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July 30, 1965 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1965-07-30

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&'rventy-Fifth Year

Us Reforms

To Keep Pace

Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth Will Preail

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Ann Arbor's Art Fair.
Pandering to The Market

THE ART FAIR currently on display at
South University and East University
is typical of the worst aspects of the cur-
rent "culture boom" now sweeping the
United States.
The art fair, which has been juried (re-
putedly to raise its quality), is in reality.
the work of artists pandering to the
tastes of an ignorant market.
As Donald Morris, a noted art dealer
in Detroit, pointed out Wednesday in a
discussion of the relationship between the
artist and the gallery, art and artists have
suddenly become respectable.
As Morris points out, the myth of the
poor, devoted artist working in his gar-
ret has exploded. Art has become part of
the public domain. Everyone, no matter
what his exposure to art has been, sud-
denly feels himself capable of expressing
his own "expert" opinions.


EDNESDAY'S stock market report by
the Associated Press was very enlight-
ening. Explaining why stock and com-
modity prices fell from their earlier ad-,
vances immediately after President John-
son announced that he plans to double
the draft call and send a reported 50,000
more U.S. troops to Viet Nam, the AP
commented, "Some brokers said the pull-
back was caused by a speech not as war-
like as had been expected."
Other brokers, according to the AP,
"said that the decline came in part from
'profit taking' on defense stocks. These
stocks have risen recently in anticipation
of further military escalation in Viet
Although the charge that the muni-
tions makers were responsible for World
War I has been aired before, the present
escalation of the Vietnamese conflict
brings home again the issue of the inter-
est of armament industries versus those
of the American people.
It would seem that it would be in the
material interests of the so-called "de-
fense industries" for wars to continue,
despite the morality or necessity of any
given conflict. On the other hand, it is
clear that war for war's sake is definitely
not in the best interests of the American
REALIZING that the industrial giants
of this country have a pervasive con-
trol over many aspets Of political life,
one wonders how much of the pugnacious
attitude of the United States is being
determined by the military aircraft build-
ers of California.
Supporting the validity of this quandry
is the fact that if total disarmament
. went into effect, the multi-billion dollar
"defense industry" In the U.S. would
collapse and many an investor would lose
his shirt.
It would seem that hopes of achieving a
lasting peace are somewhat naive as long
as the American economy has a built-in
propensity for war.
second class postage paid at Ann Arbor. Mich.
Published daily Tuesday thruagh Saturday morning.

THE MIDDLE CLASS clubwoman, the
wealthy industrialist and even U.S.
Presidents have taken to the relaxation
of dabbling with brush and pigments.
This trend cannot be condemned, but
its implications for the future of the fine
arts must be seriously considered.
As art has become the trinket of mass
society, the distinction between profes-
sionalism and amateurism has been lost.
This is evident, for example, in the wide-
spread appeal of the children with the
huge eyes painted by Keene and his wife.
True, the first one to hit the market was
interesting in its novelty. But then more
came, and more until every dormitory
room and mantlepiece held the girl with
the deep, dark eyes. Keene became the
sensation of the "nouveau connoisseur."
Keene had a good thing going. He used
what sense of creativity he had in his
first piece and then cashed in on it.
BUT WHAT HAPPENED to Keene as the
artist and creator? The same thing
happened to him as has happened to
many a budding artist. As art becomes
part of the public domain, its quality de-
creases. Artists who sense the possibili-
ties of making money, paint for the lowest
common denominator in the art market.
This trend is obvious at the art fair.
Most of the works lack novelty and dis-
play a minimum of creativity and skill.
This art does have a place in our society
but it is time to sharpen that vital dis-
tinction between professionalism and
amateurism and recognize that paint-
ings -worthy of the title "art," should be
judged by the traditional standards of
creativity, sincerity, technical skill and
a sense of excitement. Oil paint on can-
vas is not necessarily art.
Bargain Days
And Missiles?
THE HOUND DOG missile, poised mill-
.tantly at the corner of North Univer-
sity and State for Ann Arbor Bargain
Days, is a shining example of American
might and resolution.
Brought all the way from Dayton, Ohio,
at the request of the Ann Arbor Merch-
ants Association, the Hound Dog adds a
certain military atmosphere to an other-
wise quiet and homey affair.
The missile was provided free of charge
by the Air Force in the hopes that the
display would induce patriotic young men
to rush out and join the Air Force to be
in on the bright new things of our mod-
ern age.
When asked how the Hound Dog, which
carries a nuclear payload, ties in with the
Bargain Days celebration, a prominent
Ann Arbor merchant said it was in keep-
ing with the theme of Bargain Days-
"On the Move."
Asked to elaborate he said, "Why that's
one of the things which is 'On the Move'."

Last of Three Articles
A GLOOM was cast over the
United Nations by the with-
drawal of the Republic of In-
donesia in January of this year.
It was feared that the shocking
decision of President Sukarno to
withdraw from the world organi-
zation would have serious reper-
cussions-particularly, it was fear-
ed, that a few other nations might
follow this action.
Indonesia not only withdrew but
also echoed the Chinese call for
setting up of a rival United Na-
tions where, in the words of the
Chinese Premier Chou En Lai,
"rival dramas (debates) could be
He termed the UN a world
body ... "which, being under the
manipulation of United States im-
perialism, is capable of making
mischief and can do nothing
CHINA'S CALL for a rival body
looks strange and contradictory,
for China has been trying to get
into the UN for a long time. To-
day, a considerable number of
member states also favor its ad-
mission and perhaps, time will
soon come when it can be ad-
At this juncture, the Chinese
slogan seems to show nothing but
a sense of frustration.
While praising the Indonesian
withdrawal, the Chinese premier
said that the United Nations has
"utterly disappointed' Asian and
African countries." But no nation,
Marquis Childs says, has "shown
any sign of following Sukarno as
Pied Piper."
SUKARNO should not forget
that the present United States of
Indonesia owes its existence as a
sovereign and independent state
to the United Nations.
From the work of the Good
Offices Committee through the
Security Council's resolution of
January, 1949 and the agreement
for Indonesia's independence on
November 2, 1949, the World Or-
ganization was. the guiding hand.
It would be extremely ancon-
vincing for Indonesia to share
the unrealistic view that the UN
'can do nothing good."
THE LATEST d e v e 1 o p m e n t
which has reduced the effective-
ness of the United Nations has
been the role undertaken by a
regional organization-The Or-
ganization of American States-as
a peace-keeping authority, under-
mining the UN role. Many have
regarded the United States re-
sponsible for cutting across the
basic principles of the world or-
ganization by putting up the Or-
ganization of American States
(OAS) as the peace-keeping
authority in the crisis-torn Do-
minican Republic.
Foreign Secretary Michael Ste-
wart warned two months ago that
Britain had gone as far as possible
in supporting the American stand,
which seemed to put the UN in a
decidedly subordinate role to the
Behind this warning is one of
the gravest concerns for the
authorityof the world peace-
keeping force.
"IF THE OAS as a regional
body" says Marquis Childs, "can
intervene in a Latin American
crisis why cannot the Arab League
send armed forces in response to
a similar alarm into one of the
Middle East States?" The- specific
British fear is that the Organiza-
tion of African Unity will use the
precedent to intervene in South
Africa where the tension in be-
tween the whites and blacks is
great, or in the racist conflict in
Southern Rhodesia
Referring to the United States
handling of the Dominican Repub-

lic crisis by the OAS, U Thant
warned, "If a particular regional
organization, under terms of its
own constitution, deems it fit to
take certain enforcement action
in its own region, it naturally
follows that other regional or-

ganizations should be considered
competent, because of the prece-
dent, to take certain action in
their own regions."
This trend of problems being
diverted from the UN to the re-
gional organizations is indeed of
The supreme objectives of the
United Nations, which it ' was
created to achieve-to develop an
international order based on mu-
tual cooperation of nations, pres-
ervation of peace and welfare of
the mankind, are today over-
shadowed by the constitutional
crisis of the organization.
ONE OF THE basic reasons for
this crisis is the new turn taken
by world events, not anticipated by
founders of the UN.
The framers of the UN Charter,
with the horrors of war fresh in
their minds, imagined that the
peace would be maintained by the
five Big Powers unanimously tak-
ing preventative or enforcement
measures against aggression.
These powers, as provided in the
Chapter 7 of the Charter, were
expected to supply armed forces
as requested by the Security Coun-
cil, where each had a veto. Com-
mand of the combined forces
would be channeled through a
military staff committee, compos-
ed of the officers from the big
HOWEVER, the changing world
events have also changed old
alignments and the United Na-
tions cannot now function in the
way it was intended to function.
The peacekeeping methodas pro-
vided in the charter does not work,
though the military staff commit-
tee still exists.
In the words of U Thant, "in
these circumstances the Charter,
provisions are somewhat out of
date. It is this anachronism in the
charter-the kind of anachronism
which is inevitable in our rapidly
changing world-that is partly
responsible for the present con-
stitutional and political crisis in
the United Nations."
MEANWHILE the General As-
sembly has been transformed into
an entirely new kind of political
body, unforeseen by its founders.
The United Nations of 1945 had
only four African nations as its
members. During the last decade
the membership has soared from
60 to 114, more than half from
newly-independent countries of
Asia and Africa. Africa alone has
36 members.
This new world order demands
a revision of the Charter.
the United Nations Charter are
contained in two General Assem-
bly resolutions calling for expan-
sion of the Security Council and
of the Economic and Social Coun-
cil and requesting each member to
ratify the amendments by Sep-
tember 1, 1965.
Sixty-three of the required 75

nations have already ratified the
charter amendments.
During the 18th session, the
Assembly adopted the Special Poli-
tical Committee's p r o po s a1s
(emerged as the result of an
agreement between the Latin
American, African and Asian
members), Resolutions 1991 A
and B (XVIII) on December 17,
PART A of the resolution pro-
vides for the enlargement of the
Security Council from eleven to
fifteen, of which ten would be
nonpermanent Decisions on pro-
cedural matters would require an
affirmative vote of any nine mem-
bers; decisions on "all other mat-
ters" would require nine affirma-
tive votes, including those of the
five permanent members.
The ten nonpermanent members
would be elected according to the
following procedure: five from the
African and Asian states, two from
the Latin American states and two
from Western European and other
Part B of the resolution recalls
the ECOSOC Resolution of July
22, 1963 and calls for the expan-
sion of that Council from eighteen
to twenty-seven members, of
which nine wouldabe elected each
year for three-year terms. Seven
of the new members would come.
from African and Asian states,
one from Latin American states,
and one from Western European
and other states.
RUSSIA, until 1960, opposed the
proposals about the revision of
the charter as an imperialist tac-
tic. But then Nikita Khrushchev
himself propounded the concept
of "troika" as a substitute to the
office of the Secretary General.
Today Russia supports the re-
President Johnson of the United
States has told the Senate the
changes are both realistic and

equitable. "Almost all of the newer
members are nations which have
gained their independence from
the peaceful dismantling of em-
pires--a process which brought
nationhood to one-third of all the
peoples of the world and which
is here to stay," he said. "We
welcome this growth. The peoples
of the world are more directly rep-
resented in the General Assembly
of the United Nations, today than
they were 20 years ago."
Justifying the demand for en-
largement, he went on, "But just
as we welcome the growth of the
United Nations, we must also
recogiize that the present Secur-
ity Council and the present Eco-
nomic and Social Council do not
now realistically reflect it. An in-
crease in the representation on
both Councils is now clearly neces-
sary to restore the balance which
existed between the Councils and
the General Assembly when } the
Charter came into force."
Major obstacles to ratification
appear now to have been over-
come by the supporting attitude
taken by major powers and it
seems likely that the amendments
will be ratified when the General
Assembly meets next fall.
UN Chartei to accommodate fast-
ly-moving world trends for we
need the UnitedNations, which
emerged two decades ago as the
brilliant hope of mankind.
It is today, ,no doubt, sailing in
turbulent waters, but as Dag
Hammerskjold used to say, the
UN only mirrows the world as it
really It-its idealism and its base-
ness, its nobility and its savagery.
We accept the United Nations
as a representative body for pro-
moting and maintaining interna-
tional order. Despite Indonesia's
withdrawal, its 114 members are
virtually unanimous in insisting
that it is indispensable.

EVEN DURING the most
troubled periods of the UN, new
countries have been seeking its
membership. Oddly, though it is
facing its gravest challenge-
political, financial, legal and con-
stitutional, it continues to carry
out peacekeeping operations in
the Middle East and Cyprus.
It even brought the hostile par-
ties of the Dominican Republic to
agree to a limited truce, which
was ultimately extended into the
present cease-fire
In the words of the U.S. Presi-
dent Lyndon B. Johnson it, "has
helped to avert catastrophe in
this century."
Perhaps two decades is too short
a time to assess the true value of
the United Nations. The failures
it has met during this span of time
should not lead us to think that
our efforts are lost.
STUDENTS the world over,
seeking the ultimate reign of
peace, cooperation and interna-
tional order are convinced of the
immense value-indispensable in
itself-of the continuation of the
United Nations.
The answer to global conflicts
and international problems is not
the eclipse of the United Nations
or the establishment of another
organization. The only solufion is
the strengthening of the United
Nations-which symbolizes the
hopes of the rising newly develop-
ing world.
Only in the United Nations has
disarmament achieved a stage of
success and where it can con-
tinue to, progress until total dis-
armament. The problems of man-
kind at large-population growth,
exploitation of natural resources,
improvement of agriculture and
elimination of hunger and poverty,
can be-and are being-fought
effectively only under the guiding
role of the United Nations.


CHOU EN-LAI OF Communist China (left) and President Ahmed Sukarno of Indonesia (right) are
presently challenging the effectiveness of the United Nations, calling it a tool of Western imperialism.
The best way for the UN to meet this and other challenges is to pass reforms, backed by Secretary-Gen-
eral U Thant (center) as well as both Eastern and Western powers, that will bring it in tune with its
growing and changing membership.


role of the United Nations.

Two Appointees--A Winner, A Loser

gon of Maxwell Taylor by
Henry Cabot Lodge came as a
surprise, Arthur Goldberg's ap-
pointment as United States Rep-
resentative to the United Nations
was a bolt out of the blue.
The more unexpected the event,
the more eagerly the press will
search for hidden motives-a job
difficult at best and downright
perilous when the Presidential
psyche is Mr. Johnson's.
It seems clear, however, that
one explanation of Mr. Lodge's re-
turn to Saigon-that it is a bid
for a return to bipartisanship-
is off the mark.
WHATEVER popularity Mr.
Lodge may have had at one time
with the Goldwater faction of the


Republican party he lost it when
he came back to the States with
the avowed purpose of blocking
Goldwater's nomination.
He cannot deflect Republican
lightnings from Mr. Johnson's
head; he may actually attract
them, since even the appearance
of moderation is anathema to
those critics of the Administration
who are calling for all-out war
against North Viet Nam, and are
ready to take on the Soviet Union
and China as well.
It is much more probable that
the President fell back on Mr
Lodge because General Taylor was
getting nowhere and wanted to be
TO CALL either General Taylor
or Mr. Lodge an ambassador is a
misuse of the term. Essentially our
man in Saigon is the governor of
a turbulent province in the Ameri-
can sphere of influence around
As Pilate had to mediate among
the Jewish factions in Palestine,
our ambassador, so-called, must
take into account the differences
between Catholics and Buddhists
and the various factions among
the South Vietnamese generals,
and try to convince the people
that the bombing and slaughter
are for their own good.
It is unlikely that Mr. Lodge will
be more successful in this en-
deavor now than he was in the
Goldberg is a far more important
Presidential move and affords at
least a glimmer of hope that a
way out of the Viet Nam morass
can be found.
After Adlai Stevenson's death,
the fact emerged that the role of
trial lawyer for his country, even
befor enuh an anuzust tribunal as


against a repetition of the humili-
ation to which Mr Stevenson was
subjected, and to which he un-
happily submitted.
For Mr. Goldberg the title of
ambassador will not be an empty
one. Although he is not well
known abroad, and has little ex-
perience in foreign affairs, he is
admirably suited for the post.
He is a tough, resourceful ne-
gotiator, with a record of getting
to the core of a dispute, trim-
ming off the peripheral animosi-
ties and finding a solution accept-
able to the contestants.
to agree may be more difficult
than reconciling labor and man-

agement in the steel industry, but
it cannot be much more difficult.
Mr. Goldberg does not come to
his task without preparation.
That the Goldberg appointment
may have a bearing on the Viet
Nam impasse'is not mere surmise.
Mr. Johnson presumably is not
going into a full scale war in
Southeast Asia with a light heart.
He has finallytaken note of Sen-
ator Morse's oft-repeated argu-
ment that the war should be re-
ferred to the UN. Mr. Goldberg's
presence there may relieve the
pressure for a military "solution"
(which is inherently impossible)
and facilitate a beginning of ne-
--The Nation


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Keaton Proves Himself
.In Ra pid Pace Comedy.'
At the Cinema Guild
THERE IS NO need to discuss Buster Keaton in comparison with
anybody else for he is a brilliant comedian in his own right.
"The Navigator" has several marvelous comic bits in it. Despite
the movie's plot which barely rates mentioning, the acting is wonder-
ful. Keaton is Rollo Treading, "living proof that every family tree must
have its sap."
One factor that makes this movie a howling belly-laughter is the
rapid pace of the ridiculous action, forcing the audience to do a
double-take. It takes less than a second for Rollo to set his watch by
the compass on board ship.
THE SECOND KEY ingredient is Keaton's seemingly immobile
deadpan face: but he is incredibly deceptive. It's almost subliminal
the way a look flashes by. By the time you focus your eyes, it's gone.
Some of the great little gimmicks: "danger men at work" sign on
the bottom of the ocean; drinking coffee made from unground beans
and sea-water; tying a knot in a strip of bacon; fighting with one of
thne rv-vnnn can like Snam (the onethat alwabrv a h a a a rter


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