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July 20, 1965 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1965-07-20

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, Ciogaui


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Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


High-Rise Study
Forces Action
Parking Wall Setbacks, Zoning
Directed Toward Legal Control
Climaxing a study of intensive land usage in Ann Arbor, the
City Council passed a formal resolution to receive the final report
of the Joint Committee on Central Business District High-Rise De-
velopments and Parking.
The vote came at the Council's regular Monday session last




In an attempt to forewarn and educate land owners and de-
velopers to possible legislation resulting from the report, the Coun-
cil also passed an ordinance directing civic officials'to refrain from
issuing building permits for any
structures over 18 stories submit-
ted in the future, except with
approval of Council.
Further Study
'r This ordinance, entailing the
committee's suggested ceiling for
high rises, was passed with the
understanding that further study
of the report would yield more
sophisticated legislation.
To this end, a special meeting
of Council was slated for August
2, at which time councilmen would
consider the first draft of a fin-
al ordinance derived from the re-
port as well as aspects of the re-
port not covered in the ordinance
of last night.
The joint committee, composed
of representatives from the Uni-
versity, Ann Arbor Council, Cham-
ber of Commerce, and related or-
ganizations, was organized in Oc-
PETER A OSTAFIN tober, 1964. Its members plahned
to consider "large-scale housing
c, ". demand in relation to Ann Arbor's
'U , c entiStS responsibilities," as stated Phil-
lip Ostafin, committee secretary
and assistant to the vice-president
H ail i ht Ffor student affairs.
Major Proposal
Major proposals presented in
the report published by Johnson,
Of Mariner Johnson, and Roy, Ann Arbor
landscape developing firm, dealt
By BARBARA SEYFRiEtb with availability- of parking space,
reclassification of lots and zones
The chances for life on Mars in the prime campus fringe area,
appear to be dim according to two wall setback for upper stories of
University scientists. high rise structures, and open
Prof. Fred Haddock of the as- areas as premiums for building
ronomy department- and director height.
>f the radio-astronomy observatory While a basic maximum of 12
qualified this statement, "It is dif- stories was suggested to control
ficult to make a blanket state- high rise developments, up to six
nent on this," he said, "until there additional stories could be added
.s a landing'on the planet." to the developments as results of
Prof. Haddock also hailed the planned premiums.
MIariner 4-flight as man's greatest Suggested "premiums" included
achievement from the technologi- open and closed courts, regulated
cal point of view. He referred to surface floor area, and parking
he technological power that was spDevelopers were called to pro-
required toesend the Mariner 135 vide up to 70 per cent of their'
million miles, in a flight lasting units in parking space, with pro-
even and one half months and visions made for joint parking
till have the machinery working plannng wtde cit Devkongr
hen it arrived. planning wintific would further provide off-street
ascientific . loading facilities to minimize
From the scientific point of view,congestion and nuisance to dwell-1

62 Berkeley
The first sentences were meted
out yesterdayhto convicted dem-
onstrators who packed Sprou
Hall at the Berkeley campus of
the University of California last
Berkeley Municipal Court Judge
Rupert Crittendon dealt sentences
to 62 of the 653 convicted demon-
strators. The penalties ranged
from county jail sentences for two
of the leading Free Speech Move-
ment demonstrators to fines, sus-
pended sentences and probation
for the rest.
Fifteen of the demonstrators in-
formed the court that they could
not accept the terms of the pro-
bation and another 17 indicated
they wanted more time "to think
about it." All their cases were set
over to July 29.
The stiffest penalties handed
out by Crittendon were to Michael
Rossman, 24, a Free Speech lead-
er who was given 90 days in jail
and two years probation for arrest
resistance, and to Stephen De-
Canio, a non-student editor of
the controversial off campus mag-
azine "spider," banned because of
alleged obsenity.
DeCanio was given two concur-
rent 60 day jail terms for tres-
passing and resisting arrest and
two concurrent years of probation.
Bail for Rossman and DeCanio
was set at $1100 each, where it was
set at $550 for each of the others.
Total Bail
Total bail for the rebels is ex-
pected to exceed $300,000.
At the opening of yesterday's
session Defense Attorney Bern-
stein read a statement in which
he described the students as "vic-
tims of a deplorable situation
which their elders permitted to
develop," and he called for "re-
habilitation rather than retribu-
Crittendon, on the other hand,
emphasized in his own preliminary
statement that "no person or
group, no matter how righteous or
morally defensible they feel their
cause to be, may place themselves
above the law."
Individual Defendants
He made it clear that individual
defendants may petition the court
to have their convictions set aside
once they have paid their fine and
fulfilled the terms of their proba-
Generally Crittendon imposed
110 dollar fines, ten day suspend-
ed jail sentences and one year
probation to each demonstrator
who appeared before him.
The sentencing came in the
wake of the mass conviction of all
653 Sproul Hall demonstrators.
Manycof the students had pleaded
"no contest" to the charges of
trespassing and resisting arrest on
the advice of Bernstein.



French Say
Plane Takes
PARIS (i)--France accused the
United States yesterday of aer-
ial espionage at its super-secret
nuclear complex, where enriched
uranium for the French hydro-
gen bomb is produced. The inci-
dent plunged American-French
relations to a new low.
French officials said a U.S. Air
Force RE - 101 reconnaissance
plane made four passes over the
nuclear complex at Pierrelatte
last Friday and took 175 photos
despite interception by a French
fighter plane. A formal protest
was lodged with the U.S. embassy
in Paris by the French Foreign
American officials in France
and in West Germany, where the
photo reconnaissance plane is
based, declined all comment after
details of the incident were re-
ported by a French defense min-
istry communique. State Depart-
ment officials in Washington said
only: "The investigation is con-
Earlier, American officials said
that on the basis of first reports,
the plane had been on a routine
training mission. They said a
thunderstorm caused the plane to
go off course, but expressed belief
it had not flown over the Pierre-
latte complex.
Three Infractions
A French comnunique said the
American plane committed three
infractions: overflight of a re-
stricted zone; photography with-
out authorization; photography of
a restricted zone.
The Defense Ministry said the
American plane made four succes-
sive photo passes over the plant.
A French Vautour fighter plane
intercepted the RE-101 on its sec-
ond pass and idetified it, the min-
istry said, but at that point the
American pilot turned on the aft-
erburners and sped away for two
additional photo passes.
The French said they then de-
termined the American plane's
German base and asked for the
photos as soon as the plane land-
ed. Development of the film, the
French said, revealed 175 views
centered on the Pierrelatte plant.
Gave Pictures
Jacques Baumel, secretary-gen-
eral of the Gaullist Union for the
New Republic Party, told a
luncheon meeting of the Anglo-
American Press Association yes-
terday the Americans gave the
pictures to the French. He said
the pictures included 28 excellent
photos of the Pierrelatte plant.
The French Foreign Ministry
asked that an American embassy
official appear at the ministry.
Robert H. McBride, the No. 2 of-'
ficial in the embassy, was re-
ceived by Charles Lucet, French
ministry director of political af-
fairs, and Lucet made the protest
to him. McBride assured Lucet the
incident is being investigated. 1


Javits To Alter Ameudn

Special To The Daily
K. Javits (R-NY) announced
yesterday he would offer an
amendment making "b a s i c
changes" in Sen. Everett M.
Dirksen's (R-Ill) proposed con-
stitutional amendment allowing
one house of a state legisla-
ture to be apportioned on fac-
tors other than population.
Javits told a Capitol Hill
press conference he would of-
fer his changes at the meeting
of the Senate Judiciary Com-
mittee, which meets this morn-
ing to vote on Dirksen's pro-
posal. The New Yorker is be-
lieved to hold the deciding vote
on the amendment.
Speculation that Javits' pro-
posal would result in the de-
feat of - both the Dirksen
amendment and his own be-
gan immediately after Javits
declared that the philosophy
of his proposal was the only
vote-weighing idea he would
Basic Changes
Javits said his amendment



made "basic changes" in Dirk-
sen's measure which would:
-Insure that population
would always be a factor in
apportionment - unlike Dirk-
sen's proposal-while still al-
lowing other factors, such as
geography and land, to be in-
cluded in the apportionment of
one house;
-Require that a straight
population plan always be put
to a votp with any proposed
other than a population plan
in a statewide referendum;
rather than solely when the
other than population plan is
first submitted as in Dirksen's
proposal such an election would
have to be held every 10 years
if a non-population plan were
--Insure that such other than
population apportionment could
not be racially discriminatory,
by requiring it to be consistent'
with the 14th Amendment;
--"Untie the Supreme Court's
hands" and let it be the judge
of whether an other than pop-
ulation apportionment plan
bore a "reasonable relationship
to the needs of the state" and

was consistent
eral Constituti
This last p
said, was the
difference" be
and Dirksen's.
lieved thatJ
would be vot
coalition of lib
pose any such
some of his su
may feel that
is inadequate.
Javits, beliei
crucial vote
amendment in
Committee, has
under intense
pose it. Vice-P
Humphrey is1
spoken at leng
the matter rece
Javits opposes
ment amendm
not embody t
own proposal-
measure is vot
mittee today, t
what may be t
against the Dir


Site Offered
The Washtenaw County site be-
ing considered by the Atomic
Energy commission for a 200
million electron volt atom smasher
is located in parts of 12 sections
in the southeast corner of North-
field Township an official of the
Michigan Department of Economic
Expansion said yesterday accord-
ing to the Ann Arbor News.
John Cavanaugh, chief of the
MDEE industry division, said the
proposed site includes approxi-
mately 100 parcels of private land,
mostly large farms. They are in
sections 21 through 28 and sec-
tions 33 through 36 in Northfield
He said the 3,000 plus acres
being considered for the AEC
project form a rough rectangle
titled in a northeast-southeast
direction. It runs approximately
parallel to but north of Pontiac
The proposed atom smasher lo-
cation is about one mile east of
the US-23 expressway and about
half a mile east of the Ann Arbor
railroad. One end of the rectangle
would approximately parallel US-
23 but a mile or more away.
Cavanaugh said the proposed
site would include almost no resi-
dential property, and some ir-
regularities in its borders might
be made to bypass existing pockets
of residential development north
of Pontiac Trail.
He said a very rough prelim-
inary estimate of the cost of ac-
quiring the land would be $2,800,-

Plot To Assassina
Taylor at Rally F
SAIGON, Viet Nam (/)-Police foiled a Viet
terday to assassinate United States AmbassadorT
police sources reported.
Viet Cong terrorists reportedly had set up a po
type used in last month's bombing of the My Cant
in such a way that it would have killed Taylor 15
had not been discovered, the sources said.
Taylor was with an official party attending
day for the liberation of North Viet Nam" rally
The mine had been set up in a cemetery acr
the stadium entrance and aimed at the entrance
The mine-a claymore type-con-i
tains a shaped charge and shrap-
nel that is projected in a lethal i ss* 1
beam when detonated.
Police reportedly found the
mine 15 minutes before Taylor O K 's
was to have entered the stadium.

'tentOffer from
with the fed-
)rovision, Javits
"basic and vital
tween his plan
Faculty Confer with
Javits' proposal Hatcher
ed down by a H t , Seek Ways
berals-who op- To Keep V-P Here
nd Dirksen and By ROBERT JOHNSTON
pporters - who
Javits' proposal Unversity Vice-President for
Academic Affairs Roger- W. Heyns
al Vote has been offered the chancellor-
ved to hold the ship of the University of Call-
on Dirksen's fornia's Berkeley campus, accord-
a the Judiciary Ing to news dispatches yesterday
s reportedly been afternoon from the west coast.,
pressure to op- Rumors of the offer have pre-
resident Hubert cipitated an unprecedented dis-
known to have play of faculty support to keep
th with him on Heyns at the University, and n-
ntly. official sources have indicated
here is that if that the Regents will discuss pos.
any apportion- sible changes in his position at
ent which does their regular closed meeting
he ideas in his Thursday evening.
-as he pledged The news of the California of-
I if . his own fer to Heyns came out in a prss
ed down in com- Interview in Seattle with his fath-
hen he will cast er, Garrett Heyns. Heyns talked
he decisive vote With his father by telephone Frt-
ksen proposal. day afternoon after spending two
days at Berkelely Fmeeting with
regents, faculty and students,
Kerr Comments
to California President Clark Kerr,
commenting on the news leak,
oiled wouldsay only thadt "No forma
01 offer has been made to anyone.
There' is an active list of about
12 names being considered, an4
Cong attempt yes- explorations are still being car-
Maxwell D. Taylor, tied on."
Several faculty members here
werful mine of the sent a letter to President Harlan
h restaurant, aimed Hatcher Saturday praising Heyns'
minutes later if it work at the University and ex-
pressing a willingness to coop-
a "national unity erate in any way possible in
at Saigon's biggest efforts to keep him here. Among
the faculty signing the letter were
two former chairmen of~ the en-
oss the street from ate Advisory Committee on eni-
, the sources said. versity Affairs and the present
chairman, Prof. James Morgan of
the economics department.
faculty'group met with President
Hatcher Saturday evening, again
expressing support for Heyns and
egro discussing how a way could be
found to keep him here.
E, Miss. (A')-The Heyns' Decision
dent in Mississippi President Hatcher last night
Y's history register- neither confirmed nor denied ru.-
d classes yesterday mors that changes in Heyns' re-
les and handshakes sponsibilities are a possibility. "It
cross campus. will be Heyns' decision on the
lImes, 21, neatly basis of the California offer," he
t and tie, said he said. He discounted such rumors
ter today the news of possible changes in Heyns' po-
public will forget sition as "speculation."
Underlying the entire quetion
attering of the ra- of Heyns' possible move to Cali-
re was in contrast fornia are two points:
gation of the Uni- -The tremendous support and
ssissippi in 1962. respect he commands among the
. Meredith arrived faculty and officers of the Uni-
for enrollment un- versity, evidenced by one depart
)urt order a riot ment chairman's remark that
ich two men were "everyone I've talked to on this
dreds injured. has been with him all the way";
pi State desegrega- and
ary-done in order -The mandatory retirement of
ss of federal aid. President Hatcher in 1967 and the
ay patrolmen were appointment of a'new president.
nes moved casually Discourage Talk
tine of registration. Heyns has always tried to dis-
ked across the cam- courage talk of his moving up tQ
ration, he stopped the presidency then, but talk of
white students and it continually crops up. Now, with
around while talk- the California offer out in the
gors of registration open, the whole problem of Heyns'

position and possible position vis
inior transfer from a vis the University is apparently
n Henderson, Tex., coming to a head.
a- varsity guard on While all this is happening in
eam. Ann Arbor, Heyns. himself has
gone on vacation to a secluded re-
'treat and won't be returning until
all Sh p the Friday Regents meeting. Both
E he and the California regents and
administrators remain somewhat
vated dismayed by the sudden eruption
of faculty and student interest in
(P)-The National Heyns' position at the University.
Co.'s "Huntley - Faculty Careful
t" said last night Faculty have been careful, how-
ing six ships out of ever, to keep their expressions to
leet" to be refurb- those of concern and willingness
Vietnamese waters. to talk with administrators and


however, Haddctock explained that
the results from the flight philo-
spphically did not have as great
an 'effect as other scientific ex-
periments have had.
He explained that the thin at-
mosphere, the lack of magnetic
field and the lack of a liquid core
all fit into a general theory about
One example he used was the
fact that the lack of a liquid core
could mean that there is no sep-
aration of iron into the center of
the planet. Consequently, he ex-
plained it is probable that sand
and metal are mixed together.
This would explain the red deserts
on Mars, he said.
All the evidence hangs together
in a fairly consistent theory, he
Prof. George Carignan explain-
ed that probably the most signifi-
cant asjpect to him was the dis-
covery of the density of air on
He said that it was difficult to
comment on the success of the
Mariner's photographic mission,
since only three pictures had been
transmitted. They were interesting,
Carignan explained, yet they
haven't shown anything of any
Both scientists mentioned rea-
sons why the Mariner 4 did not
According to Haddock, one cause
was the influence of biologists
against experiments that would
contaminate Mars with earth bio-
logical material from space flights
before it could receive concen-
trated study.
Second Reason
A second reason he mentioned
was lack of telemetry reception
devices which were, Haddock



Plant Workers Will Not
Strike; Officials Tell Why
The University plant department employees, who walked
off their jobs for three hours last Thursday, agreed last night not
to strike today, despite inability of the University to meet their
Representatives from the Michigan State Building Trades Coun-
cil-compromising such trades as bricklayers, carpenters, plumbers,
and electricians-met with University officials at 4 p.m. yesterday
to discuss the workers demands. They are asking for a raise to 10
per cent below the union wage scales for their trades, University
payment of Blue Cross, and free*
parking permits. STANDING ROO
The workers had previously
agreed to strike this morning if
these demands were not met.
At the meeting University of-
fiasoutlined the reasons why
they could not grant the wage in-
crease, stressing their dependence
upon annual state appropriations.
The officials indicated that
while cash wages paid mainten-
ance workers by the University
are somewhat less than those re-
ceived by construction workers
hired by contractors, fringe bene- .
fits of the University employes are {;;;;
substantialy greater.
The fringe benefits include
seven aid holidays a year, up to
12 paid days of sick leave, and up %~ .
t24 working days paid vacation, .~
as well as retirement, health and =
group insurance and disability in-
An analysis of the University
Plant Department maintenance
wage rates with those of three

volice also reportedly arrested one
Viet Cong terrorist responsible for
setting the mine, and found a
grenade on him.
It was not immediately known
whether Taylor was aware of the
Thousands of government dem-
onstrators were brought into the
capital from the provinces to par-
ticipate in the rally, which was
organized to open Premier Ngu-
yen Cao Ky's campaign to begin
a national liberation front guer-
rilla movement in North Viet
The identity of the arrested
terrorist was not immediately dis-
closed. It was believed possible he
had been one of the persons
brought into the city in military
trucks earlier in the day.

ont To Give Summer Concert
In his twelfth American concert tour, French pianist Philippe
Entremont will perform at 8:30 tonight to a standing-room-only,
audience in Rackham Aud.
Entremont, considered "nothing less than a genius," will present
works of Scarlatti, Mozart, Schumann, Debussy and Prokofieff.
Although seats for this third concert in the University Musical So-
- ciety's summer concert series are sold out, standing-room tickets' may
be purchased before the concert.
The 31- year-old pianist was born in Rheims, France, to a
musical family. His mother is a pianist, and began giving Entremont
k >- > = -<:<lessons when he was six. His father is a conductor and professor of
music at the Rheims Conservatoire.
Studied in Paris
Later Entremont studied in Paris with the famed Marguerite
Long. At 17, he was a finalist in the Queen Elizabeth of Belgium
contest and captured the First Laureate and Grand Prix of the
Maar01'itc, T .rnn-. Tanr.n, ac tli1,iha ,nnjw ,,,,1c

first Negro stu
State Universit3
ed for pre-med
-and drew smi
as he walked a
Richard Ho
dressed in coa
hopes that' "afi
media and the
that I am here.
The quiet shf
cial barrier he]
to the desegreg
versity of Mi
When James H
at "Ole Miss"
der federal cc
erupted in whi
killed and hun
The Mississip
tion was volunt
to avoid the lot
A few highw
handy but Ijoln
through the rou
When he walk
pus after regist
at a group of v
shook hands all
ing about, the ri
red tape.
Holms is a ju
Wiley College i
where he was
the football te
Brinkley Repor
the Navy is tak
the "mothball f
ished for use in'

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