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July 16, 1965 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1965-07-16

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Seventy-Fifth Year
Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552
Truth Will Prevail
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Ne Student Book Exchange:
Test for SGC, GROUP
STUDENT GOVERNMENT Council seem- Nickels Arcade, SBX had nothing more
ed to have reached the perigee of its to advertise it but a tiny sign. Leaflets
prestige last semester before the spring were passed out at registration but soon
elections. wound up on the ground with all the other
Since then, although the new Council leaflets distributed to students as they
has done little that can be called brilliant trouped through the maze of registra-
or exciting, there seems to be a feeling tion.
that the campus can now expect more SGC has its task mapped out for it. It
from its elected representatives than it must offer books that students will buy
could in the past. in an atmosphere that is conducive to
SGC's recently-announced plans for a success.
student book exchange, to be set up on
the Diag late this term, seem to justify ONE CAN ALMOST SAY that the future
this new optimistic feeling. of SGC depends on this venture. New
SGC has often started out with glori- liberal blood was pumped into Council
ous expectations, only to meet apathy when the GROUP (Governmental Reform
from both its members and the campus. of University Policy) candidates were
The main reason for this is that Council elected last spring.
has usually gone about its objective in a Because they promised so much in their
cumbersome, inefficient way. campaign, had such success in their elec-
tion inspiring a small but loyal follow-
THE SUCCESS of its bookstore will de- ing, they must aid Council as a vindica-
pend exclusively on how the store is tion of their election.
managed and the selection of books avail- As the only people on Council that
able. seem at all committed to reform, it is up
Several years ago SGC opened another to the GROUP members to see that the
Student Book Exchange. Its location, its new Student Book Exchange is operated
books and personnel were the main rea- properly and successfully.
sons for its failure.
CERTAINLY COUNCIL needs some suc-
The selection was scanty and the books CEssAINLYtCOUNst needsisoeusI
available were in terrible condition. The cess in at least one of its ventures. It
avileswerekinterribleonditiownwill be a long time before SGC earns the
students working there were slow and full respect of this campus. It's about
for the most part incompetent. But for time it started trying.
selling purposes, its location doomed the
SBX to failure. -JUDITH WARREN
In a small, second floor store in the Co-Editor
Coordination Needed
ROBERT McNAMARA, secretary of de- with the water pollution department oper-
fense, recently announced that the De- ations causes.
fense Department had saved $4.6 billion
in the last fiscal year with his cost re- THIS SITUATION becomes ironic when
duction program. the government appropriates funds to
the Public Health Service to alleviate
While this is admirable, another re- wtrpluin
port last week indicated that a great deal The government ends up saving money
of water pollution in United States rivers in one area - defense - and creating a
is due to Defense Department projects. need to spend more money in another
Among the reasons cited for the Defense area-water pollution.
Department pollution was that defense If McNamara is really interested in
administrators are more concerned, when saving money in the long run, he should
they reduce costs, with the vital aspects pay less attention to getting "more bang
of the Defense Department program than for the buck" and more attention to the
side effects that his defense economizing
is having.
JUDITH WARREN........................ Co-Editor tion of water is expensive, but it is
ROBERT RIPPLER........................Co-Editor even more expensive to purify water once
EDWARD HERSTEIN................... Sports Editor
JUDITH FIELDS.............. .Business Manager it has been polluted. One purifying proj-
JEFFREY LEEDS......... ...... Supplement Manager ect alone, being conducted in New York,
NIGHT EDITORS: Michael Badamo, John Meredith, costs about $100 million a year to operate.
Robert Moore, Barbara Seyfried, Bruce Wasserstein. The government should coordinate its
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich. efforts a little more.
Published daily Tuesday through Saturday morning -BARBARA SEYFRIED

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Speaker Ban Strikes North Carolina

EDITOR'S NOTE: Carl Degler, who
has been living in Chapel Hill for
the past 10 months, is a professor
of history at Vassar College. This
article was reprinted from The New
Carolina is the oldest state uni-
versity in the country; it is one
of the principal reasons North
Carolina enjoys a reputation as a
progressive state and leader in the
South's readjustment to the social
changes of the last two decades.
That reputation makes all the
more shocking the serious threat
that now confronts the Univer-
sity at the hands of its own peb-
Two years ago, at the very
end of the legislative session, a
law was slipped through prohibit-
ing any known Communist, or
person who had invoked the Fifth
Amendment, from speaking on any
campus of a state institution.
THE ACT, which has since come
to be called the "gag law" or the
"speaker-ban law," was protested
by the university's officials and
trustees after its enactment; little
opportunity for protest was pro-
vided before passage, since no

hearings were held.
No other state in the union, it
is believed, has such a law.. South
Carolina, which does not enjoy
North Carolina's reputation for
liberalism, turned down a similar
But a law that was easy to put
on the statute books without any
ground swell of support has prov-
ed to be difficult to get off, de-
spite an articulate and strong de-
mand for repeal.
THE UNIVERSITY, the commu-
nity at Chapel Hill, and other
academically oriented groups have
maintained a steady opposition.
In the state senate an influen-
tial, if quiet, movement got going
early this year to modify the law
so that the trustees and faculty
have the authority to permit some
banned speaker to appear.
At present, speakers who fall
under the prohibitions of the act
are absolutely banned. This is true,
as Harry Golden has pointed out,
even if the lecturer is the Polish
ambassador come to speak about
his country's foreign policy, or a
Russian scientist to address the
medical school.
THE KEY to repeal or modifi-

cation of the speakers-ban is Gov
Dan K. Moore, a cautious man
far removed in temperament and
thought from recent liberal Demo-
cratic governors like Luther Hodg-
es and Terry Sanford.
Moore has always refused to
say what he thinks about the law,
though it is clear he does not see
it as an alarming threat to the
university's freedom from political
The issues took a new ominous
turn when a committee of the
Southern Association of Colleges
and Schools officially informed
the governor that the Association
might well consider the ban a rea-
son for withdrawing accreditation,
on the ground that the university
was not free to run its own aca-
demic program.
DESPITE this warning, the most
the governor was prepared to do
was to appoint a five-man com-
mittee to investigate its impact on
the state. He says that his mail
and that of the legislators is run-
ning six to one in favor of the
He told the law's opponents, "I
think we can all appreciate the de-
sire of an educational institution
to be free in the pursuit of truth.

On the other hand, there should
be tolerance for those who have
lost sons or husbands in the bloody
conflict with Communism. For
those who have died, the debate
is ended."
His view was recently fortified
by release of a letter from J. Ed-
gar Hoover to a newspaper editor
in the state. The editor had asked
the FBI chief for his opinion of
the ban-law.
HOOVER recommended reten-
tion, arguing that Communists
were trying to use the universities
across the country as prestige
platforms for their ideas, and
should be stopped.
There is little likelihood now
that the legislature will take any
action on its own this session,
despite the reasonable assump-
tion that the Southern Associa-
tion may well drop the state's edu-
cational institutions from its list.
Some 150 professors on the
Chapel Hill campus and half of
the faculty on the Greensboro
campus have signed a statement
saying that they would feel im-
pelled to seek employment else-
where if accreditation is lost.
AS MIGHT BE expected, such

pressure has been interpreted by
defenders of the law as typical
of fuzzy-minded professors soft
on Communism.
The final step is now up to the
Southern Association. Loss of ac-
creditation, of course, would be
disastrous for the students, the
university and the state. Teachers
trained at the university could not
be certified to teach in North
Carolina itself, since present law
requires such training to be taken
at an accredited institution.
Even athletic programs would
be crippled, since organized com-
petition among schools and col-
leges is predicated upon the aca-
demic accreditationl of the parti-
ONE OF Luther Hodge's achieve-
ments as governor was the estab-
lishment of the so-called Research
Triangle, situated between Chapel
Hill, Duke University and State
College. This booming research
center for industry has attracted
new business and much research
money into the state; loss of ac-
creditation by two of the three
universities associated with the
Triangle would affect the Trian-
gle's significant role in advanc-
ing the state's economy.

War on Poverty: It's What's Happening

WEDNESDAY Republican "com-
et" John Lindsay presented a
silver trophy to him for his "work
with high school dropouts." Yet
the week before, Everett Dirkson
had labeled the show which was
the highlight of the award-win-
ner's work "immoral" while an-
other Republican commented that
he "was about to throw up."
Who is this man who has stirred
deep rumblings in the political
"establishment," Who is this man
who was blasted and lauded for
the same deed?
He is Murray the "K"-the
"fifth beatle" and king of the
ATTIRED IN his iridescent
skin-tight pants and his elf skin

boots, Murray the "K" has man-
aged to capture coverage for him-
self in both Time and Newsweek
and is the symbol of the new ap-
proach taken by the Office of
Economic Opportunity.
Yes, the man who made himself
a household name through such
well known radio salutations as
"This is Murray the 'K' with a
swinging soiree with a- blast-
from the past-a golden oldie for
you" has now turned into a poli-
tical wonderboy.
Although - initially one has
doubts about the probability of the
success of Murray the "K" in
seeking an elected political office,
one must always keep in mind the
distinguished senator from Cali-
fornia, George Murphy. And of
courseRonald Reagen is coming
on strong. It is fairly obvious that

the concept of transforming poli-
tical animals into actors is anach-
ronistic-the easier solution is
turning the actors into politicians.
IMAGINE the advantages Mur-
ray has over other candidates. In-
stead of merely having the "rat
pack" backing up your nomina-
tion with song and dance, Murray
could have the Herman and the
Hermits, the Human Beings, the
Guess Whos, the Animals, the
Hondells and, of course, Murray's
long time supporters, the Beatles.
Instead of starting his campaign
from such spots as the building
where the Republican party was
founded as most conformist can-
didates, Murray would naturally
start campaigning from the
Brooklyn Fox theater.
Some observers believe that this

speculation might just be a little'
bit premature, but seriously, Mur-
ray the "K" has made a valid
and significant contribution to
the democratic process. He has
brought the federal programs for
the people to the people.
MURRAY, a high school drop-
out who made good, feels a civic
duty to help those youngsters who
are starting out with one notch
against them-no high school de-
gree. One can laugh at his attire
and affectations but he gets his
message across.
The specific incident which has
by now gathered national atten-
tion and in some quarters no-
toriety was a show on CBS called
"It's What's Happening, Baby."
Paid for by the station, it was an
appeal by the Office of Economic
Opportunity for kids to complete

their education.
Consisting mainly of rock and
roll groups and some intermittent
notes on why everyone should go
back to school, the show was not
very different from other disk
jockey spectaculars in form, but
its results were alot more effective
than the conventional publicity
drives of the OEO.
A GLEEFUL Sargent Shriver
was able to report to the Republi-
cans, busily defending the pseudo-
ethical code of the conservative
plutocrats, that Murray's show re-
ceived an overwhelming response
from people interested in assisting
and being assisted by the War on
Poverty program.
Murray's lesson to Washington
is that to reach the people, you
have to speak their language.
"It's What's Happening, Baby."


Arms Boost: Second Crisis

O WING TO the fact that the
choices open to :us have be-
come much narrower, the build-up
of American ground forces in
South Viet Nam is probably the
best thing the President can now
For the fact is that as the
South Vietnamese army is ceas-
ing to be an efficient fighting
force, the Viet Cong and Hanoi
are increasingly unwilling to
The build-up is certainly a far
better thing to do than would be
an attempt to win the war by all-
out bombing.
BUT GRANTING this, the cru-
cial question is whether the pur-
pose of the build-up is to send
Americans to pacify and occupy
South Viet Nam and to govern it
for an indefinite future.
The build-up will make sense,
I believe, only if its purpose is to
maintain an American presence
until a great settlement in South-
east Asia can be reached.
We have now come to another
critical turning point in the war.
FOR PRESIDENT Johnson, the
first came in the spring of 1964,
on the eve of the national elec-
tion campaign, when he rejected
the advice to propose negotiations
for a political settlement, provid-
ing for a neutralization of Viet
Such a negotiation may not
have been possible even then. But
the spring of 1964 was certainly
the last moment when it may have
been possible.
For from then on the military
and political situation of the Sai-

gon government went rapidly to,
IT WAS AS A reaction to this
impending collapse in Saigon that
the President felt compelled to
inaugurate the bombing of North
Viet Nam. This policy has failed.
It has brought us no nearer to
negotiation, and during the opera-
tion of the policy the South Viet-
namese army has so lost its capa-
city and will to fight that the war
is now becoming an American
war against the Viet Cong.
During the whole period from
the spring of 1964 on, the Presi-
dent's diplomatic policy has in-
variably lagged behind the mili-
tary situation.
AT THE NEW year, when Sai-
gon was on the verge of collapse,
the official line of the adminis-
tration was that there was noth-
ing to negotiate, that the war
would end when North Viet Nam
withdrew from South Viet Nam.
In those days the word "negoti-
ation" was a bad word in admin-
istration circles.
In February, when the Presi-
dent took the offensive by bomb-
ing North Viet Nam, it was soon
evident that United States policy
could not be justified to our
allies or to our own people if the
President did not break out of
Secretary of State Dean Rusk's
negatives about negotiations.
"unconditional discussions" in his
Baltimore speech.
There is no doubt that this offer
strengthened his hand at least for
a while both abroad and at home.
It would have been impossible,
for example, for Prime Minister

Wilson to support the President
had there been no Baltimore
BUT NOW THAT the U.S. is
building up its forces to a point
where it will be carrying the main
responsibility and the burden of
the war, the Baltimore offer of
negotiations is no longer enough.
The question which will have to
be answered is how the U.S. pro-
poses to achieve its objectives in
Indo-China and to keep them
Thus, it is conceivable but far
from certain that after the mon-
soon, or perhaps after several
monsoons, American troops will
still be able to keep a foothold
in Viet Nam.
BUT HOW WILL WE, how can
we ever reach the point where
Southeast Asia is pacified and the
American troops can be with-
This is the doubt that haunts
us. There is a foreboding that we
are launched on a course of which
neither the President nor anyone
else sees the end.
Things have gone too far for
the President to dismiss this fore-
boding by repeating once more
that our only object is to defeat
aggression and that we will do
whatever is necessary to halt it.
If he is going to mobilize in
order to support the build-up, he
will have to convince the country
that he has realistic war aims.
SO FAR HE HAS put none for-
ward. For it is not a realistic war
aim to expect to subdue and sup-
press the Viet Cong for all the
years to come.
(c) 1965, The Washington Post Co.

BeCool... Stay in School
just Were Does.
The Trouble Lie?9
A SUBSTANTIAL SECTION of the journalistic trade continues to
improvise on the theme that the United States stands in mortal
danger of being subverted by domestic 'Communists.
Apparently there is no protection, however diligently the writers
seek out the hidden foe and rally alarmed citizens to the country's
The greatest present peril, it seems, comes from an unexpected
quarter. The Old Bolsheviks are passing from the scene, but their
offspring carry on with redoubled virulence.
READ ALL ABOUT IT in a series of articles by Vera Glaser,
syndicated by the North American Newspaper Alliance and inserted
in the Congressional Record by Sen. Roman L. Hruska of Nebraska.
Mrs. Glaser describes how "Moscow-inspired agitators have fasten-
ed, like evil parasites, on the civil rights and Viet Nam controversies."
SO THE VIRUS SPREADS. It is enough to sicken one with higher
education. Indeed, if Louis Harris' recent poll on the motivation
behind the campus teach-ins is an indication, a split is opening up
between the college-bred and the less schooled.
Asked, "Do you think the disagreement of college professors and
students with the United States policies in Viet Nam is mainly the
result of honest disagreement, or do you think it is mainly the result
of organized radical activity in college today?" 81 per cent of college
students thought honest differences were involved, and only 19
per cent blamed the radicals.
But those with only a high school education voted almost exactly
the opposite (27 to 57 to 16).
MR. HARRIS CONCLUDES that "chasms and splits are beginning
to take place along political and intellectual lines," triggering
"a profoundly new division in American society whose final con-
seaunees are vet to emarge."


Chaplin Conveys Man's Heart

At the Cinema Guild
HlERE WE go again - another
great Charlie Chaplin movie.
This time Cinema Guild is pre-
senting "City Lights."
When this movie opened it was
an amazing theatrical event. In
1931 when "City Lights" premier-
ed, sound had already "ruined"
silent movies. But, Chaplin made

takes him for a millionaire. The
tramp then becomes involved with
a real millionaire. The millionaire
alternately loves and forgets the
tramp. And the tramp, as always,
is out of contact with reality.
It is this quality about the
tramp that makes him such a tre-
mendous character. He never
seems to belong anywhere. Actu-

So, the world cannot accept him
-he won't accept its standards.
It is almost impossible to over-
estimate the touching quality of
Chaplin's good movies. The irony
and sadness speak thruth about
the heart of man.
But one should not forget that
at the heart of "City Lights" is
humor. Chaplin's amazing versa-

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