan
Strasberg looks on as the in-
feriority -complexed, scholastic
younger sister. She plays her part
with excellent insight into its
comic and tragic aspects. Rosa-
lind Russell portrays with per-
fection a neurotic old maid school
teacher who is all too eager for
But, although the film is well
photographed and each scene is
interesting, there are too many
scenes and I, for one, was glad
when the picnic was over.
-red Flaman
The State ..,.
BATTLB in Outer Space" com-
bines an amazingly versatile
plot (there doesn't seem to be one)
with rather well done technical
effects to produce one of the worst
of the new, and highly Hollywood-
ish productions of the Japanese
film industry. Geared to the ram-
bling and juvenile mind this film,
rather than introducing the usual
philosophical questions of con-
temporary science fiction, side-
steps them neatly - they aren't
Acting and plot structure are
strongly reminiscent of the cliff-
hanger of the early 20's, and you
have frequented war movies, junior
high school plays and high school
trips to Washington will find
much to recall these memories.
* * *
Columbia pictures release, is the