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August 24, 1965 - Image 36

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Michigan Daily, 1965-08-24

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T7 ' 4Z"AV Ai r itatr OA leeer'

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I [ r UAr, AU UUST 24, 1965



ive dvice, Information, pportunit
for -Personal Counseling. seling and time spent in training. or adding courses, changing sec-
lie Academic counseling is the stu- There are 107 counselors in the tions, or revising future plans as
dent's usual contact with the Uni- ltrr olg e rbesaie
ful-' Procedure The nther chol 'rrrna d.

There are about 44 different of-
fices in the University community
which either counsel students or
to whom counselors refer stu-
dents, a recent count indicates.
They offer services ranging from
academic counseling to medical
and psychiatric help.
This comprehensive counseling'
system is based on two principles
which follow from a wider Uni-
versity philosophy:
1) Every aspect of the student's
growth should be the concern of
the University;
2) The initiative for seeking

help and the responsibility
solving problems must finally
with the student.
These principles have their
fillment in the sometimes-g
sometimes-bad, but always-c
plex counseling system which
ery student from his first hesit
postcard to his last days at
University before going outi
the world.
Roughly, this counseling
tem can be divided into t
main divisions:
-Academic counseling;
-Career Planning, and


versitys system. Each school has
its own counseling staff and
The largest of these schools is
the literary college. In that school,
there is roughly one counselor for
every 170 students for freshmen
and sophomores and 'a somewhat
lower ratio for upperclassmen.
Counselors are paid: around $700
per academic year and given "re-
leased time" arrangements in their
teaching loads to make up for the
six to eight hours weekly of coun-

The general counseling proced-
ure in the literary college is that
the student makes an appoint-
ment with his counselor and pre-
sents him with a class card indi-
cating what he wants to take-or
works with thei counselor to de-
cide what he wants-and then
has it signed..Appointments usu-
ally take from 15 minutes to a
half hour. Throughout the rest of
the year, students make other ap-
pointments to talk about dropping



-it ilerscwois pr oceaures
are relatively similar to the liter-
ary college.
Career Planning
If academic advising takes the
first days the student is on cam-
put, then career planning takes
his last days. Some schools have
their own placement services for
their students, but the main ca-
reer counseling office is the Bu-
reau of Appointments and Occu-
pational Information.
The Bureau has three main di-
visions: the Educational Division.
for students and alumni inter-
ested in teaching, the General D-
vision for those interested in busi-
ness, government or professional
employment, and, the Summer
Placement Service, for students
who want summer jobs.
The Bureau has extensive files
of eiployers and posts notices of
job opportunities and interviews
every day in the "Daily Official
Bulletin' which is carried by the
Summer Jobs
The University's Personnel Of-
fice also gives students job oppor-
tunities for summer or part-time
employment while still in school
and handles available positions
for regular employment at the
The third category of counsel-
ing, personal counseling, is the
widest and often the most import-
ant. It involves the complicated
process of "referral," where a
counselor, usually the academic
counselor, recognizes that the help
of an expert in a particular field
is needed and eitheraconsults with
that expert or sends the student
to the expert.
It also involves student-initi-
ated services, such as Health Ser-
vice, where the student goes to
the particular service on his own
The counseling offered under
this category includes handling


Decision ... Philosophy or Marriage and Family Relations?

All M h,
It.. ,igan, Students',
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the emotional and physical prob-
lems that can ruin a student's ca-
The Residence Hall system of-
fers Resident Advisers and Staff
Counselors whose general aim is
"to assist students in making the
adjustment to University life and
its demands."
There is also a Reading Im-
provement Service office, to train
students in adding to their
reading speed and improving their
study habits.
The Bureau of Psychological

Services Student Counseling Di-
vision, has a staff of trained psy-
chologistsrwho talk to students
about problems of vocational
choice, academic difficulty or so-
cial adjustment. Counseling is
usually in the form of an hour in-
terview with a staff member.
Financial Aids
The Office of Financial Aids
helps counsel students who are in
an emergency money shortage or
more serious, complex financial

Health Service operates full-
time for the exclusive benefit of
students with a regular staff of
doctors, nurses, technicians and
clerical workers. The Health Ser-
vice building includes a60-bed in-
firm ary and the facilities of Uni-
versity Hospital are available.
The Office of Religious Affairs
is intended to be helpful to the
student concerned with religious
and philosophical questions and
conditions. Some thirty chaplains
serve as counselors.

Every advance sale guaranteed to be right or
your money will be cheerfully refunded.


AAUP Guards Freedom



One of the chief means for
guarding academic freedom is fac-
ulty support of the local chapter
of the American Association of
University Professors.
The AAUP is a national body
whose members include faculty
from colleges across the nation
and whose primary dedication is
.to the preservation of academic
The term academic freedom im-r
plies the right of professors to
express their opinions freely and
without fear of reprisal from their
school if the opinion happens toJ
-be a controversial issue. The most
common deterrent a professor
faces in voicing controversial ideas
is the fear that he may lose his
job as a result of his outspoken-
No Legal Powers
The AAUP has no legal or ac-!
tual powers but it wields a strong
political pressure in the form of


If it is called in to investigate
a question of a violation of aca-
demic freedom and finds the case
to be such a violation, it often
,ensures the accused institution
and places it on a censure list pub-
lished in the AAUP bulletin.
Public statements which the
AAUP hopes will pressure the
school into revising whatever pol-
icy or action had been in ques-
tion are also issued at the time of
the censure.
The University was placed on,
the AAUP censure list from 1955-
59 because of certain Regents' by-
laws which the AAUP felt violated
faculty members' rights.
University of Illinois
The charges brought before the
AAUP are varied. One of the long-
est lasting cases was that of Prof.
Leo Koch at the University of Il-
linois. Three years ago Koch made
some statements in the student
newspaper concerning free love.
He was fired a short time later as


a result of the adverse pressure
put on the university.
After an extremely lengthy de-
bate the AAUP put the University
of Illinois on its censure list for
failing to use due process of law
in firing Koch.
During the past academic year
the AAUP has come out with a
number of statements concerning
the University.
The University chapter lauded
Gov. George Romney's "Blue Rib-
bon" committee report on higher
education, making statements in
approval of the committee's rec-
They also were in favor of a
stronger state board of education
but noted that the present board
was neglecting higher state edu-
Student Freedom
During the past academic year,
members of the AAUP increasing-
ly concerned themselves with the
problems of insuring student aca-
demic freedom, in addition to
problems of faculty freedom.
In early April, the AAUP issuedr
a major policy statement, stating
"Freedom to teach and freedom
to learn depends upon appropriate
conditions and opportunities to
exercise the rights of citizenship
on and off the campus."
Using this philosophy as a ba-
sis for the entire statement, the
AAUP chapter at the University
found itself embroiled in major
disagreements over the procedures
and functions of grading.
Profesorial Autonomy
The bone of contention was the
autonomy a professor has to eval-
uate a student's performance in
class. Many of the faculty mem-
bers felt that if a student charged
a professor with an error in grad-
ing, perhaps based on some preju-
dice, the student had the right to
have his charge reviewed by "a
competent academic authority."
John J. Manning, Jr., admini-
strative assistant in the literary
college Junior-Senior Counseling
Office, explained that "The gen-
eral position of the college is that
the professor runs his own ship"
and that those who have any bon-
tact with students in an admini-
strative way are reluctant to get
involved in grading disputes.

Faculty members concurred with
the view of Prof. John H. Romani
of the public health school who
said that he would "bridle when
someone hands down a statement
that my judgement as a professor
is to be second-guessed by some-
one else."
Controversy also centered over
a policy to realease only the stu-
dent's academic transcript, rather
than full psychological and be-
havior records to professors and
prospective employers.
According to one professor, "It
is the responsibility of an educa-
tional institution to safeguard the
freedom of the student while he is
here so that he may act without
concern to the effect of his future
On the other hand, Romani felt
that he was "not so sure that
there is not also a responsibility of
the institutuion to society, particu-
larly where the student is being
considered for a professional po-
sition. In this case, things beyond
his academic record are signifi-
Nationwide problemsof educa-
tion have also been a focus for
AAUP proposals and action.
Although no conclusions were
reached this past year, the Uni-
versity AAUP chapter spent much
time discussing the problems of
training college teachers.
Ph.D..Not an Absolute
Many faculty members recog-
nized that a Ph.D. is not a abso-
lute necessity for college training.
While a Ph.D. degree signifies
competence in one area of knowl-
edge, it does not necessarily guar-
antee that the professor can ade-
quately teach a subject.
Most members felt that some
program must be established to
insure the academic competency
of the faculty and to insure
enough good college teachers are
trained to fill the acute shortage
which now exists.
Groups like the University Sen-
ate also offer the faculty a means
of voicing disfavor at certain Uni-
versity practices. Any decisions
made in the Senate have only the
advisory power which the AAUP
decisions have.





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