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, ir rigan
:43 a it
Sunny and warmer
with light winds
Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
Fail To Approve
Vanderploeg * * *
Blasts 'U' on
Tuition Hike Conferee
'U' Building Funds
Drop Poll Tax
Classroom Utilization
Efficiency Doubted
-Associated Press
THE PICTURES THE MARINER 4 sent back from Mars showed the planet's pock-marked surface
created by the presence of craters. The possibilities of life on Mars have not gbeen ruled out en-
tirely, although prospects of it appear dim. Other findings which are not understood are bright spots
on the peaks of crater edges.
'Photos Show CrateredMars
WASHINGTON ()-Mars is a great valleys or continental mass-
world brutally pockmarked by
huge craters that' make it look
more like the moon than the
earth, 18 sensationally revealing
pictures of the planet made public
yesterday indicated.
The tiny part of the still-mys-
terious red planet photographed
by the Mariner 4 spacecraft show-
ed no evidence of earthlike fea-
tures-such as mountain chains,
es. It looks wild and formidable.
. But the scientists said Mariner's
findings neither demonsttate nor
preclude the possibility that some
form of life, however primitive,
may exist on the planet.
Battlefield Landscape
And while the new pictures
shaow clearly that Mars - named
for the god of war-has a land-
scape resembling a battlefield, the
K'ystall, Hansen Hold
'Dialogue' on Tuskegee
Many groups on campus hold "dialogue" as a prime value of
their functions; although few manage to attain it. Last night at
Hillel Foundation, in an attempt to create a dialogue, two teachers
at the University-mechanical engineer and sociologist-anthropologist
-conversed on Tuskegee Institute.
For the one-Eric Krystall of the Center for Research on Conflict
Resolution--it was the confrontation of anticipation with reality,
for opposite him was a man who had lived and taught at Tuskegee
as part of the University's exchange program, the place Krystall
-- and his family are to go in the
To Yield More
Space in UGLI
Undergraduate library equip-j
ment is being re-arranged to ac-
commodate new furniture planned
to provide 371 additional study
The work, which started July
13, is scheduled to be completed
August 15, The new furniture, toi
arrive on August 19, will be com-
pletely installed before the fall,
The new spaces will be, com-
prised of small tables seating one
student and larger tables parti-
tioned for four students
Stacks have been moved and
isles decreased in order to provide
maximum usage of floor space.
Although the library will seem
crowded with furniture and stacks,
the equivalent of one floor of
study space will be created. When
the work is completed, the UGLI
will have approximately 2,000
practical study spaces.
Re-organization has been car-
* ried out with the aid of University
Industrial Engineering graduate
students as planners. Members of
the Plant Department are doing
the actual moving, much of which
occurs on weekends. Decreased at-
tendance in the summer has given
an opportunity for the work to
proceed with minimal effect on
library users.
In addition, inconvenience has
been reduced as workers arrange
one floor at a time.
Rapid Turnover
According to head librarian Miss
Rose Faucher, the UGLI can
serve 7-8,000 students each day in
the fall. She also explained that
there was no need for increased
shelf space. The use of the UGLI
as a working collection rather
than a reference source means a
rapid turnover, keeping volumes
off shelves.
In ad, Engineering Li-
Professor Arthur Hansen dem-
onstrated his reactions to the sub-
tleties and nuances of a complete
teaching assignment. He opened
his presentation by a photographic
overview of the area, of the com-
munity and of the college itself.
He emphasized its historical-
cultural difficulties and commun-
icated the "tightrope" college ad-
ministrators and Negro residents
of the 80 per cent Negro town
(formerly divided into two parts)
walked in the light of their altered
relations with whites.
Krystall noted the parallels be-
tween Tuskegee and his homeland
-South Africa--but added "I
can do work in the South that I
couldn't do in South Africa. And
one cannot appeal to the courts
He went on to explain that in
his coming role as teacher, he
hoped to give as much as he would
take. "The South is a rich place
for the social scientist," he said,
"yet we hope to give the students
there introduction and access to
new tools and ways of tapping
those riches."
Hansen stressed the importance
of "keeping the lines of com-
munication open." He related in-
cident after incident where a great
deal of progress in race relations
was made by the new majority,
the Negro community, being sen-
sitive to the deeply-ingrained
emotions to whites. Krystall said
that to date, when the "walls came
down," Negroes did not take the
reprisals whites had thought they
H a n s e n differentiated the
sources of power in the commun-
ity. "The Negro in Tuskegee now
holds political power, but economic
power is still in white hands As
to the question of leadership-
Who Speaks?-this is never en-
tirely clear. And one must always
remember that what works in
Tuskegee won't work 20 miles
Hansen related to Krystall the
problems within the college,' of
older professors and their new,
northern counterparts. From there,
both men discussed questions such
s p a c e agency's administrator, t
James Webb, told reporters that
"the pictures have revealed noth-
ing to indicate we could not land1
there (with unmanned or manned1
These findings and others were
made public at a White Housel
awards ceremony for the project's1
top directors, with President Lyn-
don B. Johnson on hand, and later
were expanded on at a news con-
ference across town at the Na-
tional Aeronautics and Space Ad-
ministration headquarters. The 18
pictures were added to three re-
leased earlier.
The previously unpublished pho-
tographs taken by Mariner July
14 on its epochal jaunt provide
new evidence that planet earth is
something special and unique in
the solar system.
Affect Views
Reporting scientists also said
the findings "will profoundly af-
fect scientific views about the or-
igin of the solar system."
The craters are believed caused,
over billions of years, by great
meteors, or heavenly fireballs -
dwarfing the H-bomb-impacting
the planet in a fashion the earth
evidently escaped.
The photographs revealed 70
craters-ranging in size from 3 to
75 miles in diameter-in the area
constituting only 1 per cent of the
planet's surface which Mariner
photographed. Scientists estimat-
ed there well could be up to 10,000
craters on the whole planet, com-
pared with only a handful on the
earth. Photographed craters were
estimated to range up to 13,000
feet deep.
Bright Spots
The pictures a 1 s o disclosed
something that is still mysteroius
-a rough triangle of bright spots
-which scientists said possibly
were high peaks topped by frost.
In one picture alone-rated by
space agency experts as "one of
the most remarkable scientific
photographs of this century" -
craters ranging from the 3-mile to
the 75-mile diameter were shown.
And the pictures provided a pic-
torial log of the doughty space-
craft's passage from daylight into
darkness high above the Martian
The final picture, taken when
Mars was in complete darkness,
ironically appeared to picture a
snowstorm on snowless and rain-
less Mars. But the "snow" resulted
from Mariner's earth-directed ef-
forts to soup up the pdwer of its
electronic eyes to pierce the
planetary darkness below.
Dissatisfaction with the recent
University tuition increase rose ---
to the surface again in Lansing
yesterday as a motion to appo- NOT
priate $60,000 in planning funds
for a new University classroom
building failed to gain approval
in the House Ways and Means S
Committee. Sen. Jan B. Vander-
ploeg (D-North Muskegon)dalso B
joined the growing list of legis- By B
lators who have blasted the fee The 5e
hike. tee on U
The $60,000 was to be the Uni- ted lastn
versity's share of a routine ap- dent Ha
propi'iation recommended by the formal e
capital outlay subcommittee of candidat
the Ways and Means Committee. of acade
It was designated for architect's SACUA
expenses in drawing up plans for Morgan
the proposed addition ' to class- ment.
room facilities. SACUA
However, Rep. Jack Faxon (D- uates an
Detroit) questioned whether the people,
University is using existing class- source c
room space with maximum ef- last nig
ficiency. He said that, based on highly r
his experience as a student at port wer
both the University and Wayne-
State University, the latter in-
stitution seems to use its class-3
rooms for more hours a day, most
notably by holding many classes
in the late afternoon and evening.
Motion To Approve
A motion to approve all itemsA
recommended by the subcommit-
tee then failed to get the nine-
vote majority needed for passage.
The vote was seven in favor, one SAI
against, and two abstentions; six ambassa
committee members were absent. 101st air
Rep. George F. Montgomery Jr. The
(D-Detroit) cast the only nega-
tive vote, and Rep Charles O. military
Conrad (D-Jackson) joined Faxon dent Ly
in abstaining. Mea
It was then moved that all re- huntedf
commended items except the $60,- Saigonv
000 for the University be approved, in the w
but the role call vote on this bombing
proposal was halted after two Thoug
abstantions made passage impos- guerrilla
sible.A motion to reconsider the been bas
original proposal met the same report a
fate. contact
The capital outlay recommenda- t
toin may be acted on today, but The st
may be put off much longer, sixth of
While conceding that the Uni- long - ra
versity "bore the brunt" of dis- d mpeda
satisfaction within the committee dumpedt
yesterday, Faxon emphasized that a 1,650-
he was not simply trying to block
the University's appropriation and Thoug
that his interest in efficient utili- centrati
zation of classroom space applies wiped o
to all state schools. taken to
Crucial Issue as "har
He said that he felt this to be knownc
a crucial issue in determining ap- tivity"
propriations o fthis type and that never p
at least three of the seven legis- destructl
lators voting in favor of the ap- sonnel.
propriation agreed with him on The g
this point. system
He explained that he had asked proaychi
for information on classroom use into thei
and was told that it would take
six months to compile. He had to North
abstain yesterday, Faxon said, be- RF101r
cause he didn't have this informa- was sho
tion. presume
Although. Faxon has questioned ing one
the recent University tuition hike, missile
he emphasized that his action on raid Tu
the capital outlay recommenda- A con
tion was totally unrelated to the mission
fee issue. A U.
Vanderploeg's statement yester- announ
day morning blasted the Univer- lieved a
sity for "ill faith" in raising tui- responsi
tion. a missil
00 Paratroopers
,rive In Viet Yam
By The Associated Press
GON - Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor, the retiring United States
dor, welcomed ashore yesterday 3,700 paratroopers of the
borne in South Viet Nam.
newcomers boost to about 79,000 the roll of United States
men in Viet Nam, which is due to rise shortly, under Presi-
ndon B. Johnson's newly announced policy, to 125,000.
nwhile, paratoroopers of the U.S. 173rd airborne brigade
for Viet Cong across a hilly sector 35 miles southeast of
ACUA Submits V-
enate Advisory Commit-
niversity Affairs submit-
night to University Presi-
rlan Hatcher its final,
,valuations of prospective
es for the vice-presidency
mic affairs, according to
Chairman Prof. James
of the economics depart-
A's report to Hatcher eval-
"extensive" number of
Morgan said. Another
lose to SACUA indicated
ht than among the men
ecommended in the re-
e Dean William Haber of
wth little luck yesterday
wake of a new saturation
by B52 jets.
h 5,000 or more hard-core
s were believed to have
ed in the area, the official
t day's end showed little
rike by the B52s was their
the war, all in the last
eks. Twenty-five of the
nge, eight - engine craft
500 tons of bombs on the
d Viet Cong hideouts after
mile flight from Okinawa.
h always hopeful a con-
on of guerrillas will be
ut, briefing officers have
referring to the B52 raids
assing operations against
centers of Viet Cong ac-
Ground surveys have
)roved them to be highly
Ave to Viet Cong per-
terrillas have an extensive
of listening posts and pre-
may get warning of ap-
ng planes in time to duck
ir tunnels or disperse.
of the border, a U.S.
photo reconnaissance jet
t down and its pilot was
d killed while photograph-
of the two Hanoi area
sites blasted in a 46-plane
npanion plane on the same,
S. military spokesman, in
cing the loss, said he be-
conventional weapon was
ble. It was "definitely not
e," he said.
the literary college, Dean Allen
Smith of the Law School and
.Dean William Hubbard of the
Medical School.
Hatcher commented that al-
though he had reserved comments
on specific candidates, it would be
only "rational and reasonable" to
suppose that the administrative
experiences gained as dean of a
college of the University would be
a good background for the vice-
presidency of academic affairs.
He said that the work on se-
lecting a new vice-president was
proceeding quite rapidly and that
an appointment will probably be
made in the next two weeks.
P Choice
The selecting of a new vice-
president is being done rapidly
according to Morgan so that the
new man will be able to work
with outgoing Vice-President for
Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns
on the budget requests.
Heyns will become chancellor
of the Berkeley campus of the
University of California as of Oc-
tober 1.
Hatcher indicated that he has'
not yet contacted any of the lead-
ing contenders for the vice-presi-
dency to specifically discuss the
Another Institution
Although he said there is al-
ways the possibility that a man
from another institution might be
appointed the vice-president, the,
probability of this is slim because
of the "abundance" of talent at
the Nniversity.
Hatcher indicated, however, that
there may still be further infor-
mal consultations with faculty
Before making its recommenda-
tions SACUA met Wednesday with
Hatcher to discuss the qualities
which a vice-president should
have and how well various faculty"
members and administrators on
campus fit these criteria. Another
meeting of the. members of
SACUA was held yesterdayrafter-
noon to discuss the candidates be-
fore the recommendations were
Appointment Procedure
The procedure for appointing a
University vice-president is presi-
dential recommendation and re-
gental approval. Because there
are no official provisions for fac-
ult yor student consultation on
such appointments, SACUA's rec-
ommendations to Hatcher are in
no way binding.
According to Morgan, "the aca-
demic vice-presidency is the most
crucial one from the faculty view-
The vice-president for academic
affairs is in charge of the in-
ternal operations of the University
which include the hiring of fac-
ulty, coordination of the budget
requests of the various divisions of
the University, and general aca-
demic policy.
Senate-House Action
Assures Passage of
Measure in Congress
WASHINGTON (-) - Senate-
House conferees agreed yesterday
on a bill to protect Negro voting
rights in the South but only after
dropping a provision outlawing the
poll tax in state and local elec-
The compromise measure must
be accepted by both chambers but
this is regarded as a foregone con-
clusion and final passage probably
will come next week.
The heart of the bills voted by
both Senate and House provides
for the elimination of literacy
tests for voters in several states
and for the appointment of fed-
eral registrars.
Refused To Outlaw
The Senate refused to outlaw
all poll taxes and provided instead
that the attorney general prompt-
ly challenge these laws in court.
The House voted a statutory ban
but accepted the Senate approach
in the sixth session between the
two groups of conferees.
Enactment of the legislation,
which received strong impetus
from last spring's demonstrations
at Selma, Ala., will give President
Lyndon B. Johnson another of
his major legislative objectives.
Under the coverage formula, the
bill would apply automatically to
Alabama, Alaska, Georgia, Louisi-
ana, Mississippi, South. Carolina,
Virginia, 34 counties in North
Carolina and to one county each
in Arizona, Idaho and Maine.
These were designated because 'in
the 1964 elections less than half
of the adult population was regis-
tered or voted.
Suspend Literacy Tests
In these areas literacy tests and
similar voter qualification devices
would be suspended and feder'al
examiners could be appointed to
register voters.
In place of the House's ban on
state poll taxes, the conferees ac-
cepted the Senate provision direct-
ing the attorney general to bring
an immediate court test of their
constitutionality and adopted a
strong congressional finding that
the right to vote is denied or
abridged by making their payment
a requirement for voting.
Alabama, Mississippi, Virginia
and Texas are the only states that
make poll tax payments a condi-
tion to voting in state and local
elections. A constitutional amend-
ment has barred them as a re-
quirement for voting in federal
Strongly Urged
The poll-tax ban had been
strongly urged by civil rights "
leaders, but the Senate refused to
write this into its bill on the
grounds that it is of doubtful con-
The dispute over the poll tax
resulted in a temporary breakoff
in negotiations by the conferees
earlier in the week, but yesterday
the House members yielded.
The House conferees also had
resisted acceptance of a Senate
provision- under which persons ed-
ucated in American-flag schools in
languages other than English
would not be required to pass an
English-language literacy test to
qualify to vote.
Puerto Rican Effect
Although of general application,
the provision's primary effect
would be to enable thousands of
Spanish-speaking Puerto Ricans in
New York City to qualify as voters
even though they are unable to
pass the state's English-language
literc test.
Rep. Emanuel Celler (D-NY),
head of the House conferees, told
Government, Alumni Give
U' Funds for Library
Over 500 carrels costing $4.4 million will be part of a combined
gift to the University from the federal government and alumni Prof.
Frederick Wagman, director of the University libraries said recently.
The health, education and welfare department awarded the
University a grant of $1 million to build a new annex of boob stacks,
carrels and rare book and map room facilities. The gift was made
after the University completed and submitted a rough report desig-
nating and specifying its needs for library facilities.
Government officials hope that these facilities will enable the
University to increase its enrollment and to alleviate the over-
__crowded facilities, Wagman ex-
Lbrary Strain
WCI3N Will Soon lBe on. the Air Again
Radio station WCBN will soon be beaming in high spirits and
new studios from the lower levels of the Student Activities Building.
The Campus Broadcast Network had its beginning as a game of
telephone. Students' were stationed at quads, south, east and west,
relaying program material via party line.
Now, the party is over and a five year plan is coming into con-
struction in the basement of the Student Activities Building. Students
will soon transmit in 22 hundred square feet and 14 rooms worth of
office space..
New Equipment
Their programs of music, news, sports, weather, commentary and
Increased enrollment places a
strain on the libraries. It leads to
an increase in the number of li-
brary users and requests for more
information, Wagman explained.
Faced with the problems of a
growing number of graduate stu-
dents, increased knowledge, and
independent study needs, the
alumni awarded $3 million from
the "$55 Million Program" which
is currently in progress.
The program is directed toward
collecting funds and granting
them to educational, research and
cultural facilities not normally
provided for by the Legislature.
Current Collection
Funds are currently being col-
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