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August 05, 1965 - Image 1

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Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


VOL. LXXV, No. 62-S






Pro-King Regime
Falls in Greece
Papandreou Again Blasts Monarch;
'Irreparable' Rift Divides Them.
ATHENS ()-The 21-day-old government of palace-appointed
Premier George Athanasiadis Novas was voted down by the Greek
Parliament early yesterday in a stormy session.
The country's worst political crisis since the 1947-49 Communist
civil war reached a new juncture with the failure of King Constan-
.tine's government to win a confidence vote.
The balloting came after an almost eight-hour session on the
third night of debate. With three-quarters of the vote cast, more
than half the 300-member Parliament had voted against the gov-
-- rnment. The vote was 131 for

Law School Dean



To. Head Academic Affairs Office;
Praised by 'U' Regents, Faculty
Law School Dean Allan F. Smith was named the new
vice-president for academic affairs yesterday.
Smith's appointment was made within a week and a half
after his predecessor, Roger W. Heyns, decided to leave the
University and accept the chancellorship of the University of
California's Berkeley campus.
According to Smith, he was offered the vice-presidency
and decided to accept before University President Harlan
Hatcher left for a vacation several days ago.
According to Hatcher the rapid selection of the new
head of the Office of Academic Affairs was imperative be-
cause of the need for the new vice-president to get the

Faculty. Asks
State To Set
Budget Early
A statement urging an earlier
deadline for all state appropria-
tions was released yesterday by
the Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs, the executive
arm of the Faculty Senate.
"The statement arose out 'of
the faculty's concern during the
spring term about the uncertainty
of the University budget," Assist-
ant SACUA Chairman Gordon J.
Van Wylen explained. "Such a
delay in determination of an ef-
fective budget makes effective
planning difficult."
The SACUA release points out
that this planning problem is es-
pecially acute in hiring new staff
members. It notes that appoint-
ment commitments "for the best
people" often have to be made
as much as nine months before
the fall term begins-something
jwhich becomes a serious problem
when the University's state appro-
priation is indefinite as late as
Encourages Raiding
"Uncertainty about the state's
support of its universities encour-
ages raiding by other universities,
and makes our universities less
attractive to professors facing
several offers," the release states.,
"Commitments are made and
alternative budgets prepared on
faith," it continues, "but an ear-
lier and more expenditious dis-
cussion of university requests and
settling of university appropria-
tions would get the state more for
its money in the long run.
"We realize that all state activi-
ties face the same problem of
making commitments while funds
are still uncertain, and that the
legislature may want to make all
appropriations together. We urge,
} then, an earlier deadline for all
state appropriations."
Active Role
"Yesterday's statement is con-
sistent with the more active role
the faculty is playing in concerns
of the University as a whole," he
said, but this should not be in-
terpreted as criticism of the ad-
ministration or an attempt. to per-
form its function.
In increasing its participation
in University affairs, the faculty
is "anxidus to work with the ad-
ministration and has found the
administration cooperative," Van
Wylen emphasized.

the government and 167 against.
Two deputies did not vote.
Blames King
Ousted Premier George Papan-
dreou blamed the king for the
crisis which has shaken the coun-
It was the first time he had
publicly attacked the 25-year-old
monarch personally since he was
forced from office July 15.
The two spliteover who should1
control the armed forces - the
king or premier.
A highly reliable source said
crack units of the Greek army
have been on the alert since Par-
liament first convened for the de-
bate last Friday.
The units, the source said, were
ordered to the outskirts of the
capital, ready to enter should dan-
ger to the monarchy arise.
As the session began, police
ringed the Parliament building
facing Constitution Square. Arm-
ored trucks filled with riot police
and tear gas bombs stood ready.
About 3000 persons gathered be-
hind steel wire barriers and shout-
ed antigovernment slogans.
King Constantine stayed inside
his Athens palace planning his
next move.
Reports circulated that Constan-
tine was ready to summon Steph-
anos Stephanopoulos to the pal-
ace upon the fall of the Athan-
asiadis-Novas government.
It was unknown whether Steph-
anopoulos, deputy premier in Pa-
pandreou's government, would ac-
cept a royal mandate and try to
form a new government. He was
reportedly reluctant because of
loyalty to Papandreou.
No Second Clash
By tradition, the king should
call in Papandreou if the govern-
ment collapses because Papan-
dreou controls the largest party
in Parliament. But it was unlikely.
he would risk a second clash with
the wily, 77-year-old politician.
Political observers said a rec-
onciliation between Papandreou
and the king was almost out of
the question after Papandreou's
blistering attack on Constantine
Papandreou stayed out of the
chamber, refusing to take part in
the debate. But he issued a state-
ment vowing to return to Parlia-
ment only as premier.
"I do not recognize the present
palace pseudo-government as a le-
gal administrative body for the
country," he said.
Papandreou's followers h a v e
been staging protests and demon-
strations for his return since he
was dismissed by the king for try-
ing to remove rightist officers
from the Grecian armed forces.

UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT HARLAN HATCHER yesterday named Dean Allan F. Smith of the Law School as the new vice-president
for academic affairs. Smith, who will succeed Roger Heyns. was praised by Regents Irene Murphy and Paul Goebel. (From left to
right, above, are Goebel. Hatcher, Heyns, Murphy). Smith's appointment was made within a week and a half after Heyns decided to.
accept the chancellorship of the University of California's Berkeley campus.
Demendment oses

Special To The Daily
ett Dirksen's controversial con-
stitutional amendment challeng-
ing the Supreme Court's "one
man-one vote" ruling lost in the
Senate yesterday.
The proposed constitutional
amendment fell 10 votes short of
the two-thirds majority required
for final passage. Only 57 sena-
tors supported it, with 39 oppos-
ing it.
Sensing the outcome, Dirksen
(R-Ill) said before the vote that,
regardless of the outcome, "this
will not die for this, is something_
I've got to pursue. You haven't
seen the last of this yet," he
said, adding that it would be
brought up 'during the 1966 con-
gressional elections.
Earlier in the day, the Senate
overwhelmingly rejected a substi-
tute for the Dirksen proposal of-
fered by Sen. Jacob K. Javits
Amend Resolution
It then voted to amend a reso-
lution establishing a National
American Legion Baseball Week
by striking out everything after
the resolution's enacting clause
and putting Dirksen's amendment
in its place.
This is a complicated parliamen-
tary maneuver Dirksen used to get'
his amendment past the dead-
locked Senate Judiciary Commit-
tee. It required only a majority
vote and was successful, 59-39.
Butrthe crucial vote on pass-
age, requiring a two-thirds ma-
jority, was the one Dirksen lost.
Sen. Roman Hruska (R-Neb),I
prior to the vote tacking Dirk-
sen's amendment to the baseball
resolution, made changes in it-
with Dirksen's consent - which
provided that:
-A state could vote to include'
factors other than population in
one house of its legislature, but,
unlike in the original Dirksen
proposal, population would always;
have to be a factor.
-The state would have to pro-
vide a straight population plan as
an alternative in not only the
first popular vote on districting, as
in Dirksen's original proposal, but
also at each of the succeeding
elections to be held every 10
years under the proposal.

These changes, however, failed
to produce any liberal defections,
and Dirksen lost by 10 votes.
Dirksen, after the changes, took
the floor and spoke for almost an
hour in support of his proposal,
stressing to his opponents that
they "don't love the people-you
don't trust them" when they in-
dicated their opposition to his
amendment, which required a pop-
ular vote on any vote weighting
The Republican minority leader
read his proposal twice, each time
stressing the words "the people"
whenever they appeared.
"Four times the voters of Cali-
fornia voted down straight-popu-
lation apportionment," Dirksen
said. Sen. Thomas Kuchel (R-
Cal), a supporter of the amend-
ment and, as minority whip, a
key Dirksen aide, nodded his head
in vigorous agreement.
Defeat of his amendment, Dirk-
sen added, was "part of an ero-
sion" of states' rights which in-
cludes the repeal of Section 14B
of the Taft-Hartley Act, the pro-
posed repeal of the veto power
governors may exercise over fed-
eral poverty programs in their
states and other measures.
The leader of the Senate lib-
erals opposing Dirksen, Sen. Paul
Douglas (D-Ill) countered, saying

that "this claim of 'letting the
people decide is without sub-
stance" because a malapportion-
ed legislature would, in many in-
stances, determine the phrasing
and method of approval of the
vote-weighting and state popula-
tion plan.
He added that "referenda them,
selves, generally, are not an ade-
quate vehicle to express public
opinion, particularly on something
so complex as apportionment.

ment proposal should keep this in
mind, Scott warned, because only
four, or possibly seven, more states
have to affirm the call for such
a convention and it must be or-
This convention, he asserted,
could open a "Pandora's box" be-
cause it would not be limited to
the single issue of legislative mem-
bership apportionment. It could
propose amendments, he said, to
wipe out the equal protection

'Irrelevancies' clause of the 14th Amendment and
Blasting Dirksen's speech, which abolish the Supreme Court.
made frequent humorous excur- The Illinois senator yesterday
6ions into topics such as the said he had asked President Lyn-
virtues of being a senator or con- don B. Johnson to make Vice-
gressman, Douglas said itwas President Hubert H. Humphrey
"full of charming irrelevancies stop his active opposition. Dirksen
covering every subject under the said Johnson had promised him
sun except his own amendment." to stay out of the battle and that
Javits' substitute to the Dirksen he was satisfied the President had
proposal, introduced earlier, would not interfered.
have made the changes earlier "I said, 'well, call him (Hum-
later included by Hruska. However phreysaup and give him hell,"
it also forbade gerrymanders and Dirksen said.
set the Supreme Court as the Another amendment turned
judge of whether a vote-weight- down by the Senate was one by
ing plan for a "reasonable re- Sen. Jack Miller (R-Iowa) to the
lationship to the needs of a state." Javits proposal. This would gener-
Both Dirksen and the liberals ally have required that in cases
opposed the amendment, however, where a district has more than
which lost 82-15. one member o feither branch of a
Sen. Hugh Scott (R-Pa) argued legislature, these members would
for Dirksen's amendment. have to be elected from subdis-
"Knee-jerk liberals" opposing tricts of substantially equal pop-
Dirksen's constitutional amend- ulation.

Taylor Sees Hope in Asia

experience of preparing the
University budget request un-
der Heyns.
The appointment of Smith,
which will be effective Septem-
ber 1, was made at a special meet-
ing of the Academic Advisory
Council, the Senate Advisory Com-
mittee on University affairs and
administrative officers of the Uni-
Associate Law School Dean
Charles Joiner will serve as act-
ing dean of the school until ac-
tion is taken to fill Dean Smith's
present position.
Express Relief
Faculty members of the literary
college expressed relief at Smith's
appointment, indicating that the
Law School dean's attitudes were
in the "liberal arts tradition."
Some of these people had feared
that if a person of purely scien-
tific background would have been
named the OAA head, the human-
ities aid social sciences would
have become relatively neglected.
Although there are no official
provisions for faculty or student
consultation on vice-presidential
appointments, Hatcher conferred
with SACUA on the issue. SACUA
strongly endorsed Smith in addi-
tion to other candidates.
Explaining why Smith was
chosen over Dean William Hub-
bard of the Medical School, the
runner-up in the selection proc-
ess, one source said that Hub-
bard's "extremely powerful per-
sonality would have clashed with
other top University administra-
." 'Innovator'
On the other hand, however, an-
other observer commented that
Smith was "an educational in-
novator who, despite his humble
mannerisms, will surprise a lot
of people with his policies." This
source said that despite the opin-
ions expressed by some people,
"Smith will be nobody's patsy."
. Regent Irene Murphy comment-
ed on the appointment, "Dean
Smith-like Roger Heyns - has
that peculiar quality of catalyzing
leadership which helps men around
him grow."
Regent Paul Goebel remarked,
"I don't know of a better man
for the position.'
In announcing the appointment,
Hatcher stressed that Smith was
interested in maintaining free
contact between the administra-
tion, faculty and students.
SACUA chairman Prof. James
Morgan of the economics depart-
ment has said that the academic
vice presidency is second only to
the University presidency in its
effect on the faculty.
The vice-president is responsi-
ble for coordinating internal
budgeting, for appointing and
promoting faculty members and
outlining academic policies.
Slate Hearing
On Viet Nam
A public hearing on Viet Nam,
conducted by Rep. William S.
Broomfield (R-Mich) and Rep.
Charles C. Diggs (D-Mich) will be
held in Detroit tomorrow and Sat-
urday in the Community Arts Au-
ditorium on the Wayne State cam-

OAA Chief
Is Teacher,

Special To The Daily

D. Taylor, just returned from Sai-
gon where Henry Cabot Lodge is
preparing to take over his place
as American ambassador to South
Viet Nam, said yesterday that in
many respects the situation there
"is far more hopeful than the
situation we faced a year ago."
Taylor, the former chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told
newsmen at the White House after
discussing the situation with Pres-
ident Lyndon B. Johnson#for sev-
eral hours that he did not know
about a possible additional build-
up of U.S. troops in the country.,

"You really can't use the term,
'total victory'," as a conceivable
solution to the war in Viet Nam,
Taylor added. However, he con-
tinued, "if Hanoi, the leader of
this whole affair, would cease this
kind of, thing," a solution would
be possible.
Taylor declared that "a magnif-
icent American team" in South
Viet Nam and the "tremendous
encouragement" of P r e s i d e n t
Johnson's recent decision to in-
crease by 5000 the number of
American troops there had given
the South Vietnamese govern-
ment "assurance they're not go-
ing to be overrun."

He did not discuss the recent
resignation of James Killen who
served as the Saigon director of
the U.S. Agency for International
Official comment on Killen's
resignation and his replacement
by Charles A. Mann this week, has
centered around Henry Cabot
Lodge's desire to have men- of his
own choosing. Informed observers,
however, suggest that Killen's
controversial views - including a
much greater channeling of U.S.
aid through the South Vietnamese
government than is now being
done-may have hastened his de-
He maintained that while in
some areas of the country the
situation had deteriorated, "in
many ways" the Vietnamese prob-
lem "was much more promising
than a year ago," when he ar-
rived in the country.
Taylor added that the political
situation in Saigon was "tending
to shape itself somewhat" as the
"younger members of the armer
forces there are gaining experi-
Reference to Ky
This was believed to be a ref-
erence to the South Vietnamese
premier, Air Vice-Marshal Nguyen
Cao Ky, whom U.S. officials in
Saigon are known to have op-
posed during discussions prior to
his accession to power as compul-

Dean Allan F. Smith of the Law
School, who will be the' newest of
the University's six vice-presidents
effective Sept. 1, received praise
last night after he was named the
new vice-president for academic
Members of the Law School fac-
ulty and staff praised both his
scholarship and his teaching skill.
One recalled that, "Dean Smith
was the best teacher I ever had."
Smith, 53, has worked on sev-
eral important law texts, includ-
ing the two most widely used
casebooks on property, and two
other books. He served as director
of legal research for the Law
School for six years.
Five Years
He has served as dean of the
Law School since 1960. During
that period, while the student-
faculty ratio of the University was
climbing, he lowered the Law
Schol ratio from 26-1 to 24-1 even
though allotted the third lowest
budget per student of the other
16 University schools.
Smith came to the University
in the summer of 1946 as a lec-
turer in law and a research asso-
ciate. He was appointed assistant
professor of law in 1947, associate
professor in 1950 and full pro-
fessor in 1953.
Before he came to the Univer-
sity, Smith was associate professor
of law at Stanford University,
from 1946-47. From 1941 to 1943
he was' chief counsel with the
Office of Price Administration. He
served in World War II with the
Military Intelligence Service, from
The new vice-president is a
member of the American Bar As-
sociation, the Michigan State Bar
Association, Phi Delta Phi fra-
ternity, and the American Judi-
cature Society. He has served on
various committees of the Mich-
igan State Bar Association, in-
cluding one on civil rights, and is
now a commissioner-at-large of
the Michigan State Bar. He is
chairman of the Real Property

Cadavers Come Dearly

These Days

One of the byproducts of a
higher standard of living and
more extensive social security
and welfare benefits has been
a severe cutback in the number
of cadavers available from the
traditional source of "unclaim-
ed bodies" for instruction and
research at the nation's med-
ical schools.
Doctors hope, however, that
a recent trend of individuals

the University has barely
enough bodies for instructional
purposes and hardly any for
It is estimated that more
than 3,000 bodies are used each
year by medical, dental and
nursing students in the United
Oelrich explained that the
social security clause which
covers burial expenses is one of
the prime reasons for the cur-
rent shortage of "unclaimed

contrary to the popular myth,
no medical school purchases
bodies. In fact, he pointed out,
it is illegal to do so in almost
every state in the union.
Aside from the fact that the
supply of such cadavers is fall-
ing behind the needs of the
medical schols, Oelrich also
pointed out that the "unclaim-
ed bodies" did not represent a
cross section of the mortality
rate because many of the peo-

It is one of the prime charges
of this commission, which has
representatives of both Wayne
State and the University serv-
ing on it, to make sure that the
bodies available are distributed
equitably among the two state
medical schools.
The bodies, which are em-
balmed after death are stored
at the University morgue, ac-
cording to Oelrich. An average
University m e d i c a 1 student
then uses the same cadaver for

book knocking the expenses
and ethics of funeral parlors,
is partially responsible for the
bequest boom.
For example, Dr. O. P. Jones,
professor of anatomy at the
University of Buffalo remark-
\ed, "Many of the people writ-
ing to us to donate their bod-
ies say they are doing it just
so they won't contribute to
keeping the embalmers and
undertakers in plus living."
Oelrich expects that as the

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